The Leader Board
'[A]bout A Third Of The Entire Democratic Caucus Stood Up In The First Week After Judge Kavanaugh Was Announced To Declare They Had Seen Enough And Were Dead-Set Against Confirming Him' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This week, Judge Brett Kavanaugh has continued meeting with members of this body. So far, I believe the only Senators who've met with this nominee and then had negative things to say about him were Democrats who'd already announced beforehand they would oppose h… Continue Reading
Dems Used To Say A Judge’s Record Was ‘The Best Way To Evaluate A Nominee’
SEN. LEAHY (D-VT) On Then-Judge Sonia Sotomayor: 'We Do Not Have To Imagine What Kind Of A Judge She Will Be Because We See What Kind Of A Judge She Has Been' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Already, the [Judiciary C]ommittee has received nearly 200,000 pages of material that relate to this nomination. By all accounts, this is already the most material ever submitted for any Supreme Court nomination…. But of course, the best indicator of how Brett Kavanaugh will approa… Continue Reading
Even Liberal Legal Experts Admit Judge Kavanaugh Is ‘A Superstar’
Judge Kavanaugh Is So Obviously Qualified, Even Liberals Say: He 'Is A Brilliant Jurist,' 'Legendary For His Preparation,' 'Stands Out For Hiring Female Law Clerks,' 'The Senate Should Confirm Him' Former Obama Administration Solicitors General: 'He Carries Out All Phases Of His Responsibilities As A Judge … In An Exemplary Way,' 'Very Hard For Anyone Who's Worked With Him, Appeared Before Him, To Frankly Say A Bad Word About Him' NEAL KATYAL, Former Obama Administration Solicitor … Continue Reading
Another Productive Week In The Senate
The Senate Sent The Defense Authorization Bill To The President, Passed 4 Appropriations Bills, Went To Conference On The Farm Bill, Confirmed The 24th Circuit Court Judge And 6 More District Court Judges Defense Authorization Bill 'Aimed At Building Up The Military' Completed SEN. JOHN McCAIN (R-AZ), Armed Services Committee Chairman: "I'm deeply proud that the Senate voted overwhelmingly today to pass the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019…. Through the NDAA,… Continue Reading
‘Paper And Delay And Obstruction’
Democrats' 'Great Paper Chase' Is Only 'To Stall For Time' And 'Postpone' Judge Kavanaugh's Confirmation SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX): "Now we are engaged in what I would call The Great Paper Chase…. It's unclear to me why this incessant demand for additional paper is being made because, clearly, they've already made up their mind to oppose the nomination. So it leaves me with, I think, the inescapable conclusion that this is really all about foot-dragging and delay. They know they can't a… Continue Reading
‘Welcome To The Summer Of #AbolishICE’
Radical Left-Wing Activists Make Abolishing The Immigration Enforcement Agency 'A Litmus Test For Democrats' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[I]t seems these socialist groups are adding new and dangerous immigration proposals to their already terrible economic policies. In particular, they are calling to abolish the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE was established after 9/11 to protect our homeland…. If these self-described socialists had their way, … Continue Reading
‘Complicit In The Evil’?
Dem Senators' Radical, Unhinged Rhetoric On Highly Qualified Supreme Court Nominee Judge Kavanaugh SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX): "[M]y advice to some of our friends across the aisle who are engaged in this kind of superheated rhetoric, my advice is: get a grip." (Sen. Cornyn, Floor Remarks, 7/25/2018) Senate Dems: 'Destruction Of The Constitution Of The United States,' 'A Nominee Who Wants To Pave The Path To Tyranny' SEN. CORY BOOKER (D-NJ), Judiciary Committee Member: "I'm here to call on f… Continue Reading
Making It In America
'Republican Policies Have Helped Generate The Very Outcomes That Democrats Claimed They Wanted' PRESIDENT TRUMP: "After many years of decline, American manufacturing is coming back bigger and better and stronger than ever before. It's happening. We're in the midst of a great economic revival in the United States. We've added 3.7 million new jobs since the election …" (Pres. Trump, Remarks at Made in America Product Showcase, 7/23/2018) SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "… Continue Reading
Democrats Embrace ‘Dark Money’
Democrats Decry 'Big Special Interests' Dark Money' While Plotting 'Behind Closed Doors' With A Special Interest Group Whose 'Funding Is Arguably Even More Opaque' SEN. SHELDON WHITEHOUSE (D-RI): "Now you see the confirmation process underway, and you see big special interests' dark money already out, campaigning … Somebody spent nearly $18 million in political ads … We don't know who that person was because of the dark money protections that are such a scourge in our democracy… Continue Reading
‘Beaten Back’ By Fact Checkers
Democrats' 'Hysterical,' 'Exaggerated' Supreme Court Attacks SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[T]he hysterical attacks haven't gotten any less desperate, or any more sensible. No sooner are these silly attacks launched than they're beaten back by the facts." (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 7/11/2018) 'Disingenuous,' 'Extreme Distortion,' 'Exaggerated,' 'No Evidence To Justify These Theories' ONE: WASHINGTON POST'S FACT CHECKER: "[T]here's no evidence to justify these theorie… Continue Reading
