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Congressional Democrats Turn Their Backs On Israel

As The Israeli Prime Minister Addresses A Joint Session Of Congress This Week, Far-Left Democrats Have Announced Their Intentions To Boycott Or Even Disrupt It, And The Biden-Harris Administration Continues To Vent Its Anger At The Prime Minister, All As Israel Is Still Fighting Off Attacks From Iran And Its Terrorist Proxies   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Tomorrow, the Capitol will welcome Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the democratically elected leader of America’s c… Continue Reading


Biden’s Weakness On Iran Cannot Continue

LEADER McCONNELL: ‘Ultimately, President Biden Must Also Accept That The Fundamental Assumptions Of His Administration’s Iran Policy Were Morally And Practically Bankrupt…. The Biden Administration’s Previous Iran Policy Is Now History. The President Must Go Back To The Drawing Board’ SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “[T]he United States must continue to provide maximum support to Israel’s counter-terrorist operation, as long as it takes. And just as importantly, we have to re-e… Continue Reading


Biden Will Have To Confront His Failures In The Middle East

As President Biden Prepares To Travel To The Middle East, He Has A Lot Of Damage Control To Do, Resulting From His Administration's Ill-Considered Policies Like Treating Saudi Arabia As A 'Pariah,' Chasing A Bad Nuclear Deal As Iranian Provocations Continue, And Forcing A Disastrous Withdrawal From Afghanistan That Has Left American Capabilities Diminished While The Taliban Represses Women And Provides A Haven For Al Qaeda America's Relationship With Saudi Arabia 'Has Reached A Low Point U… Continue Reading


Bipartisan Rejection Of The Biden Administration’s Awful Proposals For A New Nuclear Deal With Iran

'President Joe Biden's Bid To Revive The Iran Nuclear Deal Flunked Its First Test In The U.S. Senate': The Senate Sent An Unmistakable Bipartisan Message To The Biden Administration That A New Nuclear Deal With Iran Cannot Repeat The Deficiencies Of The Obama Administration's 2015 Deal More Than 60 Senators Agree That Any Nuclear Deal With Iran Must Address Iran's Ballistic Missiles Program And Support For Terrorism, Retain Sanctions On Iran's Revolutionary Guard, And Take Into Account Chi… Continue Reading


Biden’s State Of The Union Address Maligned For Its Myriad Manifest Failures

President Biden's Speech Was Panned For Being 'Totally Out Of Step With Reality For Where Most Americans Are,' Dinged By Fact-Checkers, Featured 'An Unusual Number' Of Gaffes, And Highlighted Intra-Democratic Feuds On Spending, Inflation, And Defunding The Police SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Last night, President Biden gave a State of the Union address that might have worked okay for a popular administration that had been successfully tackling America's problems and earning… Continue Reading


Iran’s Ongoing Provocations

Missile Tests, Exchanges With North Korea, And Proxy Wars SECRETARY OF DEFENSE JAMES MATTIS: "Everywhere you look, if there is trouble in the region, you find Iran." ("Indications Iran Doubling Down On Use Of Proxy Forces," Voice Of America, 5/31/2017) "The Senate is expected to vote this week on bipartisan legislation that would expand U.S. sanctions against Iran's ballistic missile program and also target its support for terrorism, human rights violations and transfers of conventional weap… Continue Reading


Iran ‘Getting Worse’

Despite Obama Administration Rhetoric, The Iran 'Deal Has Not Resolved Many Concerns About Iranian Behavior' "Secretary of State John Kerry said the Iran nuclear agreement 'has lived up to its expectations' ..." ("One Year On, Kerry Satisfied With Iran Nuclear Deal," The Wall Street Journal, 7/14/2016) "Secretary of State John Kerry, one of the key authors, believes the deal has 'made the world safer.' However, the deal has not resolved many concerns about Iranian behavior in the region and … Continue Reading


‘The World Is More Dangerous’

'If It Didn't Send Chills Down Your Body Thinking About That, It Should' SEN. BARRASSO: 'The World … Has Become More Dangerous Over The Past 7 ½ Years' SEN. JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY): "Mr. President, people all around the country know that the world is a very dangerous place. It has become more dangerous over the past 7 ½ years, and even over the course of this summer. As a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, I come here again to the floor because I have seen one example… Continue Reading


Another Flight-Ful Of Francs

'US Payment Of $1.7 Billion To Iran Made Entirely In Cash' SEN. KELLY AYOTTE (R-NH): "…the eagerness of the Obama administration to bend over backwards to accommodate Tehran, conceal information from the American people, and protect a fundamentally flawed and deeply dangerous agreement that is only getting worse." (Sen. Ayotte, Press Release, 9/1/2016) $1.7 Billion In 'Taxpayer Money' Sent To Terror-Sponsoring Ayatollahs "The Obama administration followed up a planeload of $400 milli… Continue Reading


‘Completely False’?

