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Senate To Vote On Protecting Americans From Biden’s Burdensome And Intrusive WOTUS Rule

Today, Senators Will Vote On Sen. Capito's Congressional Review Act Resolution Disapproving Of The Biden EPA's 'Waters Of The United States Rule,' Which Reaches So Far Into Regulating Private Land Use That It Would Harm Farmers, Infrastructure Projects, And Small Businesses And Has Attracted Bipartisan Opposition SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "America's farmers and ranchers have tough enough jobs without Washington Democrats inventing new problems. But yet again, unelected… Continue Reading


Let’s Go To The Vote-A-Rama Highlights

Here Are The Plays From Last Week's Marathon Voting Session That You Need To See Again SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Last week, the Senate had a 14-hour voting marathon on amendments to the phony partisan budget that Democrats jammed through as a procedural step. We got Senators on the record on a host of questions that matter to American families. Sadly Democrats blocked our efforts to say that, at the very least, school districts where teachers have been vaccinated cert… Continue Reading


Hard At Work ‘Repealing Obama EPA Water Rule’

'Obama-Era Regulation … Was Just A Blatant Power Grab By The Federal Government To Regulate Every Pothole, Ditch, And Puddle In The Nation' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "President Trump should be commended for doing what he can to begin turning back this attack on middle class families in Kentucky and across the country. Although this Obama-era regulation claimed to protect this nation's waterways, it was just a blatant power grab by the federal government to regulate every pothole, ditc… Continue Reading


Obama’s Regulatory ‘Nightmare’

Farmers, Small Businesses, States Object to White House Waters of the U.S. 'Powergrab' "President Obama on Tuesday rejected an attempt by congressional Republicans to overturn his landmark regulation asserting federal power over small bodies of water." ("Obama Vetoes GOP Attempt To Block Water Rule," The Hill, 1/19/2016) SEN. McCONNELL: "WOTUS isn't really a clean-water measure, it's an unprecedented federal power grab clumsily masquerading as one. In passing a bipartisan measure to overtur… Continue Reading


EPA’s Water ‘Nightmare’

'We've Heard Horror Stories' About The EPA EPA Waters Of The U.S. Regulation: 'A Nightmare For U.S. Citizens' "Barack Obama's water war… a massive power grab by Washington." ("Barack Obama's Water War," Politico, 5/27/15) "…it will give bureaucrats carte blanche to swoop in and penalize landowners every time a cow walks through a ditch." ("Barack Obama's Water War," Politico, 5/27/15) "With their efforts to redefine waters to be regulated by the Clean Water Act, they've… Continue Reading


Obama’s Water War: ‘An Unprecedented Power Grab’

Bipartisan Opposition To EPA Overreach Grows, As Allegations Surface That EPA Astroturf Effort Might Have Broken The Law 'A Nightmare' - Obama Administration Attempts To Seize Control Of 60% Of U.S. Bodies of Water "Barack Obama's water war… a massive power grab by Washington." ("Barack Obama's Water War," Politico, 5/27/15) "…it will give bureaucrats carte blanche to swoop in and penalize landowners every time a cow walks through a ditch." ("Barack Obama's Water War," Pol… Continue Reading

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