
Obamacare ‘Clearly Failing’ The American People

Even The President Acknowledges Some ‘Turbulence’ As Americans’ Healthcare Choices Dwindle Ever Further

“In a letter released publicly by the White House on Monday, Mr. Obama thanked insurers for participating in the health exchanges the federal government runs . . . and acknowledged some of its recent turbulence. . . ‘We know that this progress has not been without challenges. Most new enterprises have growing pains and opportunities for improvement.’” (“Obama Pledges Redoubled Efforts to Make Health Law Successful,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/12/2016)

‘CHALLENGES’ IN EXCHANGES: Fewer Choices As Even More Insurers Drop Out This Month

CONNECTICUT: “State leaders announced late Monday afternoon that ConnectiCare will not sell Obamacare policies on the state's insurance exchange next year. . . ConnectictiCare's departure comes as two smaller insurers on the exchange — UnitedHealthcare and HealthyCT — have also departed. Without ConnectiCare, only Anthem would remain selling policies under the exchanges.” (“State Says ConnectiCare Ending Sale Of Obamacare Policies,” Hartford Courant, 9/12/2016)

NEW JERSEY: “The options for New Jersey consumers who buy health coverage through the Affordable Care Act will dwindle to two next year, from five in 2016, after state regulators take over Health Republic Insurance of New Jersey. . . UnitedHealthcare and Oscar Health Insurance announced earlier this year they will pull out of New Jersey’s individual health market in 2017, and Aetna withdrew its plans to join the market.” (“New Jersey Left With Just Two Obamacare Health Providers For 2017,” The [Bergen County, NJ] Record, 9/12/2016)

MINNESOTA: “State regulators have come up empty on a last-ditch effort to recruit more health insurers to the MNsure exchange next year, particularly to sell coverage outside the Twin Cities metro area. . . No applicants surfaced as of Friday's deadline. . . MNsure is one of several government-run exchange markets that were launched in late 2013 under the federal Affordable Care Act.” (“Quest To Add MNsure Health Plan Options Comes Up Short,” Star Tribune, 9/12/2016)

  • “In Minnesota, Eagan-based Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota said in June that next year it would drop individual market policies for about 100,000 people. Blue Cross will still sell health maintenance organization (HMO) plans to individuals, but those policies aren't available in 11 rural counties. That could leave some of those counties with options from just two carriers.” (“Quest To Add MNsure Health Plan Options Comes Up Short,” Star Tribune, 9/12/2016)

‘CHALLENGES’ IN CO-OPS: This Month Yet Another Co-Op Is Failing In New Jersey

“Some smaller plans, notably the co-ops set up by the law, have folded. On Monday, New Jersey’s insurance regulator confirmed that the state’s co-op, Health Republic Insurance of New Jersey, would be placed into a rehabilitation process and wouldn’t be allowed to offer coverage for 2017.” (“Obama Pledges Redoubled Efforts to Make Health Law Successful,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/12/2016)

‘CHALLENGES’: ‘Obamacare Marketplaces Remain Vulnerable To Fraud’

“Don't worry if you don't exist, you can still get Obamacare. Two new government audits reveal that the nation's Obamacare marketplaces remain ‘vulnerable to fraud,’ after investigators successfully applied for coverage for multiple people who don't actually exist. In several cases this year, fake people who hadn't filed tax returns for 2014 were still able to get Obamacare tax credits to help pay their monthly premiums for 2016 coverage.” (“Obamacare Marketplaces Remain Vulnerable To Fraud, New Government Audits Find,” CNBC, 9/12/2016)

GALLUP: ‘It Appears That Much Of The American Public Hasn't Embraced The Healthcare Law’

GALLUP: “More Americans Negative Than Positive About ACA” (“More Americans Negative Than Positive About ACA,” Gallup, 9/08/2016)

FLASHBACK: Democrats: ‘The More People Know … The Better They Like It’

SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): “I think as has been seen in the polls around the country now the majority of Americans support healthcare reform... It’s been good and our country is better for having passed this legislation... [S]o the more people know about healthcare the better they like it.” (“Exclusive: Senator Harry Reid Interview on The Brody File,” CBN News, 7/26/2010)

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): “When people see what is in this bill and when people see what it does, they will come around.” (“Schumer: Poll Numbers Will Turn In Dems Favor,” Politico, 12/21/09)

THEN-SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): “[W]e have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” (Rep. Pelosi, Remarks The National Association of Counties 2010 Legislative Conference, 3/9/10)

“Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) thinks the healthcare law will ultimately help Senate Democrats in 2014 ... ‘I think for sure it will be a net positive,’ said Reid, who expects the law to become more of a political benefit as problems are smoothed out by Election Day. ‘I think so by then for sure.’” (“Reid: ObamaCare Will Help Dems Hold The Senate Majority In 2014,” The Hill, 12/18/2013)

EDITORIALS: ‘The House Of Cards That Is Obamacare … Tumbling Down,’ ‘Clearly Failing’

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW: “Just around the time that Barack Obama packs his bags and leaves the White House, the house of cards that is ObamaCare could come tumbling down.” (Editorial, “Obamacare's Future: Condition Critical,” Pittsburgh Tribune Review, 8/15/16)

NEW HAMPSHIRE UNION LEADER: “The entire Obamacare scheme was set up on faulty premises. You can’t force people to buy health insurance they don’t want, subsidize mediocre insurance plans people can’t afford, and still claim to hold down rising medical expenses.” (Editorial, “Another ACA Failure Bad Idea Keeps Getting Worse,” Union-Leader, 9/6/16)

DETROIT NEWS: “The Affordable Care Act — commonly called Obamacare — isn’t working as it was supposed to. Insurance premiums are set to skyrocket in 2017, following increases the past several years. … President Barack Obama’s signature health care law was built on a dream. But market realities still exist, and taxpayers and patients throughout the country will continue to pay the price for the president and Congress ignoring those realities.” (Editorial, “Obamacare Begs For Congressional Review,” The Detroit News, 8/18/16)

PADUCAH SUN Columnist: “Here is a logical question: If the ACA is failing so completely in delivering on its promises, why keep it? Why throw good money after bad?” (Jim Paxton, Op-Ed, “Crumbling ACA A Landscape Of Broken Promises,” Paducah Sun, 9/7/16)


Related Issues: Health Care, Obamacare, Middle Class, Senate Democrats