The Leader Board


Pelosi And Schumer STILL Won’t Compromise On COVID Relief

Even After Falling Far Short Of Expectations In Last Week's Election, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi And Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer Immediately Reiterated That They Still Will Not Compromise To Get Targeted COVID Relief To Americans Speaker Pelosi: 'We Are At The Same Place Even More So' "Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday morning said the $3.4 trillion Heroes Act passed by House Democrats in May should be the 'starting po… Continue Reading


New Month, New Election, Same Intransigence From Speaker Pelosi

Despite The Beginnings Of An Economic Recovery And House Democrats Losing Ground In The Election, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Is Still Refusing To Compromise On COVID Relief For Americans SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Last week, we learned the unemployment rate has fallen to 6.9%, with more than 630,000 new jobs added just in October. Remember, in the springtime, many experts estimated we would still be saddled with double-digit joblessness through the end of this year. It t… Continue Reading


Disregard Democrats’ Unserious Demands

Senate Democrats Are Calling On The Senate To Take Up COVID Relief Despite Filibustering That 3 Days Ago And Demanding The Senate Consider Numerous Other Unrelated Bills Despite Sen. Schumer Moving To Adjourn The Senate 4 Times In The Last Week SENATE MINORITY LEADER CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): "The next huge wave in this pandemic is not looming. It's here. We cannot afford to wait … Today we're going to give the Republican majority in the Senate the opportunity to consider critical legislatio… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Threats To Norms And Institutions Predate Judge Barrett’s Nomination

Regardless Of Their Rhetoric Now, Senate Democrats Have Been Threatening The Independence Of The Supreme Court And The Norms And Traditions Of The Senate Long Before This Year's Supreme Court Vacancy SENATE MINORITY LEADER CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): "Now, I believe the Senate majority is on the precipice of making a colossal and historic mistake by rushing this nomination through the Senate only eight days before a national election after 50 million Americans have already voted, the Republican major… Continue Reading


Judge Barrett’s Colleagues Laud Her ‘Impressive Intellect’ And Exemplary Character

Throughout Her Career, From St. Mary's Dominican High School To The Notre Dame Law School Faculty, Judge Barrett's Peers And Professional Colleagues Are Unfailingly Impressed With Her 'Exceptional Qualities' Including 'The Depth And Breadth Of Her Legal Mind' And Her 'Fairness, Decency, Generosity, And Hard Work' Notre Dame Faculty Colleagues: 'Judge Barrett Stands Out, On A Par In Her Abilities With The Most Distinguished And Influential [High Court Judges In The World],' 'Amy Coney Barre… Continue Reading


New Polling Affirms A Majority Of Americans Support Confirming Judge Barrett

The Latest Polling Continues To Show Majorities Or Pluralities Of Americans Support The Senate Confirming Judge Barrett To The Supreme Court And Again Shows A Substantial Majority Opposed To The Extreme Court-Packing Scheme Leading Democrats Are Threatening SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This morning, the Judiciary Committee reported the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the floor. Their recommendation was that she be confirmed. It was unanimous…. It is supremely … Continue Reading


‘Senate Democrats Chose To Do Speaker Pelosi’s Political Dirty Work’

Yet Again, Senate Democrats Follow Speaker Pelosi's Nothing Is Better Than Something Lead, Blocking COVID Assistance For Health Providers, Families, Small Businesses, Schools, And Farmers SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The legislation before us is neither Republicans' nor Democrats' idea of a perfect bill. I think we're all clear on that. But it would move us past Speaker Pelosi's all-or-nothing obstruction and deliver huge support, right now, for the most pressing needs of our… Continue Reading


Don’t Take Senate Democrats Seriously Or Literally

Last Week, Democrats Demanded The Senate Make A New COVID Relief Bill A Priority, Yet This Week They're Going To Again Block Hundreds Of Billions In Assistance For Families, Small Businesses, And Schools SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This week, the Senate will vote on more coronavirus relief that Congress could deliver to American families right now. Month after month, Speaker Pelosi has held up urgent assistance for workers, families, schools, and our healthcare system. Mo… Continue Reading


Most Americans Support Confirming Judge Amy Coney Barrett

Polls Show Majorities Or Pluralities Of Americans Support The Senate Confirming Judge Barrett To The Supreme Court And Also Show A Substantial Majority Opposed To The Extreme Court-Packing Scheme Leading Democrats Are Threatening SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee and the entire country heard from one of the most impressive nominees for any public office in a long time. Judge Amy Coney Barrett demonstrated that she has the deep legal expert… Continue Reading


Judge Barrett Is ‘A Woman Of Unassailable Integrity’ Who Will Be ‘A Role Model For Generations To Come’

Former Students And Clerks For Judge Barrett Say She 'Exhibit[s] The Rare And Unique Set Of Qualities That Make An Exemplary Judge' And Are Grateful For 'Her Compassionate Heart' While Legal Colleagues Recognize 'She Is Tailor-Made For This Job' Laura Wolk, Judge Barrett's Former Law Student And Mentee: 'Should You Confirm Amy Barrett, The Country Will Receive Something Far Greater Than Simply An Unparalleled Legal Mind,' 'She Will Serve This Country With Distinction Not Only Because Of He… Continue Reading


Judge Amy Coney Barrett: ‘She Is A Staggering Academic Mind’

