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Biden Campaign And Antisemitic Protests Are Bankrolled By The Same Rich Liberals

The Biggest Names In Democratic Politics Are Cutting Checks And Training The Activists That Are Powering The Vile, Antisemitic Protests At the Same Time They’re Funding Biden’s Re-Election Campaign   New Reporting Shows President Biden And The Pro-Hamas Protesters Are Bankrolled By The Same Wealthy Progressive Megadonors “President Joe Biden has been dogged for months by pro-Palestinian protesters calling him ‘Genocide Joe’ — but some of the groups behind the demonstrations receive financi… Continue Reading


Another Show Vote On The Unconstitutional DISCLOSE Act Yet Again Exposes Democrats’ Extreme Dark Money Hypocrisy

Democrats' Unabashed Embrace Of Dark Money Demonstrates That Today's Show Vote On Their Unconstitutional DISCLOSE Act Is Just Another Election Year Stunt SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[W]ith all these national crises hammering families, the Democratic majority is using the Senate schedule to demonstrate that they do not care. The Democratic Leader is not spending floor time on a bill to combat Democrats' inflation crisis, or their immigration crisis, or their violent cri… Continue Reading


‘Record-Breaking Turnout’ In Georgia Exposes Democrats’ Cynical Lies

LEADER McCONNELL: 'Shame On The Democrats Who Pushed The Big Lie That A Grand Scheme Was Afoot To Prevent Millions Of Americans From Voting. It Was Never True. It Was Just To Push Their Pre-Existing Policy Agenda' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Five months ago, Democrats and the media were saying the sky was falling because of some states' mainstream voting laws. Georgia passed a voting law that was more open than the rules on the books in blue states like New York and Del… Continue Reading


Democrats Let The Dark Money Flow And Like Its Power

Democrats Built A Dark Money Empire In 2020 That The New York Times Estimates Spent Significantly More Than Republican Groups And Are Entwined With Dark Money Organizations Like Demand Justice, Which Pressured Senate Democrats To Change Their Leadership On The Judiciary Committee And Is Aggressively Backing Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson The Most Politically Active Dark Money Groups Aligned With Democrats Spent $1.5 Billion On The 2020 Election-Significantly More Than The Most Active Groups A… Continue Reading


President Biden Is Dangerously Out Of Touch With Americans’ Priorities

As Poll After Poll Shows Americans Struggling With Inflation, Concerned About Their Economic Futures, And Looking For Leadership From Washington, Democrats Continue To Obsess Over The Pet Issues Of Left-Wing Activists SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "With a cascade of major crises testing our country, Senate Democrats are prioritizing a show vote on mandating nine months of abortion on demand across America. Senate Democrats want to go on the record supporting the radical and m… Continue Reading


Dark Money-Financed Radical Left Already Playing Prominent Role In Supreme Court Vacancy

'Aggressive' Dark Money Group Demand Justice, Tied To Schumer And The White House, Spent A Year Angrily Calling On Justice Breyer To Resign SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The President must not outsource this important decision to the radical left. The American people deserve a [Supreme Court] nominee with demonstrated reverence for the written text of our laws and our Constitution." (Sen. McConnell, Press Release, 1/27/2022) Last Year, Radical Left Wing Group Demand Jus… Continue Reading


Dems Smear More Lipstick On Their Partisan Election Takeover Pig

While Americans Keep Telling Pollsters They Have Much More Important Concerns, Democrats Are Trying To Force A Senate Showdown On 'This Latest Umpteenth Iteration' Of Their Partisan Proposals To Take Over Elections, Featuring 'The Same Rotten Core' Of Terrible Policies SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "As 2022 gets underway, working Americans and their families are facing a steady stream of significant challenges. The fastest-growing inflation in almost 40 years; violent crim… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Rule-Breaking Power Grab Efforts Predate Today’s Big Lie By Years

Long Before Democrats' Current Fake Outrage Over State Election Laws, Democrats First Unveiled Their Partisan Proposal To Take Over American Elections In 2018 And In 2019 Started Talking About Nuking The Filibuster SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Leading Democrats say they want to break the Senate because of a sinister anti-voting plot that is sweeping America. This is totally fake. It does not exist…. Confronted by the facts, the Democratic Leader says they're irreleva… Continue Reading


Democrats Are Whistling Past The Graveyard

Determined To Ignore The Clear Message Voters Are Sending That They Disapprove Of President Biden And Are Concerned About The Economy, Democrats Are Telling Each Other They Will Plow Ahead With Biden's Reckless Taxing-And-Spending Agenda SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Last night was a difficult evening for Democrats. The Democratic Party has wildly misread their mandate and let the radical left run the country. Local Democrats let teachers' unions keep schools shut months lon… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Third Attempt At A Partisan Election Power Grab Is More Of The Same

LEADER McCONNELL: 'Senator Schumer Wants To Stage Another Political Stunt Around The Umpteenth Iteration Of The Same Partisan Power Grab That The Senate Has Already Considered And Rejected Repeatedly. It Is The Same Rotten Core As Speaker Pelosi's H.R. 1 With Slightly Amended Window Dressing' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Another week, another effort by Washington Democrats to create fake drama over a proposed election takeover that will go nowhere. Senator Schumer wants to … Continue Reading


