The Leader Board


As Americans Face The ‘Costliest Winter In Decades’ They’ll Know Democrats’ Energy Policies Are To Blame

The Biden Administration Has Spent Nearly Two Years Strangling Affordable American Energy Production And Infrastructure, Leaving Families Facing Huge Double-Digit Increases In Prices For Almost Every Fuel They Use To Heat Their Homes SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Families across America have felt the brunt of this all-Democratic government's failed energy policies…. American families and small businesses know their electricity bills skyrocketed this spring and summer.… Continue Reading


The Biden White House Is Living In An Economic Fantasy

Between Insisting 'Our Economy Is Strong As Hell' In The Face Of The Worst Inflation In 40 Years And A Looming Recession, Boasting About Gas Prices As Energy Costs Continue To Soar, And Gaslighting About Whose Policies Fueled Inflation, Joe Biden's White House Is Completely Out Of Touch With Most Americans' Everyday Economic Reality Joe Biden And His White House Could Not Possibly Be More Out Of Touch On The Economy "Asked to explain, Biden … replied, 'Our economy is strong as… Continue Reading


American Families Find No Relief From Biden’s Persistent Inflation

The September Inflation Report Shows 'Prices Continue To Surge, A Sign That Persistent Cost Increases Are Becoming Entrenched,' 'Intensifying Pressure On Households, Wiping Out Pay Gains,' And 'Causing Hardships For Many And Deepening Pessimism About The Economy' SEN. MIKE CRAPO (R-ID), Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member: "At 8.2 percent, inflation continues to hammer American families and eat away at their paychecks. Consumer price inflation has been above eight percent for seven conse… Continue Reading


Democrats Angriest At Saudis Have Voted Over And Over To Choke U.S. Oil Production

Senate Democrats Who Are Now Raging The Loudest At OPEC Cuts To Oil Production Have Voted Repeatedly Over The Last Two Years To Make Energy More Expensive For Americans Senate Democrats Are Venting Their Rage At OPEC And Saudi Arabia For Cutting Oil Production SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): "This simple yet urgent measure would halt U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia … Saudis must reverse their oil supply cuts, which aid & abet Russia's savage criminal invasion, endanger the worl… Continue Reading


Humiliated By OPEC, Biden Crawls To Venezuela For Oil, But Still Won’t Unleash American Energy Production

Obsessed With Far-Left Green New Deal Ideology, President Biden And His Administration Will Repeatedly Beg Bad Actors Overseas For Oil, But Still Refuse To End Their Attacks On U.S. Oil And Gas Production, Leaving American Families To Pay The Price SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Families across America have felt the brunt of this all-Democratic government's failed energy policies…. Here's what working families in Kentucky know: That a gallon of gas costs over a full… Continue Reading


Americans Are Paying For Biden’s Failed Energy Policies

Americans Already Paying More To Fill Up Their Cars, Heat Their Homes, And Keep Their Lights On Are Likely To Pay Even More For Those Things This Winter, As Families Continue To Suffer The Consequences Of President Biden's Failed Energy Policies SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Families across America have felt the brunt of this all-Democratic government's failed energy policies…. Here's what working families in Kentucky know: That a gallon of gas costs over a full do… Continue Reading


Another Show Vote On The Unconstitutional DISCLOSE Act Yet Again Exposes Democrats’ Extreme Dark Money Hypocrisy

Democrats' Unabashed Embrace Of Dark Money Demonstrates That Today's Show Vote On Their Unconstitutional DISCLOSE Act Is Just Another Election Year Stunt SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[W]ith all these national crises hammering families, the Democratic majority is using the Senate schedule to demonstrate that they do not care. The Democratic Leader is not spending floor time on a bill to combat Democrats' inflation crisis, or their immigration crisis, or their violent cri… Continue Reading


Biden’s Border Crisis Breaks Another Record

As Vice President Kamala Harris And Other White House Officials Incredibly Try To Claim 'The Border Is Secure,' CBP Announced That Arrests Of People Entering The Country Illegally Hit A Record High Of 2 Million This Fiscal Year, Breaking Last Year's Record SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Our overwhelmed Customs and Border Protection personnel have already encountered more than two million illegal immigrants and counting this fiscal year. That is a larger group of people than t… Continue Reading


President Biden Is Breathtakingly Out Of Touch

In His Recent '60 Minutes' Interview, President Biden Made Claims About The Economy That Are Deeply Out Of Touch With The Experiences Of American Families Struggling To Pay For Groceries And Power In The Midst Of Massive Price Increases SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[L]ast night, on '60 Minutes,' President Biden gave an almost comically out-of-touch interview on the inflation crisis. The President argued - with a straight face - that the American people ought to be gratef… Continue Reading


Biden Administration Keeps Promoting Their New Turbo-Charged, Audit-Obsessed IRS

Instead Of Attempting To Relieve The Pressures Of Inflation, Securing Our Border, Or Protecting Citizens From Criminals, Democrats Voted To Unleash A Horde Of IRS Agents To Audit American Families And Small Businesses Democrats Keep Trying To Sell Rightly Skeptical Americans On Super-Sizing The IRS "Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen will make her first visit to an Internal Revenue Service facility on Thursday as the Biden administration embarks on an $80 billion overhaul of the tax coll… Continue Reading


