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Determined Work By Congressional Republicans Secured Important Conservative Policy Wins In This Year’s Appropriations Bills

In FY 2024 Appropriations, Republicans Negotiators In The House And Senate Boosted Defense Spending, Enhanced Border Enforcement, Banned Funds For UNRWA, And Cut Democrats’ IRS Expansion SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The task before Congress this week - completing annual appropriations - is important work every year. In fact, it’s among our most basic, fundamental responsibilities. But not in decades have the stakes of providing for the common defense been as high as they ar… Continue Reading


‘Historic And Bipartisan’ Opioids Law Will ‘Save Lives’

President Trump Signed Into Law A Landmark Bill To Address The Opioids And Addiction Crisis In America PRESIDENT TRUMP: "Today, we are here … to sign landmark legislation to defeat the opioid epidemic…. Over the last year, we have mobilized the entire federal government to address this crisis…. My administration has also launched an unprecedented effort to target drug dealers, traffickers, and smugglers. We are shutting down online networks, cracking down on internationa… Continue Reading


List Of Accomplishments Keeps Growing

Water Infrastructure, FAA Reauthorization, And Landmark Opioids Bill Are Latest Additions To The Accomplishments Of The 115th Congress SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Earlier this year, the president challenged us to seriously address our nation's crumbling infrastructure. In Congress, we've wasted no time on working to tackle this challenge in a bipartisan way. Here are just a few highlights. The funding bill for fiscal year 2018 included a $21 billion increase in infrastruc… Continue Reading


‘Landmark Legislation’ To Combat The Opioid Crisis

'A Historic Bill': Senate Overwhelmingly Passes 'Sweeping' Legislation 'Aimed At Combating The Nation's Deadly Opioid Epidemic' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Yesterday, the U.S. Senate sent a clear message to the millions of Americans who have personally done battle with addiction to opioids and prescription drugs…. To every American affected by the opioid epidemic, the landmark legislation the Senate passed yesterday says: 'The nation will not stand for this. More help… Continue Reading


A Productive August

Senate Remained 'In Session This Month To Continue Working On Behalf Of The American People' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "August is usually a time for Senators to spend more time in our home states, meeting with our constituents and reporting on the progress we've made in Washington. But this August had to be different. There was too much business left unfinished. So I made the decision to keep the Senate in session this month to continue working on behalf of the American… Continue Reading


Omnibus Bill ‘A Victory For Families Caught In The Grip Of The Opioid Epidemic’

'It Is Time To Liberate Our Communities From This Scourge Of Drug Addiction' PRESIDENT TRUMP: "It is time to liberate our communities from this scourge of drug addiction." (President Trump, "How We Will Win The War On Opioids," 3/1/2018) SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[The omnibus bill is] a victory for families caught in the grip of the opioid epidemic. This bill scales up research, treatment and prevention funding and provides for grants to first responders. It will confro… Continue Reading


Dems ‘Do Not Oppose A Single Thing In This Bill’

Will Democrats Really 'Filibuster Government Funding And Shut Down Vital Programs For Americans'? SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "My friends on the other side of the aisle do not oppose a single thing in this bill. They know they can't possibly explain to our warfighters and veterans, to our seniors, to our opioid treatment centers, to the millions of vulnerable children and their families who depend on S-CHIP for coverage, or to all the Americans who rely on the federal government for critical s… Continue Reading


Jessie’s Law: ‘Another Important Step Forward’ To Fight Opioid Abuse

'Opioid Overdoses Have Skyrocketed In Recent Years … [A]nd There Are Signs That The Epidemic Isn't Abating' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The Senate took another important step forward … in combating the opioid epidemic that is devastating families and communities across the country. Jessie's Law will help medical professionals make more-informed treatment decisions for their patients by allowing past history of drug addiction to be included in patients' medic… Continue Reading


Continuing The Fight Against The Opioid & Heroin Crisis

'An Estimated 2 Million People In The U.S. Are Addicted To Prescription Opioids' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This legislation will also allow us to fight back against the opioid and heroin crisis while bolstering medical innovation and treatments at the same time. It contains funding for the programs Congress authorized in the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, continued funding for the 21st Century Cures Act to attack opioid abuse, plus additional funds to combat the… Continue Reading


A ‘Win for the American People’

VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: The budget deal "will avert a government shutdown but more important than that there's going to be a significant increase in military spending. Our armed forces have been hollowed out in recent years by budget cuts. 21 billion dollars in defense spending in this bill. There's also a down payment on border security. I think the American people are encouraged to hear that since our inauguration, illegal border crossings are down 60 plus percent in this country. And in this bi… Continue Reading


