The Leader Board


Democrats Vote For Socialist Price Controls, Which Will Starve Americans Of Life-Saving Medications

Democrats Voted Against Protecting Patients Who Rely On Innovative New Drugs From Having Breakthroughs Limited By A Socialist Price Control Scheme All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. Roger Marshall's (R-KS) amendment to protect drugs that treat diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's, HIV and AIDS, and Parkinson's from the socialist price control scheme in Democrats' reckless taxing and spending bill. (S. Amdt. 5389, H.R. 5376, Roll Call Vote #298: Amendment Rejected 50-50: D 0-48; R 50-0; … Continue Reading


Democrats Vote To Sic A Horde Of IRS Auditors On American Families And Small Businesses

All 50 Senate Democrats Voted Against Sen. Crapo's Amendment To Prevent The New Army Of IRS Auditors Their Legislation Authorizes From Going After Americans Making Less Than $400,000 A Year, Which Data Shows Will Otherwise Clearly Happen All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. Mike Crapo's (R-ID) amendment to prevent their newly supersized IRS from going after Americans who earn less than $400,000 per year in income for the revenue Democrats want to raise. (S. Amdt. 5404, H.R. 5376, Roll … Continue Reading


Democrats Vote Again To Allow Chaos On The Southern Border To Continue

Democrats Voted Against Sen. Lankford's Amendment To Transfer Just Some Of The Money From Their Multi-Billion Spending Spree To Title 42 Authority That Allows People Crossing The Border Illegally To Be Quickly Turned Away All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. James Lankford's (R-OK) amendment to shift money to maintain Title 42 authority in order to address the crisis on the southern U.S. border. (S. Amdt. 5384, H.R. 5376, Roll Call Vote #294: Amendment Rejected 50-50: D 0-48; R 50-0; I… Continue Reading


Democrats Vote To Continue Biden’s War On Coal

Democrats Voted To Protect A $45 Million Slush Fund In Their Legislation That Is Attempting To Circumvent This Year's Supreme Court Ruling That The EPA Lacks Statutory Authority To Control Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Regulations On Power Plants All 50 Senate Democrats voted for a slush fund to continue the Biden administration's War on Coal in an attempt to circumvent the Supreme Court's ruling that the EPA has no authority to regulate power plant greenhouse emissions under this statute… Continue Reading


Democrats Vote To Keep Americans’ Energy Bills High

Senate Democrats Voted To Continue President Biden's War On Fossil Fuels By Rejecting Sen. Barrasso's Amendment That Would Have Reversed The Biden Administration's Assault On Oil & Natural Gas Development On Federal Lands All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. John Barrasso's (R-WY) amendment to force the Biden Administration to hold onshore lease sales as required by law. (S. Amdt. 5409, H.R. 5376, Roll Call Vote #291: Amendment Rejected 50-50: D 0-48; R 50-0; I 0-2, 8/07/2022) … Continue Reading


Democrats Vote To Raise Americans’ Gas Prices

Even As Gas Prices Remain Over $4 Per Gallon, Democrats Voted For A Tax On Oil Companies That Will Be Passed Along To Americans Every Time They Fill Up At A Gas Station All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. Lindsey Graham's (R-SC) amendment to eliminate the tax imposed on oil companies in Democrats' reckless taxing and spending bill. (S. Amdt. 5301, H.R. 5376, Roll Call Vote #289: Amendment Rejected 50-50: D 0-48; R 50-0; I 0-2, 8/07/2022) Among the Democrats voting for higher gas pr… Continue Reading


Why Won’t Sen. Manchin Wait Just Four Days For The July Inflation Numbers He Said He Needed To See?

Less Than A Month Ago, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) Asked, 'Can We Just Wait Until The Inflation Figures Come Out In July?' Yet He's Poised To Join Every Other Democrat To Rush Ahead With Their Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree Before The July Inflation Report Arrives On August 10th Sen. Manchin Asked 'Can We Just Wait Until The Inflation Figures Come Out In July?,' 'So We Know That We're Going Down The Path That Won't Be Inflammatory To Add More To Inflation,' 'I Want To Make Sure That We're N… Continue Reading


What Else Is Joe Manchin Wrong About?

Last Year, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) Was Wrong When He Claimed The $2 Trillion Spending Bill He Provided The 50th Vote For Wouldn't Cause Inflation And This Year He's Wrong That The New Bill He's Endorsing Doesn't Raise Taxes, So Americans Must Wonder How Many Other Manchin Assertions About Democrats' Latest Taxing And Spending Spree Are Wrong Joe Manchin Was Wrong About Democrats' $2 Trillion Spending Bill In 2021, Saying It Wouldn't Cause Inflation, And Is Now Saying The Same Thing About D… Continue Reading


Yes, Joe, Democrats Are Raising Taxes

Multiple Analyses By The Joint Committee On Taxation And Other Tax Experts Prove False Democrats' Farcical Claims That They're Not Raising Taxes And Show Their Tax Hikes Will Fall On Middle Class Americans And Small Businesses Democrats Are Insisting To Anyone Who Will Listen That They're 'Not Raising Any Taxes' Or 'Will Not Raise Taxes On Anyone Making Less Than $400,000 A Year' FOX NEWS' BRET BAIER: "So in 2010, you said this: 'I don't think during a time of recession, you mess with any… Continue Reading


Democrats Revive Some Of Their Worst Taxing And Spending Spree Policies That Would Cost Americans And Kill Jobs

