
American Agriculture Needs TPA

‘Expanding International Trade Is Vital To The Success Of America’s Farmers And Ranchers’


U.S. Agriculture: More Than $150 Billion In Exports, Supporting 1 Million Jobs


U.S. Farm Bureau: “The world’s leader in agricultural exports, the United States has much to gain through congressional approval of TPA.” (“Farm Bureau Supports Trade Promotion Authority Bills,” 4/16/15)

1 MILLION JOBS: “Agricultural exports support over one million U.S. jobs, both on and off the farm.” (“The Importance Of U.S. Agricultural Exports To Farmers, Ranchers And Rural Prosperity,” U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture, 2/15)

$150 BILLION: “Agricultural exports… calendar year 2014: 150.466 [billion dollars].” (“Latest U.S. Agricultural Trade Data,” U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture, 5/5/15)


2014 Key Agricultural Exports              Billions Of Dollars       Percent Change 2013-14

Grains & Feeds:                                    $35.5                            +7%

Soybeans:                                             $24.2                            +12%

Red Meats & Products:                          $14.4                            +12%

Tree Nuts & Preparations:                      $8.6                              +5%

Dairy Products:                                     $7.2                              +6%

Vegetables & Products:                          $7                                 +4%

Fruits & Products:                                  $6.7                              +4%

Sugars & Tropical Products:                   $5.2                              -1%

(“2015: U.S. agricultural exports, year-to-date: February Update,” U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture, 5/6/15)

“Fiscal years 2010 – 2014 represented the strongest five years in history for U.S. agricultural exports, with sales totaling $675 billion.” (“The Importance Of U.S. Agricultural Exports To Farmers, Ranchers And Rural Prosperity,” U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture, 2/15)


‘U.S. Agriculture, Indeed The Entire U.S. Economy Needs TPA’

AMERICAN FARM BUREAU FEDERATION: “Expanding international trade is vital to the success of America’s farmers and ranchers. To make that expansion happen, Congress must approve trade promotion authority… “We stand to lose billions of dollars in future U.S. farm exports if Congress fails to pass these vitally important bills.” (American Farm Bureau Federation, Press Release, A4/16/15)

75 FARMERS AND RANCHERS ORGANIZATIONS, FOOD AND AGRICULUTRE COMPANIES & OTHERS: “The people we represent – American farmers, ranchers, food and agriculture companies, retailers and their workers – are heavily dependent on trade for their livelihoods. Their ability to compete in global markets is tied to the ability of the United States to eliminate impediments to international trade.” (Letter To Members Of Congress, Letter From American Farmers, Ranches, Food And Agriculture Companies, 2/5/15)

NATIONAL PORK PRODUCERS COUNCIL: “‘The U.S. pork industry, U.S. agriculture, indeed the entire U.S. economy needs TPA, and we need it soon,’ Prestage said.” (National Pork Producers Council, Press Release, 4/16/15)

  • “Exports are vital to the U.S. pork industry, which last year sent more 2 million metric tons of pork value at more than $6.5 billion to foreign destinations…More Importantly, pork exports help generate an estimated 110,000 pork-related U.S. jobs.” (Letter to Members of Congress, National Pork Producers Council, 1/26/15)

NATIONAL CORN GROWERS ASSOCIATION: “Trade benefits American corn and livestock farmers, workers and consumers. Agricultural exports are already a major driver of the U.S. economy, supporting more than one million American jobs. If we remove trade barriers and expand our access to global markets, American corn and livestock farmers can do even more,” said Chip Bowling, a Maryland farmer and president of NCGA. ‘Trade Promotion Authority is critical to ensuring farmers get the best possible deal in trade agreements.’” (National Corn Growers Association, Press Release, 4/16/15)

NATIONAL CHICKEN COUNCIL: “Passage of TPA would help ensure foreign access for U.S. chicken, generate more farm income, jobs in rural districts, and improve the U.S. trade balance.” (National Chicken Council, Press Release, 4/16/15)

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WHEAT GROWERS: “Trade is vital to the U.S. wheat industry, with 50 percent of the annual crop destined for export markets. U.S. farmers are eager to sell high quality wheat throughout the world, but artificial trade barriers often stand in their way,” said National Association of Wheat Growers President, Brett Blankenship. “Passage of TPA would send a strong signal that Congress and the Administration are united in their commitment to opening markets for the benefit of farmers and rural communities and creating jobs throughout this country.” ( National Association of Wheat Growers, Press Release, 4/16/15)



Related Issues: Middle Class, Free Trade, Trade Promotion Authority, Jobs