The Leader Board


Judge Gorsuch: ‘True Independence’

'Liberals Should Welcome A Nominee Like Gorsuch - Who Is Honest, Principled And Committed To Safeguarding The Rule Of Law' DAVID C. FREDERICK, Board Member, Liberal American Constitution Society, Specializing In Supreme Court Practice: "Over the course of his career, he has represented both plaintiffs and defendants. He has defended large corporations, but also sued them. He has advocated for the Chamber of Commerce, but also filed (and prevailed with) class actions on behalf of consumers. We s… Continue Reading


It’s The People’s Seat

SEN. JOE BIDEN (D-DE), Then-Judiciary Committee Chairman: "…it is my view that if a Supreme Court Justice resigns tomorrow, or within the next several weeks, or resigns at the end of the summer, President Bush should consider following the practice of a majority of his predecessors and not - and not - name a nominee until after the November election is completed." (Sen. Biden, Congressional Record, S.16316-7, 6/25/1992) MYTH: 'Republicans Stole the Supreme Court' RACHEL MADDOW: "Sen… Continue Reading


‘The Rule Of Law Isn’t Liberal Or Conservative’

SEN. SCHUMER: Putting The 'Rule Of Law Above Everything Else' More Important Than 'So-Called Sympathetic Litigants' SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA): "The judge's job, our nominee says, is to deliver on the promise that 'all litigants, rich or poor, mighty or meek, will receive equal protection under the law and due process for their grievances.' The nominee before us understands that any judge worth his salt will 'regularly issue judgments with which they disagree as a matter of policy-all because t… Continue Reading


Schumer’s Shifting Standards

SEN. SCHUMER: Putting The 'Rule Of Law Above Everything Else' More Important Than 'So-Called Sympathetic Litigants' NOAH FELDMAN, Liberal Harvard Law Professor, & Former Clerk To Justice David Souter: "I'm not sure who decided that the Democratic critique of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch would be that he doesn't side with the little guy. It's a truly terrible idea. … The rule of law isn't liberal or conservative -- and it shouldn't be." (Noah Feldman, Op-Ed, "Democrat… Continue Reading


Seema Verma: The Health Care Reformer America Needs

Her Deep Knowledge And Experience With Health Care, Especially With Medicaid, Makes Her 'The Ideal Candidate' To Oversee Reform "The Senate on Monday confirmed Seema Verma, a health policy expert from Indiana… By a vote of 55 to 43, the Senate approved the nomination of Ms. Verma to be the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which spends more than $1 trillion a year on programs providing health care to more than one-third of all Americans." ("Health Policy Ex… Continue Reading


The Magnificent Seven: The ‘Most Ambitious Regulatory Rollback Since Reagan’ Continues

'Republicans Are Moving Quickly To Dismantle Obama-Era Regulations' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Regulations aren't issued in a vacuum; they have real economic consequences that can harm the middle class. They can kill jobs, raise prices, depress wages, and lower opportunities. And yet, the Obama Administration went on a regulatory rampage at a time when we should've been looking to do just the opposite. On its way out the door, the previous administration continued to push … Continue Reading


The ABA ‘Gold Standard’

Top Dems: 'The ABA Evaluation Has Been The Gold Standard By Which Judicial Candidates Are Judged' SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA), Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman: "The ABA's ringing endorsement is no surprise given Judge Gorsuch's sterling credentials and his distinguished decade-long record on the Tenth Circuit. Former Chairman Leahy and Minority Leader Schumer have called the ABA's assessment the 'gold standard' in evaluating federal judicial nominations. In light of Judge Gorsuch's impeccabl… Continue Reading


‘Obamacare Is Failing’

'Deductibles Are Going To Get Even Higher,' 'Markets Could Collapse,' Insurers 'Exiting States' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "It's clear to just about everyone that Obamacare is failing. Costs are soaring. Choices are diminishing. Insurance markets are teetering. It would be easy to just sit back and watch this partisan law collapse under its own weight. Pass the buck to the next guy. That seems to be the Democrats' strategy. But Republicans think the middle class deserves… Continue Reading


‘There Is No Principled Reason To Vote Against Gorsuch’

'Liberals Should Welcome A Nominee Like Gorsuch - Who Is Honest, Principled And Committed To Safeguarding The Rule Of Law' DAVID C. FREDERICK, Board Member, Liberal American Constitution Society & Partner Kellogg, Hansen, Todd, Figel & Frederick Who Specializes In Supreme Court Practice: "As a longtime supporter of Democratic candidates and progressive causes… [Judge Neil] Gorsuch - my former law partner and longtime friend - is brilliant, diligent, open-minded and thoughtful. He… Continue Reading


Obamacare: The Middle Class Continues To Get Squeezed

Recent Obamacare Horror Stories: Premiums Increased '300%,' 'Not Able To Keep Our Doctor' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "In election after election, the American people have called for an end to Obamacare. In the last election, they made their voices clear once more. They elected a President and a Congress dedicated to bringing relief from this partisan law, and we're determined to do right by our constituents by doing so…. Americans were promised costs would go down. Am… Continue Reading


