
As Far-Left Soft-On-Crime Policies Fuel A ‘Reign Of Criminals,’ Some Dems Still Cling To Defunding The Police

‘The American People Know This Crime Wave Is Not Some Spontaneous Event. It Has Been Fed And Fueled In Multiple Ways By The Democratic Party’s Far-Left Turn … Tolerating Lawlessness And Anarchy Is Not Compassionate’

SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY):While Washington Democrats spent 2021 distracted by their reckless taxing and spending spree, violent criminals were preying on the American people. Millions of Americans’ neighborhoods descended into chaos and violence around them. After the nationwide murder rate saw its biggest jump in more than 100 years in 2020, at least twelve major cities set their own all-time homicide records in 2021. Rates of carjackings have doubled, tripled, and even quadrupled in major metro areas. My hometown of Louisville set a new all-time murder record last year. 188 homicides…. Yesterday I hosted the FBI Special Agent in Charge of the Louisville field office for a meeting here in the Capitol. We discussed these issues at length…. When Americans are asked about President Biden’s handling of law enforcement and criminal justice, the President polls almost 20 points underwater.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 2/09/2022)

  • “The American people know this crime wave is not some spontaneous event. It has been fed and fueled in multiple ways by the Democratic Party’s far-left turn. For example, liberal activists and many elected Democrats have spent almost two years trying to smear the entire profession of policing with the actions of a few bad actors…. Many jurisdictions have entertained financial attacks on police departments to match these rhetorical attacks. Literally just yesterday, a prominent House Democrat insisted to the press that the far left will not be dropping or diluting their message of ‘Defund the Police.’ Meanwhile, our brave men and women in law enforcement are literally under attack. While too many politicians take aim at our brave police officers in a political sense, violent criminals are taking aim at them in a literal sense. The number of cop killings shot up nearly 60% last year to a two-decade high.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 2/09/2022)
  • “[W]ithin the justice system, left-wing activists have insinuated themselves into prosecutorial roles throughout America and are making soft-on-crime their official policy…. The modern Democratic Party has convinced itself that order is actually oppression, and anarchy is actually compassion. This is totally wrong. Tolerating lawlessness and anarchy is not compassionate. It doesn’t help vulnerable communities for politicians to passively watch them devolve into war zones…. It is not compassionate to let vulnerable kids grow up in war zones because Democrats feel bad putting violent criminals in prison where they belong…. Neither is it is compassionate to make innocent, law-abiding citizens across America live in fear because liberal public servants won’t do their jobs.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 2/09/2022)
  • “The answer to this crime wave isn’t slashing law enforcement budgets. It isn’t replacing cops with social workers. And it isn’t far-left gun-grabbers coming after the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.  Here’s the answer: Elected officials need to drop the soft-on-crime nonsense and give innocent American families the protection they deserve.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 2/09/2022)


Cities Across The Country Set Records For Homicides In 2021

“More than two-thirds of the country’s 40 most populous cities saw more homicides last year than in 2020, according to a CNN analysis of police department data. Ten of those cities recorded more homicides in 2021 than any other year on record. Those are Philadelphia; Austin, Texas; Columbus, Ohio; Indianapolis; Portland, Oregon; Memphis, Tennessee; Louisville, Kentucky; Milwaukee; Albuquerque, New Mexico; and Tucson, Arizona. Minneapolis tied its previous record number of homicides, with 97 in the years 1997 and 2021. Many cities have seen homicides reach near-record highs in the past year. Chicago police investigated 797 last year, the most since 1996. But more than 800 homicides happened within the city when including expressway shootings, which are investigated by a different agency. Homicides were also up by 12% in Los Angeles from 2020 and 4% in New York.” (“10 Of The Country’s Most Populous Cities Set Homicide Records Last Year,” CNN, 1/04/2022)

  • “The rise in homicides -- mostly by gun -- happened all across the country…. These increases are not isolated to any region. One-year increases don’t always portend a significant spike in crime. But almost every major US city saw more homicides in both 2020 and 2021 than in 2019. Homicides rose sharply in the summer of 2020 and have remained at high levels since. According to the 2020 Uniform Crime Report from the FBI, homicides rose 30% from 2019 to 2020, the largest single-year increase the agency has recorded since it began tracking these crimes in the 1960s.” (“10 Of The Country’s Most Populous Cities Set Homicide Records Last Year,” CNN, 1/04/2022)

