The Leader Board


End The Left’s Law Enforcement No-Go Zones

Thousands Of Criminals Needlessly Remain In This Country As Local Jurisdictions Defy Federal Law SEN. PAT TOOMEY (R-PA): "It is past time to act. Sanctuary city policies make it harder to stop illegal immigration and keep dangerous criminals off the streets… Sanctuary cities such as Philadelphia and San Francisco endanger all of us by conferring a special protection to illegal immigrants even when federal immigration officials identify them as dangerous criminals. This is simply inexc… Continue Reading


Tax Reform: Lower Power Bills

Families Across the Country Will Pay Less As Utilities Pass On Tax Reform Savings to Consumers SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "…[In] states, from Montana to Massachusetts to my home state of Kentucky, utilities are planning to directly pass along their savings by cutting consumers' monthly bills." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 2/13/2018) From Kentucky To Missouri To Vermont, Americans Will Be Saving On Their Utility Bills KENTUCKY: "Customers of Louisville Gas and Electric Company an… Continue Reading


Tax Reform: More Than 3.5 Million Workers Have Already Benefited

Special Tax Reform Bonuses Have Been Announced For Workers At Nearly 350 Companies SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "We've been talking for weeks about the millions of Americans who are already benefiting from tax reform. Already, millions of workers have received a tax reform bonus, pay increase, or other benefit. I understand that a 1,000-dollar, 2,000-dollar, or 3,000-dollar bonus might not seem like much to my colleagues from New York or San Francisco. I understand why people who are already ve… Continue Reading


Tax Reform Delivers Real Results

Tax Reform 'Has Put Money Back Into My Business, Into My Hometown, Into My Region, Into My Employees' Pensions And 401k' 'If You're A Family Of Four, It's Not Crumbs. $1000 Is A Lot Of Money' "'It's bigger than crumbs like the politicians were saying... It's bigger than crumbs,' says Mark Guilbeau of Lafayette [Louisiana]. And they're already making plans for what to do with it. 'I plan to pay down some credit card debt,' says Guilbeau." ("New Tax Withholding Guidelines Means Higher Paychec… Continue Reading


‘Budget Agreement Is Indispensable For Our National Security’

Defense Secretary Mattis: 'No Strategy Can Survive Without The Necessary Stable, Predictable Funding' JAMES MATTIS, Secretary of Defense: "I cannot overstate the negative impact to our troops and families' morale from all this budget uncertainty. Today's Congressional action will ensure our military can defend our way life, preserve the promise of prosperity, and pass on the freedoms you and I enjoy to the next generation." (Sec. Mattis, White House Press Briefing, 2/07/2018) SENATE MAJOR… Continue Reading


‘Vote To Remove The Uncertainty That Is Hanging Over Our Armed Forces’

SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "…we have the opportunity to make real progress with an immediate step that every Senator in this chamber should support - passing a fiscal year 2018 defense appropriations bill. We can vote to remove the uncertainty that is hanging over our armed forces and secure the current year funding that our servicemembers deserve." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 2/6/2018) SEC. MATTIS: 'Our Troops Have Stoically Shouldered A Much Greater Burden' JAMES MATTIS, Secre… Continue Reading


Economic Opportunity Zones: ‘A Huge Deal’

'A Plan To Help Distressed America' In The Recently-Passed Tax Reform Law SEN. TIM SCOTT: 'Opportunity Can Truly Be The Difference That Changes The Course Of One's Life' SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC): "These are private sector dollars coming into distressed communities, where 50 million Americans live, that will provide long-term opportunities to transform communities and the people who live in there - everything from workforce investment to better education, to businesses being attracted into these… Continue Reading


Tax Reform: ‘Investments Will Create New Jobs’

Companies Announce New U.S. Manufacturing Plants And Billions In Investments That 'Will Create New Jobs' UPS 'Will Invest An Additional $7 Billion,' 'Our Investments Will Create New Jobs' "UPS today announced more than $12 billion in investments to expand the company's Smart Logistics Network and significantly increase pension funding …" (UPS, Press Release, 2/01/2018) "The company plans to raise future capital spending above its previously committed six-to-seven percent of annual … Continue Reading


Minnesota Supreme Court Justice David Stras Will ‘Make An Excellent Circuit Court Judge’

Justice David Stras Has A 'Reputation For Thoughtfulness, Fairness, And Intellectual Excellence' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "David Stras of Minnesota… currently serves as Associate Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court. Three of his former colleagues on that Court, now retired, praised him in an open letter last year for his sterling academic record, his considerable experience, and his ability to hear cases - quote - 'with objectivity and an open mind.' Their testimony only confirms … Continue Reading


