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‘Unwavering Commitment To The Rule Of Law’

William Barr Is 'Highly Respected And Admired' By Justice Department Alumni, Carries A 'Reputation For Integrity And High Ethical Standards' And Is 'Uniquely Qualified' To Be Attorney General Again Former AGs, DAGs, US Attorneys, And Justice Department Employees: Barr 'Remains Highly Respected And Admired By The Career Prosecutors, Investigators And Staff Of The Department He Oversaw' "We former officials and employees of various administrations and the Manhattan District Attorney's Offic… Continue Reading


There’s No There There

William Barr: 'Having Appointed And Supervised Three Special Counsels Myself While Attorney General … It Is Vitally Important That The Special Counsel Be Permitted To Finish His Work' WILLIAM BARR: "[My] memorandum did not address -or in any way question-the Special Counsel's core investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Indeed, I have known Bob Mueller personally and professionally for 30 years, and I have the utmost respect for him and the important work he is d… Continue Reading


William Barr’s ‘Impeccable Reputation’

Barr 'Is A Known Quantity, A Man Of The Highest Integrity And Character' Who Has Served At The Highest Levels Of The Justice Department SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC), Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman: "Having previously served as Attorney General under President George H.W. Bush, Mr. Barr is a known quantity, a man of the highest integrity and character, and has an impeccable reputation. He will provide a strong and steady hand to the fine men and women at the Department of Justice." (Sen. … Continue Reading


‘Commitment To The Public Interest, Above All Else’

Senate Democrats Praised William Barr As 'An Independent Voice' And Confirmed Him To High-Level Justice Department Positions 3 Different Times Biden And Leahy: Barr Has A 'Commitment To The Public Interest, Above All Else' And Would Be 'An Independent Voice For All Americans' "[Sen. Pat] Leahy [D-VT] said he believes that Barr, as attorney general, will be 'an independent voice for all Americans -- not just the President.'" ("Judiciary Panel Approves Barr For Attorney General," Los Angele… Continue Reading


A Productive August

Senate Remained 'In Session This Month To Continue Working On Behalf Of The American People' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "August is usually a time for Senators to spend more time in our home states, meeting with our constituents and reporting on the progress we've made in Washington. But this August had to be different. There was too much business left unfinished. So I made the decision to keep the Senate in session this month to continue working on behalf of the American… Continue Reading


‘Welcome To The Summer Of #AbolishICE’

Radical Left-Wing Activists Make Abolishing The Immigration Enforcement Agency 'A Litmus Test For Democrats' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[I]t seems these socialist groups are adding new and dangerous immigration proposals to their already terrible economic policies. In particular, they are calling to abolish the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE was established after 9/11 to protect our homeland…. If these self-described socialists had their way, … Continue Reading


Safety Provisions ‘Will Be Effective And Save Lives’

Omnibus Legislation 'Delivers For Students And Teachers' By Including Fix NICS And STOP School Violence Act SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The [omnibus] legislation also delivers for students and teachers across our nation, who deserve to learn and work without fear of violence. At the insistence of the Speaker and myself, this bill will include two important, bipartisan, commonsense measures to address real issues facing the nation: the Fix NICS bill and the STOP School Vio… Continue Reading


‘It Could Be Your Child’

'The Truth Is Backpage.Com And Other Sites Are Making Millions Of Dollars By Exploiting Our Children And Allowing Them To Be Taken Advantage [Of] By Predators.' The Communications Decency Act 'Was Not Intended To Allow Companies To Legally Sell Children On The Internet' SEN. ROB PORTMAN (R-OH): "…the Communications Decency Act was never intended to protect those that engage in illegal conduct and it was certainly never intended to protect online predators and sex traffickers." (U.S. S… Continue Reading


End The Left’s Law Enforcement No-Go Zones

Thousands Of Criminals Needlessly Remain In This Country As Local Jurisdictions Defy Federal Law SEN. PAT TOOMEY (R-PA): "It is past time to act. Sanctuary city policies make it harder to stop illegal immigration and keep dangerous criminals off the streets… Sanctuary cities such as Philadelphia and San Francisco endanger all of us by conferring a special protection to illegal immigrants even when federal immigration officials identify them as dangerous criminals. This is simply inexc… Continue Reading


15 CRAs: Draining The Regulatory Swamp

Continuing The 'Most Ambitious Regulatory Rollback Since Reagan,' Congress Scraps Another Bureaucratic Rule FIFTEEN: Overturning A Rule That Could Have Meant Higher Credit Card Rates And 'A Bonanza For Trial Lawyers' SEN. MIKE CRAPO (R-ID), Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Chairman: "[T]he entire purpose of this rule is to promote class action litigation and to stop arbitration resolution when there is a dispute…. The CFPB failed to demonstrate that consumers will… Continue Reading


‘Cut The Red Tape’

