The Leader Board
Manufacturers Bullish On Tax Reform
'Manufacturers Are Saying Loudly And Clearly That More Jobs, Better Pay And Manufacturing Growth Are On The Horizon' "The National Association of Manufacturers said Monday its latest quarterly CEO survey reflects historically high optimism on expectations for the passage of tax reform in Washington. The trade group said CEO optimism - hitting a high mark in 20 years of the survey - should send a message to legislators that failure to enact the bill would be a blow to American business." ("Man… Continue Reading
Steve Grasz A Man Of ‘Integrity, Humility, And Decency’
The 10th Nominee To A Circuit Court To Be Considered By The Full Senate This Year SEN. DEB FISCHER (R-NE): "After extensive consultation, it was clear Steve Grasz was the only candidate Senator Sasse and I wanted to recommend to President Trump for this judgeship." (U.S. Senate, Judiciary Committee, Hearing, 11/1/2017) SEN. BEN SASSE (R-NE): "Steve bleeds Husker red but knows that a judge must clothe themselves in the black robes of impartiality." (U.S. Senate, Judiciary Committee, Hearing, 11… Continue Reading
Ready To Finalize Tax Reform Legislation
Senate Conference Committee Members Work To 'Send A Final Bill To The President's Desk' And 'Provide Relief To Families And Small Businesses' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Last week, Senators answered the calls of our constituents by voting to overhaul our complex and outdated federal tax code. We seized the opportunity to spur economic growth, to help create jobs right here at home, and to take more money out of Washington's pocket and put more money into the pockets of hardw… Continue Reading
Tax Reform: ‘Good For The Middle Class’
Sen. Rounds: 'The Tax Reform Bill … Takes Meaningful Steps To Reform Our Tax Code In A Manner That Will Allow Businesses To Flourish Again And Families To Keep More Of Their Hard-Earned Dollars' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "For many Americans the legacy of the Obama economy is sluggish growth, stagnant paychecks and missed opportunities. A lost generation of workers still struggle with the consequences of the Great Recession and find it nearly impossible to get ahead. One of the biggest… Continue Reading
‘Historic Tax Relief’
Senate Republicans 'Passed The Most Sweeping Tax Rewrite In Decades' 'Taking A Big Step Toward … [A] Major Legislative Triumph' PRESIDENT TRUMP: "We're now one huge step closer to delivering to the American people … historic tax relief …" (President Trump, "Remarks by President Trump on Antiquities Act Designations," 12/04/2017) SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "We have an opportunity now to make America more competitive, and to keep jobs from being shippe… Continue Reading
100+ Economists Laud Pro-Growth Tax Reform
Estimate A Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Boost Of 'Between 3 And 5 Percent' ECONOMISTS: 'Economic Growth Will Accelerate If The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Passes, Leading To More Jobs, Higher Wages, And A Better Standard Of Living' 137 Economists: "'Ask five economists,' as the Edgar Fiedler adage goes, 'and you'll get five different answers.' Yet, when it comes to the tax reform package aimed at fixing our broken system, the undersigned have but one shared perspective: Economic growth will accele… Continue Reading
‘Reducing Taxes For The Middle Class’
The Senate 'Finance Committee Plan Cuts Tax Rates Across The Board' 'Laser-Focused… On Reducing Taxes For The Middle Class' SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): "[W]e have been laser-focused… on reducing taxes for the middle class. And that is exactly what this bill will do." (Sen. Hatch, Press Release, 11/10/2017) FINANCE COMMITTEE: "The Finance Committee plan cuts tax rates across the board. The proposal also repeals a number of tax credits and benefits that predominantly benefit wealthy … Continue Reading
‘Tax Reform Our Economy Desperately Needs’
Economists, Manufacturers & Retailers Associations: Tax Reform 'Will Yield More Jobs And Higher Wages' MANUFACTURERS & RETAILERS: 'Passing Historic Tax Reform Would Deliver … Immense Benefits To U.S. Workers' JAY TIMMONS, President and CEO, National Association of Manufacturers, and MATTHEW SHAY, President and CEO, National Retail Federation: "[W]e have brought together two of the largest sectors of America's economy - manufacturing and retail - to help our elected leaders seize… Continue Reading
An ‘Excellent Tax Bill For Small Business’
Small Business Advocates Agree: Senate Tax Bill Is 'Exactly What Small Business Owners And Entrepreneurs Need Right Now In Order To Grow' SEN. RISCH: 'The Aim Of This Entire Exercise Is To Reduce The Burden On Taxpayers And Create An Environment That Enables Families And Businesses, Particularly Small Businesses, To Thrive' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "These are the job generators that produce most [of the] jobs in America. And every small business group I can think of is … Continue Reading
Another Extraordinary Circuit Court Judge
'There's No Disputing That [Gregory Katsas Is] Very Well Qualified For This Job' SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA): "…there's no disputing that [Gregory Katsas is] very well qualified for this job. He has degrees from Princeton and Harvard, and he clerked for the Third Circuit, the D.C. Circuit, and the Supreme Court. He has years of experience in the public sector-where he led divisions at the Department of Justice-and in the private sector-where he was a partner at Jones Day. He currently ser… Continue Reading
