The Leader Board


Democrats’ Massive Spending Bill Leading To Unfortunate Yet Obvious Economic Results

Republican Warnings About Democrats' Spending Spree Are Coming True As Business Owners Have To Compete With Enhanced Unemployment Benefits As They Struggle To Hire Workers The April Jobs Report Was 'The Biggest Miss, Relative To Expectations, In Decades' "Hiring was a huge letdown in April, with nonfarm payrolls increasing by a much less than expected 266,000 and the unemployment rate rose to 6.1% amid an escalating shortage of available workers. Dow Jones estimates had been for 1 million… Continue Reading


All Of The Worst Provisions Remain In Democrats’ Partisan Election Takeover

As Democrats Prepare To Mark Up S.1, The Democrat Politician Protection Act, It Still Would Funnel Public Money To Politicians' Campaigns, Turn The FEC Into A Partisan Weapon, Unconstitutionally Regulate Core Political Speech And Encourage Political Intimidation, And Consolidate Control Over Elections In Washington While Undermining Voter ID Requirements And Imposing Ballot Harvesting On States "The Senate is headed for a showdown over Democrats' sweeping voting rights and election overhaul … Continue Reading


Adulation For Sen. Tim Scott’s Inspirational Address

Praise Pours In For Sen. Tim Scott's (R-SC) 'Compelling,' 'Brilliant,' 'Inspiring And Hopeful,' 'Powerful And True' Republican Response Sen. Scott's Colleagues: 'Tim Scott Is A Brave, Courageous, And Inspirational Leader,' 'He Gave A Bright & Hopeful Message To America,' And Did 'An Outstanding Job Showing The American People An Alternative … Conservative Point Of View And Did It In A Way That Was Respectful' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Senator Tim Scott i… Continue Reading


President Biden’s Bait-And-Switch Speech

In His First Major Address To Congress, President Biden Wiped Away His Campaign Trail Assertion That 'Americans Aren't Looking For Revolution' And Instead Embraced 'A Breathtaking Scope Of Change' That Would Amount To 'The Biggest Expansion Of American Government In Decades' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This isn't what the American people voted for. This country just elected a 50-50 Senate, a very closely-divided House, and a President who talked a big game about cutting de… Continue Reading


‘Centrist Words, Liberal Actions’: Biden’s First 100 Days

Though Joe Biden Ran As A Unifying Figure, The Record Of His First 100 Days Is One Of Partisan Ideological Left-Wing Governance President Biden Pledged Unity But Has Spent His First 100 Days Governing From The Left Despite Biden's Call For Unity, His First Actions As President Were 'To Advance A Liberal Agenda' And 'Offer Little Compromise' The Rhetoric: 'Unity Is The Path Forward … I Will Fight As Hard For Those Who Did Not Support Me As For Those Who Did,' '[The American People]… Continue Reading


Democrats Vote To Allow Colleges To Discriminate Against Asian-Americans

Not A Single Senate Democrat Voted For An Amendment Offered By Sens. Ted Cruz And John Kennedy That Would Have Denied Funding For Universities That Discriminate Against Asian-Americans In Admissions SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): "This amendment is straightforward. It targets the ongoing discrimination that is being directed against Asian-Americans by colleges and universities across the country, including preeminent institutions such as Yale and Harvard, which are denying admission to qualified Asia… Continue Reading


Dems Agree Biden Infrastructure Plan Is A Stalking Horse For Their Radical Green New Deal

'The Far Left Sees A Strong Family Resemblance Between These Proposals And Their Socialist Green New Deal. [This Week] The House And Senate Authors Of That Manifesto Reintroduced It, While Noting, And Boasting, That The DNA Of The Green New Deal Is All Over President Biden's Legislative Proposals' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Early on, a major theme of the Biden Administration has been false advertising. We have the so-called 'COVID relief bill' that broke a long biparti… Continue Reading


Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans United Against Far-Left Justice Dept. Nominee

SEN. CORNYN: 'The Opposition To [Vanita] Gupta Is A Direct Result Of Her History Of Inflammatory Public Statements, Radical Policy Positions, And A Laundry List Of Misleading Statements' Republican Judiciary Committee Members: 'Ms. Gupta's Answers To Questions Were Troubling To Many Members On The Committee, Including … The Fact That It Appears That Many Of Those Answers Were Inconsistent With Her Past Statements' And 'There Remain Significant Questions About Ms. Gupta's Temperament… Continue Reading


Democrats Breathe New Life Into The Ugly Cadaver Of Court Packing

As A Group Of Hard Left Democrats Stood On The Steps Of The Supreme Court To Introduce Legislation To Pack It And Thereby 'Destroy Its Legitimacy [In Order To] Guarantee The Rulings Liberals Want,' It Was Clear That The Recent Words And Actions Of Democrats Who Weren't There Encouraged This Radical Power Grab SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Time and time again, prominent Democrats show they're no longer content to work within the ground rules and norms of our institutions, … Continue Reading


Americans Reject Democrats’ Attempts To Redefine ‘Infrastructure’

With Democrats Trying To Redefine Infrastructure To Mean Any Left-Wing Program On Any Subject They've Ever Desired, A New Poll Finds Most Americans Agree With The Traditional Definition Of Infrastructure And Have Little Appetite For Lashing It To Expansive Liberal Wish Lists SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[Recently] the Biden Administration unveiled their latest misleadingly-titled legislation. This time, under the supposed veil of 'infrastructure', the White House has lump… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Taxpayer-Financed State Slush Fund Helps NY & CA As They Dole Out Cash For Illegal Immigrants

