
Senate Republicans Introduce JUSTICE Act: ‘Now Is The Time For Reform’

Led By Sen. Tim Scott And His Working Group, Senate Republicans’ Proposal Focuses On ‘Police Reform, Accountability And Transparency’ With The Goal Of ‘Coming Together And Getting An Outcome’

“Senate Republicans unveiled legislation responding to nationwide protests calling for police reform and an end to racial violence, with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell saying the upper chamber plans to vote on the bill as early as next week.” (“Senate Republicans Unveil Police Reform Bill, Setting Up Vote For Next Week,” CBS News, 6/17/2020)

  • Sen. Tim Scott, the chamber's lone black GOP member, has led the charge for the 106-page legislation to install nearly a dozen, major new provisions to address policing concerns highlighted since the May 25 killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said the Senate will take up the measure next week. ‘We are serious about making a law here,’ he told reporters.” (“Republicans' Police Reform Bill Focuses On Transparency And Training,” NPR, 6/17/2020)

“‘We hear you. We’re listening to your concerns,’ said Scott, who recalled his own ‘driving while black’ experiences of being stopped seven times in one year. ‘The George Floyd incident certainly accelerated this conversation.’ Scott was joined by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Sens. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., John Cornyn, R-Texas, Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., James Lankford, R-Okla. and Ben Sasse, R-Neb. to unveil the 106-page legislation. The package of reforms is called the Just and Unifying Solutions to Invigorate Communities Everywhere (JUSTICE) Act.” (“Senate Republicans Unveil Police Reform Legislation: ‘We Hear You,’” Fox News, 6/17/2020)

Sen. Tim Scott: The JUSTICE Act Requires ‘Full And Accurate Information Surrounding Uses Of Force,’ ‘Expands Department Of Justice Grants To Better Train And Recruit Officers,’ And ‘Focuses On The Officers Who Damage The Reputation Of The Entire Profession’

SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC): “Now is the time for reform… The murder of George Floyd and its aftermath made clear from sea to shining sea that action must be taken to rebuild lost trust between communities of color and law enforcement. The JUSTICE Act takes smart, commonsense steps to address these issues, from ending the use of chokeholds and increasing the use of body worn cameras, to providing more resources for police departments to better train officers and make stronger hiring decisions. I want to thank Leader McConnell and the entire task force not just for their hard work on putting this bill together, but for their commitment to finding real solutions.” (Sen. Scott, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

  • SEN. SCOTT: “On Wednesday, I introduced the Just and Unifying Solutions to Invigorate Communities Everywhere (JUSTICE) Act. There are three major parts: police reform, accountability and transparency. … First, we need full and accurate information surrounding uses of force. Today, only about 40% of police departments report that information to the FBI. This bill would change that. One provision, known as the George Floyd and Walter Scott Notification Act, will require states to report on all incidents involving the use of force and officer-involved shootings where an individual is killed or seriously injured. A second provision, the Breonna Taylor Notification Act, will similarly require data on the use of no-knock warrants. Second, the bill expands Department of Justice grants to better train and recruit officers. Defunding the police is the wrong answer when it comes to solving the issues in our nation. Instead, this bill provides for training in de-escalation tactics and the duty to intervene when observing excessive uses of force. We know that police encounter high-pressure environments on a daily basis, so this bill seeks to provide the tools officers need to learn how to diffuse that pressure. Funding is available for new body cameras, and we will be considering better solutions for police interactions with those with mental health problems, like co-responders in the president’s executive order. Finally, the third part of the bill focuses on the officers who damage the reputation of the entire profession. This bill prevents a disgraced officer from bouncing from department to department without a record following behind him or her. Moreover, this bill creates an enhanced penalty for officers who falsify their incident reports surrounding an excessive use of force. This bill is truly the product of bipartisanship. Included in the text is Justice for Victims of Lynching Act, a provision that has passed the Senate twice and seeks to make lynching a federal crime. I look forward to continuing the conversation with my Republican and Democrat colleagues because justice cannot continue to wait. Our voices cannot be silent. Our nation cannot be expected to hold its breath.” (Sen. Tim Scott, Op-Ed, “I've Choked On Fear When Stopped By Police. We Need The JUSTICE Act.,” USA Today, 6/18/2020)

