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Biden Campaign And Antisemitic Protests Are Bankrolled By The Same Rich Liberals

The Biggest Names In Democratic Politics Are Cutting Checks And Training The Activists That Are Powering The Vile, Antisemitic Protests At the Same Time They’re Funding Biden’s Re-Election Campaign   New Reporting Shows President Biden And The Pro-Hamas Protesters Are Bankrolled By The Same Wealthy Progressive Megadonors “President Joe Biden has been dogged for months by pro-Palestinian protesters calling him ‘Genocide Joe’ — but some of the groups behind the demonstrations receive financi… Continue Reading


As Extreme Far-Left Democrats Lend Support To Protesters Spouting Antisemitic Rhetoric, The Biden Administration Fails To Clearly Condemn The Protests Or Do Much Of Anything At All

The Left Flank Of The Democratic Party Is Making Common Cause With College Campus Encampments That Have Descended Into Support For Terrorists And Antisemitism Yet Progressive Democrats In Congress And The Biden Administration Keep Seeking Their Support   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “For months, the most elite corners of American higher education have made headlines for all the wrong reasons. Unfortunately, they’re still finding new ways to embarrass themselves with vile, … Continue Reading


Flouting A Rebuke From The Supreme Court, Biden Doubles Down On Buying Votes With Taxpayer Money

Once Again, President Biden Is Ignoring The Law And Pledging To Hand Taxpayer Money To People Who Incurred Student Loan Debts In A Flagrant And Desperate Attempt To Buy Votes In November   SEN. BILL CASSIDY (R-LA), Senate HELP Committee Ranking Member: “These loan schemes do not forgive debt. They transfer the debt from those who willingly took it on to the 87 percent of Americans who decided to not go to college or already worked to pay off their loans. This is an unfair ploy to buy votes bef… Continue Reading


Determined Work By Congressional Republicans Secured Important Conservative Policy Wins In This Year’s Appropriations Bills

In FY 2024 Appropriations, Republicans Negotiators In The House And Senate Boosted Defense Spending, Enhanced Border Enforcement, Banned Funds For UNRWA, And Cut Democrats’ IRS Expansion SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The task before Congress this week - completing annual appropriations - is important work every year. In fact, it’s among our most basic, fundamental responsibilities. But not in decades have the stakes of providing for the common defense been as high as they ar… Continue Reading


American Families Who Have Suffered Two Years Of ‘Bidenomics’ Price Increases Reject Democrats’ Rosy Economic Spin

As Year-Over-Year Inflation Increased Again Last Month, Americans Paying Ever More To Feed Their Families, Fill Up Their Cars, And Shop For School Supplies Are Unsurprisingly Pessimistic About The Economy And Overwhelmingly Disapprove Of Costly ‘Bidenomics’ After Paying For Two Years Of Joe Biden’s Inflation, Americans Are Unhappy About The Economy And Disdainful Of Biden’s Economic Policies   (“The Economy's Long, Hot, And Uncertain Summer,” CBS N… Continue Reading


Powerful Teachers’ Unions Can’t Distort The Facts: They Worked With Democrats To Keep Schools Closed

Randi Weingarten, Teachers' Unions, And Democrats 'Are Trying To Rewrite History' On Pandemic School Closures As The Public Understands Just How Harmful They Were To Children And To Their Educations 'Ms. Weingarten And Others Are Trying To Rewrite History Because They Realize Now, Far Too Late, That Their Lockdowns Are Unpopular … But It's Important For Democratic Accountability That They Don't Get Away With It' RANDI WEINGARTEN, President of the American Federation of Teachers: "W… Continue Reading


Democrats Failed Students, ‘Devastating’ New Test Results Show

Democrats At All Levels Of Government Refused To Quickly Reopen Schools That Were Shut At The Beginning Of The Pandemic, Siding With Teachers' Unions Over Students, And This Year Studies And Test Results Show This Was A Disaster For America's Children Nationwide Test Scores Show 'Historic Learning Setbacks For America's Children' Over The Course Of The Pandemic "The COVID-19 pandemic spared no state or region as it caused historic learning setbacks for America's children, erasing decades … Continue Reading


Biden’s Lawless Move To Cancel Student Debt Will Increase Inflation And Wipe Out Deficit Reduction

Experts Agree That President Biden's Likely Illegal Move To Unilaterally Cancel $10,000 Of Student Debt Is Regressive, Wipes Away The Deficit Savings He Has Been Touting, And Will Make Inflation Worse According To Economists, Canceling $10,000 Of Student Debt Will Wipe Out The Claimed Deficit Reduction In Democrats' Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree And 'Would Boost Near-Term Inflation Far More Than The IRA Will Lower It' "Democrats say [their reckless taxing and spending spree] can redu… Continue Reading


Democrats Keep Acting Like They Know Better Than Parents What’s Best For Children

President Biden Recently Articulated To Teachers That 'They're Not Somebody Else's Children; They're Like Yours When They're In The Classroom,' And His Administration Keeps Acting Like It, Pushing Policies That Force Toddlers To Wear Masks Outside On Playgrounds, Refusing To Take On Teachers' Unions That Kept Schools Closed, And Encouraging School Districts To Use Federal Money To Implement Aspects Of Critical Race Theory SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Senate Republicans m… Continue Reading


Democrats Keep Kids Masked At The Behest Of Teachers’ Unions

As Some Democrats Begin To Lift Mask Mandates For Bars, Restaurants, And Other Venues, They're Refusing To Lift Them For Schoolchildren, Following The Dictates Of Powerful Teachers' Unions SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "While Democratic leaders are stampeding to finally follow the science and end burdensome mandates on adults, in many places, America's children are still being left behind. States like New York and California are rolling back restrictions on adults, but have y… Continue Reading


