The Leader Board


Sen. Schumer Ignores The 99 Percent

In 2013, Democrats Invoked The Nuclear Option To 'Fill Up The D.C. Circuit' And 'Circumvent' Congress MYTH: 'Our Republican Colleagues Had Been Holding Back … Just About All … Lower Court Judges' CHUCK TODD, NBC News: "Let me say this, let me start with this way. You expressed regret earlier this year for the rules change that was made on judges in 2013. Why did you go along with it if you regret doing it?" SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): "Well, let's look at the history. Our Republ… Continue Reading


Judge Gorsuch: ‘Everyone Who Comes To Court Deserves Respect’

Judge Gorsch: As Judges, 'Sometimes The Answers We Reach Aren't Ones We Would Personally Prefer. Sometimes The Answers Follow Us Home And Keep Us Up At Night. But The Answers We Reach Are Always The Ones We Believe The Law Requires.' NOAH FELDMAN, Liberal Harvard Law Professor, & Former Clerk To Justice David Souter: "I'm not sure who decided that the Democratic critique of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch would be that he doesn't side with the little guy. It's a truly terrible… Continue Reading


Faux Filibuster Foes

Once Strident Filibuster Foes Sens. Merkley & Udall Turn Outspoken Filibuster Cheerleaders MSNBC'S CHRIS HAYES: "Are you going to filibuster Gorsuch?" SEN. JEFF MERKLEY (D-OR): "Absolutely. Hundred percent." HAYES: "Are you guys going to get to 40?" MERKLEY: "We are going to succeed in filibustering Gorsuch." HAYES: "You think so?" MERKLEY: "Yes." (MSNBC's "All In with Chris Hayes," 3/30/2017) SEN. TOM UDALL (D-NM): "Judge Gorsuch … I will vote no on his confirmation, including clot… Continue Reading


‘Very Difficult To Find Any Candidate For The Supreme Court … Any Better Than Neil Gorsuch’

Judge Gorsuch 'Masterful,' A 'Mainstream Nominee,' 'Exactly The Kind Of Jurist We Need On The Supreme Court' SEN. COLLINS: 'He Is Eminently Well Qualified To Serve On Our Nation's Highest Court' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "David Frederick - a longtime Democrat and board member of the left-leaning American Constitution Society … may have summed it up best in a recent Washington Post op-ed. 'The Senate should confirm [Gorsuch],' Frederick wrote, 'because there is no… Continue Reading


‘Judge Gorsuch Clearly Understands The Tenets Of Indian Law’

NATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERICAN INDIANS: 'Judge Gorsuch Has Significant Experience With Cases Involving The Interests Of Indian Tribes And Indian People' SEN. CORY GARDNER (R-CO): He's 'Somebody Who Understands The West… Somebody Who Understands Indian Laws' SEN. CORY GARDNER (R-CO): Judge Gorsuch "does have the fact that he's a fourth generation Coloradan, avid flyfisher, expert skier, somebody who understands the west, our water laws, somebody who understands our resources laws, someb… Continue Reading


Another Day, Another Dem Fact Check

Washington Post Fact Checker: 'There Is No "Traditional" 60-Vote "Standard" Or "Rule" For Supreme Court Nominations, No Matter How Much Or How Often Democrats Claim Otherwise' FACT CHECK THREE: 'There Is No "Traditional" 60-Vote "Standard"' The Washington Post's Fact Checker: "There is no 'traditional' 60-vote 'standard' or 'rule' for Supreme Court nominations, no matter how much or how often Democrats claim otherwise. Three Pinocchios." ("Sanders's Convoluted Claim That Democrats Are Not Tr… Continue Reading


