The Leader Board


Will Dems Filibuster ‘A Key Investment In Our National Security’?

Dem Leadership Is Threatening Troop Funding Because 'The Internal Revenue Service. … Is An Important Part Of Our Country' Dem Leadership: 'Get Ready For Filibuster Summer' "Democrats appear eager to return to shutdown politics..." ("Congress Paddles Toward Brink Of A Government Shutdown," The Hill, 6/16/15) 'Get ready for filibuster summer' "After almost six months in the minority, Charles E. Schumer says Senate Democrats aren't afraid to be obstructionists, detailing a strategy o… Continue Reading


The Democrat ‘Extortion’ Game

'Would Be An Extraordinary Move If Democrats' Hold A Military Pay Raise 'Hostage' For IRS Bonuses "Blocking the annual National Defense Authorization Act would be an extraordinary move if Democrats can pull it off. The bill is widely considered one of the most important pieces of business for Congress each year." ("Democrats Set To Block Defense Bill Amid GOP Attacks," National Journal, 6/14/15) "It contains hundreds of provisions to assist the military in its various operations. This yea… Continue Reading


‘Democrats Block Cyber Bill’

Days After Revelation Of 'Remarkable' Cyber Attack On The United States Office Of Personnel Management 'The Breach Of OPM Data Is Considered To Be The Largest Cyberattack In U.S. History' "A major union says the cyber theft of employee information is more damaging than it first appeared, asserting that hackers stole personnel data and Social Security numbers for 4 million current and former federal workers." ("Union Says All Federal Workers Fell Victim To Hackers," Associated Press, 6/12/15… Continue Reading


Despite ‘Complex Array Of Crises Around The World’ Dem Leader Asserts NDAA ‘A Waste Of Time’

Obama Threatens To Veto Unless IRS Receives More Funding Too SEN. JOHN MCCAIN (R-AZ): "It is simply incomprehensible that as America confronts the most diverse and complex array of crises around the world since the end of World War II, that a president would veto funding for our military to prove a political point." (Sen. McCain, "Obama Is Wrong To Hold Defense Funding Hostage," Politico, 6/8/15) SEN. JACK REED (D-RI): "…we currently face an alarming number of complex and varied nationa… Continue Reading


Cybersecurity: ‘It’s Impossible To Overstate This Threat’

Democrats 'We Need To Act Quickly,' 'Come Out Of The Dark Ages And Come Into The 21st Century' JOSH EARNEST, White House Press Secretary: "The fact is, we need the United States Congress to come out of the Dark Ages and come into the 21st century to make sure we have the kinds of defenses that are necessary to protect a modern computer system." ("White House Jabs Congress: 'Come Out Of The Dark Ages,'" The Hill, 6/5/15) SEN. FEINSTEIN (D-CA): 'It's Impossible To Overstate This Threat... … Continue Reading


Obamacare: Some Monsters Are Real

While The President Spins Fairy Tales, Real American Families Are Suffering PRESIDENT OBAMA: "…we haven't had a lot of conversation about the horrors of Obamacare because none of them come to pass." (President Obama, Remarks, 6/8/15) Horror Stories Haven't 'Come To Pass'? 'Exchanges are wrestling with surging costs' "Nearly half of the 17 insurance marketplaces set up by the states and the District under President Obama's health law are struggling financially, presenting state o… Continue Reading


Democrats’ ‘Stand’ Against Troops

Dems Hold Troop Pay Hostage for Increased IRS Spending Dems Vow to 'Block' Defense Funding Bill "Senate Democratic leaders say they will block the defense appropriations bill from coming to the floor this month unless there is a deal to lift ceilings on government spending known as the sequester." ("Senate Democrats Vow To Block Defense spending Bill," The Hill, 6/4/15) "Obama has promised to veto their appropriations measures, but the latest Democratic strategy means those bills wouldn't… Continue Reading


Obamacare Rated ‘A Failure’

'Few Say They Would Describe The Law As A Success' SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): "So people are extremely satisfied with health care. … Obamacare is working." (Sen. Reid, Congressional Record, S.3733, 6/4/15) New Polling: 'Public Support For Obamacare Tied Its All-Time Low' ABC: "Public support for Obamacare tied its all-time low in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll…" (ABC News / Washington Post, 6/8/15) "Overall, just 39 percent support the law, down 10 percentage points… Continue Reading


‘Costs Exploding Under Obamacare’

'Hold Onto Your Wallets' America Broken Promises: "Finally, my proposal would bring down the cost of health care for millions -- families, businesses, and the federal government." (President Obama, Remarks, 3/3/10) "I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year." (Senator Obama, Remarks, 6/23/07) 'Hold Onto Your Wallets' - Costs Rising For… Continue Reading


America’s Troops Are Not ‘A Waste Of Time’

Will Democrats Hold A '50-Year Tradition Of Bipartisan Cooperation… That Advances The Security Of Our Nation' Hostage For IRS Bonuses? Dem Leadership 'Bright Lines' - No Money For Troops Without Bonuses For IRS, TSA, EPA, Etc. SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV) on S.1376, the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act: "I think it really is kind of a waste of time." (Sen. Reid, Press Conference, 6/2/15) PRESIDENT OBAMA issues veto threat to S.1376: "First, the President has been very clear about t… Continue Reading


Obama’s Water War: ‘An Unprecedented Power Grab’

