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As The Border Crisis Worsens, Biden Wants To Cut Funding To Enforce Our Laws

As America's Southern Border Is Gripped By Twin Crises Of Record Numbers Of Illegal Immigrant Crossings And Poisonous Fentanyl Trafficking, President Biden Is Proposing Cutting Funding For The Department Of Homeland Security SEN. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO (R-WV): "[President Biden's budget] cuts the Department of Homeland Security budget, which will be the principal agency that is charged with stopping the flow of not just illegal immigrants, but also the illegal flow of drugs, especially fentany… Continue Reading


The Biden Administration Has Failed At Every Level To Alleviate The Chaos On The Southern U.S. Border

59% of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of "the immigration situation at the U.S.-Mexico border." (Washington Post-ABC News Poll, 2/03/2023) U.S. Customs And Border Protection Announced That 251,487 Illegal Immigrants Were Encountered At The Southern Border In December, A Record Number, Highlighting 'The Unprecedented Migrant Crisis Along The Southern Border' "Illegal border crossings during the month of December reached their highest level of the Biden administration, topping 250,00… Continue Reading

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