Editorials: Dems ‘Should Stand Down’ On SCOTUS Filibuster Threat

'Maybe A Few Democrats Will Show Some Backbone' And Refuse To Join An 'Assault On Reasoned Governance' 'Democrats Are Doing The Nation A Disservice … They Should Stand Down' CHICAGO TRIBUNE: "In [last] week's Senate confirmation hearings, Gorsuch has shown himself to be committed to the principle that judges should rule on the law as written, and apply it equally to all. … Democrats' questioning Tuesday and Wednesday was aggressive. But their attempts to trip up Gorsuch, reveal… Continue Reading


Energy Independence Executive Order ‘A Pro-Growth And Pro-Environment Approach’

Sen. McConnell: 'I've Worked Hard To Defend Coal Communities And The Jobs That They, And So Many Across The Country, Depend Upon' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Throughout my career in the Senate, I've worked hard to defend coal communities and the jobs that they, and so many across the country, depend upon. These men and women have dedicated their lives to providing an affordable and reliable power source for our homes, businesses, and communities. They deserve our respect and our support. &hel… Continue Reading


There Is No 60 Vote ‘Standard’

Washington Post Fact-Checker: Senate Democrats' Are 'Being Slippery With Their Language,' 'Misleading,' There Is No 60 Vote 'Standard' For Supreme Court Nominees Sen. Pat "Leahy … does not support Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's decision to filibuster the Gorsuch nomination, which would effectively block a full Senate vote. 'I am not inclined to filibuster…'" (VTDigger, 3/27/17) Other 'Democrats Are Being Slippery With Their Language' "A confirmation vote… Continue Reading


‘Mindless Obedience To … Opposition’

'Sen. Chuck Schumer … Will Lead A Filibuster Of Neil Gorsuch's Nomination To The Supreme Court. What A Pity. And How Utterly Shameful' SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA): "If you'd filibuster Judge Gorsuch, it's obvious you'd filibuster anybody." (Sen. Grassley, Press Release, 3/23/17) SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): "If this man doesn't get 60 votes, then I don't believe we can ever find a Republican in the country, presidential pick, that would get 60 votes." (U.S. Senate, Judiciary Committee, He… Continue Reading


Tail Wagging The Donkey

'If Judge Gorsuch Can't Achieve 60 Votes In The Senate, Could Any Judge Appointed By A Republican President'? SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "If Judge Gorsuch can't achieve 60 votes in the Senate, could any judge appointed by a Republican president be approved with 60 or more votes in the Senate?" (Sen. McConnell, Press Conference, 3/21/17) "'If this man doesn't get 60 votes, then I don't believe we can ever find a Republican in the country, presidential pick, that would get 60 votes,' Republica… Continue Reading


The ABA ‘Gold Standard’

Top Dems: 'The ABA Evaluation Has Been The Gold Standard By Which Judicial Candidates Are Judged' SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA), Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman: "The ABA's ringing endorsement is no surprise given Judge Gorsuch's sterling credentials and his distinguished decade-long record on the Tenth Circuit. Former Chairman Leahy and Minority Leader Schumer have called the ABA's assessment the 'gold standard' in evaluating federal judicial nominations. In light of Judge Gorsuch's impeccabl… Continue Reading


On Day 3, Judge Gorsuch ‘The Very Image Of A Thoughtful Jurist’

After A 'Steady Performance Through Two Grueling Days Of Testimony,' 'The Hearings Confirm That Gorsuch Is Imminently Qualified.' He 'Should Be Confirmed' Hearings Prove Judge Gorsuch 'An Even-Tempered, Deeply Knowledgeable Nominee Who Should Be Confirmed By The Senate' "Federal appeals court Judge Neil Gorsuch appeared headed for eventual confirmation to the Supreme Court on Wednesday … Gorsuch's steady performance through two grueling days of testimony lent an air of inevitability… Continue Reading


Judge Gorsuch’s Record Of Consensus Building

Judge Gorsuch: 'We Listen To One Another… And We Seek Consensus Whenever We Can,' 'That's How We Do Things In The West' JUDGE GORSUCH: 'In The West, We Listened To One Another Respectfully. We Tolerate -- We Cherish Different Points Of View. And We Seek Consensus Whenever We Can.' JUDGE GORSUCH: "I have decided… over 2,700 cases, and my law clerks tell me that 97 percent of them have been unanimous, 99 percent I've been in the majority. They tell me as well that according to th… Continue Reading


