The Leader Board


‘Good News For Middle-Class Workers and Families’

Unemployment Rate At 17-Year Low, Small Business Optimism On The Rise SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "It seems that every day brings another piece of good news for middle-class workers and families … For eight years, Democrats operated from the left-wing premise that businesses need to lose in order for workers to win…. Fortunately, Republicans have taken a different approach -- one that doesn't assume that Washington bureaucrats know best. We know that American… Continue Reading


What Changed, Dems?

How Can 50 Senate Democrats Vote To Confirm John Brennan, But Not Gina Haspel? "Senate Democrats gave President Trump's CIA nominee Gina Haspel a fierce grilling Wednesday over the post-9/11 'enhanced interrogation' program, which is fair enough. The question is, how many will vote against her - after they voted to confirm President Barack Obama's CIA pick, John Brennan, back in 2013? Brennan, after all, was also deeply involved in the use of waterboarding and other now-controversial techniq… Continue Reading


Michael Brennan: ‘Brilliant, Experienced,’ ‘Fair-Minded’

Fellow Wisconsinites Laud Brennan For His 'Strong Commitment To Justice And The Rule Of Law' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[Michael] Brennan's nomination comes as only the latest distinction in a career marked by impressive legal accomplishments. In both public service and private practice, [he] has developed a reputation for a keen legal mind and an unwavering commitment to the rule of law. According to current and former peers on the Milwaukee County Circuit Court, Mr. Br… Continue Reading


Bipartisan National Security Leaders Support Gina Haspel

Former Obama Administration Officials: 'I'm Glad It's Gina;' Call Haspel 'An Exceptionally Well-Respected Professional,' 'Capable, Smart, Very Experienced' SEN. RICHARD BURR (R-NC), Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman: "I know Gina personally and she has the right skill set, experience, and judgment to lead one of our nation's most critical agencies. I'm proud of her work, and know that my committee will continue its positive relationship with the Central Intelligence Agency under her le… Continue Reading


‘More Momentum’ On Judges

Senate Considering Six Additional Circuit Court Nominations SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This week, the Senate will consider another slate of extremely well-qualified nominees for seats on the federal bench. A thoughtful, independent, and expert judiciary is a cornerstone of our constitutional order. It's been the case since the very beginning. Accordingly, the six circuit court nominees we'll now consider have excellent reputations in the legal field, and have demonstrate… Continue Reading


Democrat Obstruction Continues

President Trump's Nominees Have Faced 88 Cloture Votes In First 2 Years Vs. 24 For Previous 6 Presidents Combined In Their First 2 SEN. JOHN THUNE (R-SD): "[T]his really is a new low here in the Senate in terms of nominees." (Sen. Thune, Press Conference, 4/24/2018) SEN. JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY): "It is only partisan politics from the Democrats that are slowing down this entire process to try and prevent President Trump from putting his team together to lead the nation." (Sen. Barrasso, Press C… Continue Reading


15 Circuit Court Judges Confirmed

SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "These are men and women who try to interpret laws as written or as the Constitution seems to specify." (Bowling Green Daily News, 4/02/2018) Circuit Court Judges Confirmed In 2018 FIFTEEN: Kyle Duncan of Louisiana confirmed by the Senate by Yea-Nay Vote 50-47 to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit SEN. BILL CASSIDY (R-LA): "His breadth of experience makes him a great choice…. [Kyle Duncan] has extensive courtroom e… Continue Reading


‘America Will Be Better Off If Mike Pompeo Is Confirmed’

Editorial Pages On Mike Pompeo: 'Solid Knowledge Of The World,' 'A Professional,' 'Has Gained The President's Trust' USA TODAY EDITORS: "Unless a nominee has clear ethical or competency failings, presidents should be accorded wide latitude to select top aides whom they trust and agree with. Pompeo passes that test and merits approval…. Pompeo has a strong record for being tough on Moscow's recent history of malign behavior … Pompeo is no dummy - he graduated from Harvard Law Sc… Continue Reading


‘What Could It Be Other Than Politics?’

Dems Flip-Flop On Pompeo, Once Said 'He Is Smart, Hard-Working And Devoted To Protecting Our Country' '[U]nder Ordinary Times, He Would Be Confirmed Overwhelmingly' "[Democrat S]enators say they are hearing a clamor from their party's base to fight the nomination - and liberal groups want Democrats to increase their opposition to Pompeo …" ("Dems Hedge On Pompeo's Fate, Politico, 4/17/2018) Mike Pompeo was confirmed as CIA Director by a vote of 66-32, with 15 Democrats voting to … Continue Reading


Mike Pompeo, ‘A Highly Qualified Nominee’

Sen. Burr: 'Somebody's Going To Be Hard-Pressed To Show Me Anything That's A Disqualifier Other Than Politics' Sen. Corker: 'We're Much Better As A Nation Having Mike Pompeo As Secretary Of State' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Here is a man who -- through mastery of the daily briefings he receives, counsel on our nation's most sensitive intelligence activities, and proven leadership in returning our CIA to the aggressive gathering of foreign intelligence -- has inspired … Continue Reading


'Are You Kidding Me?'

