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The Senate Must Act Quickly To Reauthorize FISA Section 702

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Is An Essential Tool For America’s Intelligence Community, Which Helps Protect Americans From Terrorist Groups Like Al Qaeda And ISIS, Malicious Actors Like Iran, And Authoritarian Adversaries Like Russia And China SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Iran’s efforts to kill Americans, compromise our communications and data, and collect intelligence on U.S. soil are well-known. At this point, so are the hundreds of known or su… Continue Reading


Determined Work By Congressional Republicans Secured Important Conservative Policy Wins In This Year’s Appropriations Bills

In FY 2024 Appropriations, Republicans Negotiators In The House And Senate Boosted Defense Spending, Enhanced Border Enforcement, Banned Funds For UNRWA, And Cut Democrats’ IRS Expansion SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The task before Congress this week - completing annual appropriations - is important work every year. In fact, it’s among our most basic, fundamental responsibilities. But not in decades have the stakes of providing for the common defense been as high as they ar… Continue Reading


For The Fourth Year In A Row, Biden’s Anemic Defense Budget Request Fails To Keep Pace With His Inflation

Every Single Year, The Biden Administration Has Presented An Inadequate Defense Budget Request That Fails To Keep Up With The Inflation His Economic Policies Unleashed, All As China And Russia Accelerate Their Military Buildups SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Yesterday, President Biden released his budget request for the next fiscal year…. The President … shows no interest in the sort of defense investments that were needed to squeeze the Soviets in the 1980s, let alone to lib… Continue Reading


Congressional Republicans Secure Important Spending & Policy Wins In Appropriations

From Cutting Wasteful Spending To Blocking Far-Left Policy Riders And Enhancing America’s National Security, House And Senate Republicans Significantly Improved The First Six Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations Bills SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE VICE CHAIR SUSAN COLLINS (R-ME): “From supporting America’s veterans, servicemembers, farmers, and rural areas to improving our infrastructure, energy independence, and housing and workforce opportunities, these bills will make a real difference in commu… Continue Reading


Keeping Pace With Russian And Chinese Military Buildups And Defending American Interests Requires Congress To Urgently Approve Crucial Security Funding

As Russia Re-Arms And Continues Its Assault On Ukraine And China Boosts Weapons Production, America’s Ability To Respond To Threats And Protect Ourselves And Our Allies Depends On Congress Appropriating More Funding For National Security SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Here’s the truth: threats to U.S. national security are growing, and the Biden Administration’s habit of proposing real-dollar cuts to defense funding is a streak that must end at three. With its forthcoming bud… Continue Reading


Congress Must Pass This Year’s NDAA So America Can Confront Worldwide Security Challenges

LEADER McCONNELL: ‘The NDAA Is Our Most Significant Opportunity To Set Priorities For Competition With Adversaries Like China And Russia … It’s Our Time To Lay The Groundwork For Robust Investments In Hard Power’ SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The NDAA is our most significant opportunity to set priorities for competition with adversaries like China and Russia. It’s our chance to keep the Biden Administration focused on critical missions like rebuilding America’s defense indus… Continue Reading


A Strong, Comprehensive Security Supplemental Invests In American Defense And American Jobs

A National Security Supplemental Supporting America’s Partners In Ukraine, Israel, And Asia Not Only Helps Those Countries, It Strengthens The United States Defense Industrial Base, Which Enhances American Security While Creating Jobs And Revitalizing Communities Across The Country SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Over and over again, history has taught us that the costs of disengaging from the world are far higher than the costs of engaging. And just as the threats we face are… Continue Reading


American Military Strength And Continued Support For Ukraine Are Imperative To Deter ‘A New Axis Of Autocrats’ Centered On Beijing And Moscow

Leader McConnell: ‘We Must Not Ignore This Contest For Power.… Now, With Russia And China’s ‘Friendship Without Limits’ And Putin’s Embrace Of Iran And North Korea, Is Not The Time For America To Step Back…. Let’s Just Be Absolutely Clear About A Few Things: Helping Ukraine Retake Its Territory Means Weakening One Of America’s Biggest Strategic Adversaries Without Firing A Shot… And Deterring Another One In The Process.’ SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Russia and China have bo… Continue Reading


NDAA Is Essential To Modernize Our Military, Improve Readiness, And Keep Pace With China’s Rapid Military Buildup

'Hard Power Is Essential - More So Than Any Number Of Pet Rocks Politicians Hold Up As Helpful To Compete With China. Hard Power Is The Currency Of Geopolitics' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The NDAA is our most significant opportunity to set priorities for competition with adversaries like China and Russia. It's our chance to keep the Biden Administration focused on critical missions like rebuilding America's defense industrial base instead of the woke partisan agenda of… Continue Reading


America’s East Asia Partners Agree That Supporting Ukraine Is Essential For Deterring China

Supporting Ukraine Is An Investment In 'Taiwan's Survival' And International Security Against Chinese Aggression Across Asia, While The Conflict Also Provides A Wakeup Call For America's Defense Posture SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "As I've discussed repeatedly, Vladimir Putin's brutal escalation in Ukraine has prompted America's European allies to take their commitments to collective defense more seriously. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Russia's authoritaria… Continue Reading