The JUSTICE Act Task Force: ‘Senator Scott's JUSTICE Act Provides Solutions That Are As Sober, As Serious, And As Significant As This Watershed Moment Demands,’ ‘This Is About Making A Law, Not Just Making A Point’

SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Over the last several months, our country has been shaken by the killings of more Black Americans at the hands of law enforcement. The people of this country have called for change. … But the events of the last few weeks have reminded this country that the stain is not totally gone. We have a lot more work to do. … Senator Scott has led the construction of a strong proposal that will increase transparency, grow accountability, and advance the cause of police reform without lashing out at the lion's share of brave law enforcement officers who serve bravely and well Later today, he will introduce this new legislation, and it will be the very next bill we consider here on the Senate floor. We will be turning to this bill next week. Senator Scott's JUSTICE Act provides solutions that are as sober, as serious, and as significant as this watershed moment demands. … This legislation is a substantial effort to help our Nation make major headway on substantial challenges. I am grateful to Senator Scott for his leadership. I appreciate the contributions of Chairman Lindsey Graham, Senators Capito, Cornyn, Lankford, and Sasse.” (Sen. McConnell, Congressional Record, S3026, 6/17/2020)

  • SEN. McCONNELL: “And our Democratic friends, if they want to make a law, and not just try to make a point, I'll hope they'll join us in getting on the bill, and trying to move forward in the way the Senate does move forward when it's trying to actually get an outcome, rather than just sparring back and forth, which you all have seen on frequent occasions by both sides. I also want to thank the whole team behind us, everybody's contributed significantly to this product. But without Tim's leadership, it would not have been possible, and without his leadership, I wouldn't be putting this on the floor. But I want you to know that we're serious about making a law here. This is not about trying to create partisan differences, this is about coming together and getting an outcome.” (Sen. McConnell, Press Conference, 6/17/2020)

SEN. JAMES LANKFORD (R-OK): “I am honored to join my colleagues today to introduce the JUSTICE Act, which offers solutions to help bridge the gap between law enforcement and communities by increasing training, transparency, and accountability… Hundreds of thousands of state, local, and federal law enforcement officers in Oklahoma and around the nation continue to do the right thing, the right way daily. However, the service of great officers gets overshadowed by the actions of a few that abuse their positions. Transparency, accountability, and training will allow the thousands of good officers to shine and will expose the motives of those who are not providing equal justice. Legislative action is required to end the use of chokeholds and to bring more consistency under the law. Justice should not be a partisan issue. I look forward to partnering with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and with the White House as we work toward racial reconciliation and improved relationships between law enforcement and the communities they serve.” (Sen. Lankford, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

  • SEN. LANKFORD: “This is about making a law, not just making a point. This is not messaging; this is trying to be able to work in the most bipartisan way we can work. Get it on the floor, let's have amendments, let's talk through the process. Equal justice under the law shouldn't be a partisan issue. … So this is about transparency, this is about trying to provide information to law enforcement and to individuals, this about accountability, but it's also about trying to build that more perfect union that we can have. If we're going to have equal justice under the law, then let's work towards actually having equal justice under the law for all people. And as Senator Scott had mentioned before, not to be pro law enforcement, or to be pro communities of color, but to be pro-American in the process.” (Sen. Lankford, Press Conference, 6/17/2020)

SEN. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO (R-WV): “It is our job in Congress to listen to voices across our country and heed calls for justice. That does not mean defunding the police. The answer is to improve policing, not to defund or eliminate it. This is what the JUSTICE Act does: makes significant improvements to our nation’s law enforcement system. There is absolutely no conflict between being pro-civil rights and being pro-law enforcement. The JUSTICE Act supports our police officers while bringing about positive change that will help guarantee equal protection to all of our citizens. This police reform bill will make a real difference in advancing our constitutional ideals and in making our communities safer. I am proud to stand with Senator Tim Scott and my other colleagues in introducing this legislation today and look forward to it becoming law.” (Sen. Capito, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

  • SEN. CAPITO: “I think our main message today, is that the Justice Act is working toward a solution, and it's not a political exercise... So I think that there is absolutely no conflict between pro civil rights and pro law enforcement, and I think that's what you see reflected in this bill. So to my colleagues on the other side, we need to have this conversation in front of the American people on… the floor of the U.S. Senate, where we can debate different ideas, debate different strategies, compromise like we do when we need to and we should, and not be a failure to the people and the voices who are crying out daily for us to help.” (Sen. Capito, Press Conference, 6/17/2020)

