
Drug Enforcement Officials: Sessions Will Make ‘An Excellent Attorney General’

Former Drug Czars And DEA Administrators Praise Sen. Sessions’ ‘Leadership And Sober Dedication’

Sen. Sessions ‘Is A Protector Of Civil Rights And Defender Of Crime Victims’

“[W]e write to express our strong support for the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions to be Attorney General of the United States. Senator Sessions’ exemplary record during his long career in public service speaks to the leadership and sober dedication he would bring to the Department of Justice. . . His prudent and responsible approach is exactly what the Department of Justice needs to enforce the law, restore confidence in the United States’ justice system, and keep the American people safe.” (Former Directors of the Office of National Drug Control Policy and DEA Administrators, Letter to Sens. McConnell, Schumer, Grassley, and Leahy, 12/05/2016)

  • “His distinguished career as a prosecutor, including as the Reagan-appointed U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama and as Attorney General of Alabama, earned him a reputation as a tough, determined professional who has been dedicated to the appropriate enforcement of the rule of law. His exemplary record of service in law enforcement demonstrates that he is a protector of civil rights and defender of crime victims.” (Former Directors of the Office of National Drug Control Policy and DEA Administrators, Letter to Sens. McConnell, Schumer, Grassley, and Leahy, 12/05/2016)
  • “As an example of his fair-minded approach to tough law enforcement, he, together with Senator Durbin, passed the bipartisan Fair Sentencing Act, which increased fairness in sentencing by reducing the disparity in crack cocaine and powder cocaine sentences, while also strengthening penalties for serious drug traffickers.” (Former Directors of the Office of National Drug Control Policy and DEA Administrators, Letter to Sens. McConnell, Schumer, Grassley, and Leahy, 12/05/2016)

“As former government officials involved in the development and administration of the United States’ drug policies, we understand the importance of a Department of Justice that is committed to the just and fair enforcement of the laws that Congress has written. In this respect, Senator Sessions would make an excellent Attorney General.” (Former Directors of the Office of National Drug Control Policy and DEA Administrators, Letter to Sens. McConnell, Schumer, Grassley, and Leahy, 12/05/2016)

Letter signed by:

  • Former Director of National Drug Control Policy Bill Bennet
  • Former Director of National Drug Control Policy Bob Martinez
  • Former Director of National Drug Control Policy John P. Walters
  • Former DEA Administrator Peter Bensigner
  • Former DEA Administrator John Lawn
  • Former DEA Administrator Robert Bonner
  • Former DEA Administrator Karen Tandy
  • Former DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart

JOHN P. WALTERS, Former Director Of National Drug Control Policy: “There has been no greater defender of the rule of law and the need to protect all our citizens from crime and drug trafficking.” (Hudson Institute, Press Release, 11/18/16)

Professionals On The Front Lines Of The Fight Against Illegal Drugs ‘Enthusiastically Support’ Sen. Sessions

National Association of Assistant U.S. Attorneys (NAAUSA):  “The National Association of Assistant U.S. Attorneys expresses its strong support for the selection of Senator Jeff Sessions to become the next Attorney General of the United States. Senator Sessions, a former Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Attorney, Alabama Attorney General, four-term U.S. Senator, and longtime member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is a man of unquestionable integrity and unparalleled experience. Throughout his distinguished career he has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the rule of law, fairness, and equal justice for all.” (Press Release, Presidential Transition Website, 11/20/2016)

National Narcotic Officers' Associations' Coalition: “The NNOAC represents men and women on the front lines of protecting our citizens and our communities from drug trafficking and the addiction and violent crime it causes. We enthusiastically support the nomination of Senator Sessions because we have witnessed the effectiveness of the strategies he has supported throughout his career. We are hopeful that, under his leadership, the Department of Justice will refocus on those strategies that have worked to drive down violent crime and drug use and abuse.” (Bob Bushman, President, National Narcotic Officers’ Associations’ Coalition, Letter to President-elect Donald Trump, 11/20/2016)

  • “[Sen. Sessions] understands the costs and consequences of drug trafficking and the resultant abuse, addiction, and violence that has been devastating to many cities, especially in some of our most vulnerable and impoverished communities. He has spent most of his life making a difference on these issues. He has long supported an overall policy approach that resulted in historic reductions in violent crime, property crime, and drug abuse rates from the mid-1980s through the late 2000s.” (Bob Bushman, President, National Narcotic Officers’ Associations’ Coalition, Letter to President-elect Donald Trump, 11/20/2016)

Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA) National President Nathan Catura: “On behalf of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA), I am writing to you in support of the anticipated nomination of the Honorable Jeff Sessions for the position of United States Attorney General. As the president of the largest non-partisan professional association representing federal officers, I am confident that any non-partisan evaluation of Senator Sessions' credentials will yield unanimous favorable results.” (Nathan Catura, National President, Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, Letter to Sens. McConnell and Schumer, 11/28/2016)               

Major Cities Chiefs Association: “The Major Cities Chiefs Association today joins with law enforcement colleagues to support the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions to become our next Attorney General. As U.S. Attorney and Alabama Attorney General, Jeff Sessions became a steadfast advocate for law enforcement and public safety during his early career. Over the past 20 years on the Senate Judiciary Committee, he has been an unwavering champion for measures to address violent crime and drug abuse in the communities we serve across the Nation. He will be strong partner in our continuing efforts to prevent and interdict acts of terrorism against the American people. His record in the U.S. Senate demonstrates a firm and consistent commitment to community policing and undiminished support for the men and women of law enforcement.” (Major Cities Chiefs Association President J. Thomas Manger, Chief Of Police, Montgomery County, Maryland, Press Release, 11/22/2016)

Members of the following law enforcement organizations have also expressed their strong support for Sen. Sessions’ nomination:

  • National District Attorneys Association (NDAA)
  • National Sheriffs’ Association
  • National Fraternal Order of Police
  • National Association of Police Organizations, Inc. (NAPO)
  • International Union of Police Associations, AFL-CIO
  • Republican Attorneys General Association


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