
The House Must Act On The USMCA Trade Agreement

Speaker Pelosi Is Ignoring The Broad, Bipartisan Agreement That USMCA Would Create Jobs And Boost American Business By Still Not Moving Towards A Vote In The House


SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The USMCA is the most consequential update of trade policy on this continent in a quarter-century. A huge opportunity to notch new pro-American policy victories and keep our North American neighbors close while we tackle other challenges such as China. But here we are, months after all three countries’ leaders signed the agreement, and we’re still waiting on House Democrats to let it move forward. Mexico’s already passed it. Canada’s waiting on our move. The Senate is ready and eager to ratify it. But the Senate can’t go first. The clock is ticking. Month after month, even as House Democrats have continually made vague statements that they support the USMCA and want to see it passed, we have yet to see any real progress. So Canada, Mexico, and millions of Americans are waiting for Speaker Pelosi to remember that serving the public interest requires more than just picking fights with the president. It actually entails addressing the people’s business.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 9/26/2019)

  • SEN. McCONNELL: “[H]ere we are, a year after all three countries announced the deal, and the Democrats’ heel-dragging continues. Speaker Pelosi keeps saying she supports the agreement in the abstract, but the drip, drip, drip of small objections and stalling tactics keep on coming. Even as Speaker Pelosi’s moderate members publicly beg her to pass this deal, it’s almost as though she’s still looking for reasons to duck it…. The United States of America needs this deal. American workers and small businesses need this deal. The time for excuses is over. The USMCA needs to move this fall. And that can’t happen until House Democrats stop blocking an enormous win for our nation.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 9/26/2019)

SEN. JONI ERNST (R-IA): “[I]t’s been [nearly 300] days since President Trump signed the new trade agreement with Mexico and Canada. And yet we have seen absolutely no movement in the House…. We need to be moving on this agreement. While I was out and about across Iowa, I was able to visit with a number of folks that would be affected, positively, if we get the USMCA done…. We need to continue pushing the House, and my question to them is ‘Speaker Pelosi, House Democrats, where are you on this? Where are you on this?’ The American people are waiting. We need to get this done as soon as possible, not just for my folks in Iowa but again for all Americans.” (Sen. Ernst, Press Conference, 9/24/2019)


Study: USMCA ‘Would Add $68.2 Billion To The U.S. Economy And Create 176,000 New Jobs’

“A new trade agreement between the U.S., Mexico and Canada would add $68.2 billion to the U.S. economy and create 176,000 new jobs, according to a study from the International Trade Commission released on Thursday…. ‘The model estimates that the agreement would likely have a positive impact on all broad industry sectors within the U.S. economy,’ the report says. ‘Manufacturing would experience the largest percentage gains in output, exports, wages, and employment, while in absolute terms, services would experience the largest gains in output and employment.’” (“USMCA To Add $68.2B To US Economy, Spur 176k Jobs Says Key Independent Review Panel, Fox Business, 4/18/2019)

“President Donald Trump’s trade pact with Mexico and Canada would drive growth in the US economy amid a boost for the automotive sector, according to an analysis by the International Trade Commission. The ITC said in its report released on Thursday that the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement would have a positive impact on US real gross domestic product and employment “if fully implemented and enforced”, citing new rules of origin governing vehicle production. The report also found benefits from reduced policy uncertainty regarding digital trade.” (“USMCA Trade Deal To Boost US Economy, Trade Commission Finds,” Financial Times, 4/18/2019)

“American dairy exports to Canada would increase by $227 million annually under the new USMCA deal, according to a report out today from the U.S. International Trade Commission. The 375-page report assessed the range of effects of the deal, including on dairy, which was among the most politically sensitive issues in Canada. The ITC estimated American dairy exports to Canada would jump significantly — by 43.8 percent.” (“U.S. ITC Report: Dairy Exports To Canada Would Grow $227M Under New Deal,” Politico Pro, 4/18/2019)


But Speaker Pelosi ‘Controls What Legislation Is Voted On’ And She Is Slow-Walking USMCA

“Pelosi leads the House and controls what legislation is voted on, meaning she has the power to kill the USMCA.” (Axios, 7/29/2019)

SENATE MAJORITY WHIP JOHN THUNE (R-SD): “The Republicans in the Senate are ready to consider the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. We are just waiting for the House Democrats to stop threatening to oppose the agreement and to show a willingness to put it to an up-or-down vote in the House of Representatives.” (Sen. Thune, Congressional Record, S.5501, 9/17/2019)

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has pushed back on Trump administration pressure to quickly advance the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement on trade.” (“Clock Ticks for Speedy USMCA Deal as Pelosi Forms Working Group,” National Journal, 6/13/2019)

“As for a trade deal that Illinois’ farmers and manufacturers want in place, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it’s not ready yet.” (“Pelosi Rallies Illinois Democrats, Says USMCA Isn’t Ready Yet,” The Center Square Illinois, 8/14/2019)


