
Bipartisan FAA Bill Will ‘Ramp Up Airport Security’

Sen. Thune: ‘Keeping Americans Safe From Future Attacks Is A Top Priority In This Senate’


SEN. JOHN THUNE (R-SD): “Events around the world and security lapses at U.S. airports necessitate new protections for the traveling public… Keeping Americans safe from future attacks is a top priority in this Senate. … The security measures now included in the FAA bill are a strong step toward that goal.” (Commerce Committee, Press Release, 4/7/16)


‘Senate Takes Steps To Tighten Airport Security’

“Senators backed a package of amendments to the long-term reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration that would ramp up airport security…” (“Senate Adopts Airport Security Amendments In FAA Bill,” The Hill, 4/7/16)

  • “The Senate passed several provisions to bolster security throughout the nation’s transportation system Thursday, the first legislative response to the attacks on the airport and train station in Belgium last month. The measures… are attached to a large-scale bill to reauthorize funding for the Federal Aviation Administration.” (“Senate Takes Steps To Tighten Airport Security,” The New York Times, 4/7/16)

Strengthen Airport Employee Vetting: “The measures strengthen airport employee vetting, increase the use of teams that conduct covert operations to test security systems and could double the number of visible special security teams that are used to deter threats.” (“Senate Takes Steps To Tighten Airport Security,” The New York Times, 4/7/16)

Better Protect Areas Outside Of Secure Areas: “…lawmakers voted to raise the number of Visible Intermodal Prevention Response, or VIPER, teams within the Transportation Security Administration from 31 to 60. VIPER teams, which are intended as a visible deterrent to attacks, can be deployed at airports and train or bus stations.” (“U.S. Senators Vote To Bolster Travel Security In FAA Bill,” Reuters, 4/7/16)

“…expand the TSA PreCheck program. The expedited screening program has been touted as a way to reduce long lines in airports, which can be targets for attacks. The Brussels airport bombing targeted the crowds near check-in counters.” (“Senate Adopts Airport Security Amendments In FAA Bill,” The Hill, 4/7/16)

Improved Cyber Defenses: “The long-term Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill includes cybersecurity provisions that proponents say will help secure an aviation industry under siege from hackers. Buried in the roughly 300-page offering — which the full Senate is currently debating — is a section directing the FAA to ‘foster a cybersecurity culture throughout the administration.’ Specifically, it would require the agency to identify cyber threats and develop guidelines for responding to a digital attack. The bill would also direct the FAA to integrate cybersecurity measures ‘at all levels’ of the air traffic control system as it moves to NextGen programs. That technology will help guide flights more efficiently but also make it easier for hackers to rapidly infiltrate the entire network.” (“FAA Bill's Cyber Provisions A Good ‘First Step,’ Say Backers,” The Hill, 4/7/16)

  • “In 2015 alone, digital attackers infiltrated the U.S. air traffic control system, forced airlines to ground planes and potentially stole the detailed travel records of millions of people. The FAA has also been dinged for having ‘significant security control weaknesses’ throughout its systems, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report from March of last year.” (“FAA Bill's Cyber Provisions A Good ‘First Step,’ Say Backers,” The Hill, 4/7/16)

Expanded Use Of Red Teams: “It would also expand the use of so-called red teams, which conduct covert operations to test security by attempting to sneak dangerous materials into airports.” (“Senate Adopts Airport Security Amendments In FAA Bill,” The Hill, 4/7/16)

Improved Security Abroad: “…authorize the TSA to donate security equipment to foreign airports with direct flights to the United States.” (“U.S. Senators Vote To Bolster Travel Security In FAA Bill,” Reuters, 4/7/16)



Related Issues: Cybersecurity, FAA, Homeland Security