Biden And Democrats Did Nothing While The Crime Wave Continued This Summer

As Violent Crime Continued To Increase In American Cities This Summer, President Biden Did Nothing And Senate Democrats Refused To Redirect Any Of The Money In Their Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree Towards Fighting Crime SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "While Democrats' economic policies have waged war on working families' financial security, their soft-on-crime policies have eroded Americans' physical security. Cities, towns, and neighborhoods across the country are reel… Continue Reading


As Families Struggle, Out-Of-Touch Democrats Celebrate Doing Nothing About The Inflation Their Policies Caused

As Democrats Gather At The White House To Again Celebrate Imposing Their Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree On The Country, The Latest Inflation Report Shows American Families Are Still Suffering From Soaring Cost Increases For Their Homes, Their Food, Their Energy, And Their Medical Care SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Just a few minutes ago, yet again, the American people received a monthly inflation report that was even worse than the expert predictions. The expectation … Continue Reading


As Yellen Touts Subsidies For Wealthy Households To Buy Electric Vehicles, Californians Are Begged Not To Charge Theirs

Just As Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Travels To Detroit To Try To Sell Americans On Subsidizing Wealthy Households To Purchase Electric Vehicles, California Is Suffering An Energy Nightmare Where Citizens Can't Charge Their Vehicles Or Cool Their Homes And Other Biden Officials Point To California As A Model SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "And in California, state and local Democrats have wasted no time taking things even farther in the wrong direction. Democrats have ma… Continue Reading


Pumpkin Spice Latte Drinkers The Latest To Suffer From Biden’s Historic Inflation

One Month After Democrats Jammed Through President Biden's Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree, Americans Are Still Suffering From The Inflation Fueled By Democrats' Out-Of-Control Spending SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Washington Democrats have spent nearly two years borrowing, printing, and spending our economy into turmoil. Families and businesses across Middle America are paying the price. I met with many of them in my home state of Kentucky over the past few weeks. Si… Continue Reading


Biden’s Lawless Move To Cancel Student Debt Will Increase Inflation And Wipe Out Deficit Reduction

Experts Agree That President Biden's Likely Illegal Move To Unilaterally Cancel $10,000 Of Student Debt Is Regressive, Wipes Away The Deficit Savings He Has Been Touting, And Will Make Inflation Worse According To Economists, Canceling $10,000 Of Student Debt Will Wipe Out The Claimed Deficit Reduction In Democrats' Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree And 'Would Boost Near-Term Inflation Far More Than The IRA Will Lower It' "Democrats say [their reckless taxing and spending spree] can redu… Continue Reading


Reality Check: What Biden’s Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree Will And Won’t Do

The Partisan Bill President Biden Signs Into Law Today Will Do Nothing For American Families Already Suffering From Record Inflation, While Saddling Them With Higher Taxes, Higher Energy Bills, And Aggressive IRS Audits SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The last time Senate Democrats tried to remake the economy on party lines, they shoved American families into the worst inflation in 40 years. Democrats got all-you-can-eat liberal spending and working families got stuck with t… Continue Reading


With Inflation ‘Strangling Kitchen-Table Budgets,’ Democrats Just Voted To Make Things Worse

July's Inflation Report Showed 'Prices Remained Near The Highest Level In 40 Years,' With Food And Housing Costs Particularly Causing Hardship, Yet Senate Democrats All Just Voted For A Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree That Will Cause Prices To Rise More In The Coming Months 'Inflation Is Still Abnormally High' As 'Prices Remained Near The Highest Level In 40 Years' THE NEW YORK TIMES: "[I]t's easy to overstate how much July's slowdown matters. Inflation is still abnormally high." (The… Continue Reading


Democrats Vote To Make Inflation Worse At The Worst Possible Time

All 50 Senate Democrats Voted Against Sen. Hoeven's Motion To Delay The Painful Effects Of Democrats' Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree Until Prices For Groceries, Gasoline, Diesel, Home Heating Oil, And Housing Have Returned To Their January 2021 Levels All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. John Hoeven's (R-ND) motion to commit the bill to the Finance Committee with instructions delaying its implementation until rising prices for groceries, gasoline, diesel, home heating oil, and hous… Continue Reading


Democrats Refuse To Protect Americans From A Nationwide Crime Surge

Given The Opportunity To Fund Law Enforcement To Keep Americans Safe From A Rising Tide Of Crime Across The Country, Democrats Instead Chose To Funnel Money To Their Green New Deal Boondoggles All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. Marco Rubio's (R-FL) motion to commit the bill to the Judiciary Committee to spend some of the hundreds of billions of dollars in the legislation on fighting crime. (H.R. 5376, Roll Call Vote #304: Motion Rejected 50-50: D 0-48; R 50-0; I 0-2, 8/07/2022) Am… Continue Reading


Democrats Vote AGAIN To Keep Americans’ Energy Bills High

After Rejecting An Earlier Amendment To Stop The Biden Administration's Constant Delays And Obstruction Of Oil And Gas Development On Federal Lands, Democrats Then Voted Against Sen. Kennedy's Amendment To Require The Administration To End Its Blockade Of Offshore Drilling For Oil And Gas All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. John Kennedy's (R-LA) amendment to force the Biden Administration to hold offshore oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska. (S. Amdt. 5387, H.R. 5… Continue Reading

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