21st Century Cures: A Medical ‘Innovation Game-Changer’

Bipartisan Legislation 'Addresses Problems That Touch Nearly Every American Life' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Too many people are waiting for the promise of a cure or a medical advancement to combat a life-threatening disease. . . Cutting back on bureaucratic red tape, advancing lifesaving research and tackling the scourge of cancer would move our country forward and help millions looking for more than hope, but a chance at long, healthy lives." ("$6.3 Billion Measure Aims… Continue Reading


Significant Bipartisan Accomplishments

Stack Of Major Legislation Passed By The Republican Senate: Fighting Zika, Combatting Opioids, Water Resources Development Act, FAA Legislation, Infrastructure Improvements, Biotech Labeling, Puerto Rico Restructuring, Modernizing The Toxic Substances Control Act, Trade Secrets, FOIA Updates, North Korean Sanctions & Much More 2016 ACCOMPLISHMENTS PILE UP CR: Includes 'Funding To Fight The Zika Virus, Combat The Opioid Overdose Crisis' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "It is a fair proposal… Continue Reading


CARA: ‘The Most Sweeping Drug Legislation In Years’

'Public Health Advocates Have Lauded The Bill As A Crucial Policy Shift,' 'An "Extraordinary" Step Forward' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This is a comprehensive legislative response to the prescription opioid and heroin epidemic devastating Kentucky and our nation. I'm happy to see it on its way to the president's desk to be signed into law." (Sen. McConnell, Press Release, 7/13/2016) SEN. ROB PORTMAN (R-OH): "This is a historic moment, the first time in decades that Congres… Continue Reading


‘CARA Is A Monumental Step Forward’

More Than 180 Groups Call On Congress To Act On Conference Report More Than 180 National Anti-Drug Groups: "We …are calling on Congress for quick action to send this to the President's desk for signature." (Letter to Members of Congress on S. 524, 7/6/2016) 'CARA Is A Monumental Step Forward' ADDICTIONPOLICY.ORG: "Let's not play politics; 129 people are dying every day in our country at the hands of this epidemic. CARA has real resources, real policy change, and is part of much larger… Continue Reading


Senate Back To Work

List of Legislation Passed By The Republican Senate Continues To Grow SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL: "We're seeing every day what a Senate that's back to work can achieve. We're seeing what's possible when committees are up and running again and the legislative process is functioning better again. We're seeing what's possible when senators from both sides of the aisle are empowered again to find areas of common ground, and then can actually work together to achieve them. . . We're g… Continue Reading


Senate Back To Work: FAA & Energy

The Stack Of Significant Legislation Passed By The Republican Senate Solving 'Big, Entrenched Problems' Continues To Grow FAA: 'Passenger-Friendly' & Will 'Ramp Up Airport Security' SEN. JOHN THUNE (R-SD), Commerce Committee Chairman: "Passage of this bipartisan legislation is a win for airline passenger rights, advancing responsible drone usage, boosting the competitiveness of the aerospace industry, and making our skies safe." (Senate Commerce, Science, & Transportation Committee… Continue Reading


Senate Responds to 'Urgent Drug Crisis'

'A Similar Bill Introduced In 2014 Never Made It To The Senate Floor' SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA): "[T]he Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act . . . passed today with [an] overwhelming bipartisan vote. This legislation reflects the Senate at its finest, working in a bipartisan way, to address an awful epidemic that's gripping our country. . . Real lives will be saved because of the leadership of this bipartisan group." (Sen. Grassley, Congressional Record, S. 1417, 3/10/2016) SEN. ROB P… Continue Reading


Democrats ‘Dangerously Politicizing’ Opioids

Substance Abuse Prevention Groups Urge Democrats 'To Move The Legislation In A '"Bipartisan Fashion"' 'Sen. Chuck Schumer … Dangerously Politicizing The Issue' "Senate Democrats and drug policy groups pushing for a strong response to the heroin epidemic are growing increasingly concerned that Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is dangerously politicizing the issue, risking what has been steady, if slow, bipartisan progress." ("Junk Politics: Dems, Drug Policy Groups Worried Schumer Is Polit… Continue Reading


Combating Opioid Addiction

'Bipartisan Legislation … Designed To Fight Prescription Opioid Abuse And Heroin Use' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[T]here are steps we can take today to help families impacted by drug abuse - and keep more families from ever going through it to begin with. . . [The Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA)] has garnered a great deal of support from both sides because of its provisions to expand prevention and educational efforts, strengthen prescription-drug monitoring progra… Continue Reading

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