The Leader Board


Sen. Schumer: ‘Every Day We Wait … Is Increasing The Risk That We Will Have Problems With Zika’

CDC Chief: 'To Fully Protect Americans We Must Have The Funds We Need' SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): "...the threat from Zika continues to grow larger every day." (Sen. Reid, Congressional Record, S.4432, 6/22/16) 'These Dollars Must Get Out The Door Now' REP. HAL ROGERS (R-KY): "Mosquito season is upon us; these dollars must get out the door now to help control the spread of the Zika virus, and continue longer-term efforts to stop this disease, such as vaccine and treatment development and depl… Continue Reading


ISIL Threat Isn’t 'Contained'

'More Than 1,200 People Outside Of Iraq And Syria Have Been Killed In Attacks Inspired Or Coordinated By The Islamic State' PRESIDENT OBAMA: 'We have contained them' GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC News: "ISIS is gaining strength, aren't they?" PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Well, I don't think they're gaining strength. What is true is that from the start our goal has been first to contain -- and we have contained them." (ABC's "Good Morning America," 11/12/2015) SEN. ROY BLUNT (R-MO): "Our military leaders… Continue Reading


CIA Director: ‘ISIL Remains A Formidable Adversary’

Warns That Islamic State 'Will Intensify Its Global Terror Campaign To Maintain Its Dominance Of The Global Terrorism Agenda' GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC News: "ISIS is gaining strength, aren't they?" PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Well, I don't think they're gaining strength. What is true is that from the start our goal has been first to contain -- and we have contained them." (ABC's "Good Morning America," 11/12/2015) 'Our Efforts Have Not Reduced [ISIL's] Terrorism Capability And Global Reach' CIA D… Continue Reading


President Obama: ‘They’re Not Coming Here’

On ISIL: 'We Have Contained Them' PRESIDENT OBAMA: 'They're not coming here' "…the president would say that he had failed to fully appreciate the fear many Americans were experiencing about the possibility of a Paris-style attack in the U.S. …he has never believed that terrorism poses a threat to America commensurate with the fear it generates. Even during the period in 2014 when ISIS was executing its American captives in Syria, his emotions were in check. Valerie Jarrett, Obama'… Continue Reading


‘We Must Adopt A Strategy Now’

Senate Republicans Demand A Plan To Defeat ISIL: 'What We Need Most Of All … Is Leadership … And A Strategy' FLASHBACK: Obama: "'They're Not Coming Here' . . . He Reassured Her" PRESIDENT OBAMA: "'They're not coming here' . . . he reassured her." "…[President Obama] has never believed that terrorism poses a threat to America commensurate with the fear it generates. Even during the period in 2014 when ISIS was executing its American captives in Syria, his emotions were … Continue Reading


‘Historically Large Health Insurance Premium Increases’

Consumers Hit With 'Double-Digit Increases Again' "During debate on the 2010 health care law, Mr. Obama and members of Congress repeatedly hailed [The Geisinger Health Plan] as a model . . ." ("Why Do Health Costs Keep Rising? These People Know," The New York Times, 6/09/2016) "So when Geisinger requested a rate increase of 40 percent for 2017, consumer advocates were amazed." ("Why Do Health Costs Keep Rising? These People Know," The New York Times, 6/09/2016) "Geisinger has been a pio… Continue Reading


‘Scrambling To Release As Many Prisoners As Possible’

SEC DEF: 'We're Not Going To Be Able To Close Gitmo By Magically Making Safe Everybody Who's In There' "Obama administration rushing to shrink ranks at Guantanamo: The Obama administration … officials are scrambling to release as many prisoners as possible…" ("Obama Administration Rushing To Shrink Ranks At Guantanamo," AP, 6/5/16) "[T]here have been Americans that have died because of Gitmo detainees." (Defense Department Special Envoy For Guantanamo Closure, 3/23/16) 'Obama… Continue Reading


Toxic Substances Control Act A ‘Major Chemical Safety Overhaul’

'The Most Far-Reaching And Influential Environmental Statute Passed By Congress Since The Body Updated The Clean Air Act In 1990' SEN, JIM INHOFE (R-OK), Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman: "This historic piece of environmental regulatory reform is a great example of the Republican-led Congress working for the American people by enacting meaningful and commonsense legislation... This soon-to-be law will protect and support millions of domestic jobs and spur economic growth for d… Continue Reading


Gitmo: ‘Obama Administration Rushing To … Release As Many Prisoners As Possible’

'There Have Been Americans That Have Died Because Of Gitmo Detainees' SEN. KELLY AYOTTE (R-NH): "[T]he administration continues to dangerously release terrorists from Guantanamo and unnecessarily put Americans at increased risk in order to fulfill a misguided campaign promise-all while refusing to level with the American people regarding the detainees' terrorist risks, activities, and affiliations." (Sen. Ayotte, Press Release, 4/18/2016) "Obama administration rushing to shrink ranks at Guanta… Continue Reading


Obamacare Consequences: ‘Insurance Rates Going Up’

'Customers Are Expressing Outrage' At 'Sticker Shock': 'You're Killing Me' Iowan: 'Who Can Afford This? … It Is Disastrous' "Obamacare plan customers should brace for sticker shock . . . Health plans are asking for sharp price increases, after suffering big losses on exchanges in the last two years." ("Insurers Are Looking For Obamacare Price Hikes," CNBC, 5/23/2016) IOWA: "About 37,000 Iowans who buy Coventry health insurance could face premium increases averaging 23 percent next y… Continue Reading


