The Leader Board


Hospitals And Small Businesses Call For Pandemic Liability Protections

As America Works To Safely Reopen, Hospitals, Small Employers, And Business Associations Join Senate Republicans' Push For Liability Protections Against Frivolous Lawsuits "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Tuesday that he and Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) are working on legislation to expand liability protections for businesses as they begin to reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic…. McConnell has called expanded liability protections the 'red line' for Republicans o… Continue Reading


Liability Protections Are Essential To Reopening The American Economy

Senate Republicans Are Insisting On Liability Protections For Health Providers And Small Businesses As They Face 'A Wave Of Litigation' Over Coronavirus Infections That Could Result In A 'Jackpot For Liability Lawyers' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "I think I can safely say, for our team here, the Republican Senate majority, if there's any red line, it's on litigation. The litigation epidemic has already begun…. And so we are working on a narrowly crafted liability pr… Continue Reading


Praise Pours In For Judge Justin Walker’s ‘Generational Legal Mind’ And ‘Commitment To The Rule Of Law’

Those Who Have Worked With Judge Justin Walker Declare He 'Has The Integrity, Intelligence, Temperament, Courage, Experience, And Dedication To The Legal Profession To Serve With Distinction On The United States Court Of Appeals For The District Of Columbia Circuit' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Since Judge Walker was tapped to serve the people of Kentucky on the federal district bench, he's wasted no time in expanding his strong reputation for intellectual brilliance, lega… Continue Reading


Judge Justin Walker: ‘Well Qualified’

American Bar Association Gives Judge Walker A Rating Of 'Well Qualified' For An Appointment To The United States Court Of Appeals For The District Of Columbia Circuit AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION on Judge Justin Walker: "The American Bar Association's Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary has completed its evaluation of the professional qualifications of Judge Justin Walker … As you know the Standing Committee confines its evaluations to the qualities of integrity, professional compe… Continue Reading


Judge Justin Walker’s ‘Qualifications Cannot Reasonably Be Questioned’

Kentuckians In The Legal Profession Who Know Judge Justin Walker Extol His 'Impeccable Credentials,' And Laud Him As 'A Person Of Integrity Who Cares About The Rule Of Law And Is Committed To Doing Equal Justice For Every Individual Under The Law' KENTUCKY'S CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION: "We are writing to enthusiastically support our fellow Kentuckian, Judge Justin Walker, on his nomination to serve on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. We applaud President… Continue Reading


‘A Huge Relief’: PPP Funds Continue Helping Main Street Small Businesses

Local Businesses Are Getting A Lifeline And Employees Are Keeping Their Jobs Thanks To Popular Loans From The Paycheck Protection Program "The Trump administration announced Sunday that 2.2 million small business loans worth $175 billion have been made in the second round of the Paycheck Protection Program. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Small Business Administration Administrator Jovita Carranza said in a joint statement that the average size of a loan made under the second iteration of… Continue Reading


Democrats Delayed, Small Businesses Suffered

Democrats Stalled For 'Leverage' That Never Materialized, And In The Interim People Lost Livelihoods And Jobs SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "It became clear 12 days ago that the small business program was out of money already. The demand was enormous. Senate Republicans and the administration felt that we ought to immediately plus that up. That was not acceptable to the Democrats." (Sen. McConnell, Press Conference, 4/21/2020) LEADER McCONNELL: "It's unfortunate that it took… Continue Reading


Democrats’ PPP Obstruction Will Now Cost People Their Paychecks

With the Paycheck Protection Program Officially Out Of Funding, Pelosi And Schumer's Shameful Actions Will Now Directly Harm Hardworking Americans SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "One week ago, on this floor, I warned that the Paycheck Protection Program was running out of money and tried to a pass clean funding bill. Senate Democrats blocked it. Here's where we are, a week later, with absolutely no progress. This morning, the program ran out of money and shut down, just as I war… Continue Reading


As Democrats Delay, Money To Assist Small Businesses Will Run Out By The End Of The Week

With Small Businesses Struggling To Survive, Democrats Continue To Block Extra Funding For 'A Bipartisan Program' That Will Help Those Businesses And Their Workers STEVEN MNUCHIN, Secretary of the Treasury: "As the president said, we've gone back to Congress and asked them for more money … [T]he president's view, and the vice president's and my view, is this was a bipartisan program. This SBA program, it wasn't a Republican program, it wasn't a Democrat program, it was a bipartisan prog… Continue Reading


PPP Is Already Saving Small Business Jobs, But Democrats Object To Extending That Lifeline

As Millions Are Laid Off, Speaker Pelosi Sees 'No Data' As To Why The Payroll Protection Program Immediately Needs $250 Billion More For Small Businesses, Despite Widespread Interest And Reports From Across The Country Of Businesses And Paychecks Already Being Saved SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Senate Democrats just blocked urgent money for a popular, bipartisan job-saving program which they themselves literally coauthored with us two weeks ago. I complimented both sides and … Continue Reading


Democrats Block Attempt To Swiftly Deliver More Relief To Small Businesses And Workers

