
Soros Prosecutors Have Overseen Massive Crime Waves In Their Communities

Liberal Megadonor George Soros Has Spent Over $40 Million In The Past Decade To Elect Scores Of Liberal Prosecutors In Half Of America's Largest Jurisdictions


“George Soros spent more than $40 million in the past decade to elect scores of liberal prosecutors in half of America's largest jurisdictions, many of which are now roiled by crime… Though many had little prosecutorial experience when elected, they represent 72 million Americans in some of the nation's most populous municipalities. Ten Soros prosecutors, including Philadelphia district attorney Larry Krasner (D.) and Los Angeles district attorney George Gascon (D.), received $13 million in just the last four years, going on to win races where they had vastly outraised their competition—sometimes by as much as 90 percent. In each race, Soros was the single greatest donor to the campaign.” (“Report: Soros Prosecutors Run Half of America’s Largest Jurisdictions,” The Washington Free Beacon, 6/08/2022)


These Soros-Funded Attorneys Have Failed Their Constituencies With Agendas That Are Fueling A Massive Crime Wave

(Los Angeles): $4.7 Million

“As of April, shootings in Los Angeles are up by 69% since 2020. Violent crime is up by 7.2% when compared to last year. Robberies are up by 18.5% when compared to last year. Car thefts are up by 40% when compared to 2020, according to the Los Angeles Times. This is what Los Angeles is experiencing, and there's a growing fear that if progressive Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon isn't recalled, the recent crime wave will only continue to increase. As district attorney, Gascon has implemented a progressive wish-list of policies, which many view as adding fuel to an increased rate of crime in Los Angeles. Included in the massive policy changes implemented when Gascon took office in 2020, a directive was sent to all deputy district attorneys to decline pressing charges or outright dismiss charges before arraignment for several misdemeanors, such as trespassing, criminal threats, drug possession, resisting arrest, and more.” (“Los Angeles Crime Spike: Will 'Progressive' Prosecuting Cause An Increase In Crime For Other U.S. cities?,” Fox News, 6/08/2022)

(Cook County, IL): $2 Million

[A] 2020 investigation by Chicago Tribune found that her primary tool appeared to be simply dropping nearly 30% of all felony cases, including alleged murders, a rate more than one-half higher than her predecessor’s… In March, she also began seeking early release for inmates who’ve served at least 10 years of their sentences for crimes other than homicide or sex offenses, calling it an effort to “not just acknowledge the wrongs of the past, but try to correct them.” (“Other Woke Das Who Could Be Run Out Of Office Like San Francisco’s Chesa Boudin,” New York Post, 6/08/2022)

(Philadelphia) $1.3 Million

There were 562 homicides in Philadelphia in 2021 compared to 315 in 2017 — the year before Krasner took office, [t]here were 2032 people shot in 2021 compared to 1257 in 2017 — a spike of 85%.” (“Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner Should Be Ousted, Says Father Of Slain Teen,” Fox News, 6/21/2022)

Fairfax County District Attorney Steve Descano’s Soft On Crime Tenure

“Soros and other liberal Democrats spent millions on prosecutor races ahead of the elections in a bid to overhaul the state's criminal justice system, supporting candidates who vowed to introduce criminal justice reform and change the state's policies on the death penalty. In addition to the $1.2 million in funds Soros spent on House of Delegates and Senate races in the commonwealth, he funneled an additional $2 million to four Democratic prosecutor candidates.” (“Billionaire Sent $2M To Four Attorney Candidates In Bid To Reshape Va.'S Criminal Justice System,” The Washington Free Beacon, 11/06/2019)

Descano received $659,054 from Soros-aligned Justice and Public Safety PAC and New Virginia Majority. (Virginia Public Access Project, Accessed 6/17/2022)

“In 2019, Descano — with no prior criminal law experience — was vaulted almost single-handedly into office by Soros’ campaign cash. Of the $950,000 in donations candidate Descano received, $659,000 came through two PACs funded either solely or largely by Soros, with another $50,000 coming from groups or individuals closely tied to Soros. That’s $3 out of every $4 linked to a single billionaire’s largesse.” (Jason Johnson and Sean Kennedy, “How George Soros’ Billions Are Remaking America’s Justice System,” New York Post, 6/08/2022)

Immediately Following His 2019 Victory, Descano Released A List Of Crimes He Would No Longer Prosecute

“Shortly after the election in 2019, the new administration of the Fairfax County Commonwealth's Attorney Office said they would no longer prosecute marijuana possession cases. To date, the office will not prosecute cases involving assault and battery, prostitution, shoplifting, resisting arrest, reckless driving, possession of certain drugs (III, IV, V, or VI) as well as possession with intent to distribute certain drugs, animal cruelty cases in addition to many other misdemeanor offenses and traffic related cases, to include Class 1 Misdemeanor Reckless Driving, Hit and Run, Eluding, Driving on Suspended Operators License, No Valid Operator's License, Speeding violations and many accident related offenses, to name just a few types of charges the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney will not be personally involved with. Currently, the Commonwealth's Attorney's office is handling this list of cases.” (John A. Kassabian, “Case Not Being Prosecuted By The Commonwealth’s Attorney? You Could Still Be Convicted.,” Fairfax Criminal Defense Blog, Kassabian & Kassabian P.L.C. Website, 1/12/2021)

