The Leader Board
Medicare-For-None: Outlawed Health Care Plans And ‘Tax Hikes On Middle-Class Families’
Senate Democrats Unveil A Government Takeover Of Health Care That 'Would Abolish Private Insurance' And 'Require Tax Hikes On Middle-Class Families' "Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders plans to introduce his new 'Medicare for All' bill Wednesday morning … The new legislation's big-name co-sponsors include four of Sanders' fellow 2020 Democratic contenders -- Sens. Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand -- all of whom also signed onto an earlier version Sanders pu… Continue Reading
Meet Jeffrey Kessler
Though He Is Eminently Qualified And Uncontroversial, Democrats Have Delayed Jeffrey Kessler's Confirmation And Still Forced A Cloture Vote SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Just look at the nomination currently before us. A textbook case study on the shameful state of the current process. Jeffrey Kessler of Virginia was first nominated to serve as Assistant Secretary of Commerce in November of 2017…. Nobody opposed him on the Finance Committee…. And yet, here on the… Continue Reading
Under This Administration, Senate Democrats Have Forced Cloture Votes For The First Time Ever On 42 Different Executive Branch Positions SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[This] is comprehensive, across-the-board heel-dragging like nothing this body has seen before…. In other words, systematic obstruction. Not targeted, thoughtful opposition to a few marquee nominations or rare circumstances. But a grinding, across-the-board effort to delay and obstruct the people this … Continue Reading
Dems Threatening To Vote Down Disaster Recovery Funding
'Democrats Are Threatening To Block' 'Much-Needed Recovery Funds' "Senate Democrats … may block legislation proposed by their Republican counterparts that would allocate billions of dollars for disaster recovery across the country …" ("Disaster Relief Bill at an Impasse Over Puerto Rico Aid," The New York Times, 3/28/2019) "Democrats are threatening to block the GOP bill in a showdown Senate vote on Monday afternoon." ("Senate Barrels Toward Showdown Vote On Disaster Relief,… Continue Reading
In Spite Of Democrats' Rhetoric On The 'Existential Threat' Of Climate Change, Not A Single Democrat Senator Voted In Favor Of The Green New Deal The Senate voted on the Green New Deal today: 0 Yeas, 57 Nays, and 43 Senators voted PRESENT - Leader McConnell (@senatemajldr) March 26, 2019 "The Senate on Tuesday failed to advance the Green New Deal, the ambitious plan to combat climate change proposed by Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez &helli… Continue Reading
Democrats’ Green New Deal: ‘A Raw Deal For America’
Republican Senators On The Green New Deal: 'A Dangerous, Unachievable And Unaffordable Manifesto For Government Control Over Every Part Of The Economy And Our Lives' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Despite its lofty goals and pleasant-enough name, the Green New Deal is really a dangerous, unachievable and unaffordable manifesto for government control over every part of the economy and our lives…. So when I call up the Green New Deal for consideration in the Senate, I w… Continue Reading
Green New Deal: A Democratic Scheme To ‘Cause Immediate Harm To Millions’
Labor Unions And The Solar And Wind Industries Recognize That The Green New Deal Is 'Too Extreme' And A Threat To Jobs And Families' Standards Of Living, Plus '[T]here's No Way To Pay For It' Labor Unions: Green New Deal 'Could Cause Immediate Harm To Millions Of Our Members And Their Families' AFL-CIO ENERGY COMMITTEE: "We will not accept proposals that could cause immediate harm to millions of our members and their families. We will not stand by and allow threats to our members' jobs an… Continue Reading
‘An Opportunity To Go On Record’
Will Senate Democrats Vote For The Green New Deal That Nearly All Of Their Presidential Candidates Have Rushed To Endorse? SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "I've been reading with some amusement that our friends on the other side seem to be reluctant to vote on the 'Green New Deal.' … The only question I would ask is if this is such a popular thing to do and so necessary why would one want to dodge the vote? This is an opportunity to go on record …" (Sen. McConnel… Continue Reading
Deal Dodgers Of The 21st Century
Democrats Will Do And Say Anything To Avoid Having To Vote On The Green New Deal Senate Democrats Still Won't Say If They Support The Green New Deal … SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "I'm not sure I remember another time when the champions of a legislative proposal were this upset they were getting a chance to actually vote on it. But we already know this: The Democratic leader of the Senate has refused to endorse it, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called it the 'green… Continue Reading
‘How Do You Pay For That?’