'The Country Cannot Afford Unnecessary Wrangling Or Political Maneuvering. Treating This As A Normal, Partisan Negotiation Could Literally Cost Americans Their Jobs' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Soon I will ask unanimous consent to increase the funding for the Paycheck Protection Program to a new total of $600 billion. I'm not talking about changing any policy language that both sides negotiated together. I am literally talking about deleting the number 350 and writing 600 … Continue Reading


Pelosi Retreats Again After Senate Republicans Put Brakes On Liberal Wish List

After Republican Senators Emphasized That The Government Must First Make Sure The CARES Act Is Working And That Future Measures Must 'Not Serve As A Grab Bag For [The Speaker's] Liberal Wish List,' Speaker Pelosi Changed Her Tone On New Coronavirus Response Legislation 'Democrats Pivot': 'Speaker Nancy Pelosi Shifted Her Tone On Friday, Calling For A Much More Focused "Phase 4" Relief Package' "There has been a noticeable shift in rhetoric in the last day or so. Democrats -- including Spe… Continue Reading


Leader McConnell: Judge Walker Is A ‘Judicial All-Star’

'The Entire Country Will Benefit From Having This Brilliant, Principled, And Fair-Minded Legal Expert On This Consequential Bench' "President Trump is tapping a young district judge and former clerk to now-Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh to fill a vacancy on the powerful U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The nomination of Justin Walker … underscores the influence of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on the conservative transformation of … Continue Reading


Pelosi’s SALT Scheme Crushed By Economists

As Speaker Pelosi Pushes For A 'Blue-State Bailout,' Senate Republicans Will Not Allow Congress' 'Phase 4' Coronavirus Response 'To Be An Opportunity For The Democrats To Achieve Unrelated Policy Items That They Would Not Otherwise Be Able To Pass' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "So I think we need to wait a few days here, a few weeks, and see how things are working out. [Speaker Pelosi] hasn't suggested the House would even come back into session until the 20th of April, and I'… Continue Reading


The CARES Act Is ‘A Critical First Step’ To Help Americans

'Congress Was Able To Cast Aside Our Differences And Come Together In Short Order For The Good Of Our Country' Providing Assistance To Families, Workers, Small Businesses, Medical Providers And More Leader McConnell 'Was Determined To Put His Own Stamp On The Next Economic Aid Plan,' Which 'Senators In Both Parties Hailed The Passage Of … Especially Considering The Extraordinary Circumstances' "[T]he majority leader was determined to put his own stamp on the next economic aid plan,… Continue Reading


The CARES Act Is ‘A Rescue Operation For The American People’

The CARES Act 'Says A Lot About The United States Senate As An Institution, Our Willingness To Put Aside Our Differences, And To Do Something Really Significant For The Country' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "I'm proud to announce tonight, not a single senator voted against this $2 trillion rescue bill to save American individuals, small businesses, large businesses, and to provide considerable funding for the healthcare workers and the scientists and the doctors and others … Continue Reading


The CARES Act Will Rush Assistance To American Workers, Families, Small Businesses, And Health Care Providers

Extensive Bipartisan Negotiations Have Strengthened The CARES Act, Which Will Help Stabilize The Economy, Provide Recovery Checks And Unemployment Insurance To Americans, Support Small Businesses, And Surge Funding For Hospitals And Medical Equipment SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Ten days ago, I laid out four urgent priorities for new Senate legislation to help our nation through this crisis. We had to get direct financial assistance to the American people. Get historic aid… Continue Reading


Pelosi’s Partisan Provisions

Instead Of Promising Immediate Action On the Crucial Bipartisan CARES Act, Speaker Pelosi Introduced Her Own Bill Stuffed With An Unrelated Ideological Wish List SEN. JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY): "[T]here's a role and responsibility of us to step in and do what the role of government ought to be in this case of crisis. The crisis caused by both a disease and the economy, the government's action to shut down the economy, and yet, Democrats one after another continue to block it. And they're not bloc… Continue Reading


Will Democrats Choose Their Ideological Wish List Over Suffering Americans?

Democrats Are Treating A National Emergency As A Political Opportunity, Demanding A Christmas List Of Unrelated Ideological Provisions In Coronavirus Relief Legislation While Doctors, Nurses, And Hospitals Struggle And American Jobs Are At Risk SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The bipartisan [Senate coronavirus relief bill] delivers strongly on each of the core priorities we identified at the outset: It puts urgently-needed cash in the hands of American workers and families. I… Continue Reading


Days After Lecturing ‘Americans Can’t Wait,’ Democrats Block Coronavirus Relief In The Senate

Last Week, Senate Democrats Asked For Immediate Action On Coronavirus Legislation: 'This Is Not Just Another Political Issue,' And Senators Must 'Shed Our Partisanship And Rise To The Occasion' Because 'Time Is Of The Essence,' Yet Today They Blocked Critical Bipartisan Coronavirus Relief From Moving Forward "Democrats block advancement of critical economic relief package" (Washington Examiner, 3/22/2020) "Senate Democrats block mammoth coronavirus stimulus package" (The Hill, 3/22/2020) … Continue Reading

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