Many House Democrats Are Losing Patience With Speaker Pelosi’s Stalling

“[Rep. Abigail] Spanberger [D-VA] and other moderate freshman Democrats who flipped Republican districts to hand their party the majority in 2018 … are beginning to put increasing pressure on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to bring [the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement] to the floor as they head back from a summer recess spent talking to impatient constituents.” (“Why These Democrats Want To Make A Trade Deal With Trump,” Politico, 8/31/2019)

14 House Democrats: “We write … to ensure a vote on a bipartisan agreement by the end of this year. It is imperative that we reach a negotiated agreement early in the fall. Canada and Mexico are by far our most important trading partners, and we need to restore certainty in these critical relationships that support millions of American jobs.” (“14 House Democrats Urge Nancy Pelosi To Bring Vote On USMCA This Year,” Axios, 7/26/2019)

Letter signed by:

  • Reps. Colin Allred (D-TX), Scott Peters (D-CA), Kendra Horn (D-OK), Haley Stevens (D-MI), Anthony Brindisi (D-NY), Joe Cunningham (D-SC), Lizzie Fletcher (D-TX), Ben McAdams (D-UT), Josh Harder (D-CA), J. Luis Correa (D-CA), Sharice L. Davids (D-KS), TJ Cox (D-CA), Susie Lee (D-NV), Greg Stanton (D-AZ)

REP. ABIGAIL SPANBERGER (D-VA): “If we’re not seeing progress, if we’re not seeing the implementation documents by October, I think that’s a serious, serious problem.” (“Why These Democrats Want To Make A Trade Deal With Trump,” Politico, 8/31/2019)

REP. LIZZIE FLETCHER (D-TX): “[W]e need to see it keep moving…. The sooner we can work through these things and get to certainty, I think there’s a real benefit to everyone.” (“Why These Democrats Want To Make A Trade Deal With Trump,” Politico, 8/31/2019)

REP. ANTHONY BRINDISI (D-NY): “Once we start getting into September and there doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel, that’s going to cause a lot of concern for me…. [W]e have to move forward before we close off these markets.” (“Why These Democrats Want To Make A Trade Deal With Trump,” Politico, 8/31/2019)


‘The USMCA Is A Great Deal, And Congress Needs To Act Now’

VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: “The USMCA will fix NAFTA’s problems and accomplish much more. And not only is the agreement a bipartisan win for the United States, it’s a win for all three countries. The USMCA will help build on the remarkable economic success America has achieved under President Trump’s leadership. … As I’ve traveled across the country to discuss the merits of this historic trade deal, I’ve seen firsthand how important the USMCA is to the American people and to American businesses. Whether it was textile manufacturers in North Carolina, farmers in Minnesota, auto workers in Michigan or energy producers in Texas, they all agreed: The USMCA is a great deal, and Congress needs to act now.” (Vice President Pence, Op-Ed, “Mike Pence: Congress Must Pass The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement,” The Washington Post, 7/14/2019)

SEN. THUNE: “Let me be clear, political parties don’t win with USMCA. America wins, which is why every single living former secretary of agriculture who has served since the Reagan administration – Republican and Democrat – supports USMCA. Farming and ranching is a tough, unpredictable business. Last year at this time, many of the same parts of the state that have battled this year’s wet weather were facing opposite conditions – a drought. There’s more than enough unpredictability for these folks as it is, which is why we owe it to them to provide as much certainty as possible in the areas that are within our control. That’s exactly why the time is now to pass USMCA.” (Sen. Thune, Op-Ed, “The Time Is Now To Pass USMCA,” Argus Leader, 9/20/2019)

SEN. ERNST: “While I was out and about across Iowa, I was able to visit with a number of folks that would be affected, positively, if we get the USMCA done. One was Scott who is a dairy farmer from Jackson County, Iowa, and he told me that he is really hoping that Republicans and Democrats can work together to get this over the finish line because it is going to help our ag community. Then Kelly who is a farmer from Primghar, Iowa told me, while I was visiting, that Mexico and Canada are our two largest trade partners, for Iowa, and that this deal would have a direct impact on his farm. So it’s clear folks, we’ve got to get the USMCA done.” (Sen. Ernst, Press Conference, 9/24/2019)

SEN. ROB PORTMAN (R-OH): “Passing the USMCA will help the United States compete in today’s 21st-century economy. A vote for the USMCA is a vote for improved market access, more U.S. manufacturing, and a level playing field for U.S. workers and farmers. A vote against the USMCA is a vote for the status quo of unenforceable labor and environmental standards, nonexistent digital economy provisions, and outdated rules of origin provisions that allow more automobiles and auto parts to be manufactured overseas rather than here in the United States. Put these two agreements side by side and it’s clear: The USMCA is a much-needed upgrade… This fall, let’s work together to put the American people first and pass this agreement.” (Sen. Portman, Op-Ed, “USMCA Is A Needed Upgrade From NAFTA. Let’s Get It Passed,” The Washington Post, 9/9/2019)


