
Obama Budget ‘Lurching To The Left’

Will Democrats Support Obama’s ‘Untethered,’ ‘Almost Fictional Document’?

Obama Budget ‘Lurching To The Left’ In ‘Strange, Almost Fictional Document’

“…the president's annual budget is a strange, almost fictional document.” (“Obama's Wish-List Gambit,” Los Angeles Times, 2/4/15)

“As he prepares to deliver his budget on Monday, President Barack Obama is lurching to the left.” (“Obama Veers Left,” Politico, 1/30/15)

“…Mr. Obama is returning to his roots and pushing a plan to expand government, hike taxes and increase spending.” (“Obama Budgets Push For Big Government…” The Washington Times, 2/2/15)


Previous Obama Budgets ‘Overwhelming[ly]’ Rejected

2011: President’s Budget ‘Unanimously’ Rejected ‘No Democratic Senator … Willing To Support’

In the Senate, President Obama’s FY’2012 Budget was rejected 0-97. (S.Con.Res.18, Roll Call Vote #78, Motion To Proceed Rejected 0-97: R 0-45; D 0-50; I 0-2, 5/25/11)

  • “The Senate voted unanimously on Wednesday to reject a $3.7 trillion budget plan that President Obama sent to Capitol Hill in February. Ninety-seven senators voted against a motion to take it up. … No Democratic senator was willing to support it…” (“President's Budget Sinks, 97-0,” The Hill, 5/25/11)
  • BRET BAIER: “Just moments ago, the Senate had another vote. President Obama's budget fell 97-0. … It did not pass. 97-0. No one voting to take up the president's budget.” (Fox News’ ‘Special Report,’ 5/25/11)

‘Obama’s Budget … A Remarkably Weak And Timid Document’

DANA MILBANK: “Obama's budget proposal is a remarkably weak and timid document. He proposes to cut only $1.1 trillion from federal deficits over the next decade - a pittance when you consider that the deficit this year alone is in the neighborhood of $1.5 trillion. The president makes no serious attempt at cutting entitlement programs that threaten to drive the government into insolvency.” (“In His New Budget, Obama Kicks The Can One More Time,” The Washington Post, 2/15/11)


2012: Senate Offers ‘Unanimous’ ‘Sweeping Rejection’ Of President’s Budget, House ‘Clobbers’ In A ‘Rout’

‘Not a single member of Congress voted for the plan this year’ “Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions decided to offer a Democratic budget of his own: Obama’s fiscal 2013 blueprint. It was unanimously rejected, meaning not a single member of Congress voted for the plan this year. In late March, Obama’s budget was rejected on a 0-414 roll call in the House…” (“Senate Games: Every Budget Goes Down,” Politico, 5/16/12)

In the Senate, President Obama’s FY’2013 Budget was rejected 0-99. (S.Con.Res.41, Roll Call Vote #97, Motion To Proceed Rejected 0-99: R 0-46; D 0-51; I 0-2, 5/16/12)

In the House, President Obama’s FY’2013 Budget was rejected 0-414. (H.Con.Res.112, Roll Call Vote #143, Amendment Rejected 0-414: R 0-239; D 0-175, 3/28/12)


2013: President’s Budget ‘A Dud,’ ‘United Washington. In Opposition’

“…the non-binding blueprint already has done something that the president himself has only rarely accomplished since taking office: It’s basically united Washington. In opposition. … Both sides agree the budget does not balance over its 10-year horizon.” (“Obama Budget Dead On Arrival—But May Get Second Life,” Yahoo! News, 4/10/13)


2014: In ‘Devastating’ Defeat, House ‘Overwhelming’ Rejected Obama’s Budget

“The House on Wednesday handily rejected a GOP budget alternative based on President Obama's 2015 spending blueprint.” (“House Kills Obama Budget 2-413,” The Hill, 4/9/14)

In the House, Obama’s FY’2014 Budget was rejected 2-413. (H.Amdt.612 to H.Con.Res.96, Roll Call Vote #171, Rejected 413-2: R 0-224; D 2-189, 4/9/14)



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