The Leader Board


‘Confirm William Barr’

Editorial Boards: 'The U.S. Senate Should Swiftly Approve William Barr,' 'The Sooner He's On The Job, The Better' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "In William Barr, President Trump has nominated a tried-and-true public servant and a proven professional to lead the men and women of the Department of Justice. Testifying before the Committee last month, Mr. Barr expressed his unwavering commitment to 'the rule of law, the Constitution, and the American people.' But my colleagues d… Continue Reading


‘The U.S. Economy Is On Solid Footing’

Robust Job Growth And Higher Wage Gains Are 'Delivering Opportunities' To Americans Not Seen In Years SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "It's now been more than two years, since the American people hired President Trump and a Republican Congress to get Washington's foot off the brake of our economy. Since we got to work rebuilding the middle-class prosperity that had hollowed out in communities across America under the Obama economy…. [T]he American people wanted a change… Continue Reading


‘A Broad Consensus About American Leadership In The World’

Significant Bipartisan Vote Showcases Senate Support For Israel And Jordan And Sanctioning Syria, Highlights Foreign Policy Divisions Among Democrats SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The Strengthening America's Security in the Middle East Act would renew our commitment to Israel's security, expand cooperation with Jordan, and impose new consequences on the perpetrators of Assad's brutality in Syria. But when America's national security and vital interests are at stake, some ci… Continue Reading


Neomi Rao: ‘Uniquely Qualified For The D.C. Circuit’

Neomi Rao Is 'A Prolific Scholar' And Well-Known 'Expert On Administrative Law' Whose Former Colleagues Say She Would 'Serve On The Federal Bench With The Very Highest Distinction' The American Bar Association Rates Rao As 'Well Qualified' "The American Bar Association's Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary has completed its evaluation of the professional qualifications of Neomi J. Rao, whom the President has nominated to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Colum… Continue Reading


The ‘Democrat Politician Protection Act’

House Democrats' First Major Initiative Is A Power Grab Designed To Tilt Elections In Their Favor And Consolidate Authority In Washington SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This week, Democrats in the House of Representatives are beginning the committee process for a bill they're saying is their party's signature priority for this Congress. They are so focused on this legislation that they've given it the ceremonial designation of H.R. 1. But I think it's more accurately describ… Continue Reading


‘A Serious Threat To Our Nation’

National Security Experts Warn, 'The Fight Is Not Over Against ISIS' And 'A Hasty American Withdrawal' From Afghanistan Could Result In Chaos And A 'Safe Haven For International Terrorists' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "My amendment would acknowledge the plain fact that al Qaeda, ISIS, and their affiliates in Syria and Afghanistan continue to pose a serious threat to our nation. It would recognize the danger of a precipitous withdrawal from either conflict, and highlight th… Continue Reading


Will Democrats Start Voting For Bills They Support Now?

It's Time For Democrats To Resume Their Support For The Package Of Bipartisan Bills That Strengthens America's Allies In The Middle East SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "For weeks, now, Senate Democrats have effectively filibustered this legislation and blocked it from moving forward. At first, my colleague the Democratic Leader said his party was simply opposed to considering any other business during the partial government shutdown. But then, just a few days later, he actua… Continue Reading


Time To Negotiate On Border Security

With An Agreement To Reopen The Government, It's Time For Democrats To Keep Their Word, Come To The Table, And Negotiate Seriously On Border Security SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Going forward, I hope Democrats will stay true to the commitment they have stated constantly over the past weeks - that once government was re-opened, they would be perfectly willing to negotiate in good faith on full-year government funding that would include a significant investment in urgently … Continue Reading


A Wall Is Not The Problem, So What Is?

Democrats Admit They Don't Think 'A Border Wall Is In And Of Itself Immoral,' So Why Won't They Vote To Reopen Government And Add 'Modest' Barrier Funding? SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The need for more security on our border is not a partisan invention. It is a fact. It's a reality most Senate Democrats readily admit…. [I]f they agree with the need, they should agree with this modest proposal…. [T]hese commonsense physical barriers were a bipartisan point of… Continue Reading


Democrats Resist Pelosi

Majority Leader Hoyer And Many Other House Democrats Break With Speaker Pelosi On Wall Funding FOX NEWS' NEIL CAVUTO: "Would you yourself be open for wall funding?" HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER STENY HOYER (D-MD): "Look, I think physical barriers are part of the solution." CAVUTO: "You don't share Nancy Pelosi's view that a wall is immoral?" REP. HOYER: "Look, I think it depends upon what a wall is used for whether it's moral or immoral. If it's protecting people, it's moral, if it's imprisoni… Continue Reading


A Vote To ‘Immediately Reopen The Government’