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC), Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman: “I really appreciate Senator Scott’s leadership putting together a police reform proposal that will make a difference… This proposal reinforces the need for better community policing, best practices and creating more transparency when it comes to reporting encounters with law enforcement throughout the country. I hope our Democratic colleagues will take this proposal seriously, and that all of us work together to find common ground to bring reform to policing in America.” (Sen. Graham, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. BEN SASSE (R-NE): “The murder of George Floyd has been seared into our national conscience… America’s promise of equal justice under the law cannot depend on the color of your skin. Americans can rise to this moment, and that’s what the JUSTICE Act aims to help. We’re proposing real solutions to bring transparency, provide resources, and build trust between our communities and the police. I’m grateful for Senator Scott’s leadership and hard work on reforms that should get a unanimous vote of support here in the Senate. Let’s do this.” (Sen. Sasse, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

  • SEN. SASSE: “[T]his bill next week ought to get 100 votes to begin the debate. I think it ought to get 100 votes to end the debate as well. But if you believe this is a time to make a law, not just make a point, if this is a time to improve an issue as opposed to just hold onto it as a political issue, then I think all people of goodwill and good faith will see that the Justice Act, the legislation that Tim has authored and that all of us have been contributing to, but the Justice Act is a starting point of a whole bunch of consensus issues. And once you're on a bill, we can debate how to make it even better.” (Sen. Sasse, Press Conference, 6/17/2020)

SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX): “When I spoke with George Floyd’s family last week, they asked me for one thing: justice. That is what we set out to do with this legislation… The JUSTICE Act is a package of significant reforms that already have bipartisan support, so there’s no excuse for Democrats to reject them out of hand. Although many of the changes to reform policing in our communities will happen at the local level, we can help stem racial inequality and ensure America’s police are more responsibly serving our communities.” (Sen. Cornyn, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

Senate Republicans: ‘The JUSTICE Act Would Implement Commonsense Reforms That Would Help Restore Trust In Our Law Enforcement,’ ‘Senator Scott Has Produced A Bill That Should Have The Support Of Every Member Of The Senate’

SENATE MAJORITY WHIP JOHN THUNE (R-SD): “Today, I am proud to rise in support of Senator Scott's policing reform bill, which I am cosponsoring. Senator Scott's Just and Unifying Solutions to Invigorate Communities Everywhere Act, or the JUSTICE Act, is the product of a lot of serious work--years of it, in fact. The JUSTICE Act is an extensive bill that addresses various aspects of policing reform.… I really hope Democrats will come to the table as well. Senator Scott has produced a bill that should have the support of every member of the Senate, and I hope that it will.” (Sen. Thune, Congressional Record, S3027, 6/17/2020)

SEN. LAMAR ALEXANDER (R-TN): “I’m glad to cosponsor Senator Tim Scott’s legislation to help states reform our country’s police departments by holding police officers accountable, identifying and encouraging the adoption and use of best practices in community policing, and providing better training to police officers. Senator Scott is the right person to lead on this important issue due to his personal experiences and his ability to bring people together.” (Sen. Alexander, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY): “As you know, Republicans, on the other hand, have been working and listening, and we are leading. Our effort, of course, is led by Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina. We have developed what I believe is a smart plan and a workable solution. The bill is called the JUSTICE Act. It is written to garner bipartisan support, and I hope some of our colleagues on the other side of the aisle will join in this effort. This is a sensible measure that will make bipartisan justice reform a reality that we need. It is not a political exercise. It is practical legislation, and it deserves to become law. So I hope Democrats will join in the effort.” (Sen. Barrasso, Congressional Record, S2993, 6/16/2020)

SEN. MARSHA BLACKBURN (R-TN): “Senator Scott is to be thanked for his commitment to police reform and his leadership on the issue… Recent events have highlighted the necessity to make changes to our current system, and the American people have made it clear that the status quo does not reflect our nation’s values. In yesterday’s Judiciary Committee hearing, we gained insight from police chiefs and those who are charged with keeping the public safe. Police departments need more funding for training and tools to de-escalate conflict. It is my hope that the JUSTICE Act passes in the Senate with ample bipartisan support.” (Sen. Blackburn, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. ROY BLUNT (R-MO): “The [JUSTICE Act] will strengthen the training methods & tactics throughout law enforcement jurisdictions, especially regarding de-escalation of force & the duty to intervene.” (Sen. Blunt, @RoyBlunt, Twitter, 6/17/2020)