Descano Failed To Prosecute A Career Criminal, Who Subsequently Went On A Shooting Spree

“A gunman suspected of killing two homeless men and wounding others in two East Coast cities in March would have been in prison at the time of the shootings if not for the work of one progressive Virginia prosecutor.”(“How One Progressive Prosecutor Paved the Way for an East Coast Shooting Spree,” The Washington Free Beacon, 3/29/2022)

“Brevard has been in and out of jails for years in Maryland, the District and Virginia on charges ranging from shoplifting and unlawful entry to attacking a bicyclist with a knife and assaulting a police officer.” (“Mask, Gloves, Bullet Casings Among Evidence Tying Man To Attacks Of Homeless Men, Police Say,” The Washington Post, 3/16/2022)

“The office of Fairfax County commonwealth's attorney Steve Descano (D.) in December 2020 charged the shooter, Gerald Brevard III, with three felonies related to his attempt to abduct a hotel housekeeper and later break into a nearby apartment. The felonies—abduction with attempt to defile, burglary, and possession of burglarious tools—together would carry a minimum of 26 years in prison and up to a life sentence. But six months later in June 2021, Brevard was a free man. Descano's office reduced the first two felonies to misdemeanors, and dropped the third entirely, the case file shows, allowing him to leave prison after just five months. Less than a year later in March, Brevard opened fire on the first victim of his shooting spree.” (“How One Progressive Prosecutor Paved the Way for an East Coast Shooting Spree,” The Washington Free Beacon, 3/29/2022)

Since Descano Entered Office, Violent Crime Is On The Rise In Fairfax County

Crimes Against Persons increased by nearly 3% from 2020 to 2021 (FCPD 2021 Group A Offenses, Accessed 6/18/2022)

Descano’s Office Has Also Been Accused Of ‘Manipulating’ A 14 Year Old Victim Of An Online Predator

“The family of a 14-year-old Virginia girl, a victim of an online predator, is demanding justice in connection to the sentencing of her abuser… Julie, not her real name, said she’s been traumatized. First, by a manipulating online predator. Then, by the Fairfax County Commonwealth Attorney's Office.” (“Victim, 14, Speaks Out About How Fairfax County Prosecutors Handled Predator Criminal Case,” ABC News, 6/14/2022)

“During a pre-trial hearing, Julie believed she would only answer a few questions and Duarte would be on a video monitor from jail. Instead, Descano's prosecutor forced her to relive the sexually explicit chats with Duarte sitting only a foot away. Julie was shaken and that played a part in the prosecutor offering Duarte a plea deal. ‘They pressured me into trying to give a plea deal to him because they wanted to end the case as quickly as possible’ said Julie. ‘And you didn't want that?’ asked 7News Investigative Reporter Scott Taylor. ‘No,’ said Julie. Descano's office reduced Duarte's six felonies to two and a potential reduced maximum sentence of 20 years and a lifetime on Virginia's Sex Offenders List.” (“Victim, 14, Speaks Out About How Fairfax County Prosecutors Handled Predator Criminal Case,” ABC News, 6/14/2022)

Under Descano, The Fairfax DA’s Office Is In A Consistent State Of Disarray Culminating In An Exodus Of Prosecutors, While Those That Have Stayed Are ‘Overworked’ And ‘Untrained’

“Staff described a contentious work environment in the office, with Descano prone to angry outbursts when his judgment is questioned. More than half of the attorneys have departed since he took office, including four of his five deputy commonwealth's attorneys, leaving behind mostly unpracticed prosecutors to handle a flood of cases. Those who spoke with the Free Beacon did so anonymously for fear of career reprisals. All mentioned Descano's political ambitions.” (“How One Progressive Prosecutor Paved the Way for an East Coast Shooting Spree,” The Washington Free Beacon, 3/29/2022)

“Descano’s office confirmed at least 29 attorneys have left since he took office in 2020.” (“'Overwhelmed And Untrained' A Fairfax Co. Prosecutor's Plea For Help,” Fox 5, 4/05/2022)

“A Fairfax County assistant commonwealth’s attorney wrote an email to supervisors saying he was overwhelmed, unprepared, untrained, and making ‘numerous mistakes’ on sex crimes cases, yet continued to try sex crimes cases in the county for months.” (“'Overwhelmed And Untrained' A Fairfax Co. Prosecutor's Plea For Help,” Fox 5, 4/5/2022)



Related Issues: Law Enforcement, Crime