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Senate Democrats Rubberstamp Another Unqualified Biden Judge

Every Single Democrat Senator Voted To Promote Judge Nancy Maldonado To An Appeals Court Seat And Will Have To Explain To Voters Why They Supported Someone With Such A Dismal Record SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Judge Nancy Maldonado, a trial judge nominated to the Seventh Circuit, has distinguished herself with sheer incompetence. Thanks to reforms put in place by then-Judiciary Committee Chairman Biden, federal courts keep track of how many fully briefed motions have been … Continue Reading


Senate Democrats Prioritize Radical Judges Over National Security

Despite The Armed Services Committee Advancing This Year’s NDAA Legislation, Senate Democrat Leaders Have Decided Instead To Spend Floor Time On Unqualified Judicial Nominees Who Are Far Out Of The Mainstream Last Week, The Senate Armed Services Committee Approved Its Version Of The Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act “The Senate version of the fiscal 2025 defense authorization bill would authorize roughly $25 billion more for national defense than the Biden administration re… Continue Reading


How Many More Radical Associations Must Adeel Mangi Have For Democrats To Finally Shelve His Nomination?

New Reporting Reveals That President Biden’s Nominee For The 3rd Circuit Court Of Appeals, Adeel Mangi, Was More Directly Involved With Rutgers Law’s Controversial Center for Security, Race And Rights Than He Told The Judiciary Committee And Donated To Radical Democrat Candidates In New York With Ties To Anti-Israel Activists And Groups   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The hateful ideas pouring out of campus encampments are not new to America’s universities. The world’s olde… Continue Reading


Growing Number Of Law Enforcement Organizations Oppose The Nomination Of Adeel Mangi

With A Fuller Understanding Of Mangi’s Associations With Radical Groups Like The Alliance Of Families For Justice And The Legal Aid Society Of New York That Have Repeatedly Advocated For Notorious Cop-Killers, Law Enforcement Organizations From The 3rd Circuit And Across The Country Have Increasingly Called On The Senate To Reject His Nomination   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “I’ve spoken repeatedly about Adeel Mangi, nominee to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals: both his … Continue Reading


As More Troubling Facts About Adeel Mangi’s Associations Come To Light, Key Democrats Refuse To Say Whether They’ll Oppose His Nomination

Senate Republicans Have Expressed Alarm At 3rd Circuit Nominee Adeel Mangi’s Associations With Radical Groups That Supported Terrorists And Cop-Killers, Leading Multiple Jewish And Law Enforcement Organizations To Oppose His Confirmation   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “I’ve spoken repeatedly about the nomination of Adeel Mangi to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. Notwithstanding his anti-Semitic affiliations, it seems every week a new law enforcement organization announce… Continue Reading


Biden Packs The Government With Big Labor Partisans While A Summer Of Strikes Threatens The Economy

President Biden Keeps Pushing Union Partisans For Key Labor Positions In The Federal Government And They Are Dutifully Rewriting Labor Laws And Regulations To Favor Unions, All While Big Unions Are Striking Or Threatening Strikes In Many Critical Economic Sectors SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “This week, Senate Democrats are attempting to tip the partisan scales and weaponize a regulatory authority that impacts millions of American workers and businesses. The Senate’s longsta… Continue Reading


With Julie Su Still Unable To Get The Support Of A Majority Of Senators, The White House Appears Ready To Attempt An End-Run Around The Senate

With Bipartisan Opposition To Julie Su's Nomination To Lead The Department Of Labor And Democrat Leaders Stalling A Vote For Months, The White House And Some Senate Democrats Now Appear To Be Maneuvering To Keep Her Running The Department In An Acting Capacity Indefinitely, Despite Their Previous Vocal Opposition To Similar Moves SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "For more than two years now, the Biden Administration has sent the Senate a steady stream of radical and unqualifi… Continue Reading


‘Sheriff Joe’ Biden Still Wants To Deputize Julie Su, Who Lost More Than A Fistful Of Dollars

Despite Previously Emphasizing That His Cabinet Must Use Tax Money 'Efficiently And Effectively,' The Biden White House Continues To Push For Julie Su, Who Presided Over $30 Billion In Unemployment Insurance Fraud, To Head The Department Of Labor As President, 'Sheriff Joe' Biden Emphasized To His Cabinet The Need For Taxpayer Money To Be 'Used Efficiently And Effectively' REUTERS: ''Sheriff Joe' Biden Urges Cabinet To Ensure Fresh Spending Is Used Wisely' ("'Sheriff Joe' Biden Urges Cabi… Continue Reading


Biden’s Inflation Remains Painfully High As Senate Democrats Rubberstamp The Man Who Got It Disastrously Wrong

Jared Bernstein's Policies Have Led To 26 Straight Months Of High Inflation Yet Senate Democrats Are Preparing To Promote Him SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Since President Biden took office, consumer prices have risen more than 16 percent. American families are paying 20 percent more to put food on the table than they did in January 2021. And 36 percent more on energy. But over more than two years of Washington Democrats' runaway inflation, President Biden's top advisors … Continue Reading


Biden White House Continues To Push Big Union Ally Julie Su, Part Of A Raft Of Radical And Unqualified Nominees

In Spite Of A 'Full-Court Press' By The White House And Powerful Big-Pocketed Unions, Many Democrat Senators Are Still Reluctant To Support Labor Secretary Nominee Julie Su, Whose Mismanagement Of California's Unemployment Insurance During The Pandemic Looms Large Over Her Nomination SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "For someone who campaigned as a moderate and promised to unify our country, President Biden has chosen to staff his Administration with a roster of alarmingly ra… Continue Reading


