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Rising Inflation Demonstrates How ‘Bidenomics’ Continues To Cost Americans

Once Again, Inflation Rose More Than Expectations, Costing Americans More For Everything From Food, To Shelter, And Energy, All While The Biden Administration Continues To Assert ‘We Can Feel Great About Our Economy’   .@SecYellen on Monday said, “I think we can feel great about our economy.” But today’s inflation report tells a much different story. When will the Biden Administration admit that Bidenomics is a disaster? — Senate Republican Communications Center… Continue Reading


Three Years Of Joe Biden’s Failures Leaves The State Of Our Union Weaker And Americans Deeply Unsatisfied

Tonight, @POTUS is going to tell the American people that the state of our union is strong. But his historic inflation, violent crime, open borders, and weakness on the world stage say otherwise. — Senate Republican Communications Center (@SRCC) March 7, 2024   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Tonight, President Biden will deliver the last State of the Union address of his term. For the past three years, these speeches have served as mile markers,… Continue Reading


Congressional Republicans Secure Important Spending & Policy Wins In Appropriations

From Cutting Wasteful Spending To Blocking Far-Left Policy Riders And Enhancing America’s National Security, House And Senate Republicans Significantly Improved The First Six Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations Bills SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE VICE CHAIR SUSAN COLLINS (R-ME): “From supporting America’s veterans, servicemembers, farmers, and rural areas to improving our infrastructure, energy independence, and housing and workforce opportunities, these bills will make a real difference in commu… Continue Reading


Desperate To Appease Climate Zealots, Biden’s Blinkered LNG Policy Throws National Security And American Jobs Under The Bus

Caving To The Demands Of Far-Left Climate Activists, The Biden Administration Is Stalling Permits For Crucial Liquified Natural Gas Exports, Placing Climate Virtue Signaling Over The Energy Security Of Our European Allies And Jobs For Americans SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “When President Biden took office, the average approval time for liquefied natural gas (LNG) permits was about seven weeks. Right now, it’s about eleven months. But soon, wait times could actually become i… Continue Reading


Who Are Americans Going To Believe, Their Huge Grocery Bills, Or The White House’s Insulting ‘Bidenomics’ Pitches?

Year-Over-Year Inflation Rose In August, Remaining Far Above The Fed’s Target Rate, Leaving Americans Paying More For Basic Necessities While Their Household Income Fell Over The Last Year. Yet They’re Treated To Increasingly Off-Putting Pronouncements By The White House That ‘Bidenomics Is Working’ SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Just this morning, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that inflation increased by 0.6% this month, putting year over year inflation at 3.7%. T… Continue Reading


Biden Ensures Americans Will Keep Paying High Gas Prices As He Continues To Shut Down U.S. Energy Production

President Biden, In Defiance Of Congressional Direction, Is Shutting Down Oil & Gas Leases In Alaska Following A Summer Of Similar Moves, Leaving OPEC, Russia, And China In The Driver’s Seat On Energy And Americans Paying The Price SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Across the country, the end of summer gave working families gas prices near all-time highs - beyond just a seasonal swing. Last week, Washington Democrats opened a new front in their war on affordable and abundant… Continue Reading


American Families Who Have Suffered Two Years Of ‘Bidenomics’ Price Increases Reject Democrats’ Rosy Economic Spin

As Year-Over-Year Inflation Increased Again Last Month, Americans Paying Ever More To Feed Their Families, Fill Up Their Cars, And Shop For School Supplies Are Unsurprisingly Pessimistic About The Economy And Overwhelmingly Disapprove Of Costly ‘Bidenomics’ After Paying For Two Years Of Joe Biden’s Inflation, Americans Are Unhappy About The Economy And Disdainful Of Biden’s Economic Policies   (“The Economy's Long, Hot, And Uncertain Summer,” CBS N… Continue Reading


The Painful Reality Of ‘Bidenomics’

President Biden's Economic Policies Have Left Americans Financially Worse Off Thanks To Decades-High Inflation Coupled With High Energy Prices While Polling Consistently Shows Citizens Are Not Buying The White House's Political Spin "With a series of announcements and a campaign-style swing that is set to run past the 4th of July, President Biden is launching a new effort to sell his economic record to a country that remains wary…. The president will headline multiple events himself wi… Continue Reading


Democrats Push More Radical Biden Nominees Even After The White House Was Recently Forced To Withdraw Several

Just Weeks After President Biden Was Forced To Withdraw Three Controversial Nominees, Senate Democrats Are Pushing Ahead With More Controversial Far-Left Nominees For Another Judgeship And An Energy Department Post Whose Records Indicate That Their Ideological Activism Will Be Their Overriding Priority Just Last Month, The White House Was Forced To Withdraw The Nominations Of Two Judicial Nominees Who Were So Bad They Lacked Support Among Democrats And A Climate Activist Biden Nominated To… Continue Reading


Bipartisan Deal Delivers Significant Conservative Policy Wins For American Families

Thanks To Republicans' Unity, Speaker McCarthy Was Able To Secure Important Conservative Policy Victories In Bipartisan Negotiations That Will Benefit Our Country Including Significant Welfare Reforms, A Pared-Back IRS, A Down Payment On Real Permitting Reform, Expediting A Pipeline That Will Boost Domestic Energy, And Rescinding Unspent COVID Money SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Four months ago, Speaker McCarthy invited President Biden to start negotiating an agreement to… Continue Reading