Even Democrats Admit 'We Could Never Afford' Single-Payer 'Medicare For All' Proposals And The Astronomical Price Tags Have Halted Similar Plans At The State Level Democrats On Single-Payer 'Medicare For All' Proposals: 'How Do You Pay For That?' It 'Would Bankrupt Us' HOUSE SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): "… to convert to it? Thirty trillion dollars. Now, how do you pay for that?" ("Nancy Pelosi: The Rolling Stone Interview," Rolling Stone, 2/27/2019) REP. CHERI BUSTOS (D-IL), DCCC … Continue Reading
Dems Protect The Worst Of The Democrat Politician Protection Act
Democrats Voted Along Partisan Lines To Retain The Most Outrageous Provisions Of The Democrat Politician Protection Act SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This bill is a target-rich environment … I would give you some of the highlights that I think are particularly offensive to average voters. Number one, using government money to subsidize campaigns. In effect, money collected from all of us … and given, in effect, to candidates, to finance campaigns, that we may … Continue Reading
Obstruction For Obstruction’s Sake
Over The Last Two Years, Democrats Have Slow-Walked Scores Of Uncontroversial Nominees And Forced Needless Cloture Votes 'To Eat Up Floor Time' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The real crisis here is the administration itself below the Cabinet level has an enormous number of vacancies…. Once we get to cloture on a number of these nominees they aren't even controversial. So it's pretty obvious the whole purpose is just to eat up floor time." (Politico, 2/13/2019) SEN. … Continue Reading
McConnell Prescient On Democrat Politician Protection Act
The ACLU Agrees That Democrats' Bill Would Chill Protected Speech, A Key Dem Committee Chair Agrees It Will Federalize Control Of Elections, And Reporting Agrees That Handing Taxpayer Money To Political Campaigns Would Produce A 'Candidate Bonanza' "The American Civil Liberties Union, on behalf of its 3 million members, supporters and activists, opposes H.R. 1, the For the People Act of 2019 as it was reported out of the House Administration Committee." (Ronald Newman and Kate Ruane, ACLU, … Continue Reading
Dem Leaders Desperately Dodge Green New Deal Vote
SEN. McCONNELL: 'If This Is Such A Popular Thing To Do And So Necessary Why Would One Want To Dodge The Vote?' 'This Is An Opportunity To Go On Record'; Ocasio-Cortez Pressures Dems To Be 'Courageous' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "I've been reading with some amusement that our friends on the other side seem to be reluctant to vote on the 'Green New Deal.' … The only question I would ask is if this is such a popular thing to do and so necessary why would one want t… Continue Reading
The Green New Deal’s Mind-Boggling Costs
The Astonishing $93 Trillion Price Tag Is More Money Than The United States Government Has Spent In Its Entire History An Estimate Finds The Green New Deal Could Cost Up To $93 TRILLION DOLLARS "The so-called Green New Deal may tally between $51 trillion and $93 trillion over 10-years, concludes American Action Forum, which is run by Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who directed the non-partisan CBO from 2003 to 2005. That includes between $8.3 trillion and $12.3 trillion to meet the plan's call to eli… Continue Reading
Executive Calendar In Crisis
Democrats' Unprecedented Obstruction Has 'Created A New Low Standard' President Trump's Nominees Have Faced Five Times More Cloture Votes Than All Six Of His Predecessors In Their First Two Years Combined President Trump's nominees have faced 128 cloture votes in the first two years of his administration compared to 24 for all six of his predecessors combined in their first two years. There have been over TEN TIMES more cloture votes on President Trump's nominees in his first two years t… Continue Reading
Senate To Vote On Protecting Innocent Life
Senators Will Have The Opportunity To Vote On The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act And 'Protect Infants Who Survive Abortions' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Caring for innocent children and their mothers is a moral imperative. To put these principles into action, I announced, as Senate Majority Leader, that we would vote on the 'Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,' offered by Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) in the coming days. His bill, on which I'm proud to … Continue Reading
Democrats Play Politics With Violence Against Women Act
Democrats' Political Maneuvering Will Cause VAWA To Expire Even Though They Said Lawmakers Should Not 'Play Partisan Games With' It "VAWA was extended as part of the last government funding bill, and expires Friday. Republicans have pushed for a straight, clean extension as part of this bill. Democrats want to deal with VAWA separately -- they have their own bill. But if it's not extended before Friday, it will lapse." (Politico Playbook, 2/13/2019) "Republicans in both the House and Sena… Continue Reading
No, You Can’t ‘Keep Your Plan’
Support For The Radical Government Takeover Of Health Care Democrats Call 'Medicare For All' Plummets Once Americans Hear It Would 'Eliminate Private Insurance,' Create Waitlists To Access Care, And Cost $32 Trillion Many Democrats Have Embraced A Radical Government Takeover Of Health Care Framed As 'Medicare For All' "The new Democratic majority in the House will hold the first hearings on Medicare-for-All legislation, a longtime goal of the party's left, after Speaker Nancy Pelosi lent … Continue Reading
‘Confirm William Barr’
Editorial Boards: 'The U.S. Senate Should Swiftly Approve William Barr,' 'The Sooner He's On The Job, The Better' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "In William Barr, President Trump has nominated a tried-and-true public servant and a proven professional to lead the men and women of the Department of Justice. Testifying before the Committee last month, Mr. Barr expressed his unwavering commitment to 'the rule of law, the Constitution, and the American people.' But my colleagues d… Continue Reading