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Democrats Holding Critical NDAA Hostage For Unrelated Partisan Policies

'The National Defense Authorization Act Is The Most Important Bill We Pass Every Year,' But Democrat Leaders In Congress Are Holding This Year's Bill Hostage To Partisan Priorities That Are Unrelated To American Security SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Republicans spent months urging the Democratic majority not to neglect this year's National Defense Authorization Act; not to leave our Armed Forces to the last minute. Five months ago, I called on our colleagues to process t… Continue Reading


As Energy Prices Skyrocket, Democrats Keep Voting For Policies That Would Push Them Even Higher

Last Week, Most Senate Democrats Refused To Vote For Republican Motions That Would Help Increase American Energy Production Or Block Policies That Would Raise Energy Prices Even Further On Struggling Families SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "After ignoring federal law by failing to award a single oil or gas development lease for five straight quarters, the [Biden] Administration has shrunk its land offering by 80% while jacking up its royalty rate by fifty percent. That's ri… Continue Reading


Government Funding Agreement Provides Critical Boost To Defense Spending At A Dangerous Time

Russia's Unprovoked Invasion Of Ukraine Is A Reminder That Threats To The United States And Our Interests And Allies Around The World Have Not Diminished, Making The Increases In Defense Spending Secured By Republicans In The Bipartisan Government Funding Agreement All The More Essential SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This bipartisan government funding agreement is the major step forward that our national security needs. This is a dangerous time for the United States and o… Continue Reading


Bipartisan Demands For Sen. Schumer To Bring NDAA To The Senate Floor

'There Is No Reason That This Bill Has Not Been Put On The Floor In The Senate': With The Calendar Well Into November, Sen. Schumer Is Still Delaying Consideration Of The Critical Annual Defense Authorization Bill, And Even The Democratic Chairs Of The Armed Services Committees Are Joining Senate Republicans In Voicing Their Frustration SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Each year, the National Defense Authorization Act represents the Senate's most consequential opportunity to h… Continue Reading


American Security Can’t Wait For Democrats’ NDAA Delays

Senate Democrats Still Haven't Brought The Annual National Defense Authorization Act To The Senate Floor While ISIS And Al Qaeda Gather Strength, China Threatens Taiwan And Works To Undermine American Military Capabilities, Iran Accelerates Its Nuclear Program, North Korea Advances Its Missile Capabilities, And Russia Threatens Ukraine And Europe SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Each year, the National Defense Authorization Act represents the Senate's most consequential opportu… Continue Reading


Who Lost Afghanistan? President Biden, Our Commander-In-Chief

In His Determination To Hastily Abandon Afghanistan, President Biden Rejected The Counsel Of Top Generals And Ignored Warnings From Intelligence Experts And Even Fellow Democrats Of A Rapidly Deteriorating Security Situation, Leaving America's Allies Upset And Alarmed As America's Adversaries Take Advantage SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "It was pretty obvious to me what was going to happen. I predicted it, and I'm not in the intelligence business, that the Taliban would be i… Continue Reading


McConnell Consistently Warned The Calamity Of A Precipitous Afghanistan Withdrawal ‘Was Not Only Foreseeable; It Was Foreseen’

Under Presidents Of Both Parties Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell Consistently Warned Against A Precipitous Withdrawal Of U.S. Forces From Afghanistan Based On Arbitrary Political Timelines And Not Conditions On The Ground TODAY: 'An Utter Disaster -- We Witnessed It On The Screen … What Does That Say To Friends Of America Around The World? You Can't Depend On Us' "Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell is calling the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan an 'unmitigated disaster.' &he… Continue Reading


Democrats Vote To Shortchange Defense In Favor Of Their Massive Tax-And-Spending Spree

SEN. SHELBY: 'Supporting Trillions Of Taxpayer Dollars For Other Infrastructure And Social Programs Without Investing In Our National Defense Is Shameful And Inexcusable' All 50 Senate Democrats voted against the amendment offered by Sens. Richard Shelby (R-AL), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), and Roger Wicker (R-MS) that would have provided badly-needed upgrades for our military to keep pace with China and Russia, choosing instead their partisan multitrillion tax-and-spending spree. (S.Amdt.3293, S.Con.… Continue Reading


What Does The Biden Administration Think Is Going Right?

Americans Are Keenly Aware That The Biden Administration's Policies Are Failing On Critical Issues For The Country: Inflation, The Pandemic, The Southern Border, Crime, Afghanistan, Iran, And Russia Americans Know Things Under President Biden Aren't Going Well, With A Recent Poll Showing 'Americans' Optimism About The Direction Of The Country Has Plummeted Nearly 20 Points' In Just 2 Months "As President Joe Biden completed 100 days in office, the country was optimistic about the coming year… Continue Reading


Biden’s Budget: Gargantuan Spending, Massive Tax Hikes, Yet Shortchanging Defense

'President Biden Will Propose A $6 Trillion Budget On Friday That Would Take The United States To Its Highest Sustained Levels Of Federal Spending Since World War II, While Running Deficits Above $1.3 Trillion Throughout The Next Decade' Yet Also 'Sidelines Defense Spending In Favor Of Massive Domestic Investments' "President Joe Biden will unveil the first detailed budget proposal of his term in office on May 28, a day later than originally planned, the White House said on Wednesday." ("Bid… Continue Reading