After Repeated Denials To The Contrary, Obama Administration Now Admits '$400M Cash Shipment To Iran Tied To U.S. Prisoners' Release' SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): "Reports today confirm what many of us have suspected all along: the $400 million payment to Iran was a ransom payment for four Americans unlawfully held by the ayatollahs. … Unfortunately, it's not just the American people who received confirmation: it's also terrorist groups and our adversaries around the world who know the United… Continue Reading


White House Advisor: Iran ‘Is Healthcare For Us’

Obama Administration Boasts Of Selling American Public A Bill Of Goods On Its Iran Deal, Just Like They Did On Obamacare BEN RHODES, Deputy National Security Adviser For Strategic Communications: "…it's a big deal. This is probably the biggest thing President Obama will do in his second term on foreign policy. This is healthcare for us, just to put it in context." ("The Coming Détente With Iran," The Washington Free Beacon, 10/31/14) 2nd Term: Obama Administration Pushed 'Activel… Continue Reading


Do Your Job

Democrats 'Throw A Monkey Wrench Into The Gears' Of The Appropriations Process For Fear Of Having To Defend The President's Iran Nuclear Deal SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "I think we've come up with yet another definition of obstruction today. Our democratic friends are going to prevent the passage of an energy and water appropriations bill because of an amendment that is not yet pending to the bill. And yet a new way to blow up the appropriations process. Our democratic colleagues were great… Continue Reading


Iran Deal Continues To Evolve

WASH. POST: 'Should The United States Take Steps Not Strictly Mandated By The Text Of The Nuclear Accord At A Time When Iran Is Testing Nuclear-Capable Missiles?' "[T]he U.S. has been thrust into a role of defending Iran on its nuclear deal compliance and condemning its other actions as it simultaneously promotes business with Iran in the context of the new leeway afforded by sanctions relief." ("Analysis: Iran Nuclear Deal Puts US In Bind Amid Criticism," The Associated Press, 4/11/2016) … Continue Reading


A Legacy of Global Instability

PRES. OBAMA: "[W]e cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass; that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace." ("President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address," 1/20/2009) FORMER PRES. JIMMY CARTER: "I can't think of many nations in the world where we have a better relationship now than when he took over." ("Jimmy Carter: Barack Obama's… Continue Reading


Buyer’s Remorse

Dems On President's Iran Policy: 'No Response Is In Effect, A Response' 'Democrats In Congress Are Losing Patience' "Democrats in Congress are losing patience with the Obama administration for failing to respond quickly enough to Iran's test of a ballistic missile." ("Democrats, Frustrated With Obama On Iran, Float New Sanctions Proposals," The Washington Post, 1/07/2016) "Leading lawmakers, including supporters of President Barack Obama's nuclear deal with Iran, rapped the White House for … Continue Reading


‘Frightening…Deplorable…Outrageous’ Situation

Will Dems Back Their Calls To The Iranian Regime To 'Immediately Release All Americans Who Are In Jail'? Senate Dem To Iran: 'Immediately Release All Americans Who Are In Jail' The Senate voted unanimously for a resolution calling on Iran to release American prisoners. (S.Con.Res. 16, Roll Call Vote #175, Adopted 90-0: R 47-0, D 42-0, I 1-0, 5/11/15) SEN. BILL NELSON (D-FL): "We are hopefully and prayerfully expectant that if it is a successfully concluded negotiation to prevent Iran from … Continue Reading


American Prisoners Languish In Iran

Prisoners Raise 'Legitimate And Serious Concerns About This Deal' SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND (D-NY): "There are legitimate and serious concerns about this deal. For example... Hostages remain in Iranian custody. We will have to work hard to fight Iran's malign efforts to wreak havoc in the region." ("Why I'm Supporting An Imperfect Iran Deal," Medium, 8/6/15) The Senate voted unanimously for a resolution calling on Iran to release the American prisoners. (S. Con. Res. 16, Roll Call Vote #17… Continue Reading


Iran: ‘Strong Support’?

Fact-Checker: 'It Is Difficult To Support The Claim That There Is "Strong Support" For The Iran Deal Among Lawmakers And Citizens' PRESIDENT OBAMA: "I am heartened that so many Senators judged this deal on the merits, and am gratified by the strong support of lawmakers and citizens alike." (President Obama, Statement, 9/10/15) WASHINGTON POST's 'Fact-Checker': "Anyway you slice it, it is difficult to support the claim that there is 'strong support' for the Iran deal among lawmakers and citiz… Continue Reading


‘When Sanctions Lift, Iranian Commander Will Benefit’

Iran's Worst Of The Worst Receive 'Significant Sanctions Relief' Thanks To President Obama's Deal "There will be significant sanctions relief for the leader of the Quds force, a special unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard accused of supplying militants with weapons to kill Americans during the Iraq war, under the new Iran nuclear deal. Gen. Qasem Soleimani will have his travel ban lifted and foreign assets unfrozen -- sanctions imposed by the UN -- if the deal goes as planned." ("Irania… Continue Reading


The Iranian Record: Post Agreement

International Commitments Violated, Terrorism Support Continues, U.S. Still Called 'Great Satan' 'The Iranian Regime Continues To View The U.S. As The "Great Satan"' AYATOLLAH KHAMENEI, Iranian Dictator: 'Reiterated that America remains the "Great Satan."' "Speaking to a group of people in Tehran, Khamenei reiterated that America remains the 'Great Satan.' 'The Iranian nation ousted the Satan. We should not let it back through the window to penetrate' Iran, he said." ("Iran's Supreme Leader… Continue Reading

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