A Real China Competition Bill Would Focus On Defense

Senate Democrats Are Talking About Another Bill To Boost U.S. Competition With China, But Are Focused On More Industrial Policy And Domestic Spending, But The United States Must Out-Compete China Most Of All In Military Capabilities And Senate Democrats Keep Failing To Prioritize Defense SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Our Democratic friends like to invoke America's competition with China whenever they're seeking to justify huge outlays of domestic spending. But they push t… Continue Reading


As Threats To The United States Proliferate, President Biden’s Defense Budget ‘Is Woefully Inadequate’

Joe Biden's Defense Budget Yet Again Fails To Keep Pace With The Inflation His Economic Policy Has Unleashed And His Proposed Spending Increases For The IRS And EPA Vastly Outpace The Pentagon, All While China Continues Its Torrid Pace Of Military Modernization And Expansion Senate Republicans: 'The President's Defense Budget Is Woefully Inadequate And Disappointing,' Biden's Proposed Defense 'Funding Levels … Fail To Keep Up With Inflation' SEN. ROGER WICKER (R-MS), Senate Armed S… Continue Reading


Senate Republicans Secured ‘Robust Defense Spending’ At The Expense Of Democrats’ Liberal Spending

Senior Democrats Are Upset That The Appropriations Legislation Grows Defense Spending At The Expense Of Liberal Domestic Programs Yet This Funding Is Essential To Sustaining American Forces And Equipping Them To Confront Threats From Russia, China, And Others SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "President Biden's proposal for fiscal year 2023 was a massive, real-dollar increase for liberal domestic spending and a significant real-dollar cut for the national defense. Thanks to ti… Continue Reading


NDAA Features Crucial Programs And Force Modernization Needed To Confront The Challenge Posed By China

The Department Of Defense Recently Warned That China 'Has Mobilized Vast Resources In Support Of Its Defense Modernization' And The FY 2023 National Defense Authorization Act Is A Critical 'Step Toward The Investments, Modernization, And Stronger Strategies That' The U.S. Military Needs In Order To 'Compete And Win' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Today I want to focus on what most Senators agree is the single greatest medium-term and long-term national security challenge t… Continue Reading


This Year’s NDAA Includes Essential Boosts To Munitions, Modernization, And Deterrence Against Hostile Powers

The Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act 'Tees Up A Significant And Badly-Needed Increase In Defense Funding' While Working 'To Protect Our Country From Threats Like China And Russia And Give Our Troops What They Need To Complete Their Mission' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[T]he Senate and House Armed Services Committees released a strong, bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act. ... We have got to take our national defense, military modernization, a… Continue Reading


The Importance To Taiwan Of Ukraine Successfully Defending Itself

Leaders In East Asia Know That Beijing Is Closely Watching What Happens In Ukraine And Successfully Defeating Russian Aggression There Could Be A Powerful Deterrent To Chinese Communist Party Aggression Against Taiwan SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Obviously, the biggest issue in the world right now and the most important issue on the floor of the Senate this week is assistance for Ukraine. As I think you know, I, along with Senators Barrasso, Collins, and Cornyn, had an o… Continue Reading


Government Funding Agreement Provides Critical Boost To Defense Spending At A Dangerous Time

Russia's Unprovoked Invasion Of Ukraine Is A Reminder That Threats To The United States And Our Interests And Allies Around The World Have Not Diminished, Making The Increases In Defense Spending Secured By Republicans In The Bipartisan Government Funding Agreement All The More Essential SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This bipartisan government funding agreement is the major step forward that our national security needs. This is a dangerous time for the United States and o… Continue Reading


Biden’s State Of The Union Address Maligned For Its Myriad Manifest Failures

President Biden's Speech Was Panned For Being 'Totally Out Of Step With Reality For Where Most Americans Are,' Dinged By Fact-Checkers, Featured 'An Unusual Number' Of Gaffes, And Highlighted Intra-Democratic Feuds On Spending, Inflation, And Defunding The Police SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Last night, President Biden gave a State of the Union address that might have worked okay for a popular administration that had been successfully tackling America's problems and earning… Continue Reading


Bipartisan Demands For Sen. Schumer To Bring NDAA To The Senate Floor

'There Is No Reason That This Bill Has Not Been Put On The Floor In The Senate': With The Calendar Well Into November, Sen. Schumer Is Still Delaying Consideration Of The Critical Annual Defense Authorization Bill, And Even The Democratic Chairs Of The Armed Services Committees Are Joining Senate Republicans In Voicing Their Frustration SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Each year, the National Defense Authorization Act represents the Senate's most consequential opportunity to h… Continue Reading


American Security Can’t Wait For Democrats’ NDAA Delays

Senate Democrats Still Haven't Brought The Annual National Defense Authorization Act To The Senate Floor While ISIS And Al Qaeda Gather Strength, China Threatens Taiwan And Works To Undermine American Military Capabilities, Iran Accelerates Its Nuclear Program, North Korea Advances Its Missile Capabilities, And Russia Threatens Ukraine And Europe SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Each year, the National Defense Authorization Act represents the Senate's most consequential opportu… Continue Reading

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