‘Centrist Words, Liberal Actions’: Biden’s First 100 Days

Though Joe Biden Ran As A Unifying Figure, The Record Of His First 100 Days Is One Of Partisan Ideological Left-Wing Governance President Biden Pledged Unity But Has Spent His First 100 Days Governing From The Left Despite Biden's Call For Unity, His First Actions As President Were 'To Advance A Liberal Agenda' And 'Offer Little Compromise' The Rhetoric: 'Unity Is The Path Forward … I Will Fight As Hard For Those Who Did Not Support Me As For Those Who Did,' '[The American People]… Continue Reading


To Support Our Troops, Counter China And Russia, And Strengthen Cybersecurity, The Senate Must Approve The NDAA

SEN. INHOFE: 'The NDAA Has Become Law Every Year For 59 Years Straight Because It's Absolutely Vital To Our National Security And Our Troops. This Year Must Not Be An Exception' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Congress has returned to work this week to enact the 60th annual National Defense Authorization Act into law. Yesterday, a bipartisan supermajority in the House voted to reapprove the conference report of this must-pass legislation. Today, the Senate will set up a final vo… Continue Reading


The Senate Must Support Our Military By Passing The 60th Annual NDAA

The Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act Includes A Pay Raise For Our Men And Women In Uniform, Support For Their Families, Vital Resources To Support The National Defense Strategy And Counter China And Russia, Critical Upgrades To American Nuclear And Cyber Forces, And Investments In The Next Generation Of Battlefield Dominance SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Yesterday, we began moving the conference report of the National Defense Authorization Act toward the … Continue Reading


The 60th Annual NDAA Supports A Robust U.S. Military

The Senate 'Soundly Rejected' A Radical Amendment Supported by Prominent Democrats To Slash Funding For Defense, And Then Advanced The Strong FY 2021 National Defense Authorization Act To Protect America, Give A Raise To Our Troops, And Respond To Challenges From Our Adversaries The Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, With Broad Senate Support, Will Sustain And Enhance America's Military And Strategic Deterrence SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This week, the… Continue Reading


NDAA Critical To Deter Aggression Against American Interests

As Chinese And Russian Aggression Becomes More Apparent Every Day, It Is Imperative To Pass The Annual Defense Authorization Bill To Boost American Defense And Deterrence Capabilities And Strengthen U.S. Alliances SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The Senate has indeed turned to what will be the 60th annual National Defense Authorization Act. And if you look at world news, it would appear we've done so not a moment too soon. After months of threats, President Xi and the Chinese… Continue Reading


In June, A Tale Of Two Chambers

'While The House Has Been Missing In Action On The Longest Spring Break In Human History, The Senate Has Been Conducting The People's Business' A Tale Of Two Chambers:While the House has been largely MIA for months now, the Senate has been taking care of the people's business. - Senate Republican Communications Center (@SRCC) July 2, 2020 SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "While the House has been missing in action on the longest Sprin… Continue Reading


In June, ‘The Action Is In The Senate’

While House Democrats Remained Out Of Town, Senate Republicans Introduced Significant Police Reforms, Passed 'The Most Significant Conservation Legislation Enacted In Nearly Half A Century,' Held Multiple Hearings On The Coronavirus Pandemic, And Confirmed Several Key Nominations SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The Democrat-led House of Representatives is out of town. They have had time to issue partisan attacks from long distance, but have yet to take up any police reform le… Continue Reading


The Senate’s Busy First Week Of June

This Week, The Senate Passed A Bill Updating The PPP Program, Confirmed The Inspector General For Pandemic Recovery, And Held Seven Hearings On COVID-19 And CARES Oversight, In Sharp Contrast With The House, Which, As Sen. Schumer Says, 'Is Not In Session Now' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[T]here is plenty of work before the Senate. And unlike the Democratic House of Representatives, which I understand may next appear here in Washington in about a month, the Senate is pres… Continue Reading


Democrats Expect Military To Counter Iran With Hands Tied

Democrats' Use Of A War Powers Resolution Would Impede Our Armed Forces' Ability To Take Out Terror Leaders Like Soleimani And Limit Military Options Democrats Once Agreed Were Essential SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[Taking out Qassem Soleimani] was not some reckless act. It was a calculated and limited response to a significant, growing threat of attack against U.S. personnel in Iraq by an emboldened adversary. Years ago, Soleimani had concluded America was a paper tiger… Continue Reading


Senate Accomplishments In The 116th Congress So Far

Accomplishments Of The 116th Senate Include: HISTORIC TRANSFORMATION OF THE COURTS: Confirmed 20 of President Trump's circuit court nominees and 80 of his district court nominees for a total of 50 and 133 since 2017, respectively. "[T]he Senate has confirmed 102 judges for the year … It's the second-highest confirmation total in a single year in American history." FISCAL YEAR 2020 DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION: Passed the bipartisan annual defense policy bill providing for $750 billi… Continue Reading

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