
American Manufacturers: Our Future ‘Depends On Enacting Bold Tax Reform’

“President Trump will resume his push for tax cuts on Friday with an Oval Office meeting designed to highlight the manufacturing industry… Trump will host more than a dozen manufacturing industry employees and executives and issue a proclamation making Oct. 6 ‘National Manufacturing Day,’ according to a White House statement provided to USA TODAY.” (“Trump To Resume Tax Cut Push…” USA Today, 10/5/2017)

TAX FRAMEWORK: ‘Domestic Manufacturers Will See The Lowest Marginal Rates In Almost 80 Years’

2017 Tax Framework: “…America’s outdated tax code has fallen behind the rest of the world – costing U.S. workers both jobs and higher wages. In response, the framework puts America’s corporate tax rate below the average of other industrialized countries and promotes greater investment in American manufacturing. … Domestic manufacturers will see the lowest marginal rates in almost 80 years.” (“Unified Framework For Fixing Our Broken Tax Code,” 9/27/2017)

NAM: ‘The Future Of Manufacturing … Heavily Depends On Enacting Bold Tax Reform’

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS: “On Manufacturing Day, America’s dreamers, doers and makers open our doors to modern manufacturing and unveil the opportunities that lie beyond them to students, parents, educators and community members across the country. It is our industry’s biggest stage to recruit and inspire next-generation manufacturers to create and build their—and our—future in America… The future of manufacturing also heavily depends on enacting bold tax reform, and today is a great opportunity to bring that message directly to the American people. Getting tax reform done will secure these jobs in the United States and mean even more Americans can enjoy rewarding, well-paying, high-tech, hands-on and exciting careers in modern manufacturing.” (National Association Of Manufacturers, Press Release, 10/6/2017)

  • NAM: “The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) today released the results of the Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey for the third quarter of 2017, which showed that the promise of tax reform has led to the highest three-quarter average of manufacturer optimism ever recorded by the NAM. Throughout the debate on tax reform, manufacturers have been leading the charge for a bold legislative package that will spur growth and create jobs among both small and large manufacturers. In fact, a strong majority of manufacturers who took part in the recent survey said a pro-growth tax reform package would make them more likely to expand their business (64.3 percent), hire more workers (57.3 percent) and increase employee wages and benefits (52.2 percent).” (National Association Of Manufacturers, Press Release, 9/29/2017)

DAVID FARR, Emerson Chairman And CEO And NAM Board Chair: “America is standing at a crossroads. We face a historic opportunity to lift American workers up, grow paychecks, create more jobs and out-compete the rest of the world. We have the chance to boost manufacturing in the United States and strengthen the backbone of our economy: American manufacturing workers. Tax reform is an opportunity we cannot afford to miss.” (David Farr, Op-Ed, “Tax Reform Is An Opportunity US Can't Afford To Miss,” CNN 9/29/2017)

  • FARR: “If you're like me, you look at today's outdated tax code and ask: What are we doing to ourselves? What are we doing to American businesses and workers? We get to write our own rules, so why are we writing rules that penalize success, harm families and give our competitors an advantage? The longer we fail to act on tax reform, the more time other countries have to gain an edge on the United States. The more we wait, the less money we will invest in research and development for new technologies or lifesaving breakthroughs. Those who defend the current tax code are defending a manufacturing worker in Ohio losing a job to a worker overseas. They are defending less innovation and fewer technological and medical discoveries. They are defending years of tightening family budgets, stagnant wages and communities losing hope. In a country with so much incredible potential, it's indefensible.(David Farr, Op-Ed, “Tax Reform Is An Opportunity US Can't Afford To Miss,” CNN 9/29/2017)


Related Issues: Tax Reform, Middle Class, Economy, Taxes, Labor, Jobs