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Republican Unity Forced Democrats To Agree To Cut Government Spending

The Agreement Negotiated By Speaker McCarthy Will Cut Non-defense Spending And Would Save $1.5 Trillion Over A Decade, All Without Any Tax Increases SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "House Republicans stood united behind Speaker McCarthy. They lined up behind the only legislation that addressed the debt limit and out-of-control government deficits. They committed to the direct negotiations that I said repeatedly were the only way to avoid default. And they secured an outcome … Continue Reading


Far-Left Democrats Hate Fiscal Responsibility So Much They’re Demanding The President Violate The Constitution

Some Far-Left Democratic Senators Care So Little About The Constitution And Are So Wedded To Federal Largesse That They Are Calling On President Biden To Illegally Seize Power And 'Unconstitutionally [Act] Without Congress' In An Attempt To Ignore The Debt Limit SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Everybody knows there is only one way to defuse the looming crisis. The normal and routine thing. Spending negotiations between the President and the Speaker. The American people vote… Continue Reading


While Republicans Stand United, Democrats Are Already Splintering On Debt Limit Negotiations

As Republicans Back Speaker McCarthy's Negotiations On The Debt Limit And Government Spending With The White House, Far-Left Democrats Are Already Sniping At President Biden SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Later today, I will attend a second discussion between President Biden and Speaker McCarthy on the nation's debt limit…. The Biden Administration took three months to reach a conclusion that just about everyone else recognized from the beginning: that the only way for… Continue Reading


WaPo Fact Checker Torpedoes Bogus Biden Debt Limit Talking Points

In Just The Past Week, The Washington Post's Fact Checker Has Agreed That President Biden's Claims Relating To The History Of The Debt Limit, The House-Passed Debt Limit Bill, And His Own Record On The Deficit Are Untrue In His Demands To Raise The Debt Ceiling Without Any Fiscal Reform, 'Biden's Stance Is Pushing Against The Tide Of History' "President Biden has pushed for an increase or suspension of the debt limit without any conditions attached…. Biden consistently says he want… Continue Reading


Senate Republicans Are Shoulder-To-Shoulder With Speaker McCarthy On Debt Limit Negotiations

As Democrats Are Fracturing Over Their Leadership's Complete Failure To Act On The Debt Ceiling, Senate Republicans Stand Squarely With Speaker McCarthy SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Our Republican colleagues in the House passed a responsible bill. It's the only legislation currently in existence that can pass even one chamber of Congress, let alone both. … Senate Democrats and Leader Schumer can give all the angry speeches they want. But they have no bill. Leader … Continue Reading


After Months Of Delay, Biden Finally Blinks On The Debt Ceiling Following Speaker McCarthy’s Action

Senate Republicans Are United In Supporting Speaker McCarthy, While Senate Democrat Leaders Continue To Offer Absolutely Nothing But Angry Rhetoric And Show Hearings SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[L]et's be perfectly clear about where we are. The House has passed a bill which raises the debt ceiling and outlines House Republican priorities. Many people thought that wouldn't happen, it has. The message to the President at this point is also pretty clear. You've got a choic… Continue Reading


Where Did Joe Biden The Negotiator Go?

When He Ran For President, Joe Biden Boasted That He ‘Worked Across The Aisle To Reach Consensus, To Help Make Government Work,’ ‘To Bring Democrats And Republicans Together … To Deal With Big Issues,’ Explaining That There’s ‘No Other Way To Get Anything Done In This Country’   Joe Biden Pitched Himself To Voters As Someone Who Could ‘Bring Democrats And Republicans Together In The United States Congress … To Deal With Big Is… Continue Reading


Democrats To Biden: Stop Dodging Responsibility And Negotiate On The Debt Limit

More Democrats In Congress Are Urging President Biden To Meet With Speaker McCarthy: ‘Get It Done For The Sake Of The Country’   SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): President Biden Refusing To Meet With Speaker McCarthy ‘Signals A Deficiency Of Leadership, And It Must Change’ SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): “America is facing a historic economic crisis brought on by an abject failure to address our exploding national debt, chronic inflation, a looming recession, and the mor… Continue Reading


Biden’s Reckless Spending Proposals Would Launch American Debt And Deficits To Unprecedented Levels

SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA): 'The President's Budget Took My Breath Away. His Numbers Are Extraordinary … The Only Way I Know How To Improve The President's Budget Is With A Shredder' SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA), Senate Appropriations Committee Member: "The president's budget took my breath away. His numbers are extraordinary. We're going to run out of digits here. It's $6.9 trillion budget, $4.7 trillion in new taxes that will affect everyone over 10 years; $18 trillion in new debt, a cut … Continue Reading


Biden’s Irresponsible Budget Triples Down On Tax Hikes, Government Spending, And Debt

Following Two Years Of Out-Of-Control Democrat Spending, Tax Hikes, And Massive Deficits, President Biden Has Submitted A Budget Calling For Even More Taxing, Spending, And Red Ink That Would Balloon The Federal Government While Still Managing To Shortchange Defense And Border Security JOE BIDEN: "My dad used to have an expression: 'Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget, and I'll tell you what you value.'" (Joe Biden, Remarks, 9/15/2008) Senate Republicans: President Biden's … Continue Reading


Schumer Doubles Down On His Debt Limit Hypocrisy

'Some Democrats Are Trying To Rewrite History And Pretend That Republicans' Demands For Negotiations Are Unusual. But That's Just False.… The Pelosi-Schumer Playbook For The Debt Limit [Was To] Demand Negotiations' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Some Democrats are trying to rewrite history and pretend that Republicans' demands for negotiations are unusual. But that's just false. Back in 2017, the Senate Democratic Leader said the debt ceiling gave Democrats, quote, … Continue Reading


Schumer’s Hypocritical Debt Limit History

In 2017, Sen. Chuck Schumer Talked About Using The Debt Limit 'As Leverage,' In Stark Contrast To His Categorical Assertions Today That 'Using It As A Bargaining Chip' 'Should Be Off The Table' SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): "[T]hey know there is no reason-no reason, no argument, no logic-to justify flipping your position 180 degrees and calling it some kind of principle. It is not. It is utterly craven …" (Sen. Schumer, Remarks, 9/21/2020) In 2017, Schumer Bragged About Democrats U… Continue Reading


Biden Still Falsely Claiming His Taxing And Spending Plans Somehow ‘Will Lower Your Costs And Lower The Deficit’

"During Tuesday's State of the Union, Biden will recast his stalled Build Back Better agenda as an opportunity to rein in the debt, arguing that the sweeping child care, climate and health care package can lower costs for both Americans and the federal government, senior administration officials said ahead of the speech." ("Biden Throws A Line To Joe Manchin And Hopes He Bites," Politico, 3/01/2022) PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: "My plan to fight inflation will lower your costs and lower the deficit." (… Continue Reading


Desperate Dems Want To Sell Their Failed, Inflationary Stimulus As An Accomplishment

The Signature Achievement Of Democrats' Partisan $1.9 Trillion Spending Bill Was Unleashing The Worst Inflation Americans Have Seen In 40 Years While Sending Slush Funds To States That Far Exceeded Their Pandemic Needs SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Working Americans and their families are being hammered by the worst inflation in 40 years. And Washington Democrats own it. Sometimes it can be difficult to directly connect Washington policies to the downstream effects on fam… Continue Reading

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