Overwhelming Bipartisan Support For Secretaries Of State Was A Long-Standing Senate Tradition SEN. BOB CORKER (R-TN), Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman: "[M]y Democratic friends, who know that … the base, if you will, on the Left, will view this as a proxy vote in support of Trump, obviously are finding ways to not vote for him. This is very much against any kind of tradition that we've had here…. [A]nd there's nothing in Pompeo's past that, in any way, could possibly… Continue Reading


Dems Sink Coast Guard Bill

Democrats 'Flip-Flopped Under Partisan Pressure And Voted Against It' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "In a dangerous world, the brave men and women of the Coast Guard are 'always ready' for the call -- whether it be to interdict drugs, secure our ports, or conduct daring maritime rescues. They deserve our support. So why did this bill fail? Because it contained an eminently sensible, bipartisan provision to streamline regulations for the mariners and vessel operators who dri… Continue Reading


‘Chopping Away’ At Regulations

16th CRA Targets 'Unaccountable, Out-Of-Control Agency That Circumvented The Proper Rulemaking Process' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Republicans are chopping away at the tangled mess of regulations the last administration left behind. Our whole economy is getting a tune-up…. We used the Congressional Review Act a record 15 times last year." (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 4/17/2018) 'GOP Maneuver Could Roll Back Decades Of Regulation' "Republicans are preparing to ope… Continue Reading


Tax [Reform] Day

As Americans File Their Taxes For The Final Time Under The Old Code, Senate Republicans Spotlight Current And Future Tax Reform Benefits SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Today is 'Tax Day,' the deadline for most Americans to file their tax returns. For many middle-class families and businesses, this date is circled on the calendar with regret and trepidation. But this year, this depressing day has a silver lining?-?simply put, it's 'out with the old, and in with the new.' Toda… Continue Reading


Tax Day 2018: ‘Out With The Old, And In With The New’

Across America, Working Class Families And Small Business Owners Keep More Of Their Money, Making 'A Tremendous Difference' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Today is the last time American families will have to file under the unfair, outdated tax code that Congress and the president got rid of a few months ago. 'Out with the old, and in with the new.' Republicans' historic overhaul cut taxes for families and small businesses. We doubled the standard deduction, expanded the chi… Continue Reading


More Money In Floridians’ Pockets

Sen. Rubio: 'Millions Of Parents Across This Country Will Have More Money In Their Pocket Come Tax Time Next Year.' PRESIDENT TRUMP: "[T]his country is starting to rock with our businesses coming back in. It's starting to really rock…. We've had tremendous success from the company standpoint and from the people's standpoint. They're going out. They have a lot more money to spend." (President Trump, Roundtable Discussion on Tax Cuts, Hialeah, FL, 4/16/2018) SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL): "I… Continue Reading


‘Confirm Mike Pompeo’

Former Sec. of State Madeleine Albright: 'He Will Be Somebody That Replenishes The State Department' THE WASHINGTON POST EDITORS: "Confirm Mike Pompeo" (Editorial, The Washington Post, 4/12/2018) Democrats: 'The State Department Needs A Secretary Of State Quickly,' Director Pompeo Is 'A Nominee Who Really Answers Our Questions' FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE MADELEINE ALBRIGHT: "He has been a member of Congress. And he's had a job recently that has put him in a position of knowing an awful lot.… Continue Reading


Historic Democrat Obstruction

President Trump's Nominees Have Faced 86 Cloture Votes In First 2 Years Vs. 24 For Previous 6 Presidents Combined SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Over and over again, we've had to file cloture and exhaust floor time on amply-qualified nominees who then soar through their confirmation votes by lopsided margins…. The numbers speak for themselves." (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 4/11/2018) WALL STREET JOURNAL: "Democratic obstruction against nominees is nearly total, most not… Continue Reading


‘Pompeo Is The Right Man’

30 Bipartisan Former National Security Officials Say 'Director Pompeo Is A Strong Choice To Lead The Department Of State' "Thirty former government officials with national security experience have written a letter to the top Republican and Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, Sens. Bob Corker and Bob Menendez, endorsing the current CIA Director and former Kansas Congressman [Mike Pompeo]. The authors cite the 'hot wars' in Syria and Afghanistan, emerging crises in Ir… Continue Reading


‘Worth Celebrating’

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch's First Year on the Court "Neil Gorsuch became the Supreme Court's newest member a year ago this Tuesday. President Donald Trump's pick for the high court, its 113th justice, has now heard more than 60 cases on issues including gerrymandering, fees paid to unions and the privacy of certain cellphone records." (The Associated Press, 4/08/2018) SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[W]e've confirmed top-notch legal minds to the federal bench, inclu… Continue Reading

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