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Judge Barrett Adheres To The Ginsburg Standard

When Asked By Senators To Discuss Cases That Might Come Before The Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg Said She Could Offer 'No Hints, No Forecasts, No Previews' And When Asked To Review Prior Cases, Justice Kagan Said 'Essentially Grading Past Cases' 'Would Be Inappropriate' JUDGE AMY CONEY BARRETT: "So Senator, I do want to be forthright and answer every question so far as I can. I think, on that question, you know, I'm going to invoke Justice Kagan's description, which is perfectly put. When s… Continue Reading


‘We Are All Originalists’

Democrats Always Attempt To Misleadingly Characterize Originalism, But It Is So Mainstream In The Legal Community That Even Justices Kagan And Ginsburg Referred To Themselves As Originalists SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC), Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman: "You said you are an orginialist, is that true? What does that mean in English?..." JUDGE AMY CONEY BARRETT: "In English. Ok, so in English that means that I interpret the Constitution as a law. That I interpret its text as text. And I unde… Continue Reading


Judiciary Committee’s Schedule For A Vote On Judge Barrett’s Nomination Keeps With Precedent

Since Hearings For Supreme Court Nominations Began In 1916, Of 51 Nominees Who Were Confirmed By The Senate, Half Had A Vote In The Judiciary Committee Within 7 Or Fewer Days Of The End Of Their Hearings Since Supreme Court Nomination Hearings Began in 1916, The Senate Judiciary Committee Voted On The Nomination In One Week Or Less Following A Nominee's Final Hearing Day 26 Times 1 DAY: Justice Brett Kavanaugh's final hearing day was on September 27, 2018 and his Senate Judiciary Committee … Continue Reading


Sen. Durbin’s Selective Amnesia

Durbin Laments The Increasing Partisanship Around Supreme Court Nominations But Ignores His Own Leading Role Shattering A Number Of Senate Precedents That Have Made Judicial Nominations Much More Partisan SEN. DICK DURBIN (D-IL): "It has been recounted earlier that Justice Ginsburg was approved by the Senate by a 96-3 vote. This icon of liberal thinking, advocate for the ACLU, 96-3 before the United States Senate. And then, Antonin Scalia, on the opposite polar end of the political spectrum, ap… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Hysterical Health Care Claims ‘Collapse Under The Slightest Examination’

Judge Barrett Has Never Ruled On Obamacare And Though Democrats Are Presenting The Illusion Of A Near-Certain Outcome In The Pending Court Case, Legal Experts Across The Ideological Spectrum Dismiss That Idea As "Ridiculous" SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "One of the pre-selected scare tactics is that Judge Barrett is out to steal Americans' healthcare coverage. That's the claim: This mother of seven, including multiple children who were born or adopted facing pre-existing medic… Continue Reading


Minds Made Up: Senate Democrats Already Announced Their Opposition To Judge Barrett

Numerous Senate Democrats Announced They Will Oppose Judge Barrett's Nomination Before The Hearings Even Began Several Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats Declared Their Opposition To Judge Barrett The Very Day The Was Nominated SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA), Senate Judiciary Committee Member: "I will continue to fight on behalf of the people and strongly oppose the president's nomination." (Sen. Harris, Press Release, 9/26/2020) SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT), Senate Judiciary Committee Me… Continue Reading


ABA Rates Judge Barrett ‘Well-Qualified’ To Serve As Associate Justice Of Supreme Court

Top Dems: 'The ABA Evaluation Has Been The Gold Standard By Which Judicial Candidates Are Judged' AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION on Judge Amy Coney Barrett: "The American Bar Association's Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary has completed its evaluation of the professional qualifications of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, who has been nominated by the President to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. As you know, the Standing Committee confines its evaluation to the qua… Continue Reading


Professional Colleagues ‘Can Think Of No Better Person To Serve As An Associate Justice On The Supreme Court’ Than Judge Barrett

Those Who Have Worked Closely With Judge Barrett Know Her As A 'Role Model Who Is So Unfailingly Talented, Generous, And Kind' And 'Proved To Be One Of [Notre Dame Law School's] Most Stellar Appointments Across Every Dimension,' Declare Her 'Highly Qualified By Every Relevant Measure' And Say Quite Simply, 'Amy Coney Barrett Is The Best Of Us' Judge Barrett's Former Law Clerks: 'We Unreservedly Agree-Despite Our Differing Backgrounds, Beliefs, And Views-That Amy Coney Barrett Will Be An E… Continue Reading


‘Very Common’: SCOTUS Nominees Supplementing Their Committee Questionnaires Is Completely Routine

The Last Six Justices Confirmed To The Court, Nominated By Presidents Of Both Parties, Have All Submitted Supplemental Materials To The Senate Judiciary Committee Chief Justice John Roberts And Justices Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Neil Gorsuch, And Brett Kavanaugh All Submitted Supplemental Material To Their Original Senate Judiciary Committee Questionnaires Then-Judge John Roberts submitted a supplemental response to the Senate Judiciary Committee Questionnaire on August … Continue Reading


Judge Amy Coney Barrett Is ‘A Woman Of Extraordinary Achievement’ With ‘A Strong Record Of Commitment To The Rule Of Law’

After Meeting With Judge Barrett, Senators Came Away Impressed By Her 'Stellar Credentials,' 'Unquestionable Knowledge Of The Law,' And 'Commitment To The Constitution,' Finding Her To Be 'An Inspiring Role Model As A Wife, Mother, Scholar And An Accomplished Jurist' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "I think [the president] picked the single best person he could have picked anywhere in the country. This is a woman of extraordinary achievement. In her personal life, she's got se… Continue Reading


