The Leader Board


Debunked Democrat Talking Points

Smear After Smear On Judge Kavanaugh Gets Beaten Back With The Facts 'False': Judge Kavanaugh Did Not Call Contraceptives 'Abortion-Inducing Drugs' "Did Brett Kavanaugh call birth control abortion-inducing drugs? No … We rate this statement False." (Did Brett Kavanaugh Call Birth Control Abortion-Inducing Drugs? No," Politifact, 9/10/2018) WASHINGTON POST'S FACT CHECKER: "[Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA)] earns Four Pinocchios -- and her fellow Democrats should drop this talking point." … Continue Reading


‘Outright Threats’

Hard Left Activists' 'Abusive' Campaign Of 'Anger' In Maine 'The Campaign Of Pressure … Has Escalated To Include Vulgar Phone Calls [And] Shipments Of Wire Hangers' LIBERAL ACTIVIST: "… we are screaming in the streets practically." ("Interest Groups Turn Up Pressure on Senators Before Kavanaugh Vote," The New York Times, 9/11/2018) "The campaign of pressure on Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, to oppose the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has escalated to i… Continue Reading


The Democrats’ Political Theater

A Look Back at Democrats' Conduct During Judge Kavanaugh's Confirmation Hearings "[F]rom liberal protesters caterwauling to Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) urging Kavanaugh to suspend his own hearing … one has to wonder: Was the chaos merely political theater? There's plenty of evidence that it was, starting with a call that Chuck Schumer, the Senate minority leader, allegedly placed to Democratic members of the committee over the weekend, encouraging them to join together in a mutual (but… Continue Reading


Independence, Loyalty To The Constitution

American Bar Association: 'Judge Kavanaugh Believes Strongly In The Independence Of The Judicial Branch Of Government' JUDGE BRETT KAVANAUGH: "[M]y only loyalty is to the Constitution and I have made it clear, I'm an independent judge." (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, 9/06/2018) JUDGE KAVANAUGH: "I think the first thing that makes a good judge is independence, not being swayed by political or public pressure. That takes some backbone, takes some judicial fortitude. The great mom… Continue Reading



The American Bar Association Gives Judge Kavanaugh Their Highest Grade PAUL MOXLEY, American Bar Association: "We gave [Judge Kavanaugh] the highest rating possible, which is unanimously well-qualified." (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, 9/07/2018) AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION: "The American Bar Association's Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary has completed its evaluation of the professional qualifications of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh … After an exhaustive evaluation proce… Continue Reading



FACT: Judge Kavanaugh Did NOT Leak Information From the Starr Investigation MYTH: SEN. SHELDON WHITEHOUSE (D-RI): "Now, let's look at where you fit in. A Republican political operative your whole career who's never tried a case. You made your political bones helping the salacious prosecution of President Clinton, and leaking prosecution information to the press." (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, 9/04/2018) FACT: "An investigation into alleged leaks to the press from the offic… Continue Reading


‘Nothing Is Off The Table’

FLASHBACK: Senate Democrats Changed 'The Ground Rules' On Judicial Nominations; First EVER Partisan Filibuster Of A Supreme Court Justice Current Judiciary Committee members Sens. Leahy, Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and Dick Durbin (D-IL) participated in the first-ever attempt at a partisan filibuster of a Supreme Court nominee, Samuel Alito. (PN1059, Roll Call Vote #1: Motion Passed 72-25: R 53-0; D 19-24; I 0-1, 1/30/2006, Leahy voted Nay) SEN. PAT LEAHY (D-VT): "The vote may be seen as sym… Continue Reading


Calling The Shots

Senate Democrats Take Marching Orders From Their Hard Left YESTERDAY: "Progressive groups are urging Democratic senators to take a new tack in their push to stop Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh: Go around the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and make all Kavanaugh records public..." ("Progressive Groups To Dems: Go Around Chuck Grassley And Release Kavanaugh Records," Huffington Post, 9/05/2018) "Demand Justice, MoveOn, and NARAL Pro-Choice America jointly called on Senate… Continue Reading


Do What We Say, Not What We Do

Democrats Fine When Democrat Lawyers Review Sotomayor, Kagan Materials, Not When Republican Lawyer Reviews Kavanaugh Materials A Longtime Democrat Lawyer, Who Went On To Become Obama's Deputy White House Counsel, Reviewed Sonia Sotomayor's Documents OBAMA WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL GREG CRAIG on lawyers reviewing part of Judge Sotomayor's record: "They were private citizens under contract with the White House. The team was led by Ms. Leslie Kiernan, a partner with the Washington D.C. law firm of… Continue Reading



Judge Kavanaugh's Record on the DC Circuit: 94% of Time Unanimous, 97% Voted With The Majority LISA BLATT, head of Supreme Court practice for Arnold & Porter: "At the end of the day, I enthusiastically support Judge Kavanaugh, and I am proud to introduce him, because he is unquestionably qualified by his extraordinary intellect, experience, and temperament, and he easily fits within the mainstream of legal thought." (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, 9/04/2018) Judge Kavanaugh… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Kozinski Double Standard