‘Payrolls Weaken Dramatically’

'Jaw-Dropping,' 'Boy, This Is Ugly,' 'Huge Disappointment' PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Now, look, I'm the first to admit my presidency hasn't fixed everything. … if what you're concerned about is who will look out for the interests of working people and grow the middle class, if that's what you're concerned about, then the debate -- then if that's that you're concerned about -- the economy -- the debate is not even close." (President Obama, Remarks, 6/1/16) THE WHITE HOUSE: "…disappointi… Continue Reading


‘The Elkhart Truth’

'Hoosiers Have Brought Our Economy Back In Spite Of The Burdens That Higher Taxes, Mandates And Increasing Regulations From Washington, D.C. Have Placed On Them' "Obama to herald progress in Indiana..." ("Obama To Herald Progress In Indiana In Effort To Frame Election Debate," The New York Times, 6/1/16) GOV. PENCE: 'Elkhart Has Rebounded In Spite Of Obama's Policies' GOV. MIKE PENCE (R-IN): "Elkhart has rebounded in spite of Obama's policies: Mr. President, we welcome you back to Elkhart sin… Continue Reading


Senate Back To Work

List of Legislation Passed By The Republican Senate Continues To Grow SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL: "We're seeing every day what a Senate that's back to work can achieve. We're seeing what's possible when committees are up and running again and the legislative process is functioning better again. We're seeing what's possible when senators from both sides of the aisle are empowered again to find areas of common ground, and then can actually work together to achieve them. . . We're g… Continue Reading


Obamacare: ‘The Facts Are Undeniable’

'Grim Predictions' Coming True, 'Large Health Plans In Some States Are Seeking To Raise Rates By 20% Or More' SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): "The facts are undeniable. The Affordable Care Act is working." (Sen. Reid, Floor Remarks, 5/26/16) "The insurers' proposed rates for individual coverage in states that have made their 2017 requests public largely bear out health plans' grim predictions about their challenges under the health-care overhaul. According to the insurers' filings with regulators, l… Continue Reading


‘It Takes A Lot Of Gall’

On NDAA, Sen. Reid's Preference Is A 'Last-Ditch Process' In 'A Lame-Duck Session' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): 'There's no reason for further delay from our Democratic colleagues' "After two days of needless delay from across the aisle, this morning we'll vote to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to the National Defense Authorization Act, and hopefully adopt that motion quickly thereafter. This critical defense bill passed committee on a strong bipartisan basis, there's no reason for fur… Continue Reading


Adam Walsh Act Reauthorization Will Help Keep Our Children Safe

Republican Led Senate Has 'Passed Many Different Measures To Help Victims' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The Republican-led Senate believes in the importance of combating sexual assault and providing key protections for the victims of these heinous crimes. ...the Adam Walsh Reauthorization Act, will bolster efforts to prevent future sexual assault crimes and help victims receive justice." (Sen. McConnell, Congressional Record, S.3039, 3/23/16) SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA): "Too many kids are … Continue Reading


Obamacare: ‘It’s Enough To Make You Sick!’

'A Sharp Jump In Rates' Likely Across The Nation "The rates Americans pay for coverage through Obamacare are going up… That sticker shock for Obamacare customers could spell trouble for the law and its supporters." ("Obamacare Rates Rise In New York, And So Does Political Risk," Bloomberg, 5/18/16) Obamacare 'Bad News Piles Up,' Possible Premiums Increases Of Up To 'A Whopping 89%' NEW YORK: "It's enough to make you sick! Health insurers operating on New York's Obamacare insurance ex… Continue Reading


Republicans On Obamacare’s Failures

Senate Republicans Highlight Families Facing 'Double-Digit Premium Increases,' 'Cancellation Notices,' Losing The 'Ability To See Their Doctor' SEN. BARRASSO: 'Costs Have Gone Up. Co-Pays Have Gone Up. Deductibles Have Gone Up. People Have Lost Their Plans, Lost Their Ability To See Their Doctor . . . All Of Those Things Because Of The Health Care Law.' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Health care costs are now the number one financial concern facing American families, accordi… Continue Reading


Obama Reg ‘Demoting Millions Of Workers’

'Small Businesses, Nonprofits, And Public Sector Employers Will Be Especially Impacted' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Our economy continues to be stuck in the worst recovery since World War II and the only solution the Obama Administration can come up with is more red tape that will hurt our nation's working middle class. Just like Obamacare's 30 hour work week, this regulation will once again incentivize employers to cut worker hours, provide fewer benefits, and hinder flexible work arrangem… Continue Reading


Obamacare’s Dwindling Choices

'Insurance Options Dwindle' For Multiple States, Hundreds Of Counties Kentucky Resident: "At what point will enough Americans wake up to the fiasco of Obamacare and undo this monstrosity? I was just informed by my health care carrier that my plan will no longer be offered as it does not meet the Affordable Care Act standards. The cheapest replacement is going to be an 80-percent increase over my current monthly premium." (Letter To The Editor, "Obamacare Destructive," Lexington Herald-Leader, 5… Continue Reading

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