‘The City Of Louisville Began 2022 With Its Deadliest January On Record’

“The city of Louisville began 2022 with its deadliest January on record, according to Christopher 2X, executive director of Christopher 2X Game Changers. There were 17 homicides in January, which surpasses the total of 16 in January from last year. This was the 24th straight month of double-digit homicides in the city. ‘After two straight years of record-breaking gun violence, sadly we’re starting 2022 with even more gun violence, and more families and kids suffering and traumatized as a result,’ 2X said in a news release. There were 31 people wounded by gunfire in January and last year, there were 583 people injured by gunfire, 2X said. Louisville Metro Police reported 188 homicides in 2021, surpassing the annual record previously set in 2020 of 173.” (“Louisville Begins 2022 With Deadliest January On Record,” WDRB, 2/05/2022)


‘Last Year Saw The Highest Number Of Law Enforcement Officers Who Were Intentionally Killed In The Line Of Duty Since’ 9/11

“Last year saw the highest number of law enforcement officers who were intentionally killed in the line of duty since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, an increase that comes as a rise in gun violence and homicides continues across the country. According to preliminary year-end data provided to CNN by the FBI, 73 officers died in felonious killings in the line of duty in 2021. The year marks the highest total recorded by the agency since 1995, excluding the 9/11 attacks…. The 73 felonious deaths reported by the FBI are a 59% increase from 2020’s total of 46, breaking the previous high of 72 felonious killings in 2011. According to the FBI, at least eight police officers also lost their lives in premeditated, ambush-style attacks last year.” (“Intentional Killings Of Law Enforcement Officers Reach 20-Year High, FBI Says,” CNN, 1/13/2022)


‘Carjackings Have Risen Dramatically Over The Past Two Years In Some Of America’s Biggest Cities’

“Carjackings have risen dramatically over the past two years in some of America’s biggest cities. Just outside Chicago, a state senator’s car and other valuables were taken at gunpoint in December, and a group of children, one just 10 years old, carjacked more than a dozen people. A rideshare driver being carjacked shot his attackers earlier this month in Philadelphia. Last March, a 12-year-old in Washington, DC was arrested and charged with four counts of armed carjacking. ‘The majority of it is young joyriders. They’re not keeping the cars. They’re jacking cars to commit another crime, typically more serious robberies or shootings, or joyriding around for the sake of social media purpose and street cred,’ said Christopher Herrmann, a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. ‘It’s a disturbing trend.’” (“‘It’s A Disturbing Trend.’ Cities See Large Increases In Carjackings During Pandemic,” CNN, 1/23/2022)

  • “More than 1,800 carjackings were reported in Chicago last year, the most of any large city, according to data released by police departments to CNN. Chicago’s 2021 tally was the most on record over the last 20 years. Carjackings had been steadily declining in the city after 2001, hitting a low of 303 in 2014, but began to tick upward before skyrocketing to 1,400 in 2020 following the onset of the pandemic. Last year saw more than five times as many carjackings as in 2014…. ‘It is lawless,’ said Raymond Lopez, an alderman for Chicago’s 15th Ward. ‘It doesn’t feel lawless. It is.’ Chicago’s clearance rate for carjackings is low, and has further declined during the pandemic. According to the University of Chicago’s Crime Lab, only 11% of carjacking offenses resulted in an arrest in 2020, down from 20% in 2019. Just 4.5% of offenses resulted in charges approved by the State Attorney’s Office.” (“‘It’s A Disturbing Trend.’ Cities See Large Increases In Carjackings During Pandemic,” CNN, 1/23/2022)
  • “Both the District [of Columbia] and [Prince George’s County, Maryland] have seen an extraordinary uptick in carjackings since the onset of the pandemic in 2020. In 2019, police in the District recorded 142 carjackings and Prince George’s reported 100. But last year, those totals had spiked to 426 in D.C. and 394 in the county. One month into 2022 and the trend is continuing, police said. Officials said Wednesday their primary concern remains the number of juveniles — kids 17 and under — who are being arrested for these crimes. In 2021, 85 of the 132 carjacking arrests in the District, and 86 of the 152 arrests in the county, were juveniles.” (“As Carjackings Spike In D.C. And Prince George’s, Officials Focus On Youths,” The Washington Post, 2/02/2022)


