The Leader Board


Dem Shutdown Would Have ‘A Terrible Impact’ On Our Military

Defense Secretary Mattis Warns A Government Shutdown Will 'Shut Down' Maintenance, 'Stop' Intelligence Operations, 'Stop' Reserves Training Q: "Secretary Mattis, one last question. Will a government shutdown have serious ramifications on military operations …?" … SECRETARY OF DEFENSE JAMES MATTIS: "Yes … it's got a terrible impact." (Secretary Mattis, Press Conference, 1/19/2018) SECDEF MATTIS: In A Shut Down 'Over 50% Altogether Of My Civilian Workforce Will Be Furlough… Continue Reading


Government Shutdown ‘Tough’ For Military Bases, Communities

Workers In Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Washington, Colorado, Missouri And Elsewhere Worry 'If The Base Shuts Down, That Affects Everybody In This Area,' 'Will Have An Incredible Impact' THEN-SECRETARY OF DEFENSE CHUCK HAGEL: "…what happened in 2013 when we had to stop training, stop flying, stop sailing, when we had a government shutdown for more than two weeks. We had to also furlough civilians. That was a tough time." ("Remarks By Secretary Hagel At A Troop Event At Whiteman Air Force Bas… Continue Reading


Dems ‘Do Not Oppose A Single Thing In This Bill’

Will Democrats Really 'Filibuster Government Funding And Shut Down Vital Programs For Americans'? SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "My friends on the other side of the aisle do not oppose a single thing in this bill. They know they can't possibly explain to our warfighters and veterans, to our seniors, to our opioid treatment centers, to the millions of vulnerable children and their families who depend on S-CHIP for coverage, or to all the Americans who rely on the federal government for critical s… Continue Reading


Tax Reform: More Than Two Million Workers Have Already Benefited

SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Already, for weeks, we've seen special bonuses, pay increases, and other tax reform benefits delivered to workers across the nation. These immediate benefits are just the first fruits. Tax reform is also planting the seeds of long-term wage growth and job creation by making America a more attractive place for entrepreneurship and investment." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 1/17/2018) SEN. McCONNELL: "In fact, I am proud to announce that earlier today, I spoke wi… Continue Reading


Will They?

SEN. SCHUMER: 'We Could Say, "We're Shutting Down The Government… Until You Pass Immigration Reform." It Would Be Governmental Chaos' Dem Flashback: 'Holding Pieces Of Legislation Hostage … Is Wrong,' 'Just Ridiculous,' 'Really Bullying Behavior' SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): "…basically, it's sort of like this. Someone goes into your house, takes your wife and children hostage and then, says, let's negotiate over the price of your house. You know, we could do the same thin… Continue Reading


Bipartisan Govs: ‘Reauthorize CHIP As Quickly As Possible’

8.9 Million Children Nationwide Covered by State Children's Health Insurance Program SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT), Finance Committee Chairman: "[T]he House bill would extend funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program for six years, which is the longest extension since the creation of the program…. I'll remind my colleagues that, this past September, the Finance Committee's Ranking Member, Senator Wyden, and I introduced a long-term, bipartisan CHIP extension bill that was overwhelm… Continue Reading


Act Now On Children’s Health Insurance Program

Dems Rhetoric: 'Stop Playing Political Football With The Health Care Of Our Children,' 'Children's Lives At Risk' FLASHBACK: All Senate Finance Committee Democrats Voted For A 5 Year S-CHIP Extension In October: "The Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday approved by voice vote its bipartisan bill to renew funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program. … The bill (S 1827) by Chairman Orrin G. Hatch, R-Utah, and Wyden would renew funding for the program for five years…" ("Pan… Continue Reading


‘That’s Wrong’

Sen. Feinstein: 'The Last Thing We Need Is For The Government To Shut Down' FLASHBACK: SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): "…basically, it's sort of like this. Someone goes into your house, takes your wife and children hostage and then, says, let's negotiate over the price of your house. You know, we could do the same thing on immigration. We believe strongly in immigration reform. We could say, 'we're shutting down the government, we're not gonna raise the debt ceiling, until you pass immigratio… Continue Reading


Tax Reform: Benefits Aplenty For Workers

Walmart Becomes The Latest Major American Company To Announce Worker Benefits Due To Tax Reform Changes Due To Tax Reform Will 'Benefit More Than 1 Million U.S. Hourly Workers' At Walmart WALMART: "Today, Walmart announced plans to increase the starting wage rate for all hourly associates in the U.S. to $11, expand maternity and parental leave benefits and provide a one-time cash bonus for eligible associates of up to $1,000. The company is also creating a new benefit to assist associates wi… Continue Reading


Tax Reform: Lower Utility Rates

'Regulators From Montana To Kentucky Have Ordered Utilities To Act Now To Ensure Ratepayers Share In The Windfall From The Tax Bill' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "All around the country, utility companies that will benefit from our new tax cuts are already discussing plans to pass their savings on to consumers. Major power companies in Illinois, Maryland, and Massachusetts are already proposing plans to give their customers tens of millions of dollars in relief by lowering the rates they charge… Continue Reading


