
House Democrats Revolt From Pelosi’s Failed Leadership On COVID Relief

More And More House Democrats Are Expressing Their Frustration With Speaker Pelosi’s Failure To Compromise On COVID-19 Relief, With Some Even Introducing Their Own Legislation

“In the meantime, millions of jobless Americans are beginning to exhaust traditional unemployment aid that has kept them afloat and stimulated the economy, and many small businesses, including restaurants, have been left to contend with a steep drop in revenue and coming cold weather on their own.” (“Amid Stimulus Impasse, Bipartisan Group Offers $1.5 Trillion Compromise,” The New York Times, 9/15/2020)


‘Cracks Are Beginning To Emerge’ Among House Democrats As One Group Goes Rogue And Introduces Their Own Plan, While Speaker Pelosi Faces ‘Mounting Pressure From Rank-And-File Democrats’ Frustrated With Her Stonewalling

“[C]racks are beginning to emerge as the House returns to Washington this week from a long summer recess. During a caucus call last week, Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-Wash.), head of the New Democrats, pressed the urgency of reaching an agreement to empower members when they return home ahead of the elections. Pelosi responded by warning her troops not to be ‘a cheap date.’ Afterward, a number of lawmakers texted Kilmer to voice their support for his message, according to a person familiar with the discussion.” (“Pelosi Digs In As Pressure Builds For COVID-19 Deal,” The Hill, 9/15/2020)

“The 50-member bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, comprised of centrists in both parties, on Tuesday is releasing a $1.5 trillion bipartisan relief proposal the group has endorsed, which requires support from 75 percent of its members.(“House Democrats Worry Last Legislative Message Before Election Lacks COVID Relief,” Roll Call, 9/15/2020)

Speaker Pelosi is under “mounting pressure from rank-and-file Democrats to deliver more pandemic relief money before lawmakers leave town at the end of September to campaign.” (Politico, 9/15/2020)

“[R]ank-and-file House Democrats, mostly from the moderate wing, are lobbying leadership to prepare a backup plan in case a bipartisan bill does not come together.” (“House Democrats Worry Last Legislative Message Before Election Lacks COVID Relief,” Roll Call, 9/15/2020)

  • “[A] growing number of moderate Democrats — including leaders of the Blue Dogs and the New Democrat Coalition, as well as a number of front-line lawmakers facing tough reelections — have pressed Pelosi and Democratic leadership to stage a pre-election vote on some version of emergency assistance for states, households and small businesses struggling through the pandemic, even if the package doesn’t check every box on Pelosi’s wish list.” (“Pelosi Digs In As Pressure Builds For COVID-19 Deal,” The Hill, 9/15/2020)


Rank-And-File House Democrats Signal They’re Willing To Compromise: ‘I Think There’s A Place Here For Us To Have Some Sort Of Tailored Down Bill,’ ‘All Of Us Are Willing To Compromise On Amounts And Timing’

REP. KIM SCHRIER (D-WA): “I think there’s a place here for us to have some sort of tailored down bill …” (Politico, 9/15/2020)

REP. SCOTT PETERS (D-CA): “All of us are willing to compromise on amounts and timing.” (“House Democrats Worry Last Legislative Message Before Election Lacks COVID Relief,” Roll Call, 9/15/2020)

REP. DEREK KILMER (D-WA): “What I and other New Dem Members are hearing is that our constituents are hurting, and we have a sense of urgency to keep fighting to solve these problems.” (“Pelosi Digs In As Pressure Builds For COVID-19 Deal,” The Hill, 9/15/2020)

REP. DON BEYER (D-VA): “If we can’t come to a deal, there’s going to a great deal of disappointment…. Then the question is, who do [voters] blame?” (“House Democrats Worry Last Legislative Message Before Election Lacks COVID Relief,” Roll Call, 9/15/2020)


But Speaker Pelosi ‘Has Roundly Resisted’ Compromising, ‘Shrugging Off Mounting Pressure’ ‘From Some Of The Most Vulnerable House Democrats’

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is standing firm on Democrats’ demands for broad COVID-19 relief, shrugging off mounting pressure from Senate Republicans and a small but vocal group of moderate lawmakers in her caucus to pass a slimmer bill.” (“Pelosi Digs In As Pressure Builds For COVID-19 Deal,” The Hill, 9/15/2020)

“Pelosi has roundly resisted calls from some of the most vulnerable House Democrats — many in GOP-leaning districts — to negotiate a smaller coronavirus deal or put targeted bills on the floor addressing specific aspects of the pandemic including testing, unemployment aid and small business loans.” (Politico, 9/15/2020)


In Contrast, Senate Republicans Made ‘A Display Of GOP Unity’ On A Targeted Relief Bill Introduced Last Week, Demonstrating It Has Majority Support In The Senate

“The Senate rejected Republicans’ latest coronavirus relief proposal Thursday, though Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may have strengthened their hand in bipartisan negotiations with a display of GOP unity. The vote to end debate on the roughly $650 billion package was 52-47, falling short of the necessary 60 votes. But McConnell was able to keep all but one of his 53-member conference on board, an important signal to Democratic leaders and White House officials who remain mired in a stalemate.” (Roll Call, 9/10/2020)



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