Senate Republicans Notch Victory In Fight Against Radical Critical Race Theory

The Senate Adopted A Republican Amendment To Prohibit Federal Funding From Going Towards Promoting Radical Critical Race Theory Ideologies In Schools The Senate adopted Sen. Tom Cotton's (R-AR) amendment to prohibit federal funds from being used to promote Critical Race Theory or to compel students or teachers to affirm Critical Race Theory in prekindergarten, elementary, and secondary schools. (S.Amdt.3680, S.Con.Res.14, Roll Call Vote #342: Amendment Agreed to 50-49: D 1-47; R 49-0; I 0-2; 8/… Continue Reading


Senate Democrats Vote To Keep Schools Closed

Given The Opportunity To Support In-Person Instruction In American K-12 Schools This Fall, Not A Single Senate Democrat Would Vote To Ensure Schools Are Open All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. Tim Scott's (R-SC) amendment to ensure elementary and secondary schools are open for in-person learning. (S.Amdt.3073, S.Con.Res.14, Roll Call Vote #324: Rejected 49-50: D 0-48; R 49-0; I 0-2; 8/10/2021) Among those voting no were Sens. Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Raphael Warnock (D-GA), Maggie Hassan (… Continue Reading


What Does The Biden Administration Think Is Going Right?

Americans Are Keenly Aware That The Biden Administration's Policies Are Failing On Critical Issues For The Country: Inflation, The Pandemic, The Southern Border, Crime, Afghanistan, Iran, And Russia Americans Know Things Under President Biden Aren't Going Well, With A Recent Poll Showing 'Americans' Optimism About The Direction Of The Country Has Plummeted Nearly 20 Points' In Just 2 Months "As President Joe Biden completed 100 days in office, the country was optimistic about the coming year… Continue Reading


Senate Republicans Fight To Prevent Democrats’ Critical Race Theory Push From Gaining A Foothold In American Society

As School Boards Influenced By Radical Activists Increasingly Look To Adopt Critical Race Theory And The 1619 Project, Republicans In Congress Are Taking A Stand Against This 'Divisive Propaganda' While Prominent Democrats Deny It's Even A Problem SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Take the massive spending package Democrats rammed through in the name of COVID relief. The spending was billed as urgent, but its authors apparently had time to bake in a provision directing relief… Continue Reading


‘Centrist Words, Liberal Actions’: Biden’s First 100 Days

Though Joe Biden Ran As A Unifying Figure, The Record Of His First 100 Days Is One Of Partisan Ideological Left-Wing Governance President Biden Pledged Unity But Has Spent His First 100 Days Governing From The Left Despite Biden's Call For Unity, His First Actions As President Were 'To Advance A Liberal Agenda' And 'Offer Little Compromise' The Rhetoric: 'Unity Is The Path Forward … I Will Fight As Hard For Those Who Did Not Support Me As For Those Who Did,' '[The American People]… Continue Reading


Democrats Vote To Allow Colleges To Discriminate Against Asian-Americans

Not A Single Senate Democrat Voted For An Amendment Offered By Sens. Ted Cruz And John Kennedy That Would Have Denied Funding For Universities That Discriminate Against Asian-Americans In Admissions SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): "This amendment is straightforward. It targets the ongoing discrimination that is being directed against Asian-Americans by colleges and universities across the country, including preeminent institutions such as Yale and Harvard, which are denying admission to qualified Asia… Continue Reading


Schools Could Reopen Now, But Dems And Teachers’ Unions Still Resist

With Scientific Studies Showing Schools Can Safely Reopen With Precautions, Teachers' Unions Are Still Coming Up With New Excuses Not To Return To The Classroom As Prominent Democrats Refuse To Condition School Funding On Reopening SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "For months, science has confirmed that schools are remarkably safe and do not surge transmission of the virus. This Administration's own experts amplified this before liberal politics got in the way…. [I]nst… Continue Reading


Democrats Side With Teachers’ Unions In Refusal To Support Schools Reopening

All 50 Democrats Voted Against A Republican Amendment To Require Schools To Begin Reopening With Students In Attendance To Receive The Extra Funding In Democrats' Stimulus Bill Every Senate Democrat voted against the Republican amendment to ensure that school reopening dollars are going to support in-person learning, conditioning funding on schools reopening. (S.Amdt. 1026 to S.Amdt. 891, H.R. 1319, Roll Call Vote #80: Rejected 48-51: D 0-48; R 48-1; I 0-2, 3/06/2021) Among those voting n… Continue Reading


For Democrats, It’s Spending Over Science When It Comes To Schools

Contrary To The Science, Democrats And Unions Are Teaming Up To Say Schools Can't Reopen Unless Dems Pass Their Massive Spending Bill While Powerful Teachers' Unions Continue To Be A Key Impediment To Reopening Schools And Children Are Falling Through The Cracks Of Virtual Learning SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Millions of American kids in the public school system have been robbed of a year and counting of anything resembling a proper education…. [But] the White Ho… Continue Reading


Biden Administration’s Changing Message On Reopening Schools

The Biden Administration Pledge To Follow The Science To Reopen Schools Is Already Being Watered Down, As They Promote Their Teachers' Union-Backed Spending Plan That Would Keep Many Schools Closed Previously, Medical Experts In The Federal Government Were Saying, 'There Is Increasing Data To Suggest That Schools Can Safely Reopen' And 'It's Less Likely For A Child To Get Infected In The School Setting' CDC DIRECTOR DR. ROCHELLE WALENSKY: "I also want to be clear that there is increasing … Continue Reading

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