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Senate Back To Work: FAA & Energy

The Stack Of Significant Legislation Passed By The Republican Senate Solving 'Big, Entrenched Problems' Continues To Grow FAA: 'Passenger-Friendly' & Will 'Ramp Up Airport Security' SEN. JOHN THUNE (R-SD), Commerce Committee Chairman: "Passage of this bipartisan legislation is a win for airline passenger rights, advancing responsible drone usage, boosting the competitiveness of the aerospace industry, and making our skies safe." (Senate Commerce, Science, & Transportation Committee… Continue Reading


Shock: Dems Block Funding For Vets

Last Week Dems Again Blocked Funding For Active Duty Troops, Families, And Veterans "Democrats on Thursday blocked the Senate from turning to a $78 billion spending measure for the Department of Veterans Affairs and military base construction." ("Democrats Block Veterans Funding Bill As Budget Talks Loom," Associated Press, 10/1/15) SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY): "'They issued press releases praising the bill, but they seem prepared to block the Senate from even debating this bill, too,' he said… Continue Reading

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