Democrats Push More Radical Biden Nominees Even After The White House Was Recently Forced To Withdraw Several

Just Weeks After President Biden Was Forced To Withdraw Three Controversial Nominees, Senate Democrats Are Pushing Ahead With More Controversial Far-Left Nominees For Another Judgeship And An Energy Department Post Whose Records Indicate That Their Ideological Activism Will Be Their Overriding Priority Just Last Month, The White House Was Forced To Withdraw The Nominations Of Two Judicial Nominees Who Were So Bad They Lacked Support Among Democrats And A Climate Activist Biden Nominated To… Continue Reading


The Effects Of Two Years Of Biden’s Persistently High Inflation Are Weighing Down Americans

April's Inflation Report Showed Prices Rising Again, 'Far Above The Federal Reserve's 2% Target Rate,' As They Have Been For Two Straight Years, Leaving American Families Paying Ever More For Their Houses, Their Food, And Their Energy, While They Continue To Express Their Displeasure With Economic Conditions And Lack Of Confidence In President Biden 'Consumer Prices In The United States Rose Again In April, And Measures Of Underlying Inflation Stayed High' "Consumer prices in the United S… Continue Reading


Julie Su Is A Partisan Union Activist Whose Policies Will Hurt Independent Contractors And Small Businesses

President Biden Has Nominated Julie Su To Be The New Secretary Of Labor But Her Track Record In California Of Mismanagement And Support For Disastrous Big Labor-Driven Policies Shows She Should Not Be Promoted By The Senate SEN. BILL CASSIDY (R-LA), Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Ranking Member: "Deputy Secretary Su has a troubling record and is currently overseeing the Department of Labor's development of anti-worker regulations that dismantle the gig economy. This … Continue Reading


Biden’s Far-Left Economist, Jared Bernstein, Was Disastrously Wrong On Inflation And Shouldn’t Get A Promotion

In A Rush To Implement Left-Wing Priorities, Jared Bernstein Dismissed Inflation Risks, Called Inflation 'Transitory,' And Does Not Think Biden Should Change Course On Economic Policies, All While Advocating For A Far-Left Wishlist Featuring Higher Gas Prices, Higher Taxes, More IRS Agents, And More Abortions "President Joe Biden's next pick to lead the Council of Economic Advisers is bracing for a barrage of political attacks centered on how the White House has tackled inflation. Jared Bern… Continue Reading


President Biden Keeps Sending Unqualified Nominees To The Senate

Another Biden Nominee To The Federal Bench Couldn't Answer A Basic Question About Federal Law While His Nominee To Lead The FAA Lacks Any Experience In Aviation Or Aviation Safety, And Could Not Answer Basic Questions About Flight And Federal Aviation Regulations Another Biden Judicial Nominee Was Unable To Answer A Basic Question About Federal Law "[Another] Biden federal trial court nominee was tripped up over Republican confirmation hearing questions, this time involving a senator's in… Continue Reading


President Biden Continues To Appoint Radical, Scandal-Plagued Nominees To Critical Government Positions

President Biden Has Nominated A Former California Labor Secretary Whose Department Paid Out Tens Of Billions In Fraudulent Payments For The Federal Labor Department And A Radical Left-Wing Activist Who Has Floated Using Regulatory Power To Censor Viewpoints She Disagrees With For The FCC Julie Su, Biden's Nominee To Be The New Secretary Of Labor, Presided Over California's Disastrous Administration Of Unemployment Benefits During The Pandemic, As Over $30 Billion Was Stolen By Scammers, In… Continue Reading


Joe Biden’s Judicial Nominees Fail To Measure Up

One Nominee Stripped A Teenage Sexual Assault Victim Of Her Privacy, Another Can't Answer Rudimentary Questions About The Constitution, And A Third Is Obsessed With Microaggressions And Seems Interested In Weakening Free Speech Protections SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[Recently] President Biden and the Senate Democratic Leader took time to boast about their judicial confirmations. There was something interesting, strange, and telling about their statements. Both the Pres… Continue Reading


The Case Against Judge Jackson’s Confirmation

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson Failed To Defend The Supreme Court Against Calls For Packing It From Her Most Prominent Supporters, Could Not Explain Her Judicial Philosophy Nor Reassure That She Would Not Be A Judicial Activist, And Has A Record Of Giving Lighter Sentences To Certain Criminals, Sometimes Twisting The Law To Do So SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The Judiciary Committee has completed its hearing for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. I enjoyed meeting the nominee. I w… Continue Reading


Anti-Gun Zealot David Chipman Is The Wrong Choice To Lead ATF

David Chipman's Long Record Of Extreme Anti-Gun Activism And Disparaging Comments About Law-Abiding Gun Owners, Coupled With Concerns About His Behavior From Current And Former ATF Officials, Demonstrate Why His 'Unusually Divisive' Nomination To Lead The Bureau Of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, And Explosives Has Generated So Much Opposition SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA), Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member: "Ever since he was announced, I have been hearing from alarmed constituents who car… Continue Reading


All 50 Senate Democrats Vote For A Nominee Who ‘Collaborated With Eco-Terrorists’

Even After Revelations From Both Investigators Into The 1989 Tree-Spiking Incident Tracy Stone-Manning Was Linked To And One Of The Convicted Perpetrators Saying She Knew About The Plot, All 50 Senate Democrats Still Voted To Advance Her Nomination To Be Director Of The Bureau Of Land Management Today, all 50 Senate Democrats voted to discharge the nomination of Tracy Stone-Manning from the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, allowing Senate floor consideration, the first step to confirm… Continue Reading

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