Judge Gorsuch: ‘The Independence And Integrity Of The Judiciary Is In My Bones’

JUDGE GORSUCH: "Senator, the independence and integrity of the judiciary is in my bones." (U.S. Senate, Judiciary Committee, Hearing, 3/21/17) DISTINGUISHED LEGAL MINDS: Judge 'Gorsuch Believes Strongly In The Independence Of The Judicial Branch Of Government,' 'He Is Dedicated To The Constitutional Doctrine Of Separation Of Powers And To The Independence Of The Judiciary' NEAL KATYAL, Former Acting Solicitor General Under President Obama: "His years on the bench reveal a commitment to judic… Continue Reading


There They Go Again…

'Democrats … Are Simply Telling Supporters A Politically Convenient Fairy Tale' MYTH: 'The Republican Party… Ignored The Constitution' SEN. PAT LEAHY (D-VT) Today: "…[I]t was the Republican Party that ignored the Constitution, did not allow [Merrick Garland] to have a vote, and did not allow him to come before this body, and did not uphold the advise and consent oath and advise and consent." (U.S. Senate, Judiciary Committee, Hearing, 3/22/2017) FACT: SEN. LEAHY: 'Power… Continue Reading


On Day 2, Judge Gorsuch ‘Showed Command Of The Law’

'On A Day Mostly Devoid Of Drama,' Judge Gorsuch 'Took A Long Step Toward Senate Confirmation' With 'An Impressively Disciplined Performance' "In a hearing that stretched through nearly 12 hours Tuesday, the Supreme Court nomination of Neil Gorsuch took a long step toward Senate confirmation… [a] testament to Gorsuch's own temperament. He kept an even keel throughout the day, rarely betraying more than a hint of impatience or pique. He smiled a lot, made jokes about family and matched th… Continue Reading


FLASHBACK: Elena Kagan’s Career As A Political Operative

Kagan Worked "14 Hours A Day" On A Liberal Senate Campaign, Conducted Opposition Research For A Democrat Presidential Campaign, And Worked "To Score Points Against The Republican Congress" Sen. Franken voted to confirm Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. (PN1768, Elena Kagan Nomination, Nomination Confirmed 63-37, 8/5/2010) 1980: Worked On Senate Campaign Of Noted Liberal Rep. Elizabeth Hotzman When Democratic Rep. Holtzman Lost In 1980, Kagan Believed "The World Had Gone Mad, That Liber… Continue Reading


Judge Gorsuch ‘Understands The West’

SEN. GARDNER: He's 'Somebody Who Understands The West, Our Water Laws … Our Resources Laws, Somebody Who Understands Indian Laws' SEN. BENNET (D-CO): 'As A Person And As A Lawyer, Judge Gorsuch Exemplifies Some Of The Finest Qualities Of Colorado' SEN. CORY GARDNER (R-CO): "Judge Gorsuch is a fourth generation Coloradan, skier, fly fisher, serving on a court that represents 20 percent of our nation's landmass; whose family roots reflect the grit and determination that built the West. … Continue Reading


FLASHBACK: ‘We Are All Originalists’

MYTH: 'It Has Been 25 Years Since An Originalist Has Been Nominated To The Supreme Court' SEN. PAT LEAHY (D-VT): "…originalism I believe remains outside the mainstream of moderate constitutional jurisprudence. It has been 25 years since an originalist has been nominated to the Supreme Court." (U.S. Senate, Judiciary Committee, Hearing, 3/20/17) FACT: ELENA KAGAN: 'We Are All Originalists' ELENA KAGAN: "We are all originalists." (U.S. Senate, Judiciary Committee, Hearing On Elena Kagan … Continue Reading

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