
Former U.S. Attorneys General Support Sessions

Former Attorneys General: ‘Senator Sessions Is Superbly Qualified By Temperament, Intellect, And Experience, To Serve As This Nation’s Chief Law Enforcement Officer’

Sen. Sessions Is ‘A Person Of Unwavering Dedication To The Mission Of The Department [Of Justice]’

 “The signers of this letter served in the Department of Justice ... and, in connection with that service, came to know Senator Jeff Sessions through his oversight of the Department as a member of the Judiciary Committee or in his work as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama... All of us know him as a person of honesty and integrity, who has held himself to the highest ethical standards throughout his career, and is guided always by a deep and abiding sense of duty to this nation and its founding charter.” (Former Attorneys General, Letter to Sens. Grassley and Feinstein, 12/05/2016)

  • “Based on our collective and extensive experience, we also know him to be a person of unwavering dedication to the mission of the Department—to assure that our country is governed by the fair and even-handed rule of law.” (Former Attorneys General, Letter to Sens. Grassley and Feinstein, 12/05/2016)
  • “In sum, Senator Sessions is superbly qualified by temperament, intellect, and experience, to serve as this nation’s chief law enforcement officer. We urge his swift confirmation.” (Former Attorneys General, Letter to Sens. Grassley and Feinstein, 12/05/2016)

Letter signed by:

  • Former Attorney General Ed Meese
  • Former Attorney General William Barr
  • Former Attorney General John Ashcroft
  • Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
  • Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey
  • Former Deputy Attorney General George Terwilliger III
  • Former Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson
  • Former Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty
  • Former Deputy Attorney General Craig Morford
  • Former Deputy Attorney General Mark Filip

Related Issues: Law Enforcement

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