The Leader Board


Biden’s Inflation Bummer Summer With A Bummer From Summers

Inflation Is Seeping In To Every Aspect Of Americans' Lives, Making Everything People Enjoy Doing During Summer More Expensive, While Small Businesses And Even Local Governments Struggle With Increasing Costs, All Of Which Have Economists Seeing A Recession As More Likely Americans Are Facing A 'Bummer Summer' Because 'A Lot Of Things We Love To Do In The Summer' Will Cost More This Year "This is the least pandemic-y summer in two years, but inflation is dragging down the celebration. Mos… Continue Reading


Biden’s Border Crisis Shatters Records

Apprehensions Of Migrants Trying To Illegally Cross The U.S. Southern Border Broke An All-Time Record Last Month, Showing Once Again That The Biden Administration Has Completely Failed To Either Address The Crisis Apprehensions Of Illegal Immigrants At The Southern U.S. Border Reached 'An All-Time Monthly High' In May (U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Accessed 6/16/2022) "Border Patrol agents along the southern border recorded in May an all-time monthly high in apprehensions, proce… Continue Reading


Biden Will Have To Confront His Failures In The Middle East

As President Biden Prepares To Travel To The Middle East, He Has A Lot Of Damage Control To Do, Resulting From His Administration's Ill-Considered Policies Like Treating Saudi Arabia As A 'Pariah,' Chasing A Bad Nuclear Deal As Iranian Provocations Continue, And Forcing A Disastrous Withdrawal From Afghanistan That Has Left American Capabilities Diminished While The Taliban Represses Women And Provides A Haven For Al Qaeda America's Relationship With Saudi Arabia 'Has Reached A Low Point U… Continue Reading


Biden’s Inability To Tackle ‘White-Hot Inflation’ Cripples Families’ Budgets

With Prices Rising Even Higher Over The Last Month, And Gas Prices Eclipsing $5 Per Gallon, Families Are Now Having To Spend An Extra $460 Each Month To Keep Up With Inflation, And The Only Response The White House Can Muster Is Self-Pity Followed By Recycled Messaging Strategies, None Of Which Have 'Yielded Any New Direct Measures To Lower Costs' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Runaway inflation has pushed workers and families to the breaking point. According to one recent… Continue Reading


‘Brutal’ CPI Report Shows American Families Suffering Under Biden’s Historic Inflation Surge

Despite President Biden Confidently Predicting 'It's The Peak Of The Crisis' And That Prices Would Start Going Down Exactly Six Months Ago, Inflation In May 'Hit A Fresh 40-Year High,' Bringing 'Into Sharp Relief Just How Inescapable Inflation Has Become For Millions Of American Households' As Price Increases For Food, Energy, And Housing Make Families Struggle To Afford The Most Basic Expenses Inflation In May 'Unexpectedly' Increased 8.6% Year-On-Year, 'A Fresh 40-Year High' "US inflati… Continue Reading


Fed Up Voters Punish Democrats For Surging Crime And Rising Lawlessness

Americans Are Deeply Frustrated With Rising Crime And A Sense Of Lawlessness In Cities And Suburbs, And Are Demonstrating It Via The Ballot Box, Throwing Out San Francisco's Notorious Radical Progressive DA While Boosting Law-And-Order Candidates Elsewhere Fed Up With 'Rising Crime And Rampant Homelessness In Even The Most Progressive Corners Of The Country,' 'Voters In California Delivered A Stark Warning To The Democratic Party On Tuesday' Recalling Progressive San Francisco District Att… Continue Reading


Biden’s Energy Policies Have Americans Bracing For An Expensive Summer Punctuated By Blackouts

After Campaigning On Ending Fossil Fuels, President Biden Has Spent A Year Implementing Policies That Have Made Energy Prices Skyrocket, With The Price Of Gas Doubling And Electricity Rates Predicted To 'Rise By As Much As 233 Percent,' Even As Utilities Warn Of More Blackouts From Decreased Generating Capacity SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "In 2019, while running for the White House, President Biden made a public promise: 'I guarantee you we're going to end fossil fuels.'… Continue Reading


Biden’s Inflation Surge Hits Americans Who Can Least Afford It

Rampant Inflation Is Squeezing Americans Of Modest Means And Fixed Incomes Between Skyrocketing Gas Prices, More Costly Groceries, And Higher Rents For Even The Most Traditionally Affordable Housing SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "For families across America, the long holiday weekend also kicked off the excitement of summer traditions. But unfortunately, a year and a half into the failed policies of this all-Democrat government, even modest family celebrations came with pri… Continue Reading


‘Record-Breaking Turnout’ In Georgia Exposes Democrats’ Cynical Lies

LEADER McCONNELL: 'Shame On The Democrats Who Pushed The Big Lie That A Grand Scheme Was Afoot To Prevent Millions Of Americans From Voting. It Was Never True. It Was Just To Push Their Pre-Existing Policy Agenda' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Five months ago, Democrats and the media were saying the sky was falling because of some states' mainstream voting laws. Georgia passed a voting law that was more open than the rules on the books in blue states like New York and Del… Continue Reading


Democrats Showered States And Schools With Money They Didn’t Need, And Americans Got Inflation And A Mountain Of Wasteful Spending

Democrats Ignored Republicans' Warnings That $350 Billion For States And Over $120 Billion For Schools In Their Partisan Spending Bill Last Year Were Excessive And Inflationary, And Subsequent Reporting Has Shown That States Didn't Need The Money And Are Now Blowing It On Wasteful Projects, While School Districts Have Spent Next To None Of What They Received 'The Fact Is The Fiscal Armageddon That Covid-19 Was Expected To Bring To' State Governments 'Never Happened,' 'Instead, States Are F… Continue Reading