Judge Barrett's Legal Peers Are Universally Impressed With Her, Telling The ABA 'She Is Incredibly Honest And Forthright,' 'An Intellectual Giant With People Skills And Engaging Warmth,' And Demonstrates 'Stellar Judicial Temperament In All Settings' RANDALL D. NOEL, Standing Committee On The Federal Judiciary Chair, American Bar Association: "Judge Barrett meets the highest standards of integrity, professional competence, and judicial temperament. It is the opinion of the ABA Standing Committe… Continue Reading


Democrats Distort History On The 1864 Vacancy

Democrats' Recounting Of How Abraham Lincoln Handled A Supreme Court Vacancy In 1864 Is Wrong Democrats Claim Abraham Lincoln Didn't Fill A Supreme Court Vacancy Arising Before The 1864 Election Because It Wasn't 'The Right Thing To Do' SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA): "In 1864, one of the, I think political heroes, certainly of the president, I assume of you also, Mr. Vice President, is Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was up for re-election and it was 27 days before the election and a seat be… Continue Reading


Blumenthal Says ‘Keep Your Word,’ Ignores What He Said In 2016

In 2016, Sen. Blumenthal Demanded The Senate Vote On A Supreme Court Nomination Before Leaving Prior To The Presidential Election SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): "There are very few written rules around here. The most important rules are the unwritten ones. The most important of those rules is you keep your word. We all know that the United States Senate works, and our democracy really works, because people keep their promises." (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Markup, 10/15/2020) Blument… Continue Reading


Blumenthal And Hirono Attempt To Bork Judge Barrett

'Stirring Up Fear Is The Point Of Borking': Without Evidence, Some Democrats Have Attempted To Fearmonger About Judge Barrett, Echoing Sen. Ted Kennedy's Infamous Smears Of Judge Robert Bork SEN. JOSH HAWLEY (R-MO): "I think that the legacy of the Bork hearings continue to reverberate, and his name has become a verb, the borking of nominees. I think what we have seen today is an attempted borking of Judge Amy Barrett. The problem is they don't have anything in your record that they can use &… Continue Reading


FLASHBACK: Elena Kagan’s Career As A Political Operative

Kagan Worked '14 Hours A Day' On A Liberal Senate Campaign, Conducted Opposition Research For A Democrat Presidential Campaign, And Worked 'To Score Points Against The Republican Congress' Sen. Klobuchar voted to confirm Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. (PN1768, Elena Kagan Nomination, Confirmed 63-37: D 56-1; R 5-36; I 2-0, 8/05/2010, Klobuchar voted Yea) 1980: Worked On Senate Campaign Of Noted Liberal Rep. Elizabeth Hotzman When Democratic Rep. Holtzman lost in 1980, Kagan believed… Continue Reading


Democrats Distort And Distract On Health Care

Senate Democrats 'Can't Attack Her On Her Qualifications' So They Have Spent Two Days Trying To Distort Judge Amy Coney Barrett's Record And Distract From Their Refusal To Compromise On COVID Relief For Americans Judge Amy Coney Barrett: 'I Have No Hostility To The ACA Or Any Other Law And I Will Faithfully Apply The Law' JUDGE AMY CONEY BARRETT: "[W]hat I said in that article, which was a book review of someone else's book, was that the statutory interpretation, as I said earlier, as Chi… Continue Reading


Democrats Are Still Embracing ‘Dark Money’

In Spite Of Democrats' Conspiratorial Denunciations Of 'Dark Money' Groups Weighing In On Judicial Nominations, Senate Democrats Are Once More Working Side-By-Side With Deep-Pocketed Far-Left 'Dark Money' Organizations SEN. SHELDON WHITEHOUSE (D-RI): "Why does so much special interest dark money surround the [Supreme] Court?" (U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet Hearing, 9/22/2020) WHITEHOUSE: "This has the earmar… Continue Reading


Judge Barrett On Impartiality: ‘It’s Never Appropriate For A Judge To Impose That Judge’s Personal Convictions’

Judge Amy Coney Barrett Has Repeatedly Demonstrated Her Commitment To Judicial Independence And Impartiality, Saying 'One Of The Most Important Responsibilities Of A Judge Is To Put Their Personal Preferences And Their Personal Beliefs Aside Because Our Responsibility Is To Adhere To The Rule Of Law' JUDGE AMY CONEY BARRETT: "But I think that your concern is that because I critiqued the statutory reasoning that I'm hostile to the ACA, and that because I'm hostile to the ACA that I would decide… Continue Reading


Judge Barrett Adheres To The Ginsburg Standard

When Asked By Senators To Discuss Cases That Might Come Before The Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg Said She Could Offer 'No Hints, No Forecasts, No Previews' And When Asked To Review Prior Cases, Justice Kagan Said 'Essentially Grading Past Cases' 'Would Be Inappropriate' JUDGE AMY CONEY BARRETT: "So Senator, I do want to be forthright and answer every question so far as I can. I think, on that question, you know, I'm going to invoke Justice Kagan's description, which is perfectly put. When s… Continue Reading


‘We Are All Originalists’

Democrats Always Attempt To Misleadingly Characterize Originalism, But It Is So Mainstream In The Legal Community That Even Justices Kagan And Ginsburg Referred To Themselves As Originalists SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC), Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman: "You said you are an orginialist, is that true? What does that mean in English?..." JUDGE AMY CONEY BARRETT: "In English. Ok, so in English that means that I interpret the Constitution as a law. That I interpret its text as text. And I unde… Continue Reading

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