Tax Reform: Americans Already Seeing Benefits

1,000,000 Plus American Workers And Counting Receiving Bonuses & Wage Hikes Major Companies In Multiple Industries Have Announced Bonuses And Wage Hikes For American Workers WELLS FARGO: With 250,000 plus employees "Wells Fargo, meanwhile, also said it would be boosting its minimum wage for employees to $15 an hour. The bank alsopo said it would target $400 million in donations to community and nonprofit organizations next year." ("Wells Fargo, Fifth Third Bancorp Unveil Minimum Wage Hikes… Continue Reading


The World Remains Dangerous

The Need To Provide Our Military With Adequate, Predictable Funding To Meet Multiple Security Threats Is Clear SEN. JOHN McCAIN (R-AZ): "In a recent letter to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Secretary Mattis explained, 'BCA-level funding reverses the gains we have made in readiness, and undermines our efforts to increase lethality and grow the force. Without relief from the BCA caps, our air, land, and sea fleets will continue to erode. BCA caps obstruct our path to modernization, and cont… Continue Reading


Tax Reform: More Money In Your Pocket

Growing List Of Growing List Of Employees Receiving Bonuses & Wage Hikes AMERICAN AIRLINES GROUP & SOUTHWEST AIRLINES: "No. 1 U.S. airline American Airlines Group Inc … and peer Southwest Airlines Co … on Tuesday said they would give their employees a $1,000 bonus in light of the recent tax reform bill." ("American Airlines, Southwest Employees To Get Bonus After Tax Reform," Reuters, 1/2/2018) "American Airlines will distribute the bonus to each team member… The… Continue Reading


Debt of Honor

SEN. McCONNELL: 'We Need… A Funding Agreement That Gives Our Men And Women In Uniform The Tools And Training They Need' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Since fiscal year 2013, defense cuts have outpaced domestic spending cuts by $85 billion. To fix this, we need to set aside the arbitrary notion that new defense spending be matched equally by new non-defense spending. There is no reason why funding for our national security and our servicemembers should be limited by an arbitrary political… Continue Reading


‘This Is Actually Happening’

Millions In Bonuses For More Than 500,000 American Workers Have Already Been Announced Across America: Bonuses, Raises, Increased 401(K) Contributions & Improved Benefits AMERICAN AIRLINES GROUP & SOUTHWEST AIRLINES: "No. 1 U.S. airline American Airlines Group Inc … and peer Southwest Airlines Co … on Tuesday said they would give their employees a $1,000 bonus in light of the recent tax reform bill." ("American Airlines, Southwest Employees To Get Bonus After Tax Reform… Continue Reading


Draining the Regulatory Swamp

'The Most Far-Reaching Regulatory Reform [Effort] In American History' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): Under President Obama "the problem was America was underperforming -- not a single year of 3 percent growth during the Obama years. We attributed that to excessive regulation and a failure to address the tax code. This administration, working with us, through the Congressional Review Act, repealed 15 of the Obama-era regulations and, by the appointments that they made, all confirmed by the Senate… Continue Reading


Real Reform For American Veterans

Significant Bipartisan Victories This Year On Behalf Of Our Nation's Veterans SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Under the last Administration, we learned of a shocking scandal that spread through Veterans Affairs facilities across the nation. Our veterans deserved far better. Ever since, Congress has continued to work on a number of initiatives that are designed to bring more justice to veterans and bring more reform to the VA. Senator Isakson, the Chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, has be… Continue Reading


On Judges: ‘A Year Of Extraordinary Accomplishment’

'Gorsuch's Confirmation … A Marquee Accomplishment For President Trump' "The U.S. Senate confirmed Neil M. Gorsuch to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court… Gorsuch's confirmation is a marquee accomplishment for President Trump and his young administration…" ("Senate Confirms Neil Gorsuch To Supreme Court," Washington Post, 4/7/2017) The Senate Has Confirmed An Historic 12 Circuit Court Judges This Year - The Most In A President's 1st Year In Office Since The Creation Of Cir… Continue Reading


Senate Democrats: Penalizing Poor Students

'The Junior Senator From Vermont And His Allies Have Chosen To Make It Harder For Low-Income Students To Earn A College Degree' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The junior Senator from Vermont and his allies have chosen to make it harder for low-income students to earn a college degree. This is especially hypocritical coming from the man who claims to support free college for all. I'm at a loss for words. I don't understand how they can claim to fight for students in one moment, and then make it h… Continue Reading


‘Bonuses To Hundreds Of Thousands Of Workers After Tax Bill’

AT&T, Comcast, Fifth-Third Bank, Wells Fargo, & Boeing Immediately Announce Plans To Raise Wages & Benefits For Their Workers "AT&T, Comcast giving $1,000 bonuses to hundreds of thousands of workers after tax bill" ("AT&T, Comcast Giving $1,000 Bonuses To Hundreds Of Thousands Of Workers After Tax Bill," CNBC, 12/20/2017) COMCAST: "Based on the passage of tax reform and the FCC's action on broadband, Brian L. Roberts, Chairman and CEO of Comcast NBCUniversal, announced th… Continue Reading

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