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As Americans Face The ‘Costliest Winter In Decades’ They’ll Know Democrats’ Energy Policies Are To Blame

The Biden Administration Has Spent Nearly Two Years Strangling Affordable American Energy Production And Infrastructure, Leaving Families Facing Huge Double-Digit Increases In Prices For Almost Every Fuel They Use To Heat Their Homes SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Families across America have felt the brunt of this all-Democratic government's failed energy policies…. American families and small businesses know their electricity bills skyrocketed this spring and summer.… Continue Reading


Democrats Angriest At Saudis Have Voted Over And Over To Choke U.S. Oil Production

Senate Democrats Who Are Now Raging The Loudest At OPEC Cuts To Oil Production Have Voted Repeatedly Over The Last Two Years To Make Energy More Expensive For Americans Senate Democrats Are Venting Their Rage At OPEC And Saudi Arabia For Cutting Oil Production SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): "This simple yet urgent measure would halt U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia … Saudis must reverse their oil supply cuts, which aid & abet Russia's savage criminal invasion, endanger the worl… Continue Reading


Humiliated By OPEC, Biden Crawls To Venezuela For Oil, But Still Won’t Unleash American Energy Production

Obsessed With Far-Left Green New Deal Ideology, President Biden And His Administration Will Repeatedly Beg Bad Actors Overseas For Oil, But Still Refuse To End Their Attacks On U.S. Oil And Gas Production, Leaving American Families To Pay The Price SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Families across America have felt the brunt of this all-Democratic government's failed energy policies…. Here's what working families in Kentucky know: That a gallon of gas costs over a full… Continue Reading


Americans Are Paying For Biden’s Failed Energy Policies

Americans Already Paying More To Fill Up Their Cars, Heat Their Homes, And Keep Their Lights On Are Likely To Pay Even More For Those Things This Winter, As Families Continue To Suffer The Consequences Of President Biden's Failed Energy Policies SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Families across America have felt the brunt of this all-Democratic government's failed energy policies…. Here's what working families in Kentucky know: That a gallon of gas costs over a full do… Continue Reading


President Biden Is Breathtakingly Out Of Touch

In His Recent '60 Minutes' Interview, President Biden Made Claims About The Economy That Are Deeply Out Of Touch With The Experiences Of American Families Struggling To Pay For Groceries And Power In The Midst Of Massive Price Increases SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[L]ast night, on '60 Minutes,' President Biden gave an almost comically out-of-touch interview on the inflation crisis. The President argued - with a straight face - that the American people ought to be gratef… Continue Reading


As Yellen Touts Subsidies For Wealthy Households To Buy Electric Vehicles, Californians Are Begged Not To Charge Theirs

Just As Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Travels To Detroit To Try To Sell Americans On Subsidizing Wealthy Households To Purchase Electric Vehicles, California Is Suffering An Energy Nightmare Where Citizens Can't Charge Their Vehicles Or Cool Their Homes And Other Biden Officials Point To California As A Model SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "And in California, state and local Democrats have wasted no time taking things even farther in the wrong direction. Democrats have ma… Continue Reading


Reality Check: What Biden’s Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree Will And Won’t Do

The Partisan Bill President Biden Signs Into Law Today Will Do Nothing For American Families Already Suffering From Record Inflation, While Saddling Them With Higher Taxes, Higher Energy Bills, And Aggressive IRS Audits SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The last time Senate Democrats tried to remake the economy on party lines, they shoved American families into the worst inflation in 40 years. Democrats got all-you-can-eat liberal spending and working families got stuck with t… Continue Reading


Democrats Vote AGAIN To Keep Americans’ Energy Bills High

After Rejecting An Earlier Amendment To Stop The Biden Administration's Constant Delays And Obstruction Of Oil And Gas Development On Federal Lands, Democrats Then Voted Against Sen. Kennedy's Amendment To Require The Administration To End Its Blockade Of Offshore Drilling For Oil And Gas All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. John Kennedy's (R-LA) amendment to force the Biden Administration to hold offshore oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska. (S. Amdt. 5387, H.R. 5… Continue Reading


Democrats Vote To Continue Biden’s War On Coal

Democrats Voted To Protect A $45 Million Slush Fund In Their Legislation That Is Attempting To Circumvent This Year's Supreme Court Ruling That The EPA Lacks Statutory Authority To Control Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Regulations On Power Plants All 50 Senate Democrats voted for a slush fund to continue the Biden administration's War on Coal in an attempt to circumvent the Supreme Court's ruling that the EPA has no authority to regulate power plant greenhouse emissions under this statute… Continue Reading


Democrats Vote To Keep Americans’ Energy Bills High

Senate Democrats Voted To Continue President Biden's War On Fossil Fuels By Rejecting Sen. Barrasso's Amendment That Would Have Reversed The Biden Administration's Assault On Oil & Natural Gas Development On Federal Lands All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. John Barrasso's (R-WY) amendment to force the Biden Administration to hold onshore lease sales as required by law. (S. Amdt. 5409, H.R. 5376, Roll Call Vote #291: Amendment Rejected 50-50: D 0-48; R 50-0; I 0-2, 8/07/2022) … Continue Reading