‘Shoplifting Is Surging Across America’ As Retailers ‘Battle Organized Crime Rings’

“Retailers have always been vulnerable to shoplifting. But the emergence of coordinated and organized robberies at high-value stores, even during shopping hours, has the industry on edge. In November, a group of 14 individuals barged into a Louis Vuitton store in Oakbrook, Illinois, while customers were inside and audaciously drove away with a $100,000 worth of merchandise. The entire incident was caught on the store’s surveillance video. That same month, a group of at least 18 people broke into a closed Nordstrom store at LA’s famous high-end The Grove shopping mall using a sledgehammer and an electric bicycle. They made off with several thousand dollars in merchandise. And on Black Friday, one of the busiest shopping days of the year, as many as 30 people robbed a Best Buy in Minneapolis. The crime typically involves groups of people targeting stores that carry higher-value items like electronics, designer handbags and designer clothing, who resell the merchandise in secondary marketplaces, such as eBay, OfferUp and Facebook Marketplace or even back into the legitimate supply chain.” (“Shoplifting Is Surging Across America With Dangerous And Costly Consequences,” CNN, 1/07/2022)


‘It’s Like The Perfect Storm, Where All These Soft On Crime Policies Have Come To A Head During This Pandemic’

“Shifting attitudes toward the juvenile justice system, and Covid-related restrictions aimed at reducing the number of people in county jails or juvenile facilities, has created a situation where accused criminals who’d normally be held in custody are free while awaiting trial, experts told CNN. That’s created a ‘revolving door’ situation where ‘some were emboldened to be repeat offenders,’ said Jeffrey Norman, chief of the Milwaukee Police Department. ‘We saw this on a higher level in 2020 and 2021.’” (“‘It’s A Disturbing Trend.’ Cities See Large Increases In Carjackings During Pandemic,” CNN, 1/23/2022)

“In Chicago, [Raymond] Lopez [alderman for Chicago’s 15th ward] said people arrested and sent home with electronic monitoring sometimes reoffend while awaiting trial for something they’ve been arrested for. ‘It’s like the perfect storm, where all these soft on crime policies have come to a head during this pandemic,’ he told CNN…. Lopez said the choice to not take crime seriously among young teens will have consequences years later when they age out of the juvenile justice system. ‘When you have carjackers who are 15 on their third car, that’s a problem,’ he said.” (“‘It’s A Disturbing Trend.’ Cities See Large Increases In Carjackings During Pandemic,” CNN, 1/23/2022)

“[T]he [police] chiefs [of Washington, DC and Prince George’s County] vocalized a shared frustration they said their officers are seeing: some of the kids they are arresting are ‘repeat offenders’ who don’t seem deterred by the potential consequences of their actions. The chiefs questioned why young offenders are being released back into the community and whether they are getting the supervision and resources to stop them from carjacking again.” (“As Carjackings Spike In D.C. And Prince George’s, Officials Focus On Youths,” The Washington Post, 2/02/2022)


Mayors Of Major Cities Have Had Enough: ‘We’re Dealing With A Sea Of Violence,’ ‘It’s Time [For] The Reign Of Criminals … To Come To An End’

NEW YORK MAYOR ERIC ADAMS: “I just believe what we just heard that happened in Chicago and across our entire country, it is really the symbol of where we are as a country. Our babies are in a dangerous environment and lawmakers are not responding with the level of urgency that I believe we ought to do -- this chronic disease of violence that’s impacting our country…. [T]he message I’m sending to New Yorkers … that we’re dealing with a sea of violence and there are many rivers that are feeding that sea. And one of them is using the proper police tactics to continue to build a dam on that part of this aspect of it.” (CNN’s “New Day,” 1/25/2022)

  • MAYOR ADAMS: “We must deal with a city, and cities where we’re telling police officers that people can walk in stores, steal items off the shelves and no one is going to prosecute them, where you can do fare evasion in a city and no one is going to prosecute, where you can pour water over the head of a police officer and the person who did that is not going to be held accountable for that…. We must make sure we don’t continue to put dangerous people back on the street, and continue the flow of guns in our cities.” (CNN’s “New Day,” 1/25/2022)

