
Across America, Alarm Over EPA Overreach

Governors Pledge To Protect ‘Our Job Creators, The Poor, And The Elderly Who Cannot Afford More Expensive, Less Reliable Energy,’ Supreme Court Calls EPA Plan ‘Not Rational’


“The fate of Mr. Obama’s climate change agenda, which he hopes will be a cornerstone of a major environmental legacy, depends heavily on the compliance of state governments.” (“Republican Governors Signal Their Intent To Thwart Obama’s Climate Rules,” New York Times, 7/2/15)


Governors Denounce An ‘Unworkable’ Scheme ‘Riddled With Inaccuracies, Questionable Assumptions And Deficiencies’

“The resistance threatens to ignite a fierce clash between federal and state authorities, miring the climate rules in red tape for years. The fight could also undermine Mr. Obama’s efforts to urge other nations to enact similar plans this year as part of a major United Nations climate change accord.” (“Republican Governors Signal Their Intent To Thwart Obama’s Climate Rules,” New York Times, 7/2/15)

GOV. SCOTT WALKER (R-WI): “Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) told President Obama that his landmark carbon rule for power plants is ‘unworkable’ for the Badger State.” (“Walker: EPA Carbon Rule 'Unworkable' For Wisconsin,” The Hill, 5/28/15)

GOV. MIKE PENCE (R-IN): “As Governor of Indiana, I am deeply concerned about the impacts of the Clean Power Plan on our state, especially our job creators, the poor, and the elderly who cannot afford more expensive, less reliable energy. I reject the Clean Power Plan and inform you that absent demonstrable and significant improvement in the final rule, Indiana will not comply.” (“Mike Pence Says Indiana Will Buck Obama’s EPA Climate Plan,” National Journal, 6/24/15)

GOV. MARY FALLIN (R-OK): “Oklahoma will not formulate a state plan for upcoming federal rules regulating carbon dioxide from power plants under an executive order issued by Gov. Mary Fallin. The order, issued Tuesday, sets up a legal battle with the Environmental Protection Agency, which expects to issue final rules for its Clean Power Plan this summer. EPA wants existing power plants to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030.” (“Oklahoma Governor Rules Out State Plan For EPA Carbon Pollution Regulations,” The Oklahoman, 4/30/15)

GOV. GREG ABBOTT (R-TX): “‘The E.P.A.’s latest attempt at imposing burdensome regulations represents an unprecedented meddling with Texas in order to push the Obama administration’s liberal climate change agenda,’ said Mr. Abbott, the Texas governor, who has met with Mr. McConnell about his effort to ensure that states do not submit climate change plans, and has announced that he will support the push.” (“Republican Governors Signal Their Intent To Thwart Obama’s Climate Rules,” New York Times, 7/2/15)

GOV. BOBBY JINDAL Spokesman Michael Reed: “The president’s Clean Power Plan undermines the role of states in the federal Clean Air Act in an effort to realize a radical, liberal agenda that will lead to increased energy costs. While we believe the proposed rule should be immediately withdrawn, we are considering all options to mitigate the damage if it becomes final, including not submitting a plan.” (“Republican Governors Signal Their Intent To Thwart Obama’s Climate Rules,” New York Times, 7/2/15)


‘The Supreme Court … Blocked One Of The Obama Administration’s Most Ambitious Environmental Initiatives,’ Calls Plan ‘Not Rational’

“The Supreme Court on Monday blocked one of the Obama administration’s most ambitious environmental initiatives, an Environmental Protection Agency regulation meant to limit emissions of mercury and other toxic pollutants from coal-fired power plants.” (“Supreme Court Blocks Obama’s Limits On Power Plants,” New York Times, 6/29/15)

“The 5-4 decision Monday went against an Environmental Protection Agency mercury rule that forces utilities to shutter old coal plants or invest billions of dollars in equipment to clean up the emissions from their smokestacks.” (“EPA Loses At U.S. High Court On Power-Plant Emissions Rule,” Bloomberg, 6/29/15)

“The mercury regulation was one in a series of new Clean Air Act regulations from the Obama administration that President Obama hopes to build into a major environmental legacy.” (“Supreme Court Blocks Obama’s Limits On Power Plants,” New York Times, 6/29/15)

JUSTICE ANTONIN SCALIA: “‘The agency must consider cost -— including, most importantly, cost of compliance -— before deciding whether regulation is appropriate and necessary,’ Justice Antonin Scalia wrote in the majority opinion. ‘Reasonable regulation ordinarily requires paying attention to the advantages and the disadvantages of agency decisions.’” (“EPA Loses At U.S. High Court On Power-Plant Emissions Rule,” Bloomberg, 6/29/15)

“…one of the most expensive rules in EPA history.” (“EPA Loses At U.S. High Court On Power-Plant Emissions Rule,” Bloomberg, 6/29/15)



Related Issues: EPA, Jobs, Economy, Middle Class