SEN. JOHN BOOZMAN (R-AR): “I appreciate the exhaustive effort my colleague Tim Scott put into crafting this bill. Senator Scott has personally experienced instances of abuse, but he also emphasizes the important role of law enforcement in our society and rejects the false choice between supporting police officers or supporting communities of color. He is well suited to lead the Senate’s attempt to propose meaningful reforms. His work has produced a bill that focuses on training and tactics that lead to the de-escalation of force, accountability for instances of officer misconduct and greater public transparency within the criminal justice system. … I am optimistic my colleagues across the aisle will vote to move this bill to the floor for debate. I expect and welcome a thorough and honest discussion during floor consideration. The American people deserve that much.” (Sen. Boozman, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. BILL CASSIDY (R-LA): “What happened to George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and so many others should never happen again. Policing procedures, especially the use of deadly force, must be reviewed and changed accordingly. I thank Senator Scott for introducing this bill and look forward to working with him to see that it passes...” (Sen. Cassidy, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. SUSAN COLLINS (R-ME): “The horrific killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis was a crime and laid bare the racial injustice that still taints our country.  It is incumbent on all of us to make genuine progress toward the American ideal of ensuring that everyone, regardless of race or ethnicity, is treated equally… The JUSTICE Act would implement commonsense reforms that would help restore trust in our law enforcement, particularly among communities of color, while continuing to support the vast majority of officers who serve with integrity and valor.  I’m proud to join my friend, Senator Scott, in introducing this legislation, and I look forward to the Senate’s consideration of it next week.  I believe that we can reach a bipartisan consensus on solutions to racial inequality in policing.” (Sen. Collins, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. MIKE CRAPO (R-ID): “The vast majority of law enforcement officers are hard-working Americans who put their lives on the line every day to keep their communities safe… Unfortunately, we have seen several instances of horrific and inexcusable conduct by some very bad actors under the guise of law enforcement.  It is clear reforms are needed, as well as greater accountability and transparency, to help eliminate racial inequality and rebuild the trust all Americans deserve to have in the institutions designed for the purposes of keeping the communities in which they live and work safe.  I look forward to working with my colleagues on moving this legislation forward.” (Sen. Crapo, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. JONI ERNST (R-IA): “Proud to join [Sen. Tim Scott] & many of my colleagues on the [JUSTICE Act.] A bipartisan effort I’ve been working on to hold law enforcement who engage in sexual misconduct accountable is part of this reform. Let’s step up, come together, & act on behalf of Iowans & all Americans.” (Sen. Ernst, @SenJoniErnst, Twitter, 6/17/2020)

SEN. DEB FISCHER (R-NE): “In the wake of the horrific murder of George Floyd, I have been listening for solutions on how to restore necessary trust between the police and the communities they protect. The JUSTICE ACT includes solid reforms to increase accountability in policing, while helping police departments improve their hiring and training processes. By passing this legislation, we can work to heal our nation and ensure that all Americans have equal protection under the law, regardless of skin color.” (Sen. Fischer, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. CORY GARDNER (R-CO): “I think the chances are pretty good, because we need to get something done here. Far too often, the default in Washington is along partisan lines. That is not acceptable at this time in our country’s history. We have to move beyond party, we have to move beyond Democrat bills and Republican bills and recognize that what passes the United States Senate will take votes from Democrats and Republicans… We can’t avoid this debate. This debate has been avoided for too long in our country. The plain fact of the matter is, if I as a white man had been in the same situation as George Floyd, I would be alive today. And that’s wrong, we have to recognize it, and we have to address it in a way that is meaningful. And that’s why this debate is so critically important.” (Fox News, 6/17/2020)

SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA): “This morning, Senate Majority Leader McConnell, Senator Tim Scott, and other Members of the Republican task force unveiled a piece of legislation that goes by the title of Just and Unifying Solutions to Invigorate Communities Everywhere, or the acronym JUSTICE, for short. I applaud their leadership on this issue. Democrats should stop partisan attacks and instead spend their time with us working together to find solutions. (Sen. Grassley, Congressional Record, S3025 6/17/2020)

