
Confidentiality Denied

‘Top Democratic Sources Told Me, Yes, This Was A Leak By Democrats’

SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “[Democrats] sat on Dr. Ford's letter for seven weeks. They kept it secret. They did nothing. They bid their time. And then they threw Professor Ford’s wishes overboard and leaked it to the press…. As I’ve noted, we know the chain of custody of the letter went through the Democrat side of the Judiciary Committee.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 9/25/2018)

  • SEN. McCONNELL: “So, does this sound like Democratic Senators take their responsibilities seriously and want to get to the truth? Or does it sound like a choreographed smear campaign that ignored Dr. Ford's request for confidentiality in order to inflict maximum damage at the last minute on Judge Kavanaugh and his family?” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 9/25/2018)


Democrats Leaked The First Allegation

PBS’ LISA DESJARDINS: “Top Democratic sources told me, yes, this was a leak by Democrats.” (PBS’ “PBS NewsHour,” 9/14/2018)

  • NBC’s STEPHANIE GOSK: “The first biggest problem is the fact that it leaked. Her name leaked.” NBC’s MEGYN KELLY: “The Democrats leaked it. The Democrats leaked it. … They outed her. They’re the ones who had her name.” (NBC’s “Megyn Kelly Today,” 9/20/2018)
  • SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT), Judiciary Committee Member: “After six weeks in the United States Senate, a lot of things leak.” (MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes,” 9/20/2018)


Democrats Spoke To The Media About The Second Allegation, Instead Of The Judiciary Committee

ABC’s GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: “Why did she come forward?”

THE NEW YORKER’s RONAN FARROW: “She came forward because Senate Democrats began looking at this claim. She did not flag this for those Democrats.” (ABC’s “Good Morning America,” 9/24/2018)

“A spokesperson for Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on Sunday night … in a statement slammed Democrats for ‘withholding information’ regarding the allegations. ‘Yet again, Senate Democrats actively withheld information from the rest of the Committee only to drop information at politically opportune moments,’ the statement said, doubling down on his remarks that Democrats withheld the first allegation against Kavanaugh from Christine Blasey Ford, who went public last week.” (“Grassley: Dems 'Withheld Information' On New Kavanaugh Allegation,” The Hill, 9/23/2018)


In Both Cases, The Decision To Remain Confidential ‘Was Essentially Taken Away From Her As Those Allegations Were Leaked’

DEBRA KATZ: “She [Dr. Ford] was fine with that decision [of not getting involved], but that decision was taken away from her after the hearings when her allegations were essentially leaked.” (“Why Dianne Feinstein Waited To Take The Brett Kavanaugh Allegations To The FBI,” CNN, 9/18/2018)

THE NEW YORKER’s RONAN FARROW: “And she [Ramirez] felt it was important that she tell her story before others did without her consent because so many people on the Hill were looking at this …” (ABC’s “Good Morning America,” 9/24/2018)



Related Issues: Senate Democrats, Supreme Court, Judicial Nominations