Bipartisan Opposition To EPA Overreach Grows, As Allegations Surface That EPA Astroturf Effort Might Have Broken The Law 'A Nightmare' - Obama Administration Attempts To Seize Control Of 60% Of U.S. Bodies of Water "Barack Obama's water war… a massive power grab by Washington." ("Barack Obama's Water War," Politico, 5/27/15) "…it will give bureaucrats carte blanche to swoop in and penalize landowners every time a cow walks through a ditch." ("Barack Obama's Water War," Pol… Continue Reading


Obamacare’s State Exchanges: ‘Overpromised And Under Delivered’

Massachusetts, Hawaii, California, Oregon, Colorado, And Minnesota All Face Problems With Their Obamacare Exchanges Massachusetts Exchange: FBI Probe Subpoenas Massachusetts Health Connector Records MASSACHUSETTS: "Federal authorities have subpoenaed records related to the Massachusetts Health Connector, including a period covering the breakdown of the health care exchange's website, The Associated Press has learned." ("Feds Seek Massachusetts Health Exchange Records," WCVB, 5/7/15) "The … Continue Reading


Obamacare: ‘Premium Increases Next Year May Shock You’

In 2015 Many Americans Faced 'Double-Digit Increases,' In 2016 'Health Premiums Could Grow Sharply' Again 2016: 'Health Premiums Could Grow Sharply' "Look for health plans to request higher rates for 2016, a Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) executive warned…" ("Health Plans Poised To Ask For Higher Premiums For 2016, Blue Cross Executive Warns," Bloomberg 'Health Care Blog,' 5/14/15) "The top ObamaCare exchange insurers in six states where 2016 rate requests have alr… Continue Reading


Small Businesses: ‘We Need To Pass TPA’

Small Business Owners Join Sens. McConnell, Warner & Ernst To Push For TPA's Passage HOWARD ICE, ICE Industries: "Good morning, my name is Howard Ice, I'm chairman and CEO of Ice Industries in Sylvania, Ohio. In 1999 when I was 32 I risked everything I had, went into debt and started Ice Industries with our first acquisition in Toledo, OH. We started with 21 employees and about two million dollars in sales. Today Ice Industries has five locations in the US and Mexico, we have nearly 50… Continue Reading


Businesses Nationwide: ‘We Must Pass TPA Now’

Small Businessman: 'It Is Critical That Congress Pass TPA To Help U.S. Exports Flourish In Markets Abroad' 'There Is Really Only One Option For America: Lead. … Congress Must Pass TPA' HOWARD ICE, Ice Industries: "We live in a globalized world, and the U.S. can either take the lead or stand on the sidelines as the trade agenda for the 21st century is set. As an Army Veteran, and a business owner, there is really only one option for America: lead. In order to lead however, Congress mu… Continue Reading


American Manufacturers Need TPA

'Trade Promotion Authority Is Essential' 12.3 Million U.S. Workers Need 'Better Access To The 95 Percent Of The World's Consumers Who Live Outside The United States' National Association Of Manufacturers: "Trade agreements give the more than 256,000 manufacturers in the United States and their more than 12.3 million employees better access to the 95 percent of the world's consumers who live outside the United States. At $11.8 trillion, world trade in manufactured goods is nearly three ti… Continue Reading


American Agriculture Needs TPA

'Expanding International Trade Is Vital To The Success Of America's Farmers And Ranchers' U.S. Agriculture: More Than $150 Billion In Exports, Supporting 1 Million Jobs U.S. Farm Bureau: "The world's leader in agricultural exports, the United States has much to gain through congressional approval of TPA." ("Farm Bureau Supports Trade Promotion Authority Bills," 4/16/15) 1 MILLION JOBS: "Agricultural exports support over one million U.S. jobs, both on and off the farm." ("The Importance … Continue Reading


Trade: ‘Promise Of A Great Global Renaissance’ At Stake

'Make No Mistake, We No Longer Live In An Era When The U.S. Can Afford Economic Isolation' 'Promoting Fear Of Trade Over Freer Trade… Will Make All Of Us Much Poorer,' 'Claiming Otherwise Is Poppycock' WALL STREET JOURNAL: "The problem now is that failing to pass trade-promotion authority would be far more than a defeat for Mr. Obama. It would do great harm to U.S. national interests and the world economy. The Pacific deal is the best opportunity in decades to liberalize trade. A cou… Continue Reading


25 Former Cabinet Secretaries: Enact TPA

'We Write To Express Our Strongest Possible Support For The Enactment Of Trade Promotion Authority Legislation' FORMER DEFENSE SECRETARIES: 'Compelling Strategic Rationale' For Trade SEVEN FORMER SECRETARIES OF DEFENSE: "We write to express our strongest possible support for the enactment of Trade Promotion Authority legislation, which is critical to the successful conclusion of two vital trade agreements: the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partn… Continue Reading


Trade: ‘Its Strategic Value Is Awesome’

Twelve Trans-Pacific Partnership Nations 'Not Only An Enormously Lucrative Trading Bloc But A Vital Geostrategic Counterweight To China' SEC DEF ASH CARTER: 'We Need Congress To Pass Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority,' 'Time's Running Out' ASH CARTER, Secretary of Defense: 'We need Congress to pass bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority … [to] ensure America gets the best deal in a historic, new trade agreement with eleven other Asia-Pacific countries, which is called the Trans-P… Continue Reading

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