Newspapers: USMCA ‘Should Get Top Priority’ Because It ‘Is A Real Improvement Over The Status Quo,’ And ‘Is Essential To Maintaining America’s Decade-Long Prosperity Streak’

THE WASHINGTON POST EDITORIAL BOARD: “Democrats Should Give Trump A Win On His Trade Deal With Mexico And Canada” (Editorial, “Democrats Should Give Trump A Win On His Trade Deal With Mexico And Canada,” The Washington Post, 9/11/2019)

  • “In one respect — updating rules for cross-border e-commerce, which was still in its infancy when NAFTA took effect 25 years ago — Mr. Trump’s deal is a real improvement over the status quo. For the rest, it mostly leaves NAFTA intact, or changes it in ways Democrats and their union allies have long demanded, especially by increasing the amount of U.S.-made inputs that cars and trucks would need to qualify for tariff-free trade among the three countries. What’s more, Mr. Trump negotiated access to a greater percentage of Canada’s notoriously closed dairy market.”  (Editorial, “Democrats Should Give Trump A Win On His Trade Deal With Mexico And Canada,” The Washington Post, 9/11/2019)

THE DETROIT NEWS EDITORIAL BOARD: “[Congress] should move to approve a new trade pact with Mexico and Canada. The window appears to be narrowing for getting anything productive done in Washington, but this is one piece of business that is essential to maintaining America’s decade-long prosperity streak. It should get top priority.” (Editorial, “Congress Should Pass USMCA Trade Pact,” The Detroit News, 9/24/2019)


Farmers, Manufacturers, And Other Business Groups Agree ‘The Benefits Of The USMCA Are Clear’

 “Industries from big business to farming and auto manufacturing are pressing Congress to pass the deal and provide a shred of certainty amid a volatile trade environment…. Canada and Mexico are now the United States' biggest trading partners, and locking in the new North American deal could go a long way toward boosting morale among exporters and importers and sparking new investments, supporters say.” (“Why These Democrats Want To Make A Trade Deal With Trump,” Politico, 8/31/2019)

AMERICAN FARM BUREAU FEDERATION: “We need Congress to pass the USMCA trade agreement to bring certainty to our already-positive trade relationship with our closest neighbors and build on that relationship with new opportunities and commitments. The benefits of the USMCA are clear. Estimates indicate we will gain more than $2 billion in additional farm exports and $65 billion in gross domestic product once the agreement is in place.” (Press Release, American Farm Bureau Federation, 9/12/2019)

MYRON BRILLIANT, Executive Vice President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce: “The Trump administration negotiated a good deal with Canada and Mexico and it deserves to be approved without delay. Approving USMCA will provide job creators with the certainty they need to invest and hire, and the improved market access it promises will spur economic growth. It will modernize North American trade in ways that set a positive precedent for future trade talks. Each day that passes without approving USMCA is a day that these benefits are deferred. Let’s build on our momentum and seize these benefits.” (Myron Brilliant, Op-Ed, “US Chamber Of Commerce Executive: Why Approving USMCA Is An Urgent Priority,” CNBC, 6/14/2019)

TOM LINEBARGER, Chairman and CEO of Cummins Inc. and Chair of the Business Roundtable Trade and International Committee: “The CEO members of Business Roundtable, who lead companies with more than 15 million employees, strongly support congressional passage of USMCA implementing legislation this year. We stand united to preserve and modernize North American trade, which supports over 12 million jobs and a strong U.S. economy.” (Press Release, Business Roundtable, 3/21/2019)

DAVID SCHWIETERT, Interim President and CEO, Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers: “Since the Trump administration first announced its intent to modernize our existing trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, the Auto Alliance has reiterated the absolute necessity of preserving the integrated North American automotive supply chain and maintaining the auto industry’s global competitiveness. Likewise, it is critical to remove tariffs and trade barriers that hinder economic growth. That’s why we’re pleased Mexico has taken steps to preserve North American competitiveness. Now that Mexico has passed USMCA, we look forward to working with the administration and Congress as they consider the trade agreement. Removing trade practices and barriers that hinder job creation will spur economic growth and stability for automakers, suppliers, dealers and, most importantly, consumers.” (Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, Statement, 6/19/2019)

MORE THAN 900 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE COMPANIES: “We, the undersigned organizations representing all segments of the U.S. food and agriculture value chain at the national, state and local levels, write to urge your strong support for swift ratification of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). USMCA will benefit the U.S. agriculture and food industry while providing consumers a more abundant supply of highquality, safe food at affordable prices… USMCA builds on the success of the NAFTA agreement, and will ultimately lead to freer markets and fairer trade. This modernized trade agreement makes improvements to further enhance U.S. food and agricultural exports to our neighbors and would deliver an additional $2.2 billion in U.S. economic activity.” (Letter from U.S. Food and Agriculture Associations and Companies to Congressional Leaders, 6/11/2019)



Related Issues: Jobs, Free Trade, Economy, Small Business