Improving The Lives Of The American People

The Major Accomplishments Of The 115th Congress SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "When President Trump delivers his State of the Union address, he will have outstanding news to share. After a decade of sluggish growth and stagnant paychecks, our country is back on the right track. Optimism is sweeping across the country, and the economy is finally gaining momentum. The Trump administration has worked with the Republican Congress to improve the lives of the American people. … Republicans have… Continue Reading


A Tale Of Two Kennedys

President John F. Kennedy vs. Grand-Nephew Rep. Joe Kennedy III On Taxes PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY: 'A Tax Cut Means Higher Family Income And Higher Business Profits' PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY: "The single most important fiscal weapon available to strengthen the national economy is the federal tax policy. The right kind of tax cut at the right time is the most effective measure that this Government could take to spur our economy forward. For the facts of the matter are that our present tax s… Continue Reading


Tax Reform Is Working For Kentucky

Sen. McConnell: 'Every Day, More Evidence Piles Up That Tax Reform Is Already Working For The American People' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Every day, more evidence piles up that tax reform is already working for the American people. The headlines are full of major employers announcing worker pay raises, bonuses, and new investments. For example, Brown Forman - a global spirits company headquartered in Louisville that employs more than 1,000 Kentuckians - announced yesterday that tax reform wi… Continue Reading


The Longest S-CHIP Extension In History

'Parents Of The Almost 9 Million Children Who Receive Coverage Under The Federal Children's Health Insurance Program, Or CHIP, Can Breathe Easier' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "…I'd particularly like to thank our Senate Finance Committee Chairman, Senator Hatch, for his powerful advocacy for the nine million children in low-income families who rely on the State Children's Health Insurance Program. ... I understand the six-year S-CHIP extension the Senate passed yesterday will be the long… Continue Reading


Tax Reform: ‘A Rising Tide Of Economic Optimism’

Tax Reform Bonuses Now Available In Ventis SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The rising tide of economic optimism I have been highlighting on the floor is not showing any signs of subsiding. Yesterday alone, three of the nation's largest companies announced major new investments in the U.S. economy and workforce. Each said their decisions were made possible by the improved business climate created by the landmark tax code overhaul that Congress passed last year. … And just this morning, Star… Continue Reading


For American Workers Tax Reform Continues To Deliver

For American Workers At Disney, JPMorgan, Verizon And Many Others The 'Good News About Last Month's Historic Tax Reform Law Continues To Pile Up' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "While the press was focused on the unfortunate lapse in government funding, the good news about last month's historic tax reform law continues to pile up. The number of Americans preparing to receive pay raises, special bonuses, and other benefits thanks to the historic tax cuts passed last month continues to grow. And th… Continue Reading


S-CHIP Regrets, They’ve Had A Few

SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Thanks to the Democratic Leader's decision, along with my friend from Michigan, to filibuster an extension of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, low-income families will slip closer to losing health coverage for their kids. And in many states this is an emergency. There was a carefully crafted compromise that she and every Democrat on the committee supported. The Senate has not reviewed this new proposal. But if members are serious about funding CHIP, t… Continue Reading


Children’s Health Insurance: ‘Vital To Millions Of Children And Families’

Children's Hospitals, Pediatricians, And Health Professionals Warn That 'Congressional Inaction On CHIP Along With A Government Shutdown Is A Dangerous Combination For Families' Health Professionals Urge Congress To 'Pass CHIP This Week' CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION: "The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is vital to millions of children and families…. States are exhausting all available program funds and have announced plans to freeze enrollment and, in some cases, end… Continue Reading



Democrats' 'Risky' Shut Down Strategy Opposed By Majority Of Americans, Impact Felt Across Country SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Day one of the Senate Democrats' government shutdown…. [L]ike the president, like the House, and like a bipartisan majority of Senators, the American people cannot begin to understand why the Senate Democratic Leader thinks the entire government should be shut down until he gets his way on illegal immigration…. Senate Democrats are s… Continue Reading


Far-Left Demands ‘Governmental Chaos’

And Sen. Schumer & Senate Democrats Deliver With A Government Shut Down SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY): "This vote should be a 'no-brainer.' And it would be - except that the Democratic Leader has convinced his members to filibuster any funding bill that doesn't include legislation they are demanding for people who came to the United States illegally. What has been shoehorned into this discussion is an insistence that we deal with an illegal immigration issue. He's insisted that he won't suppo… Continue Reading


Governors ‘Urge Immediate Action On The Children’s Health Insurance Program’

Govs: 'We Believe Covering Children And Pregnant Women Without Disruption Is One Thing We Can All Agree On' GOVS: 'Give The Families Who Rely On CHIP The Peace Of Mind Of Knowing That Their Children Will Be Able To Get The Health Care They Need' GOV. TOM WOLF (D-PA): "The 178,000 children in PA that rely on CHIP for health care deserve better … We need a sustainable, long-term funding solution for this vital program …" (Gov. Wolf, @GovernorTomWolf, Twitter, 1/16/2018) GOV. W… Continue Reading

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