Dems Try To Smear Kavanaugh With Guilt By Association Yet They Voted To Confirm Former Kozinski Clerks To Judgeships SEN. HATCH: "Did you know anything about these allegations?" JUDGE BRETT KAVANAUGH: "Nothing." SEN. HATCH: "Okay. Before they became public last year?" JUDGE KAVANAUGH: "No. When they became public, the first thought I had was no woman should be subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace, ever. Including in the judiciary. Especially in the judiciary. And when I heard, … Continue Reading


Dem ‘Dark Money’ Double Talk

Democrats Decry 'Dark Money' While Plotting 'Behind Closed Doors' With A Special Interest Group Whose 'Funding Is Arguably Even More Opaque' SEN. SHELDON WHITEHOUSE (D-RI): "[W]ho pays millions of dollars for that? And what their expectations are is a deep, dark secret." (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, 9/04/2018) Dems Gather 'Behind Closed Doors' And Rally With 'Dark Money' Group Demand Justice On The Supreme Court LEFT-WING 'DARK MONEY' GROUP DEMAND JUSTICE: "We're LIVE on … Continue Reading


‘I Love The Federalist Society!’

Every Sitting Supreme Court Justice Has Addressed The Federalist Society Associate Justice Elena Kagan: "She began her welcome by booming out: 'I LOVE the Federalist Society!' Kagan paused for emphasis and then repeated, 'I LOVE the Federalist Society!'" (Jim Lindgren, "Elena Kagan: "I LOVE the Federalist Society! I LOVE the Federalist Society!," The Volokh Conspiracy Blog, 5/10/2010) All Current Supreme Court Justices - And Retired Justice Kennedy - Have Attended Federalist Society Ev… Continue Reading


‘A Neutral And Impartial Arbiter Who Favors No Litigant Or Policy’

Sen. Schumer Praised Judges Who Place 'Rule Of Law Above Everything Else,' 'Even When Doing So Results In Rulings That Go Against So-Called Sympathetic Litigants' JUDGE BRETT KAVANAUGH: "My judicial philosophy is straightforward. A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law." (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing 9/04/2018) JUDGE KAVANAUGH: "A good judge must be an umpire-a neutral and impartial arbiter who favors no litigant or policy. As Justice Kennedy e… Continue Reading


‘Self-Described Flunky’

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): 'It Is A Fact That A Presidential Nominee With A Political Job On A Resume Is Far From Unprecedented' SEN. PAT LEAHY (D-VT): "Before sitting on the bench, you were a political operative involved in the most political and partisan controversies of our time." (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, 9/04/2018) SEN. DICK DURBIN (D-IL): "We do know that before you became a judge, you were faithfully advancing the Republican Party agenda. I jokingly said, in one of yo… Continue Reading


‘The Whole Truth’

Judge Kavanaugh Again Explains He Was 'Not Read In To' Bush Administration Detainee Interrogation Policies SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): "Judge, you've been accused of misleading this committee during your 2006 confirmation hearing regarding your role in developing the Bush administration detention policy…. Did you mislead this committee in 2006?" JUDGE BRETT KAVANAUGH TODAY: "I told the truth, the whole truth, in my prior testimony. I was not read in to that program. The subsequent repor… Continue Reading


Judge Kavanaugh Reiterates The Ginsburg Standard

'No Hints, No Forecasts, No Previews' And No Hypotheticals JUDGE BRETT KAVANAUGH: "[A]ll the nominees currently sitting on the Supreme Court, all the justices, have made clear a couple things. First of all, they can't discuss cases or issues that might come before them. As Justice Ginsburg said, 'no hints, no forecasts, no previews.' That also means with respect to at least the vast body of Supreme Court precedent going back, you can't give a thumbs up or thumbs down on the case. That's Just… Continue Reading


Judge Kavanaugh: ‘A Superstar’

Even Leading Liberal Legal Experts Call Him 'A Brilliant Jurist,' 'Legendary For His Preparation,' Say 'The Senate Should Confirm Him' Lisa Blatt, A 'Liberal Democrat' Who Has 'Argued 35 Cases Before The Supreme Court,' Introduced Judge Kavanaugh At His Hearing LISA BLATT, head of Supreme Court practice for Arnold & Porter: "I am here today to introduce Judge Kavanaugh and urge the Senate to confirm him as the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. I've received angry calls fr… Continue Reading


Harris Already A ‘NO’

Sen. Kamala Harris Announced Her Opposition To Any Possible Trump Supreme Court Nominee SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA), Judiciary Committee Member, June 27th: "The President's list of potential SCOTUS nominees are complete non-starters…. We cannot and will not accept them to serve on the highest court in the land." (Sen. Harris, @SenKamalaHarris, Twitter, 6/27/2018) HARRIS, July 9th: "Judge Brett Kavanaugh represents a direct and fundamental threat to that promise of equality and so I will… Continue Reading


Booker Already A ‘NO’

Sen. Cory Booker Announced His Opposition To Judge Kavanaugh On July 9th - The Day He Was Nominated SEN. CORY BOOKER (D-NJ), Judiciary Committee Member, July 9th: "The nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is enormously concerning and I'm strongly opposed to it…. Judge Kavanaugh has an immensely troubling record … I will fight to stop this nomination every step of the way." (Sen. Booker, Press Release, 7/09/2018) BOOKER: "I'm here to call on folks to understand th… Continue Reading

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