The Leader Board


‘Frightening…Deplorable…Outrageous’ Situation

Will Dems Back Their Calls To The Iranian Regime To 'Immediately Release All Americans Who Are In Jail'? Senate Dem To Iran: 'Immediately Release All Americans Who Are In Jail' The Senate voted unanimously for a resolution calling on Iran to release American prisoners. (S.Con.Res. 16, Roll Call Vote #175, Adopted 90-0: R 47-0, D 42-0, I 1-0, 5/11/15) SEN. BILL NELSON (D-FL): "We are hopefully and prayerfully expectant that if it is a successfully concluded negotiation to prevent Iran from … Continue Reading


American Prisoners Languish In Iran

Prisoners Raise 'Legitimate And Serious Concerns About This Deal' SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND (D-NY): "There are legitimate and serious concerns about this deal. For example... Hostages remain in Iranian custody. We will have to work hard to fight Iran's malign efforts to wreak havoc in the region." ("Why I'm Supporting An Imperfect Iran Deal," Medium, 8/6/15) The Senate voted unanimously for a resolution calling on Iran to release the American prisoners. (S. Con. Res. 16, Roll Call Vote #17… Continue Reading


Iran: ‘Strong Support’?

Fact-Checker: 'It Is Difficult To Support The Claim That There Is "Strong Support" For The Iran Deal Among Lawmakers And Citizens' PRESIDENT OBAMA: "I am heartened that so many Senators judged this deal on the merits, and am gratified by the strong support of lawmakers and citizens alike." (President Obama, Statement, 9/10/15) WASHINGTON POST's 'Fact-Checker': "Anyway you slice it, it is difficult to support the claim that there is 'strong support' for the Iran deal among lawmakers and citiz… Continue Reading


‘When Sanctions Lift, Iranian Commander Will Benefit’

Iran's Worst Of The Worst Receive 'Significant Sanctions Relief' Thanks To President Obama's Deal "There will be significant sanctions relief for the leader of the Quds force, a special unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard accused of supplying militants with weapons to kill Americans during the Iraq war, under the new Iran nuclear deal. Gen. Qasem Soleimani will have his travel ban lifted and foreign assets unfrozen -- sanctions imposed by the UN -- if the deal goes as planned." ("Irania… Continue Reading


The Iranian Record: Post Agreement

International Commitments Violated, Terrorism Support Continues, U.S. Still Called 'Great Satan' 'The Iranian Regime Continues To View The U.S. As The "Great Satan"' AYATOLLAH KHAMENEI, Iranian Dictator: 'Reiterated that America remains the "Great Satan."' "Speaking to a group of people in Tehran, Khamenei reiterated that America remains the 'Great Satan.' 'The Iranian nation ousted the Satan. We should not let it back through the window to penetrate' Iran, he said." ("Iran's Supreme Leader… Continue Reading


Dems: Let’s ‘Cast Our Votes For Or Against This Deal’

A Filibuster 'Would Stop All Of You From Knowing How We Voted On This' And The 'Democratic Caucus Does Not Like That Position At All' 98 Senators voted for the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (H.R. 1191, Roll Call Vote #174, Bill Passed 98-1, R 53-1, D 43-0, I 2-0, 5/7/15) Senate Democrats: 'Go To The Floor And Cast Our Votes For Or Against This Deal,' 'It's Important Because The Stakes Are High' SEN. CHRIS COONS (D-DE): "As a caucus that was opposed to games with filibusters … Continue Reading


Dems Sell Iran Deal To America

Deal 'Falls Short', 'Deeply Flawed' And Contains 'Significant Shortcomings' Dem. Senators: Deal 'Didn't Achieve [Its] Objective, 'This Deal Is Not The Agreement I Have Long Sought' SEN. CORY BOOKER (D-NJ): "We joined with our partner nations at the outset of negotiations with the stated intention of preventing Iran from having the capability to get a nuclear weapon. Unfortunately, it's clear we didn't achieve that objective and have only delayed-not blocked-Iran's potential nuclear breakout."… Continue Reading


Iran: A ‘Malign Force’

'U.S. Military Deaths In Iraq And Afghanistan Were Directly Linked To Iran' PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: "Do we think that with the sanctions coming down, that Iran will have some additional resources for its military and for some of the activities in the region that are a threat to us and a threat to our allies? I think that is a likelihood that they've got some additional resources." (President Obama, Press Conference, 7/15/15) "The totality of European Union sanctions, including the embargo … Continue Reading


Iran Deal: ‘Dangerous Farce’

Editorials From Across The Country Call President Obama's Iran Pact 'Disturbing', 'Oversold', and 'Frightening' 'Who In Good Faith Can Vote To Approve This Deal?' LOS ANGELES TIMES: "It is far from a perfect deal, it promises less than many had hoped for, it has been oversold by its proponents…" ("Editorial Weighing The Iran Nuclear Deal: Far From Perfect, But The Alternatives Are Worse," Los Angeles Times, 8/30/15) "The weaknesses in the agreement are significant. For example, wh… Continue Reading


‘Hope…Is Not A National Security Strategy’

Majority of Americans, Leading Congressional Democrats Oppose Iran Deal SEN. ROBERT MENENDEZ (D-NJ): "Whether or not the supporters of the agreement admit it, this deal is based on 'hope'… Hope is part of human nature, but unfortunately it is not a national security strategy." (Sen. Menendez, Remarks, 8/18/15) 'Ever-Growing Majority' of Americans Oppose Iranian Nuclear Deal NEW YORK POST: "Solid majorities in each house of Congress oppose the deal - as does an ever-growing major… Continue Reading


‘Common Cause’?