Economists Laud Pro-Growth Tax Reform
ECONOMISTS: 'The House And Senate Finance Bills Would Achieve' 'Pro-Growth Objective' WALL STREET JOURNAL: "…a letter from some of the country's most distinguished economists making the case that the House and Senate reforms will significantly raise U.S. growth potential." (Editorial, "Tax Reform, Growth and the Deficit," Wall Street Journal, 11/27/2017) "Dear Mr. Secretary: The present debate over tax reforms proposed by President Trump's administration and embodied in bills that ha… Continue Reading
Targeting Inversions: ‘This Is A Really Big Deal’
Tax Reform 'Would Do Far More To Stop Corporate Tax Gaming Than Anything The Obama Administration Did In Eight Years' SEN. ROB PORTMAN (R-OH): "I think there is a consensus, at least in the real world, about the fact that our current tax code is hopelessly broken, and we have to fix it, and if you're against helping our companies stay American companies, that must mean that you believe that they ought to become foreign companies, which is exactly what's happening. … Ernst and Young, whi… Continue Reading
Huge Steps Forward On Tax Reform
First The House Of Representatives, Then The Senate Finance Committee Passed Sweeping Tax Reform legislation House Passage A 'Key Milestone,' 'Significant Leap Forward' In Republicans 'Quest To Cut Taxes For Businesses And Individuals' SPEAKER RYAN: "We need to restore growth. We need to restore opportunity. We need to restore this beautiful thing we affectionately call the American Idea. Passing this bill is the single biggest thing we can do to grow the economy, to restore opportunity, and… Continue Reading
‘A Pro-Growth, Pro-Family Proposal That Will Reduce Taxes’
Conservative Groups Say Senate Tax Reform Plan 'Simplifies The Code, Reduces Taxes For Families And Businesses, And Grows The Economy' AMERICANS FOR TAX REFORM: "The Senate's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is a pro-growth, pro-family proposal that will reduce taxes on Americans at every income level and dramatically simplify the 70,000+ page tax code. It will also provide a much-needed overhaul to the outdated tax code so that businesses large and small will again be able to compete against foreign comp… Continue Reading
Job Creators: Senate Tax Plan Will ‘Energize Our Nation’s Economy’
'Momentum Is Building For Historic Tax Reform… That Lifts Everyone Up And Leaves No One Behind,' 'We Can Revitalize The Job Market And Reinvigorate Local Economies' 'Tax Reform Is Vital,' 'This Is A Proposal That Would Cut Taxes, Create Jobs And Energize Our Nation's Economy' JAY TIMMONS, National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO: "Momentum is building for historic tax reform, and the Senate's bold vision takes us one step closer to victory-to a plan that lifts everyone … Continue Reading
‘A Bigger Tax Cut’
SEN. TOOMEY: 'Every Single Cohort Has A Larger Savings, Which Is To Say A Bigger Tax Cut, Under This More Recent Version Than The Previous Version, Right?' JCT: 'That's Correct' Average Savings Today Is 9.5% For The $20-30,000 Income Cohort, Vs. 7% Last Week SEN. PAT TOOMEY (R-PA): "These [tax bill] iterations are getting better and better for working families, middle class, and in every cohort. So Mr. Barthold, let me ask you a couple of questions if I could. And I want to focus on taxes th… Continue Reading
Dems’ Selective Outrage
FLASHBACK: In 2014 The Obama Administration 'Delayed The Individual Mandate,' 'Trying To Pre-Empt … Political Blowback' 'Obamacare Liberals Silently Gutting Their Own Creation' "It turns out the Obama team has delayed the individual mandate to buy health insurance - though the announcement was quiet and roundabout, to minimize the embarrassment. What we're left with is a US health-care system whose engine has been partly disassembled…" ("The Obama Team Quietly Gives Up On Makin… Continue Reading
‘Tax Relief To Enable Small Businesses To Grow’
National Federation Of Independent Business 'Strongly Supports The Chairman's Mark' JUANITA DUGGAN, President & CEO, NFIB: "On behalf of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation's leading small business advocacy organization, I am writing to thank you and your staff for your continued commitment to America's small businesses. NFIB strongly supports the Chairman's Mark, as modified, to provide appropriate tax relief for America's small businesses." (Juanita D. Dugga… Continue Reading
Dem Demagoguery Debunked
JOINT COMMITTEE ON TAXATION: 'There's Nothing [In The Chairman's Mark] That Mandates That People Give Up Insurance' SEN. MIKE ENZI (R-WY): "I've been hearing this word that [repeal of the individual mandate tax is] going to 'kick' 13 million people off health insurance. Is there anything in there that says we're going to 'kick' anybody off?" Joint Committee On Taxation: "The result in terms of changes in the uninsured is a result of decisions made. There's nothing that mandates that people giv… Continue Reading
‘A Tax Code That's Pro-Family’
IVANKA TRUMP: 'Today, In The Vast Majority Of American Homes, All Parents Work. Our Tax Code Has To Recognize And Support… This Reality' "Ivanka Trump scores win with Senate plan to double child tax credit: Ivanka Trump notched a policy victory late Tuesday night when the latest revisions to the Senate tax bill proposed doubling the child tax credit." ("Ivanka Trump Scores Win With Senate Plan To Double Child Tax Credit," Politico, 11/15/2017) SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL): "…I welcome… Continue Reading