'Democrats Have Outlined A Giant Package Of Huge New Job-Killing Tax Hikes, Green New Deal Craziness That Will Kill American Energy, And Prescription Drug Socialism That Will Leave Us With Fewer New Life-Saving Medicines' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "A few years back, our colleague the senior Senator for West Virginia said, 'I don't think [that] during a time of recession, you mess with any of the taxes, or increase any taxes.' But [Wednesday], Washington Democrats announce… Continue Reading


Democrats Push Job-Killing Tax Hikes Just As The Country Falls Into A Recession

After Democrats Spent The Country Into Inflation, They're Now Back To Take More Money Out Of Americans' Wallets By Raising Taxes In A Recession SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Minutes ago, new data confirmed what a supermajority of Americans already knew: Democrats have plunged America into a recession. According to official statistics, the U.S. economy just shrank for the second consecutive quarter. Democrats inherited an economy that was primed for an historic comeback and … Continue Reading


Biden Administration Tries To Explain Away Harsh Economic Realities By Redefining ‘Recession’

The Biden Administration Is Casting About To Redefine What A Recession Is, Trying To Convince Americans Being Pummeled By Rampant Inflation And Fearing A Significant Recession That Their Economic Struggles Aren't Really So Bad SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "For the past year and a half, Washington Democrats have continually found new ways to be wrong about the U.S. economy. Last springtime, Democrats insisted their plan to dump $1.9 trillion dollars onto the economy would … Continue Reading


Senate Dems Are Angry Their Tax Hikes Might Be Delayed

Facing A Setback In Their Years-Long Quest For Crippling Tax Hikes, Democrats Vented Their Fury At Being Denied An Opportunity To Vote To Raise Taxes As The U.S. Economy Teeters On The Brink Of Recession SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "So we've got the worst inflation since 1981. The vast majority of Americans are saying it has them in a bind financially. And it's low- and middle-income families who are bearing the brunt of it. This is the landscape as Washington Democrats … Continue Reading


Democrats Prepare To Crush Inflation-Battered Small Businesses With A Massive Tax Hike

With Small Businesses Struggling With Soaring Prices For Labor, Supplies, Gas, And Rent, Senate Democrats Are Incredibly Planning To Drop A $400 Billion Tax Hike On Their Heads, Potentially Affecting 60% Of All Private-Sector Workforces In Many States SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Persistent rumors… that some version of Build Back Better, or what we call reckless tax and spending, is seeking to make a comeback. … [I]t appears as if they want to target busine… Continue Reading


After Plundering Americans’ Paychecks With The Worst Inflation In 40 Years, Democrats Should Not Do It Again With Tax Hikes

Just As 'Surging Prices For Gas, Food And Rent Catapulted U.S. Inflation To A New Four-Decade Peak In June,' Further Sapping Americans' Wages And Savings, Senate Democrats Are Looking To Raid Americans' Wallets Again In A Different Way, As They Push For $1 Trillion In Tax Increases SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This morning, this all-Democrat government produced yet another absolutely terrible inflation report. Inflation during the month of June shattered the experts' pre… Continue Reading


Dems Attempting To Resurrect Their Reckless Taxing And Spending Plans At The Worst Possible Time

With Inflation Crushing Families' Finances And The Economy On The Precipice Of A Recession, Senate Democrats Are Huddling Behind Closed Doors Attempting To Revive Their Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree, Which Would Raise Taxes On Americans And Exacerbate Inflation SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Democrats' reckless inflationary spending has already slapped what amounts to a gigantic tax hike on working American families. One recent poll found more than 90% of Americans sa… Continue Reading


Biden’s Inflation Brings Americans ‘The Most Expensive July Fourth’ In Years

One Year After President Joe Biden's White House Embarrassingly Boasted That Inflation Wasn't Something To Worry About Because Independence Day Cookouts Would Cost 16 Cents Less, Americans 'Have Literally Become Poorer, By Any Concept, Over The Last Year,' And Will Be Paying Significantly More For Everything This Fourth Of July, From Cookouts To Travel According To The American Farm Bureau Federation, Americans Will Pay 17% More Overall For Their Fourth Of July Cookout Than Last Year … Continue Reading


Democrats’ Abortion Extremism Puts Them Outside The Mainstream

Democrats' Radical Abortion Views Are Not Supported By Most Americans, Are At Odds With Laws Around The World, And Result In Them Opposing Basic Things Like Protecting Taxpayers From Funding Elective Abortions And Requiring Care For Infants That Survive Botched Abortion Attempts SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "For 50 years, states have been unable to enact even modest protections for unborn children. More than 90% of Europe restricts abortion on demand after 15 weeks, but e… Continue Reading


Soros Prosecutors Have Overseen Massive Crime Waves In Their Communities

Liberal Megadonor George Soros Has Spent Over $40 Million In The Past Decade To Elect Scores Of Liberal Prosecutors In Half Of America's Largest Jurisdictions "George Soros spent more than $40 million in the past decade to elect scores of liberal prosecutors in half of America's largest jurisdictions, many of which are now roiled by crime… Though many had little prosecutorial experience when elected, they represent 72 million Americans in some of the nation's most populous municipalit… Continue Reading


Consensus In Washington: Biden’s ‘Very Showbiz’ Gas Tax Gimmick Panned By Everyone

President Biden's Sudden Desire To Suspend The Federal Gas Tax Has Been Derided By Economists As 'Shortsighted, Ineffective, Goofy And Gimmicky' As Well As Inflationary, Questioned By His Own Treasury Department Officials, Rejected By Congressional Republicans, And Dismissed By Prominent Democrats Because It 'Will Not Provide Meaningful Relief At The Pump' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[On Wednesday,] the Biden Administration announced another ineffective stunt to mask th… Continue Reading

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