Senate Democrats Say 'All We Want To Do Is Reopen The Government,' So Will They Vote To Do That This Week Or Continue 'To Refuse Even To Talk'? THE WASHINGTON POST EDITORS: "But to refuse even to talk until the government reopens does no favors to sidelined federal workers and contractors." (Editorial, "Make A Deal. Save The Dreamers.," The Washington Post, 1/19/2019) Senate Bill Would 'Immediately Reopen The Government' "Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, plans… Continue Reading


‘No One Can Say He Isn’t Qualified’

'The Senate Should Quickly Confirm Him' SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN (D-CA), Judiciary Committee Ranking Member: "He's obviously very smart. He was Attorney General before. No one can say he isn't qualified…. I was thinking last night, obviously Mr. Barr is qualified. He is bright. His is capable." (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, 1/16/2019) SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC), Judiciary Committee Chairman: "I think he has a reassuring presence, I think you saw today a guy who's comfortable… Continue Reading


‘Unwavering Commitment To The Rule Of Law’

William Barr Is 'Highly Respected And Admired' By Justice Department Alumni, Carries A 'Reputation For Integrity And High Ethical Standards' And Is 'Uniquely Qualified' To Be Attorney General Again Former AGs, DAGs, US Attorneys, And Justice Department Employees: Barr 'Remains Highly Respected And Admired By The Career Prosecutors, Investigators And Staff Of The Department He Oversaw' "We former officials and employees of various administrations and the Manhattan District Attorney's Offic… Continue Reading


There’s No There There

William Barr: 'Having Appointed And Supervised Three Special Counsels Myself While Attorney General … It Is Vitally Important That The Special Counsel Be Permitted To Finish His Work' WILLIAM BARR: "[My] memorandum did not address -or in any way question-the Special Counsel's core investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Indeed, I have known Bob Mueller personally and professionally for 30 years, and I have the utmost respect for him and the important work he is d… Continue Reading


William Barr’s ‘Impeccable Reputation’

Barr 'Is A Known Quantity, A Man Of The Highest Integrity And Character' Who Has Served At The Highest Levels Of The Justice Department SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC), Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman: "Having previously served as Attorney General under President George H.W. Bush, Mr. Barr is a known quantity, a man of the highest integrity and character, and has an impeccable reputation. He will provide a strong and steady hand to the fine men and women at the Department of Justice." (Sen. … Continue Reading


‘Commitment To The Public Interest, Above All Else’

Senate Democrats Praised William Barr As 'An Independent Voice' And Confirmed Him To High-Level Justice Department Positions 3 Different Times Biden And Leahy: Barr Has A 'Commitment To The Public Interest, Above All Else' And Would Be 'An Independent Voice For All Americans' "[Sen. Pat] Leahy [D-VT] said he believes that Barr, as attorney general, will be 'an independent voice for all Americans -- not just the President.'" ("Judiciary Panel Approves Barr For Attorney General," Los Angele… Continue Reading


Sen. Schumer’s Short Memory

The Democratic-Controlled Senate Kept Working During The 2013 Government Shutdown THE WASHINGTON POST: 'Democrats Pledge To Paralyze Senate As Shutdown Negotiation Tactic' (The Washington Post, 1/07/2018) THE HILL: 'Democrats Plan To Jam Up Senate Over Shutdown Fight' (The Hill, 1/07/2019) But The Senate Passed Legislation Unrelated To Government Funding During The 2013 Shutdown The federal government was shut down from October 1, 2013, until October 17, 2013. ("How We Got Here: A Sh… Continue Reading


Strengthening America’s Allies In The Middle East

'The Senate Is Moving Quickly To Assert Its Point-Of-View On U.S. Policy Regarding Syria And In The Broader Middle East' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[F]or years, America's vital interests in the Middle East have been jeopardized by regional chaos…. That's why the Senate is going to vote later today to take up pressing legislation that tackles all of this head-on. The bill at hand would reaffirm the United States' commitment to Israel's security and authorize militar… Continue Reading


Farm Bill Signing Means Stability For Farmers & New Opportunities With Hemp

'This Bill Is Critical To A Large Part Of America That Doesn't Necessarily Live In Cities And Towns, But Keeps This Country Fed' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "There's a reason this bill passed both Houses with overwhelming, bipartisan majorities. There's a reason this has been a big priority for Congress and the administration. Farming families deserve more stability. Once the president signs this Farm Bill into law, that is precisely what they will have." (Sen. McConnell, … Continue Reading


A Long List Of Accomplishments

'[T]he Coast Guard Legislation Was Just The Very Latest Installment In A Long List Of Bipartisan Successes Passed By This Senate' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[This week], we passed legislation to reauthorize the Coast Guard by an overwhelming bipartisan majority. The Senate took action to reaffirm the critical security, interdiction, and rescue missions that keep Americans safe, and to streamline duplicative regulations at the same time. The provision to clarify the regul… Continue Reading

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