Democrats Keep Making Judge Barrett’s Religion An Issue

Democrats And The Media Keep Attacking Judge Barrett's Religious Beliefs And Baselessly Suggesting That She Would Rule Based On Her Religion Instead Of The Law SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The ongoing attacks by Senate Democrats and the media on Judge Barrett's faith are a disgrace. They demean the confirmation process, disrespect the Constitution, and insult millions of American believers…. Our coastal elites are so disconnected from their own country that they tre… Continue Reading


Senate Democrats’ Disingenuous Objections To A Hybrid Hearing

Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats Who Once Praised Hybrid Hearings With Virtual Participation Have Now Changed Their Tune, Calling Them Unacceptable, Despite Participating In 21 Of Them Since May Since May, The Senate Judiciary Committee Has Held At Least 21 Hearings With Virtual Participation, 17 Of Which Had Senators Participating Virtually In The First Such Hearing, Sen. Klobuchar Thanked Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham 'For Being Willing To Do A Hybrid Hearing,' And Said … Continue Reading


‘Judge Amy Coney Barrett Has All The Qualities Of A First-Class Supreme Court Justice’

Legal Experts And Law Professors With A Range Of Political Opinions All Praise Judge Amy Coney Barrett For Having The 'Intellectual Chops And Experience For The Job' And Say She 'Will Inspire Several Generations Of Female Lawyers And Academics,' But Some Senate Democrats Won't Even Talk About Her Undeniable Qualifications SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This week, the Senators who are sitting down with Judge Amy Coney Barrett are meeting an incredibly impressive jurist and hi… Continue Reading


Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Colleagues Know Her As ‘A Brilliant Lawyer, A Genuine And Good Person’

Those Who Have Worked With Judge Barrett Say She Is 'An Absolutely Brilliant Legal Scholar And Jurist,' Who 'Acts First And Foremost In Accord With The Law,' And Her Students Laud Her As 'The Paragon Of A Professor' Who 'Treats Every Person With Whom She Interacts With The Utmost Respect, Kindness, And Warmth' Liberal Law Professor Noah Feldman, With Whom Judge Barrett Served As A Supreme Court Clerk: Judge 'Barrett Is Highly Qualified,' 'A Brilliant And Conscientious Lawyer Who Will Analy… Continue Reading


Senate Dems Flip-Flop On The Importance Of Meeting A Supreme Court Nominee

Many Senate Democrats Who Said In 2016, 'You Can't Necessarily Make A Judgment About Someone's Demeanor Or Who They Are As A Person Until You Meet Them,' Are Refusing To Meet With Judge Amy Coney Barrett Senate Democrats Who Have Already Announced Their Refusal To Meet With Judge Barrett Said In 2016, 'The Meetings Are An Important Part Of This Process,' 'I Urge All My Colleagues To Meet With [The Nominee]' 2020: [Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)] says he will not meet with Judge Coney Barrett. … Continue Reading


Senate Republicans Praise ‘Brilliant Scholar’ And ‘Model For Decency And Citizenship’ Judge Amy Coney Barrett

'An Ally To The Rule Of Law,' Judge Barrett Is 'One Of The Finest Legal Minds Of Her Generation,' 'An Outstanding Judge And An Even Better Person' Who 'Has Demonstrated Exactly The Independence, Impartiality, And Fidelity To Our Laws And Constitution That Americans Need And Deserve On Their Highest Court' Senate Republican Leaders: 'Judge Amy Coney Barrett Is An Exceptionally Impressive Jurist And An Exceedingly Well-Qualified Nominee,' 'Judge Amy Coney Barrett Joins A Growing, But Still F… Continue Reading


Judge Barrett’s Judiciary Committee Hearings Will Fall Squarely In Line With Precedent

Since 1962, 8 Supreme Court Nominees Have Had Their Judiciary Committee Hearings Begin Within 15 Or Fewer Days From The Announcement Of Their Nomination SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC), Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman: "[The Senate Judiciary Committee hearings will begin] October the 12th. That'd be 16 days from nomination…. Monday will be introduction, opening statements, a statement by the nominee. Tuesday and Wednesday will be question days and Thursday we will begin the markup proc… Continue Reading


Will Democrats Continue To Attack Judge Barrett’s Religion?

Top Judiciary Committee Democrat To Judge Amy Coney Barrett: 'Professor… The Dogma Lives Loudly Within You' Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats To Judge Barrett In 2017: 'The Dogma Lives Loudly Within You,' 'You Would Be A Catholic Judge' SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN (D-CA): "Why is it that so many of us on this side have this very uncomfortable feeling that, you know, dogma and law are two different things? And I think whatever a religion is, it has its own dogma. The law is totally differ… Continue Reading


Judge Amy Coney Barrett: ‘An Exceptionally Impressive Jurist’

'Judge Barrett Is The Complete Package': 'An Exceedingly Well-Qualified Nominee,' And 'Mind-Blowingly Intelligent,' Those Who Know Her Professionally Call Her A 'Thoughtful, Open-Minded Person,' And Have Witnessed Her 'Absolute Dedication To The Rule Of Law' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "President Trump could not have made a better decision. Judge Amy Coney Barrett is an exceptionally impressive jurist and an exceedingly well-qualified nominee to the Supreme Court of the Un… Continue Reading


Autopilot Left-Wing Opposition Prepares To Fill In The Blanks Again

'[Y]ear After Year, Decade After Decade, The Far Left's Playbook Stays Exactly The Same … The Nominee Makes No Difference … The Same Absurd Scare Tactics, Every Single Time' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "President Trump has stated he will announce his nominee to the Supreme Court the day after tomorrow. We do not yet know which legal all-star from his list he will nominate. But strangely enough, we already do know exactly what the far left will start shouting … Continue Reading

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