Repealing The Obama Administration’s Blacklisting Rule

'The Obama Administration's Blacklisting Rule Circumvents Congressional Authority, Harms The Economy And Efficiency Of The Federal Government's Acquisition Process' "The Senate voted Monday to repeal another last-minute regulation President Obama imposed before leaving office in January, one that would have required companies to report labor law violations or allegations while bidding for federal contracts." ("Senate Repeals Another Obama 'Moonlight' Reg," Washington Examiner, 3/6/17) "The r… Continue Reading


‘The American People Deserve A Functioning Government’

Flashback - SEN. SCHUMER: 'Who In America Doesn't Think A President, Democrat Or Republican, Deserves His Or Her Picks For Who Should Run The Agencies? Nobody' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Look, we all get it. Democrats are having a tough time coming to grips with the election results. They wish it had turned out differently. I understand their disappointment. I know their base is rioting against reality. I know the far left is demanding obstructionist tactics at any cost. I realize that Leade… Continue Reading


Seema Verma: ‘A Superb Choice’ To Lead CMS

'Seema Verma Has First-Hand Knowledge Of Health Policy Solutions Because She Has Helped Accomplish Meaningful Reforms' SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN ORRIN HATCH (R-UT): "Over the last eight years, American middle-class families have struggled to find affordable care under Obamacare, making a repeal and replacement of the law a top priority for the new Republican Congress and administration. Through her solid health policy background, Seema [Verma] will play a significant role in that effo… Continue Reading


Hard At Work ‘Repealing Obama EPA Water Rule’

'Obama-Era Regulation … Was Just A Blatant Power Grab By The Federal Government To Regulate Every Pothole, Ditch, And Puddle In The Nation' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "President Trump should be commended for doing what he can to begin turning back this attack on middle class families in Kentucky and across the country. Although this Obama-era regulation claimed to protect this nation's waterways, it was just a blatant power grab by the federal government to regulate every pothole, ditc… Continue Reading


Beshear ‘The “Poster Child” For Obamacare's Failures’

In Kentucky, Premiums Have Skyrocketed By As Much As 47 Percent This Year 'Risky Pick For Response,' 'Beshear Could Disappoint Democrats' Steve Beshear "the 'poster child' for Obamacare's failures." ("McConnell Slams Beshear Ahead Of Trump Rebuttal," Politico, 2/28/17) "Dems Make a Risky Pick for Response to Trump's Big Speech to Congress" ("Dems Make A Risky Pick For Response To Trump's Big Speech To Congress," New York Magazine, 2/24/17) "Who, then, will the donkey party… offer … Continue Reading


CO LAWYERS: ‘Judge Gorsuch Has A Well-Earned Reputation As An Excellent Jurist’

'We All Agree That Judge Gorsuch Is Exceptionally Well-Qualified To Join The Supreme Court' "Norm Brownstein and Steve Farber, two giants in Colorado's legal and political world, joined with dozens of attorneys from the state this week in signing a letter to U.S. Sens. Michael Bennet and Cory Gardner urging them to support the confirmation of conservative Judge Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court." ("Prominent Colorado Attorneys Call For Neil Gorsuch To Be Confirmed," The Denver Post, 2/23/1… Continue Reading


The ‘Most Ambitious Regulatory Rollback Since Reagan’

'Republicans Are Moving Quickly To Dismantle Obama-Era Regulations' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This Republican-led Congress is committed to fulfilling our promises to the American people. … On its way out the door, the Obama Administration forced nearly 40 major - and very costly - regulations on the American people. Fortunately, we now have the opportunity to work with the new president to begin bringing relief from these burdensome regulations." (Sen. McConnell, Press Release, 2/2/1… Continue Reading


Judge Gorsuch ‘Honest, Principled And Committed To Safeguarding The Rule Of Law’

FORMER CLERKS: 'If Confirmed, We Are Confident That Judge Gorsuch's Independence … Will Never Waver' JUDGE GORSUCH'S LAW CLERKS WEIGH IN 39 JUDGE GORSUCH LAW CLERKS: 'Our Political Views Span The Spectrum… But We Are United In Our View That Judge Gorsuch Is An Extraordinary Judge' 39 JUDGE GORSUCH LAW CLERKS: "Each of us has had the privilege of serving as a law clerk to Judge Neil M. Gorsuch of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. We came to his chambers from si… Continue Reading


Obamacare: ‘It’s Getting Worse’

'Obamacare's Health Insurance Markets Are Flirting With Financial Disaster' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Let me begin with a statement of the obvious: Obamacare is a disaster. An absolute disaster... Americans were promised costs would go down but they skyrocketed. Americans were promised choice would increase but it shriveled. We've been warning that choices would continue their downward decline under the Obamacare status quo, and that's just what we saw this very week... … Continue Reading


Scott Pruitt: ‘An Ideal Nominee For EPA Administrator’

'Attorney General Pruitt Has Proven Over The Course Of His Career That He Has The Right Character, Experience, And Knowledge To Serve As The Administrator Of The EPA' JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY), SENATE ENVIRONMENT & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: "Through six hours of questioning before our committee ... Scott Pruitt showed that he understands the need to return the Environmental Protection Agency back to its proper course. He showed that he is committed to working as a partner with Americans a… Continue Reading

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