Like Congress, President Trump 'Followed Through' On His Pledge To Ease Regulatory Burdens 'Lots Of Presidents Talked About Getting Rid Of Bad Regulations - Trump Is Actually Doing It' "Getting rid of unneeded regulations may be the single-most effective spur to economic growth that's available to the federal government. Thankfully, unlike most recent presidents, President Trump is taking the job of cutting bad regulations seriously. That can be evidenced by the special 'Deregulation Day' th… Continue Reading


14 CRAs: A Victory For American Workers

Repealed Regulations 'Will Save $3.7 Billion In Total Regulatory Costs … And Eliminate 4.2 Million Hours Of Paperwork' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[We have] wasted no time in providing regulatory relief to Americans and restoring legislative power where it rightfully belongs, with the people through their elected representatives in Congress. We have a tool that's proved incredibly helpful in this regard. It's called the Congressional Review Act." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 5/11/20… Continue Reading


Largest Border Security Funding Increase In A Decade

Funding Bill Provides 'The Tools We Need To Make A Change' SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY JOHN KELLY: "This is our government's largest investment in border security in 10 years. We are … beginning to get the tools we need to make a change." (White House Press Briefing, 5/02/2017) 'The Largest Overall Increase In Border Security And Department Of Homeland Security Funding In The Last 10 Years' "Congress is expected to vote on the biggest increase in border security funding in a long t… Continue Reading


A ‘Win for the American People’

VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: The budget deal "will avert a government shutdown but more important than that there's going to be a significant increase in military spending. Our armed forces have been hollowed out in recent years by budget cuts. 21 billion dollars in defense spending in this bill. There's also a down payment on border security. I think the American people are encouraged to hear that since our inauguration, illegal border crossings are down 60 plus percent in this country. And in this bi… Continue Reading


Sessions’ Strong Record On Civil Rights

'Prosecuted The KKK,' 'Focused On Solving The Fires' At Black Churches, Won 'Hard-Fought Victory For Civil Rights' On Drug Sentencing Which 'Unfairly Impact[s] Minority Communities' REP. MARTHA ROBY (R-AL): "I'm sharing these photos that my staff member took in Selma during the 50th Anniversary of 'Bloody Sunday,' showing Senator Sessions joining arms with civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis and other leaders to cross the Edmund-Pettus Bridge. That was an important day for Alabama, and Senator S… Continue Reading


Democrats: Gen. Kelly ‘A Man Of Steady Leadership’

'I'm A Huge Fan,' He 'Has Served Our Country With Distinction' Gen. John Kelly "…a seasoned commander with personal experience of the costs of war in charge of protecting the nation's borders. Blunt-spoken and popular with military personnel, General Kelly, 66, rose to run the United States Southern Command, which… exposed him to immigration, drug trafficking and other cross-border problems over a sprawling area that encompasses 32 countries in the Caribbean, Central America and S… Continue Reading


Dems On Sessions: ‘A Man Of His Word’

'He Is Always A Gentleman,' 'Wonderful To Work With,' 'We've Relied On Him,' 'A Great U.S. Attorney,' 'Treated [Me] With Great Dignity' FORMER-SEN. JOE LIEBERMAN (D-CT), Democratic Nominee For Vice-President: "I always found Jeff to be an honorable and trustworthy person, a smart and good lawyer, and a thoughtful and open-minded listener… I believe that he will be a principled, fair, and capable Attorney General. If I were in the Senate today, I would vote 'aye' on his nomination." (For… Continue Reading


Sen. Sessions’ Long Distinguished Record Is Clear

'Senators Know Sessions' … Personally As One Of Their Own' "Senators know Sessions' voting record and positions very well, said Durbin, the Senate's No. 2 Democratic leader. They also know him personally as one of their own, which Durbin acknowledged could make the difference…" (Bloomberg, 1/9/17) "[Office of Government Ethics] has released the ethics agreements and financial disclosures for … Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the attorney general nominee…" ("Senators Gea… Continue Reading


Key Former Justice Dept. Officials Support Sessions

Former U.S. Attorneys: His 'Inviolable Promise To Treat All People Equally Under The Law' Leave Us In 'No Doubt That Senator Sessions Can Do The Job Well' Former Assistant Attorneys General: 'We Are Pleased To Endorse [Jeff Sessions'] Nomination And Do So Without Reservation' FORMER U.S. ATTORNEYS: 'We, The Signatories Below, Are All Former United States Attorneys … Who Write To Support The Confirmation Of Senator Jeff Sessions As Attorney General Of The United States' LETTER FROM 10… Continue Reading


‘The Attorney General Position Must Be Filled Swiftly’

Senate Dems Previously: 'This Position Is Too Important For Any Kind Of Political Games' "Historically, the Senate began hearings before Inauguration Day for every attorney general nominee from a newly elected president since Dwight Eisenhower..." ("Democrats To Give Trump Cabinet Picks The Garland Treatment," Politico, 12/05/2016) FLASHBACK Top Dem: 'We Should All Be Able To Agree That Confirming The Top Law Enforcement Position Should Be An Urgent Priority Of The Senate' SEN. DIANNE FEI… Continue Reading

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