
Dem ‘Dark Money’ Double Talk

Democrats Decry ‘Dark Money’ While Plotting ‘Behind Closed Doors’ With A Special Interest Group Whose ‘Funding Is Arguably Even More Opaque’


SEN. SHELDON WHITEHOUSE (D-RI): “[W]ho pays millions of dollars for that? And what their expectations are is a deep, dark secret.” (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, 9/04/2018)


Dems Gather ‘Behind Closed Doors’ And Rally With ‘Dark Money’ Group Demand Justice On The Supreme Court

LEFT-WING ‘DARK MONEY’ GROUP DEMAND JUSTICE: “We’re LIVE on the steps of the Supreme Court with U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Edward J. Markey and U.S. Senator Kamala Harris demanding Democrats in the Senate #DitchtheList of Trump’s SCOTUS nominees.” (Demand Justice, Facebook, 6/28/2018)

“The executive director of Demand Justice is Brian Fallon, a former top aide to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who later advised Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2016.” (“Millions From Anonymous Donors To Influence Kavanaugh Fight,” The Associated Press, 7/12/2018)


Liberal ‘Dark Money’ Group Demand Justice Hides Behind ‘An Additional Layer Of Secrecy’

“Millions of dollars from anonymous donors are helping shape the fight over President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee … The liberal Demand Justice has spelled out plans for a $5 million effort to oppose Kavanaugh … While the groups’ positions on Kavanaugh are clear, their sources of cash aren’t.” (“Millions From Anonymous Donors To Influence Kavanaugh Fight,” The Associated Press, 7/12/2018)

“Demand Justice was formed just a few months ago and is structured in such a way that it doesn’t have to file annual tax returns. That’s because it’s ‘fiscally sponsored’ by a tax-exempt social welfare organization called the Sixteen Thirty Fund. The Sixteen Thirty Fund files federal tax returns but doesn’t have to disclose the identities of its donors.” (“Millions From Anonymous Donors To Influence Kavanaugh Fight,” The Associated Press, 7/12/2018)



Related Issues: Senate Democrats, Supreme Court, Judicial Nominations