
Does ‘All-Out War’ Sound Bipartisan?

Sen. Schumer: ‘[W]e’re Not Going To Sit Down In A Room With Them Once They Repeal And Say Let’s Figure Out A Joint Plan’


SENATE DEMOCRATS TODAY: “Republicans and Democrats need to come together to find solutions to America’s challenges.” (Sen. Schumer, Letter to Sen. McConnell, 6/15/2017)

PREVIOUSLY: “Senate Democrats are preparing an all-out war to try to save the Affordable Care Act…. And when and if the bill comes to the Senate floor, Democrats will use every tool at their disposal to try to slow it down …” (“Senate Democrats Plan Offensive To Try To Save Obamacare,” Politico, 6/13/2017)


President Obama’s Marching Orders To Democrats: ‘“Don't Rescue” Republicans On Obamacare’

“President Barack Obama delivered a mandate to Democrats on Wednesday: ‘Don't rescue’ Republicans on Obamacare…. Less than three weeks out from leaving the White House, Obama visited Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill with a mission to save his signature healthcare reform law …In the closed-door meeting, the President urged fellow Democrats to not ‘rescue’ Republicans by helping them pass replacement measures, according to sources in the room.” (“Obama Tells Democrats: ‘Don’t Rescue’ Republicans On ‘Trumpcare,’” CNN, 1/05/2017)


Democrats’ Overheated Rhetoric

“Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) says Republicans want to ‘Make America Sick Again’ by trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act…. He also maintained that Democrats won’t ‘save their butts’ if the Republicans ‘screw it up.’ (“Schumer: GOP wants to ‘Make America Sick Again,’” The Hill, 1/04/2017)

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA): “Families will go bankrupt. People will die.” (Sen. Warren, @SenWarren, Twitter, 5/04/2017)

“Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday slammed the GOP's Obamacare repeal plan as ‘disgusting’ and ‘immoral,’ predicting that ‘thousands of Americans will die’ if it becomes law.” (“Sanders: 'Thousands Of Americans Will Die' Because Of GOP Obamacare Repeal Bill,” Politico, 3/13/2017)


Democrats’ Left-Wing Base Calling For ‘Shock Tactics’

“One newly formed progressive super PAC is planning to cart caskets to Republican lawmakers' districts and hold mock funerals for their constituents. Another activist is encouraging protesters to ship their own ashes … to GOP lawmakers. And other progressive groups are planning graphic ‘die-in’ protests as they work to derail GOP plans to repeal Obamacare.” (“Left Adopts Shock Tactics In Obamacare Repeal Fight,” Politico, 5/09/2017)

  • “Obamacare's most ardent backers are calling for a withering campaign to weaken Republicans … ‘I hope the ads run against the Republicans who vote for Trumpcare are the most brutal we've ever seen in politics,’ tweeted Jon Favreau, a former speechwriter for President Barack Obama, on the eve of the House vote to back the bill.” (“Left Adopts Shock Tactics In Obamacare Repeal Fight,” Politico, 5/09/2017)


Meanwhile… Obamacare Continues To Implode

“A growing number of major insurers are seeking premium increases averaging 20% or more for next year on plans sold under the Affordable Care Act, according to rate proposals in more than 10 states that provide the broadest picture so far of the strains on the marketplaces.” (“Insurers Look To Ramp Up Premiums In Health Law Exchanges,” The Wall Street Journal, 6/16/2017)

“The insurers’ proposals reflect continuing struggles under the 2010 health law to enroll enough healthy people to offset the costs of the sick …” (“Insurers Look To Ramp Up Premiums In Health Law Exchanges,” The Wall Street Journal, 6/16/2017)



Related Issues: Senate Democrats, Health Care, Obamacare