As Skyrocketing Energy Prices Pummel Americans With ‘Stagflationary Effects,’ The Biden Administration Shuts Down Yet More Domestic Energy Production

Americans Are Struggling With Massive Increases In Costs For Gasoline, Natural Gas, And Electricity, Yet The Biden Administration Obliviously Plows Ahead With Shutting Down More Oil & Gas Leasing And All Democrats In Congress Have To Offer Is Show Votes On Bad Legislation Economists Deride As 'Dangerous Nonsense' That Wouldn't Have 'Any Substantial Effect' On Inflation SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Getting to work, running errands, driving to church, visiting loved on… Continue Reading


The Importance To Taiwan Of Ukraine Successfully Defending Itself

Leaders In East Asia Know That Beijing Is Closely Watching What Happens In Ukraine And Successfully Defeating Russian Aggression There Could Be A Powerful Deterrent To Chinese Communist Party Aggression Against Taiwan SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Obviously, the biggest issue in the world right now and the most important issue on the floor of the Senate this week is assistance for Ukraine. As I think you know, I, along with Senators Barrasso, Collins, and Cornyn, had an o… Continue Reading


After Democrats Went Whole Hog On Spending, Americans’ Wallets Get Seared By Inflation

Poll After Poll Shows 'The Cost Of Living Remains The Public's Top Issue Facing The Country,' With Food And Fuel Prices Squeezing Families, Farmers, And Restaurants, Yet House Democrats Seem To Have Only 'Recently' Discovered This Reality After Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA)'s Revelation That Bacon Is Expensive SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The country just received yet another terrible inflation report. Yet again, overall inflation came in higher than expected: 8.3 percent. In… Continue Reading


Democrats Prioritize Third Trimester Abortions Over Tackling Inflation

As Generationally High Inflation Continues To Hammer American Families, Senate Democrats Are Focused On A Radical Nine Month Abortion On Demand Bill That Only 19% Of Americans Support SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The country just received yet another terrible inflation report. Yet again, overall inflation came in higher than expected: 8.3 percent. Inflation continues to stick right around its worst level in 40 years. The measure the Bureau of Labor Statistics calls 'core in… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Nine Month Abortion On Demand Bill Is Vastly Unpopular With Americans And Radical On A Global Scale

'Today's Democratic Party Is Profoundly Out Of Step With The American People On This Issue… Leader Schumer Wants The Senate To Vote Again On A Democrat Bill That Would Effectively Legalize Abortion On Demand Through All Nine Months' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "What is the Armageddon over which Democrats want to break the Senate, pack the Court, and condone potentially illegal rallies outside judges' family homes? Here's the case in question: Whether the state of Mis… Continue Reading


As Energy Prices Skyrocket, Democrats Keep Voting For Policies That Would Push Them Even Higher

Last Week, Most Senate Democrats Refused To Vote For Republican Motions That Would Help Increase American Energy Production Or Block Policies That Would Raise Energy Prices Even Further On Struggling Families SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "After ignoring federal law by failing to award a single oil or gas development lease for five straight quarters, the [Biden] Administration has shrunk its land offering by 80% while jacking up its royalty rate by fifty percent. That's ri… Continue Reading


Bipartisan Rejection Of The Biden Administration’s Awful Proposals For A New Nuclear Deal With Iran

'President Joe Biden's Bid To Revive The Iran Nuclear Deal Flunked Its First Test In The U.S. Senate': The Senate Sent An Unmistakable Bipartisan Message To The Biden Administration That A New Nuclear Deal With Iran Cannot Repeat The Deficiencies Of The Obama Administration's 2015 Deal More Than 60 Senators Agree That Any Nuclear Deal With Iran Must Address Iran's Ballistic Missiles Program And Support For Terrorism, Retain Sanctions On Iran's Revolutionary Guard, And Take Into Account Chi… Continue Reading


Democrats Keep Acting Like They Know Better Than Parents What’s Best For Children

President Biden Recently Articulated To Teachers That 'They're Not Somebody Else's Children; They're Like Yours When They're In The Classroom,' And His Administration Keeps Acting Like It, Pushing Policies That Force Toddlers To Wear Masks Outside On Playgrounds, Refusing To Take On Teachers' Unions That Kept Schools Closed, And Encouraging School Districts To Use Federal Money To Implement Aspects Of Critical Race Theory SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Senate Republicans m… Continue Reading


Democrats Are Disgracefully Eager To Burn Down The Institutions Of Our Constitutional Government

Following Last Night's Unprecedented Leak Of A Draft Supreme Court Opinion In A Brazen Attempt To Influence The Court, Democrats Immediately Resumed Their Assaults On The Integrity Of Both The Supreme Court And The United States Senate SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Last night's stunning breach was an attack on the independence of the Supreme Court. By every indication, this was yet another escalation in the radical left's ongoing campaign to bully and intimidate federal j… Continue Reading


Pickle Ball Courts, CRT Training, Parking Meter Readers, And Golf Course Irrigation: The Wasteful Legacy Of Biden’s Slush Fund For State And Local Governments

As Democrats Prepared To Pass Their Massive $1.9 Trillion Left-Wing Wish List Of Stimulus Spending Last Year, President Biden Asked, 'What Would They Have Me Cut?' Senate Republicans' Answer: The $350 Billion State And Local Slush Fund That Predictably Financed A Smorgasbord Of Wasteful Projects Unrelated To The Pandemic SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Democrats spent two trillion dollars of the American people's money and purchased the worst inflation in more than 40 years… Continue Reading

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