Democrats’ ‘Extreme Distortion’
Legal Experts And Fact Checkers Call Out Democrats For 'Extreme' And 'Disingenuous' Distortions Of Judge Kavanaugh's Writings SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[T]he hysterical attacks haven't gotten any less desperate, or any more sensible. No sooner are these silly attacks launched than they're beaten back by the facts. One of the flavors of the week was this outlandish claim that -- in law review articles he wrote 10 and 20 years ago -- Judge Kavanaugh supposedly said that s… Continue Reading
Judge Brett Kavanaugh: ‘A Fair-Minded Jurist Who Believes In The Rule Of Law’
Legal Scholars & Experts Laud Judge Kavanaugh As 'A Terrific Judge' With 'An Impeccable Résumé' Who Is 'Enormously Skilled' Yale Law Professors: 'Several Of Judge Kavanaugh's Most Important Ideas And Arguments … Have Found Their Way Into Supreme Court Opinions,' 'I Love Teaching His Opinions Because They Are Smart, Thoughtful, And Clear' KATE STITH, Former Acting Dean of Yale Law School: "[Judge Kavanaugh] is a terrific judge…. In my federal criminal law c… Continue Reading
New Nominee, Same Old Scare Tactics
On The Supreme Court, 'Decade After Decade. Nominee After Nominee. The Far Left's Script Hardly Changes At All.' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[O]ur Democratic colleagues still haven't tired of crying wolf whenever a Republican president nominates anyone to the Supreme Court. We've seen the same movie time after time - after time…. So these far-left groups have been at these same scare tactics for more than forty years…. Decade after decade. Nominee after nomi… Continue Reading
‘Believe It Or Not, The Sky Did Not Fall’
The Left Called Justice Kennedy A 'Disaster For Women' When He Was First Nominated SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "'Sexist.' 'A disaster for women.' 'Totally unacceptable.' These are just a few of the ad hominem attacks that far-left special interest groups hurled at a federal circuit court judge whom a Republican President nominated to the Supreme Court. The name of that federal judge? Anthony Kennedy. After President Reagan nominated then-Judge Kennedy to the Court in 1987… Continue Reading
Radical Left Takes The Reins
Radical Groups Demand Absolute Resistance Against Yet-To-Be-Named SCOTUS Nominee, Senate Democrats Comply With 'Unwavering Opposition' Left-Wing Ideologues 'Mounting A Major Offensive Against President Trump's Supreme Court Pick, Hoping To Pressure Every Democratic Senator To Vote Against' "Liberal groups are mounting a major offensive against President Trump's Supreme Court pick, hoping to pressure every Democratic senator to vote against whomever the White House nominates to succeed Ju… Continue Reading
‘It Doesn’t Matter Who’
On Yet-To-Be Named Supreme Court Nominee, Dems 'Model [Their] Resistance' On Their Shameful 1987 Assault On Robert Bork SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "It's pretty obvious they're ready to fight no matter who the nominee is." (Fox News, 6/28/2018) Dem Senators: 'It Doesn't Matter Who He Is Putting Forward,' 'We Cannot And Will Not Accept Them' "Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Kamala D. Harris (Calif.) took turns at the… Continue Reading
‘What A Six Months It’s Been’
Half A Year After Republicans Passed Tax Reform, Americans Are Keeping More Of Their Money, The Economy Is Taking Off, And Businesses Are Enthusiastic SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Today marks six months since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed Congress. On Friday, it will be six months since the president signed it into law. What a six months it's been. Already, Americans have seen their paychecks grow as the IRS withholds less of what they earn. Already, families are reapin… Continue Reading
Tax Reform Boon For The Bluegrass State
Kentucky Workers, Businesses, Families Continue to Benefit From Tax Reform SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Our Kentucky State Treasurer, Allison Ball, had it just right in a recent column: Quote, 'Kentuckians have immediately benefited from federal tax reform.' And these immediate benefits are only the beginning…. [T]ax reform, regulatory reform, and the rest of Republicans' opportunity agenda continues helping American workers and job creators." (Sen. McConnell, Remar… Continue Reading
Big Benefits In Big Sky Country From Tax Reform
'The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Takes A Cut Of Washington, D.C.'s Power And Puts It Back Squarely In The Hands Of Montanans' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "My friend Senator Daines recently shared what tax reform already means to Montana small business owners. In Chester, at Stricks Ag, it means bonuses of nearly $1,000 to each employee. In Missoula, at Big Sky Brewing, it means worker bonuses and money to purchase new equipment. The same goes for Cabinet Mountain Brewing in Libb… Continue Reading
Tax Reform: ‘It Really Is Working’ For Ohio
Buckeye State Workers And Entrepreneurs Laud Expanding Businesses, New Hires, Employee Bonuses, And Larger Paychecks SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[O]ur economy is starting to work better for all kinds of communities. I recently heard a few inspiring stories from my friend Senator Portman. In Zanesville, Ohio, the owners of GKM Auto Parts had spent much of the last decade watching health insurance premiums soar. By 2016, they could no longer support coverage for their empl… Continue Reading