SEN. JOHN HOEVEN (R-ND): “The JUSTICE Act improves the training and accountability of law enforcement to strengthen public safety and work to prevent situations like what happened to George Floyd and other victims of excessive use of force… Instead of defunding the police, this legislation ensures that law enforcement has the resources necessary to protect and serve their communities with better training, accountability and transparency. We appreciate Senator Tim Scott for leading this effort in the Senate and look forward to working with him to ensure that law enforcement are able to do their job with good accountability to the communities they are entrusted to serve and protect.” (Sen. Hoeven, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. CINDY HYDE-SMITH (R-MS): “The JUSTICE Act begins to answer the growing outcry for all Americans to believe they will be treated equally under the law in their interactions with the police… An overwhelming majority of law enforcement officers are dedicated to doing their jobs fairly and justly. It is, however, time to build public confidence in that truth through commonsense reforms founded on better training, accountability, and transparency… These goals cannot be met by irresponsible demands to ‘defund the police.’” (Sen. Hyde-Smith, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. JIM INHOFE (R-OK): “I am proud to cosponsor the JUSTICE Act and want to thank Sen. Scott for his leadership on this proposal to address law enforcement reform, accountability and transparency… It should be obvious that defunding our law enforcement—those who are here to keep us safe—is not the answer. Rather, we should use better training and stronger accountability measures to hold those who choose to abuse their badge accountable for their actions. In the midst of this tragedy of the killing of George Floyd and other Americans, I am hopeful our colleagues across the aisle will join us in standing for meaningful reforms with the passage of the JUSTICE Act.” (Sen. Inhofe, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. KELLY LOEFFLER (R-GA): “The vast majority of police officers work tirelessly to keep all Americans safe, and now more than ever, we must work together to implement solutions and provide them the resources they need to be successful… The JUSTICE Act takes strong steps to improve accountability and transparency in law enforcement and gives police departments the tools they need to build trust and better serve their communities. I want to thank Senator Scott for his leadership on this critical issue. I hope that Congress can put politics aside and come together to pass this legislation and create meaningful improvements.” (Sen. Loeffler, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. MARTHA McSALLY (R-AZ): “This bill contains commonsense solutions to move our country forward and improve community safety while providing critical training and equipment for those sworn to protect and serve… I’m grateful to Senator Tim Scott for his tremendous work on this legislation. On Monday, I spoke with police chiefs and sheriffs from across Arizona who are already using many of the elements in this bill. The JUSTICE Act ensures best training practices permeate police departments across America so every police officer understands their duty to intervene when a fellow officer is using excessive force. It’s time to improve de-escalation training, root out the few bad police officers in our system, and support the many good men and women serving in law enforcement across this country. I look forward to working with my fellow senators to find common ground and get this bill passed swiftly.” (Sen. McSally, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. JERRY MORAN (R-KS): “Americans cannot look the other way after witnessing the actions that killed George Floyd… Today, I joined Sen. Tim Scott and my colleagues in the Senate in introducing the JUSTICE Act aimed at making significant progress towards improving police and community relations across the country while also providing the accountability we expect from our police departments… Kansas law enforcement officers work tirelessly to keep our communities safe, and the JUSTICE Act would reform police training and create more transparency and trust, which is critical to the health and wellbeing of our communities… As CJS Chairman, I am committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to fulfill the commitments made in the JUSTICE Act.” (Sen. Moran, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. DAVID PERDUE (R-GA): “I’m very proud of Tim Scott and the team put together to go at this. I think the JUSTICE Act is a starting point. This may not be the end-all, but this could be a start. I remember the 1960s in my lifetime. We made a start there, but it’s obvious today that we have to get serious about continuing this effort to make justice for all a reality in America.” (Fox News, 6/17/2020)

SEN. ROB PORTMAN (R-OH): “America is hurting. In the midst of an unprecedented health care and economic crisis that is disproportionately affecting our minority communities, we’ve seen egregious examples of injustice and violence against African-Americans. I’ve made it clear that what happened to these Americans is outrageous and unacceptable. As I’ve said consistently, we need to work together to find solutions that promote stronger communities that treat each other with dignity and respect. The JUSTICE Act is an important step in that direction by helping to improve the collection of data on violence by and against law enforcement, provide funding to increase the use of body cameras, increase transparency and accountability while strengthening and reforming police training methods and hiring practices. I applaud Senator Scott for drafting this legislation and Leader McConnell for announcing the Senate will consider this bill next week. I look forward to a robust debate and hope my colleagues will join me in supporting this legislation.” (Sen. Portman, Press Release, 6/18/2020)