Biden Launches Yet Another Assault In His War On Affordable Energy

Sweeping New War On Coal Regulations Announced Today By President Biden's EPA Will Shutter Power Plants, Drive Up The Cost Of Electricity, And Further Reduce The Electric Grid's Reliability, All While Relying On Technology And Infrastructure That Don't Exist Yet And Could Once Again Run Afoul Of The Law SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "By outsourcing his energy policy to the radical left, President Biden is outsourcing away America's energy security and independence. Today, … Continue Reading


Chuck Schumer’s Gas Stove Gaslighting

As Progressives Were Advancing Bans On Gas Appliances Earlier This Year, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Mocked Republican Concerns, But 8 Weeks Later, New York Democrats Proved Republicans Right, And Schumer Wrong In February, Schumer Smugly Mocked Republicans Alarmed At Proposals Advanced By Progressives To Ban Gas Appliances SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY), February 3: "Nobody is taking away your gas stove. Shameless and desperate MAGA Republicans are showing us they will cook up any distraction t… Continue Reading


Schumer Vows To Bury Affordable Energy In A Senate Graveyard

As Americans Continue To Struggle With High Energy Prices And With President Biden Doing Everything He Can To Raise Them Further, House Republicans Passed A Major Energy Bill To Increase Domestic Energy Production And Lower Costs, Yet Sen. Chuck Schumer Refuses To Bring This Legislation Up In The Senate, Instead Spending Time On Political Stunts And Low-Level Nominations House Republicans Recently Passed The Lower Energy Costs Act, Which 'Restores American Energy Leadership' And 'Makes It … Continue Reading


Biden’s Far-Left Economist, Jared Bernstein, Was Disastrously Wrong On Inflation And Shouldn’t Get A Promotion

In A Rush To Implement Left-Wing Priorities, Jared Bernstein Dismissed Inflation Risks, Called Inflation 'Transitory,' And Does Not Think Biden Should Change Course On Economic Policies, All While Advocating For A Far-Left Wishlist Featuring Higher Gas Prices, Higher Taxes, More IRS Agents, And More Abortions "President Joe Biden's next pick to lead the Council of Economic Advisers is bracing for a barrage of political attacks centered on how the White House has tackled inflation. Jared Bern… Continue Reading


House Republicans Fight Back Against Biden’s War On American Energy To Lower Energy Costs

In Stark Contrast To Two Years Of The Biden Administration And Democrats In Congress Stymieing American Energy At Every Turn And Raising Energy Costs For American Families And Businesses, House Republicans Passed An Energy Bill This Week Designed To Unleash American Energy, Lower Costs, And Provide Real Permitting Reform The Lower Energy Costs Act Passed The House Today With Bipartisan Support The House voted 225-204 to pass H.R. 1, The Lower Energy Costs Act. (H.R.1, Roll Call Vote #182:… Continue Reading


Biden’s Irresponsible Budget Triples Down On Tax Hikes, Government Spending, And Debt

Following Two Years Of Out-Of-Control Democrat Spending, Tax Hikes, And Massive Deficits, President Biden Has Submitted A Budget Calling For Even More Taxing, Spending, And Red Ink That Would Balloon The Federal Government While Still Managing To Shortchange Defense And Border Security JOE BIDEN: "My dad used to have an expression: 'Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget, and I'll tell you what you value.'" (Joe Biden, Remarks, 9/15/2008) Senate Republicans: President Biden's … Continue Reading


The Truth About Biden’s Signature Legislation: Tax Hikes And More IRS Audits On American Families

Biden's Signature Accomplishment Is A Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree That Raises Taxes On Ordinary Americans And Sends More IRS Agents After American Families REMINDER: Democrats Raised Taxes On The Middle Class With Their Partisan Spending Boondoggle "Biden vowed never to raise taxes on any Americans making less than $400,000 annually. Yet according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Schumer-Manchin bill does just that. Up to $16.7 billion worth of tax increases, JCT estimates." … Continue Reading


America Deserves Better Than The Last Two Years Of Failed Biden Policies

President Biden's Failed Policies Have Left Americans Struggling With The Worst Inflation In Four Decades, Paying Sky-High Grocery And Energy Prices, Bracing For Higher Taxes And More IRS Audits, While Chaos Consumes The Southern Border And Afghanistan American Families' Finances Are Approaching The Breaking Point Under The Cumulative Weight Of Months Of Painful Inflation In Biden's Economy "[A] growing number of Americans say their own financial circumstances are worsening on Biden's watch… Continue Reading


Americans’ Painful Economic Reality Is A Far Cry From Joe Biden’s Out-Of-Touch Spin

While President Biden Claims That His Economic Policies Are Working, Americans Still Struggling With High Inflation Are Pulling Back On Spending And Falling Into Debt President Biden Keeps Boasting That 'The Biden Economic Plan … Is Actually Working' And 'Families Are Breathing Just A Little Bit Easier' PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: "I don't think it's unfair to say that this is all evidence that the Biden economic plan … is actually working. It's working." ("Remarks by President Bid… Continue Reading


Biden Keeps Blaming Everyone Else For The High Energy Prices His Own Policies Created

President Biden Has Spent Over A Year Blaming Anyone He Can Think Of For High Gas And Energy Prices But Refuses To Change His Administration's Energy Policies That Have Driven Prices Up November 2021 BLOOMBERG NEWS: "Biden's Remedy for High Gasoline Prices: Blame Oil Companies" ("Biden's Remedy for High Gasoline Prices: Blame Oil Companies," Bloomberg News, 11/18/2021) April 2022 BLOOMBERG NEWS: "Biden Blames Putin for Gasoline Prices, Touts Higher-Ethanol Plan" ("Biden Blames Putin for… Continue Reading

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