As Waves Of Migrants Continue To Flood The Southern U.S. Border, The Left-Wing Democrat-Dominated State Governments Of New York And California Are Writing Checks To Illegal Immigrants While Those States Get A Windfall Of Federal Money From Democrats' Partisan Stimulus Bill New York Democrats Are Sending $2.1 Billion To Illegal Immigrants … "[A]fter a sweeping move by lawmakers this week, New York will now offer one-time payments of up to $15,600 to undocumented immigrants who lost … Continue Reading


To Redefine Infrastructure Spending, Democrats Choose ‘Violence To The English Language’

As Democrats Attempt To Justify The Massive Spending On Social Programs And Other 'Liberal Wish List' Items In President Biden's Supposed 'Infrastructure' Proposal, They Are Nakedly Attempting To Redefine 'Infrastructure' To Include Things Most Americans Would Never Consider 'Infrastructure' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Our nation could use a serious, targeted infrastructure plan. There would be bipartisan support for a smart proposal. Unfortunately, the latest liberal w… Continue Reading


A ‘Trojan Horse’ Infrastructure Plan

Behind The Veneer Of 'Infrastructure,' President Biden's $2.25 Trillion Plan Is 'A Way Of Accomplishing Many Of The Goals Of The Green New Deal' And Not A Targeted Infrastructure Plan SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Our nation could use a serious, targeted infrastructure plan. There would be bipartisan support for a smart proposal. Unfortunately, the latest liberal wish-list the White House has decided to label 'infrastructure' is a major missed opportunity by this Administ… Continue Reading


Harris Is Now In Charge Of The Border Mess, But Her Comments Helped Fuel The Crisis

The Biden Administration's Policies And 'Terrible' Messaging Led To The Crisis At The Border, And Putting Kamala Harris, Who Once Said She Favors Decriminalizing Unauthorized Border Crossings, Shows How Unserious They Are About Solving It 'Biden Transition Officials Understood The Risks … Yet Biden Immediately Embarked On An Aggressive Strategy To Roll Back Trump Administration Policies,' 'The Administration Also Took Several Steps … That Increased The Flow Of Migrants And En… Continue Reading


The Democrat Politician Protection Act’s Assault On America’s State-Run Elections

Democrats' Partisan Bill 'Usurps States' Authority Over Elections' Forcing One-Size-Fits-All Dicta From Washington On Everything From Mandating Use Of Technology That Doesn't Yet Exist To Gutting Voter ID Laws To Compelling States To Allow Ballot Harvesting To A New Unaccountable Redistricting Process SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "In this country, states and localities run elections. Those of us in the federal government do not get a stranglehold over the ways in which vote… Continue Reading


AOC Reveals What’s Inside The Democrats’ Infrastructure Trojan Horse

SPOILER: It's The Green New Deal SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "We're hearing the next few months might bring a so-called 'infrastructure' proposal that may actually be a Trojan horse for massive tax hikes and other job-killing left-wing policies. Remember, the House Democrats tipped their hand last year. They published a sprawling proposal that pretended to be a highway bill but was really just a multi-thousand-page cousin of the Green New Deal. It would have plowed unbeliev… Continue Reading


Schools Could Reopen Now, But Dems And Teachers’ Unions Still Resist

With Scientific Studies Showing Schools Can Safely Reopen With Precautions, Teachers' Unions Are Still Coming Up With New Excuses Not To Return To The Classroom As Prominent Democrats Refuse To Condition School Funding On Reopening SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "For months, science has confirmed that schools are remarkably safe and do not surge transmission of the virus. This Administration's own experts amplified this before liberal politics got in the way…. [I]nst… Continue Reading


Fair Weather Filibusterers

Democrats Were Happy To Use The Filibuster When It Benefited Them In The Minority, But Now In The Majority And Under Pressure From Far-Left Activists Seem Poised To Abandon Everything They've Said And Done In Recent Years About Protecting The Filibuster And 'Respect For The Minority' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[U]nder pressure from the outside, many of our Democratic colleagues are abandoning their stated principles as fast as possible…. The framers designed the… Continue Reading


Democrat Politician Protection Act: Dems Use The Law To Fund Their Campaigns And Intimidate Their Opponents

The Democrat Politician Protection Act Passed In The House Allows Democrats To Use Public Money To Pay For Their Political Campaigns, Transforms The FEC Into A Partisan Weapon With Dramatically Expanded Powers To Police Americans' Political Speech, And Forces Private Donor Disclosures That Would Invite Public Political Attacks And Intimidation SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[Democrats are] recycl[ing] failed legislation that would have Washington Democrats grab unprecedent… Continue Reading


‘A Classic Example Of Big Government Democratic Overreach’

Democrats 'Loaded Up The Bill With Liberal Policies That They Supported Long Before The Advent Of The Coronavirus Crisis,' Boasting At Every Turn About It Being 'Transformative,' 'Ideological,' And 'The Most Progressive Piece Of Legislation In History' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The president will soon be signing the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill. ... This is a classic example of big government Democratic overreach in the name of COVID relief. And we all know that what w… Continue Reading

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