
Insurers Saying ‘Goodbye To Obamacare’

Dem Senator: ‘Our Hardworking Families Will Have Fewer Options And Harder Choices’

SEN. TOM CARPER (D-DE): “Today, we learned that Aetna is pulling out of all ACA marketplaces in 2018, leaving Delaware with only one insurer in its individual health insurance market. This will mean that more than 12,000 Delawareans will have to find a new insurance plan and our hardworking families will have fewer options and harder choices to make about their health insurance coverage.” (Sen. Carper, Press Release, 5/10/2017)

SEN. DEB FISCHER (R-NE): “Today’s news on Aetna means fewer choices and likely higher costs for families across Nebraska. It’s further proof that Obamacare is simply unsustainable. It also underscores the importance of Congress continuing its work to ensure all Americans can access the compassionate, patient-centered, and affordable health care they deserve.” (Sen. Fischer, Pres Release, 5/10/2017)

“With the latest departures, more than 40 percent of U.S. counties would have only one insurer selling coverage on their marketplaces for next year, according to data compiled by The Associated Press and the consulting firm Avalere.” (“More Price Hikes Likely For Government Insurance Markets,” AP, 5/11/2017)

‘Aetna Is Saying Goodbye To Obamacare. … [Will] Not Offer Policies In Nebraska Or Delaware Next Year’

“Aetna is saying goodbye to Obamacare. The insurance giant announced Wednesday that it would not offer policies in Nebraska or Delaware next year, completing its exit from the exchanges.” (“Aetna To Obamacare: We're Outta Here,” CNN Money, 5/10/2017)

  • “The company said it expects to lose more than $200 million in its individual business line this year, on top of nearly $700 million in losses between 2014 and 2016. Aetna withdrew from 11 of its 15 markets for 2017. It has 255,000 Obamacare policyholders this year, down from 964,000 at the end of last year.” (“Aetna To Obamacare: We're Outta Here,” CNN Money, 5/10/2017)

“The white flag is especially notable because Aetna led ObamaCare’s industry cheering section in 2009 and 2010 and was once inclined to accept the exchanges as temporary loss leaders to support the mission of universal coverage.” (Editorial, “Aetna Says Sayonara To ObamaCare,” Wall Street Journal, 5/11/2017)

“Aetna's withdrawal is the latest in a series of insurers leaving Obamacare. The exodus began last year, when several carriers announced they were exiting or downsizing in 2017 after suffering large losses. Humana already announced it is completely abandoning the individual market in 2018. UnitedHealthcare pulled out of Virginia, and Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield said it would stop selling individual policies in Iowa in 2018.” (“Aetna To Obamacare: We're Outta Here,” CNN Money, 5/10/2017)

“Aetna's exit leaves Medica as the only insurer on the Nebraska exchange and Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield as the sole carrier on the Delaware exchange.” (“Aetna To Obamacare: We're Outta Here,” CNN Money, 5/10/2017)


Related Issues: Obamacare, Health Care