Democrats Vote To Raise Americans’ Gas Prices

Even As Gas Prices Remain Over $4 Per Gallon, Democrats Voted For A Tax On Oil Companies That Will Be Passed Along To Americans Every Time They Fill Up At A Gas Station All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. Lindsey Graham's (R-SC) amendment to eliminate the tax imposed on oil companies in Democrats' reckless taxing and spending bill. (S. Amdt. 5301, H.R. 5376, Roll Call Vote #289: Amendment Rejected 50-50: D 0-48; R 50-0; I 0-2, 8/07/2022) Among the Democrats voting for higher gas pr… Continue Reading


Yes, Joe, Democrats Are Raising Taxes

Multiple Analyses By The Joint Committee On Taxation And Other Tax Experts Prove False Democrats' Farcical Claims That They're Not Raising Taxes And Show Their Tax Hikes Will Fall On Middle Class Americans And Small Businesses Democrats Are Insisting To Anyone Who Will Listen That They're 'Not Raising Any Taxes' Or 'Will Not Raise Taxes On Anyone Making Less Than $400,000 A Year' FOX NEWS' BRET BAIER: "So in 2010, you said this: 'I don't think during a time of recession, you mess with any… Continue Reading


Democrats Revive Some Of Their Worst Taxing And Spending Spree Policies That Would Cost Americans And Kill Jobs

'Democrats Have Outlined A Giant Package Of Huge New Job-Killing Tax Hikes, Green New Deal Craziness That Will Kill American Energy, And Prescription Drug Socialism That Will Leave Us With Fewer New Life-Saving Medicines' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "A few years back, our colleague the senior Senator for West Virginia said, 'I don't think [that] during a time of recession, you mess with any of the taxes, or increase any taxes.' But [Wednesday], Washington Democrats announce… Continue Reading


Biden’s Inflation Brings Americans ‘The Most Expensive July Fourth’ In Years

One Year After President Joe Biden's White House Embarrassingly Boasted That Inflation Wasn't Something To Worry About Because Independence Day Cookouts Would Cost 16 Cents Less, Americans 'Have Literally Become Poorer, By Any Concept, Over The Last Year,' And Will Be Paying Significantly More For Everything This Fourth Of July, From Cookouts To Travel According To The American Farm Bureau Federation, Americans Will Pay 17% More Overall For Their Fourth Of July Cookout Than Last Year … Continue Reading


Consensus In Washington: Biden’s ‘Very Showbiz’ Gas Tax Gimmick Panned By Everyone

President Biden's Sudden Desire To Suspend The Federal Gas Tax Has Been Derided By Economists As 'Shortsighted, Ineffective, Goofy And Gimmicky' As Well As Inflationary, Questioned By His Own Treasury Department Officials, Rejected By Congressional Republicans, And Dismissed By Prominent Democrats Because It 'Will Not Provide Meaningful Relief At The Pump' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[On Wednesday,] the Biden Administration announced another ineffective stunt to mask th… Continue Reading


Biden’s Energy Policies Have Americans Bracing For An Expensive Summer Punctuated By Blackouts

After Campaigning On Ending Fossil Fuels, President Biden Has Spent A Year Implementing Policies That Have Made Energy Prices Skyrocket, With The Price Of Gas Doubling And Electricity Rates Predicted To 'Rise By As Much As 233 Percent,' Even As Utilities Warn Of More Blackouts From Decreased Generating Capacity SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "In 2019, while running for the White House, President Biden made a public promise: 'I guarantee you we're going to end fossil fuels.'… Continue Reading


Biden’s Inflation Surge Hits Americans Who Can Least Afford It

Rampant Inflation Is Squeezing Americans Of Modest Means And Fixed Incomes Between Skyrocketing Gas Prices, More Costly Groceries, And Higher Rents For Even The Most Traditionally Affordable Housing SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "For families across America, the long holiday weekend also kicked off the excitement of summer traditions. But unfortunately, a year and a half into the failed policies of this all-Democrat government, even modest family celebrations came with pri… Continue Reading


As Skyrocketing Energy Prices Pummel Americans With ‘Stagflationary Effects,’ The Biden Administration Shuts Down Yet More Domestic Energy Production

Americans Are Struggling With Massive Increases In Costs For Gasoline, Natural Gas, And Electricity, Yet The Biden Administration Obliviously Plows Ahead With Shutting Down More Oil & Gas Leasing And All Democrats In Congress Have To Offer Is Show Votes On Bad Legislation Economists Deride As 'Dangerous Nonsense' That Wouldn't Have 'Any Substantial Effect' On Inflation SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Getting to work, running errands, driving to church, visiting loved on… Continue Reading


As Energy Prices Skyrocket, Democrats Keep Voting For Policies That Would Push Them Even Higher

Last Week, Most Senate Democrats Refused To Vote For Republican Motions That Would Help Increase American Energy Production Or Block Policies That Would Raise Energy Prices Even Further On Struggling Families SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "After ignoring federal law by failing to award a single oil or gas development lease for five straight quarters, the [Biden] Administration has shrunk its land offering by 80% while jacking up its royalty rate by fifty percent. That's ri… Continue Reading


Biden Administration Works To Curtail American Energy Production At Every Turn

As American Families Are Being Hit With Soaring Energy Costs On Everything From Gas To Electricity, The Biden Administration Keeps Trying To Strangle American Energy Production By Limiting Land For Development, Raising Costs, And Piling On Regulations And Lawsuits, Because 'President Biden Remains Absolutely Committed To Not Moving Forward With Additional Drilling On Public Lands' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The administration wants everybody else to produce more except us… Continue Reading

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