SEN. JAMES RISCH (R-ID): “I am proud to join my friend and colleague Senator Tim Scott in introducing the JUSTICE Act. Enacting comprehensive reform to reshape police procedures and training is the first step to protecting the rights of all individuals… This legislation will improve accountability and transparency within the criminal justice system. I thank Senator Scott for his leadership on this effort, and look forward to working with my Senate colleagues to advance this legislation.” (Sen. Risch, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. PAT ROBERTS (R-KS): “As a nation, we must always be on the road to improvement and ensure all citizens feel safe and protected. Unfortunately, the latter is not currently the case. Many police departments are doing the right thing, going above and beyond for their communities, while others need help. This bill provides applicable solutions that will effectively assist both police officers and the communities they serve and protect… I applaud Senator Scott for introducing this bill, and I am proud to be an original cosponsor.” (Sen. Roberts, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. MITT ROMNEY (R-UT): “While the great majority of our law enforcement personnel in Utah and across our country do a heroic job, there are issues of oversight and accountability that need to be corrected, particularly when it comes to treatment of people of color… Our legislation will help to correct these weaknesses by strengthening de-escalation training, requiring reporting on use of force, and collecting data and developing best practices that will help us evaluate and improve policing. I appreciate Senator Scott’s leadership on this effort, and I urge my colleagues to work together toward a bipartisan solution that will build greater trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve.” (Sen. Romney, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. MIKE ROUNDS (R-SD): “All Americans deserve to feel safe and protected in their communities and see their law enforcement officers as individuals they can trust… The JUSTICE Act seeks to address bad behavior within our law enforcement community through reasonable, commonsense reforms that improve training, transparency and accountability. The overwhelming majority of police officers are upstanding citizens who risk their lives every day to keep our communities safe.  We must stand with our law enforcement professionals, but also hold them accountable. We can do both and the JUSTICE Act helps us get there.” (Sen. Rounds, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. RICHARD SHELBY (R-AL): “Proud to be a cosponsor of [Sen. Tim Scott’s] [JUSTICE Act] – which focuses on police reform, accountability, and transparency. This bill highlights issues facing our nation that must be addressed. All Americans should have trust and confidence in our justice system.” (Sen. Shelby, @SenShelby, Twitter, 6/18/2020)

SEN. THOM TILLIS (R-NC): “It is time for Congress to come together to address injustices in our criminal justice system and work together to improve the relationship between communities and law enforcement… The vast majority of law enforcement officials in North Carolina and across the country were also sickened by the murder of George Floyd, and they need to be a critical part of the solution. I want to thank Senator Scott for his leadership on providing commonsense solutions on police reform, accountability, and transparency. I hope my colleagues on the other side of the aisle commit to working with us to find consensus and advance this bill so we can make progress and help heal our country.” (Sen. Tillis, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. PAT TOOMEY (R-PA): “Senator Tim Scott is one of the most thoughtful and insightful members of the Senate. I support the overarching goal of the JUSTICE Act, which is to improve the relationship between law enforcement and the communities they serve. In the coming days, I look forward to reviewing this legislation and learning how it will impact both citizens and police officers.” (Sen. Toomey, Press Release, 6/17/2020)

SEN. TODD YOUNG (R-IN): “Since the murder of George Floyd and the protests that have ensued, two words have been on my mind: Listen and Act. Over the last several weeks, I’ve reached out and listened to black leaders across Indiana, and sought their advice on realistic solutions to improve the criminal justice system and repair trust. The JUSTICE Act is an important step toward enacting meaningful reform… This comprehensive legislation ends the practice of chokeholds and provides grants for de-escalation tactics training and the use of body-worn cameras. It also enacts penalties for those who fail to comply with these provisions. The bill seeks to ensure greater transparency and accountability from law enforcement, while building stronger community relations. Additionally, it will establish two commissions to examine and propose solutions to the broader systemic challenges black Americans face, something I have sought to do through my Fair Shot Agenda. The JUSTICE Act is a critical step forward for our nation, and we owe it to our fellow Americans to come together and swiftly pass this bill.” (Sen. Young, Press Release, 6/17/2020)



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