SAN FRANCISCO MAYOR LONDON BREED: “It’s time the reign of criminals who are destroying our city, it is time for it to come to an end… And it comes to an end when we take the steps to more aggressive with law enforcement. More aggressive with the changes in our policies and less tolerate of all the bullshit that has destroyed our city.” (“UPDATE: SF Mayor London Breed Announces Crime Crackdown; ‘Less Tolerant Of All The Bulls–t That Has Destroyed Our City,’” KPIX 5, 12/15/2021)

FORMER PHILADELPHIA MAYOR MICHAEL NUTTER: “District Attorney Larry Krasner’s recent remarks about whether we are experiencing a crime crisis are some of the worst, most ignorant, and most insulting comments I have ever heard spoken by an elected official. At a [December 6th] press briefing, Krasner told reporters: ‘We don’t have a crisis of lawlessness, we don’t have a crisis of crime, we don’t have a crisis of violence.’ It takes a certain audacity of ignorance and white privilege to say that right now. As of [December 6th], 521 people, souls, spirits have been vanquished, eliminated, murdered in our City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection, the most since 1960. I have to wonder what kind of messed up world of white wokeness Krasner is living in to have so little regard for human lives lost, many of them Black and brown, while he advances his own national profile as a progressive district attorney…. As someone who has lived the experience of a Black man in Philadelphia and worked at the highest level of city government, I see that police and judges are trying to keep Philadelphians safe, but Krasner is not. No matter what he says, this city is experiencing a crisis of violence and murder. If he can’t see that, he is unfit to serve the residents of Philadelphia.” (Michael Nutter, Op-Ed, “Larry Krasner Owes An Apology To The 521 Families Of Philly’s Homicide Victims,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 12/07/2021)


But Far Left Democrats In Congress Are STILL Calling For Defunding The Police

“Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) says she’s not going to stop using the slogan ‘defund the police’ ahead of this fall’s midterms — even though some of her colleagues have made that request.” (“Rep. Cori Bush Isn’t Backing Down On ‘Defund The Police’ Slogan,” Axios, 2/08/2022)

  • REP. BUSH: “My colleagues keep telling us to wait. They keep telling us defunding the police and investing in communities won’t work. Well their policies keep ending up with police murdering Black people. Enough patronizing. Listen to the movements that are telling you how to save lives.” (Rep. Bush, @CoriBush, Twitter, 2/05/2022)

FLASHBACK: ‘Defunding The Police Has To Happen,’ ‘No More Policing,’ ‘We Can’t Reform This’

REP. CORI BUSH (D-MO): “I’m going to make sure I have security because I know I have had attempts on my life and I have too much work to do. There are too many people that need help right now for me to allow that. So if I end up spending $200,000, if I spend 10, 10, 10 more dollars on it, you know what, I get to be here to do the work. So suck it up and defunding the police has to happen. We need to defund the police and put that money into social safety nets because we’re trying to save lives.” (“Cori Bush Explains Her Position On ‘Defund The Police’ While Paying For Private Security. Her Full Response,” CBS News 08/06/2021)

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): “Defunding police means defunding police.” (“Ocasio-Cortez Dismisses Proposed $1B Cut: ‘Defunding Police Means Defunding Police’,” The Hill, 6/30/2020)

REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN): “I will never stop saying, ‘Not only do we need to disinvest from police but we need to completely dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department.’” (“‘Defund The Police’ Movement Hits Semantics Roadblock,” The Hill, 6/14/2020)

REP. RASHIDA TLAIB (D-MI): “… Policing in our country is inherently & intentionally racist. ... I am done with those who condone government funded murder. No more policing, incarceration, and militarization. It can’t be reformed.” (Rep. Tlaib, @RashidaTlaib, Twitter, 4/12/2021)

REP. AYANNA PRESSLEY (D-MA): “From slave patrols to traffic stops. We can’t reform this.” (Rep. Pressley, @AyannaPressley, Twitter, 4/12/2021)

REP. JAMAAL BOWMAN (D-NY): “Defunding the police is about rebuilding our country in the image of our people …” (Rep. Bowman, @JamaalBowmanNY, Twitter, 2/22/2021)



Related Issues: Crime, Law Enforcement