President Obama's Extreme Rhetoric Is Masking A Weak Case For His Iran Deal PRESIDENT OBAMA: "In fact, it's those hardliners who are most comfortable with the status quo. It's those hardliners chanting 'Death to America' who have been most opposed to the deal. They're making common cause with the Republican Caucus." (President Obama, Remarks At American University, 8/5/15) Does The President Think These Dems Are 'Making Common Cause' With Iranians Chanting 'Death To America'? DENNIS ROS… Continue Reading


The War On Coal: Electricity Rates Will Necessarily Skyrocket

'The Main Target: Coal,' Coal Families, & 'Your Power Bill' 'The Rule Would Drive Electricity Bills Up' "LOSERS: - YOUR POWER BILL … The National Association of Manufacturers, the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, the National Mining Association, the American Energy Alliance and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association all predicted the rule would drive electricity bills up." ("Who Wins And Loses Under Obama's Stricter Power Plant Limits," AP, 8/3/15) "… Continue Reading


Dems Ignore Reality On Women’s Health Care

Senate Bill Redirects Federal Money To Women's Health Providers Like Community Health Centers, Local Health Departments Senate Democrats Parrot Planned Parenthood's False, Discredited Claim On Women's Health Care Access PLANNED PARENTHOOD: "'It's outrageous, not to mention wildly unpopular, that politicians are using this widely discredited attack against Planned Parenthood to push through legislation rolling back women's access to healthcare,' Dawn Laguens, a Planned Parenthood executive,… Continue Reading


The New Senate: An Era Of Achievement

Senior Senate Dems Weigh In: 'I Am Proud Of The Senate,' 'I Am Very Proud Of The Bipartisan Work We Have Done' The Republican Senate: A Record Of Accomplishment "The new Republican-controlled Congress has accomplished much in its first six months." (National Journal, 7/6/15) "…Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's Senate is on a roll - and he wants to make sure it stays that way." ("After Trade Triumph, Senate Republicans Look To Rack Up More Wins," Roll Call, 7/7/15) 29 … Continue Reading


Iran: Congress Isn’t ‘Satisfied’ With Secret Side Deals

Congressional Leaders: Per The Iran Nuclear Review Act, 'Transmit These Two Side Agreements To Congress Immediately' Obama Administration: 'There's No Side Deals' & 'No Secret Deal,' But If There Is, Those Documents Are 'Not Public' & 'Not In Our Possession' "The White House on Wednesday acknowledged the existence of so-called 'side' agreements between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency that have sparked new arguments against the Iran nuclear deal." ("Hurdles Grow For … Continue Reading


Dems: Planned Parenthood Videos ‘Extremely Troubling’

Sen. Ernst Introduced 'Legislation, Which Will Defund Planned Parenthood And Redirect Its Federal Funds To Other Women's Health Organizations' 'There Are Laws Against Sale Of Fetal Tissue' SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV) & 49 Other Senators: "We are deeply disturbed by recent footage released by the Center for Medical Progress depicting senior Planned Parenthood Federation of America executives discussing in graphic detail the organization's practice of harvesting the organs of unborn babies. … Continue Reading


‘Break The Cycle Of Delays’

Mayors, Job Creators, Farmers, And Workers Push For 'Common Sense,' 'Important' Long Term Highway Bill 'Refreshing To See Congress Focus On A Multi-Year Solution' 100+ MAYORS: "America's economic strength depends upon our cities, towns, and suburbs having the transportation networks they need to attract and retain businesses and provide opportunities for residents to prosper. Mayors know firsthand the benefits of a well-functioning transportation network and the danger of underinvestment." (… Continue Reading


Obamacare Premium ‘Shock Waves’

Massive Premium Increases Expose Obamacare's 'Shaky Foundations,' Leave Consumers 'Frustrated' Obamacare 'Shock Waves' Have Customers Wondering If Health Care Is 'Affordable Or… Worth The Money' "The public is frustrated with insurance premium increases that they view as directly related to Obamacare. A Kaiser Family Foundation analysis found that 2016 premiums are up by a greater percentage than in 2015." ("Even After Court Victory, Still No Easy Road For Obamacare," Politico, 6/26… Continue Reading


D+ For America’s Infrastructure

Bridge Collapses And Crumbling Roads Cost Americans In Safety, Time, And Money TRANSPORTATION SEC. ANTHONY FOXX: "'The condition of the nation's transportation infrastructure 'should be an outrage to every American,' he said…'How can you plan, as a researcher or a civil engineer in a transportation department, if you don't have long-term certainty' about funding, he asked. 'I think the American people are going to have to say at some point, 'This is enough. We can't keep driving on t… Continue Reading


Nuclear Deal Adds Fuel To Iran’s Fire

President Obama Admits Iran Won't Change Its Behavior, As Their Ability To Sow Chaos In The Region Increases Dramatically "Abbas Araqchi, one of several deputy foreign ministers, also told a news conference Iran would do 'anything' to help allies in the Middle East… On Monday, Araqchi told national television: 'Whenever it's needed to send arms to our allies in the region, we will do so. We are not ashamed of it.'" ("Iran Says Rejects Curbs After 10 Years, Will Back Allies," Reuters… Continue Reading

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