Dems Take ‘Big Lies And Fake Outrage’ On The Road To Georgia

Senate Democrats Will Hold A Hearing In Georgia This Week To Continue Their 'Shameless Effort To Manufacture An Air Of Crisis To Help Democrats Ram Their Election Takeover Bills Through,' Which Dem Leaders Have Admitted Is Mainly About Ensuring Democrats Win Elections SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This spring, the state of Georgia passed a mainstream election law that expanded early voting and made drop boxes permanent for the first time. The left responded with a total melt… Continue Reading


Any Way You Slice It, ‘It Still Retains S.1’s Rotten Core’

LEADER McCONNELL: 'Whichever Label Democrats Slap On Their Bill, The Substance Remains The Same. It's Always Been A Plan To Rewrite The Ground Rules Of American Politics … Today, The Senate's Going To Fulfill Our Founding Purpose, Stop This Partisan Power Grab, And Reject S.1' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Later today, the Senate will vote on whether to advance Democrats' transparently partisan plan to tilt every election in America permanently in their favor. By n… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Partisan Election Takeover: ‘The Same Awful Guts Are All In There’

Bloated With All The Same Awful Policies That Resulted In Bipartisan Opposition In The House, 'Nobody Is Fooled' By A New Bill Number Or Text Based On Sen. Klobuchar's Rejected Substitute Amendment: 'We're Talking About Fundamentally The Same Bill' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "We're talking about fundamentally the same bill. And one thing's for certain: 'major overhaul' doesn't even begin to describe it. The same awful guts are all in there: There's the plan to forcibly rew… Continue Reading


Dems Remain Divided On S.1, While Republicans Are Uniformly Opposed

Democrat Leaders Are Still Struggling To Get All Their Members To Support Their Nakedly Partisan Election Takeover, With Significant Numbers Of Dems Expressing Concerns Both Privately And Publicly, As Republicans Have Maintained Strong, United Opposition SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[Democrats'] marquee bill, S.1, is such a brazen political power-grab that the question isn't even whether it could earn bipartisan support. The question is how wide the bipartisan opposition… Continue Reading


Dems Prepare A Month Of Designed-To-Fail Senate Kabuki

Taking His Cues From Radical Leftists, Sen. Schumer Has Announced He'll Force Votes On Far-Left Partisan Bills He Knows Will Fail In Order To Falsely Claim That The Senate Is Broken SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Already, on multiple occasions this year, we've demonstrated that even a narrowly divided chamber is capable of taking productive, bipartisan steps on serious issues…. So the question at the outset of this work period is how Democrats will use their razor-t… Continue Reading


Markup Recap: Democrats Vote To Retain All The Most Egregious, Partisan Provisions Of Their Power Grab Over American Elections

During Last Week's Markup Of S.1, Democrats' Partisan Proposal To Rewrite Election Laws In All 50 States, Democrats On The Senate Rules Committee Voted To Spend Public Money On Their Own Campaigns, Mutate The FEC Into A Partisan Cudgel, Police Core Political Speech While Supercharging Political Intimidation And Cancel Culture, And Eviscerate State Voter ID Laws SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "A one-party takeover of our political system. That's what Senate Democrats brought t… Continue Reading


All Of The Worst Provisions Remain In Democrats’ Partisan Election Takeover

As Democrats Prepare To Mark Up S.1, The Democrat Politician Protection Act, It Still Would Funnel Public Money To Politicians' Campaigns, Turn The FEC Into A Partisan Weapon, Unconstitutionally Regulate Core Political Speech And Encourage Political Intimidation, And Consolidate Control Over Elections In Washington While Undermining Voter ID Requirements And Imposing Ballot Harvesting On States "The Senate is headed for a showdown over Democrats' sweeping voting rights and election overhaul … Continue Reading


The Democrat Politician Protection Act’s Assault On America’s State-Run Elections

Democrats' Partisan Bill 'Usurps States' Authority Over Elections' Forcing One-Size-Fits-All Dicta From Washington On Everything From Mandating Use Of Technology That Doesn't Yet Exist To Gutting Voter ID Laws To Compelling States To Allow Ballot Harvesting To A New Unaccountable Redistricting Process SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "In this country, states and localities run elections. Those of us in the federal government do not get a stranglehold over the ways in which vote… Continue Reading


Democrat Politician Protection Act: Dems Use The Law To Fund Their Campaigns And Intimidate Their Opponents

The Democrat Politician Protection Act Passed In The House Allows Democrats To Use Public Money To Pay For Their Political Campaigns, Transforms The FEC Into A Partisan Weapon With Dramatically Expanded Powers To Police Americans' Political Speech, And Forces Private Donor Disclosures That Would Invite Public Political Attacks And Intimidation SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[Democrats are] recycl[ing] failed legislation that would have Washington Democrats grab unprecedent… Continue Reading


Win Or Lose, Democrats’ Answer Is Always A Washington Election Takeover

After Speaker Pelosi's Electoral Humiliation, Democrats Are Once Again Pushing Her Far-Left Plan To Federalize Our Elections SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "By every indication, the 2020 election appears to have been free from meaningful foreign interference. There is no suggestion that our foreign adversaries were allowed to undermine the integrity of this process…. The Trump Administration and the Senate spent four years supporting the state and local election authoriti… Continue Reading

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