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Democrats Vote To Keep Americans’ Energy Bills High

Senate Democrats Voted To Continue President Biden's War On Fossil Fuels By Rejecting Sen. Barrasso's Amendment That Would Have Reversed The Biden Administration's Assault On Oil & Natural Gas Development On Federal Lands All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. John Barrasso's (R-WY) amendment to force the Biden Administration to hold onshore lease sales as required by law. (S. Amdt. 5409, H.R. 5376, Roll Call Vote #291: Amendment Rejected 50-50: D 0-48; R 50-0; I 0-2, 8/07/2022) … Continue Reading


Democrats Vote To Raise Americans’ Gas Prices

Even As Gas Prices Remain Over $4 Per Gallon, Democrats Voted For A Tax On Oil Companies That Will Be Passed Along To Americans Every Time They Fill Up At A Gas Station All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. Lindsey Graham's (R-SC) amendment to eliminate the tax imposed on oil companies in Democrats' reckless taxing and spending bill. (S. Amdt. 5301, H.R. 5376, Roll Call Vote #289: Amendment Rejected 50-50: D 0-48; R 50-0; I 0-2, 8/07/2022) Among the Democrats voting for higher gas pr… Continue Reading


Why Won’t Sen. Manchin Wait Just Four Days For The July Inflation Numbers He Said He Needed To See?

Less Than A Month Ago, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) Asked, 'Can We Just Wait Until The Inflation Figures Come Out In July?' Yet He's Poised To Join Every Other Democrat To Rush Ahead With Their Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree Before The July Inflation Report Arrives On August 10th Sen. Manchin Asked 'Can We Just Wait Until The Inflation Figures Come Out In July?,' 'So We Know That We're Going Down The Path That Won't Be Inflammatory To Add More To Inflation,' 'I Want To Make Sure That We're N… Continue Reading


What Else Is Joe Manchin Wrong About?

Last Year, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) Was Wrong When He Claimed The $2 Trillion Spending Bill He Provided The 50th Vote For Wouldn't Cause Inflation And This Year He's Wrong That The New Bill He's Endorsing Doesn't Raise Taxes, So Americans Must Wonder How Many Other Manchin Assertions About Democrats' Latest Taxing And Spending Spree Are Wrong Joe Manchin Was Wrong About Democrats' $2 Trillion Spending Bill In 2021, Saying It Wouldn't Cause Inflation, And Is Now Saying The Same Thing About D… Continue Reading


Yes, Joe, Democrats Are Raising Taxes

Multiple Analyses By The Joint Committee On Taxation And Other Tax Experts Prove False Democrats' Farcical Claims That They're Not Raising Taxes And Show Their Tax Hikes Will Fall On Middle Class Americans And Small Businesses Democrats Are Insisting To Anyone Who Will Listen That They're 'Not Raising Any Taxes' Or 'Will Not Raise Taxes On Anyone Making Less Than $400,000 A Year' FOX NEWS' BRET BAIER: "So in 2010, you said this: 'I don't think during a time of recession, you mess with any… Continue Reading


Democrats Revive Some Of Their Worst Taxing And Spending Spree Policies That Would Cost Americans And Kill Jobs

'Democrats Have Outlined A Giant Package Of Huge New Job-Killing Tax Hikes, Green New Deal Craziness That Will Kill American Energy, And Prescription Drug Socialism That Will Leave Us With Fewer New Life-Saving Medicines' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "A few years back, our colleague the senior Senator for West Virginia said, 'I don't think [that] during a time of recession, you mess with any of the taxes, or increase any taxes.' But [Wednesday], Washington Democrats announce… Continue Reading


Senate Dems Are Angry Their Tax Hikes Might Be Delayed

Facing A Setback In Their Years-Long Quest For Crippling Tax Hikes, Democrats Vented Their Fury At Being Denied An Opportunity To Vote To Raise Taxes As The U.S. Economy Teeters On The Brink Of Recession SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "So we've got the worst inflation since 1981. The vast majority of Americans are saying it has them in a bind financially. And it's low- and middle-income families who are bearing the brunt of it. This is the landscape as Washington Democrats … Continue Reading


Dems Attempting To Resurrect Their Reckless Taxing And Spending Plans At The Worst Possible Time

With Inflation Crushing Families' Finances And The Economy On The Precipice Of A Recession, Senate Democrats Are Huddling Behind Closed Doors Attempting To Revive Their Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree, Which Would Raise Taxes On Americans And Exacerbate Inflation SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Democrats' reckless inflationary spending has already slapped what amounts to a gigantic tax hike on working American families. One recent poll found more than 90% of Americans sa… Continue Reading


‘Build Back Better?’ Never Heard Of It!

The Only Thing More Obvious Than This Photoshop Is Democrats' Efforts To Hawk The Same Bad Policies From Their Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree As A 'New' Proposal SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): 'I Don't Know Where That Came From … Nothing's Changed' SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): "I don't know where that came from…. Nothing's changed." ("Manchin Pours Water On Biden's Attempt To Revive Build Back Better," The Hill, 3/01/2022) SEN. MANCHIN: "I've never found out that you can l… Continue Reading


Biden’s State Of The Union Address Maligned For Its Myriad Manifest Failures

President Biden's Speech Was Panned For Being 'Totally Out Of Step With Reality For Where Most Americans Are,' Dinged By Fact-Checkers, Featured 'An Unusual Number' Of Gaffes, And Highlighted Intra-Democratic Feuds On Spending, Inflation, And Defunding The Police SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Last night, President Biden gave a State of the Union address that might have worked okay for a popular administration that had been successfully tackling America's problems and earning… Continue Reading


Biden Still Falsely Claiming His Taxing And Spending Plans Somehow ‘Will Lower Your Costs And Lower The Deficit’

"During Tuesday's State of the Union, Biden will recast his stalled Build Back Better agenda as an opportunity to rein in the debt, arguing that the sweeping child care, climate and health care package can lower costs for both Americans and the federal government, senior administration officials said ahead of the speech." ("Biden Throws A Line To Joe Manchin And Hopes He Bites," Politico, 3/01/2022) PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: "My plan to fight inflation will lower your costs and lower the deficit." (… Continue Reading


The ‘Lie Of The Year’: Biden’s Claims His Spending Spree Is Fully Paid For

Analyses From The Congressional Budget Office Have Shown That Democrats' Multitrillion Spending Bill Would Add A Tidal Wave Of Red Ink To The Deficit, Making Their Claims The Bill Is Fully Paid For The 'Lie Of The Year' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[O]n Friday, a new report showed their socialist shopping spree could cost the country trillions more than Democrats admit. You see, as one of our Democratic colleagues explained last month, his party's bill is packed full of 'sh… Continue Reading

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