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Another Week Without Action On The NDAA In The Senate

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Let Another Week Slip By Without Moving This Year’s National Defense Authorization Act To The Senate Floor   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Yesterday, I was proud to attend a joint meeting of Congress and listen to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s message from Israel to America. He reminded us of our nations’ deep friendship, of the savagery of our shared enemies, of the sacrifices brave Israelis are making to combat them on behalf of the entir… Continue Reading


As NATO Meets In DC, Senate Democrats Prioritize Show Votes Over NDAA

Instead Of Demonstrating That The United States Is Ready To Step Up And Bolster Its Defense And Deterrence Against Aggressors Like China, Russia, North Korea, And Iran, Senate Democrats Are Allowing This Year’s Bipartisan Defense Authorization Bill To Languish, Wasting Time On Yet More Election Year Show Votes   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “This week, the Senate convenes with important business to address. America’s closest allies are in town. The eyes of the world are on … Continue Reading


Schumer’s Show Vote Summer Puts Politics Over National Security

Chuck Schumer And Senate Democrats Are So Focused On Playing Politics That They Are Subsuming The Senate’s Duty To Address America’s National Security Posture In An Increasingly Dangerous World To Their Obvious And Cynical Campaign Tactics   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Last week, the Armed Services Committee voted to recommend a $25 billion-dollar increase to topline defense spending. In overwhelming, bipartisan fashion, our colleagues rejected a fourth straight budget re… Continue Reading


Three Years Too Late, Biden Finally Acknowledges The Border Crisis His Policies Caused

Political Imperatives Have Finally Induced President Biden To Do What Three Years Of Disastrous Consequences For His Administration’s Immigration Policies Could Not   After Overseeing A Record-Setting Border Crisis Of His Own Making, President Biden Is Finally Going To Do Something … Out Of Political Desperation “President Joe Biden is set to sign a long-anticipated executive order as soon as Tuesday that would allow him to ‘shut down’ the southern border should crossings surge, according t… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Cynical Partisan Stunt Can’t Change The Fact That Biden Created The Border Crisis

Senate Democrats Have Telegraphed That Their Stunt To Force A Vote This Week On A Border Security Proposal Is Nothing More Than An Attempt To Gain Political Advantage On ‘A Critical Issue That Polls Show Is A Major Potential Liability’ For Them And The President SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Going soft on border security may have started as just a short-sighted campaign strategy. A reckless debate-stage promise to ‘surge’ asylum seekers to the border might have been just a c… Continue Reading


Biden Emboldens Hamas With His Latest Israel Arms Shutdown

President Biden’s Supposed ‘Ironclad’ Support For Israeli Defense Melts Away Under Heat From The Far Left, Threating America’s Credibility And Israel’s Security While Allowing Hamas To Survive       The Biden Administration and Washington Democrats cannot have it both ways. They can’t claim their commitment to Israel is “ironclad” while denying Israel the weapons it needs to defend itself.@POTUS: Stand up to your party’s radicals and support America’s ally. — … Continue Reading


The Senate Must Act Quickly To Reauthorize FISA Section 702

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Is An Essential Tool For America’s Intelligence Community, Which Helps Protect Americans From Terrorist Groups Like Al Qaeda And ISIS, Malicious Actors Like Iran, And Authoritarian Adversaries Like Russia And China SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Iran’s efforts to kill Americans, compromise our communications and data, and collect intelligence on U.S. soil are well-known. At this point, so are the hundreds of known or su… Continue Reading


Will Iran’s Brazen Attack On Israel Finally Convince Democrats And President Biden To Drop The Unhinged Rhetoric They’ve Aimed At Israel Recently?

The Deterrence Failure And ‘New Strategic Reality’ Marked By Iran’s Weekend Assault Should Get Democrats In Congress And The Biden Administration To End The Months Of Outrageous Behavior And Harsh Rhetoric Directed Towards Israel, Yet Biden Has Already Started Telling The Israelis What Not To Do SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “In response to Iran’s massive attack against Israel over the weekend, we saw two things: First, we saw a sovereign nation that takes its security seriou… Continue Reading


Determined Work By Congressional Republicans Secured Important Conservative Policy Wins In This Year’s Appropriations Bills

In FY 2024 Appropriations, Republicans Negotiators In The House And Senate Boosted Defense Spending, Enhanced Border Enforcement, Banned Funds For UNRWA, And Cut Democrats’ IRS Expansion SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The task before Congress this week - completing annual appropriations - is important work every year. In fact, it’s among our most basic, fundamental responsibilities. But not in decades have the stakes of providing for the common defense been as high as they ar… Continue Reading


For The Fourth Year In A Row, Biden’s Anemic Defense Budget Request Fails To Keep Pace With His Inflation

Every Single Year, The Biden Administration Has Presented An Inadequate Defense Budget Request That Fails To Keep Up With The Inflation His Economic Policies Unleashed, All As China And Russia Accelerate Their Military Buildups SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Yesterday, President Biden released his budget request for the next fiscal year…. The President … shows no interest in the sort of defense investments that were needed to squeeze the Soviets in the 1980s, let alone to lib… Continue Reading


Congressional Republicans Secure Important Spending & Policy Wins In Appropriations

From Cutting Wasteful Spending To Blocking Far-Left Policy Riders And Enhancing America’s National Security, House And Senate Republicans Significantly Improved The First Six Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations Bills SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE VICE CHAIR SUSAN COLLINS (R-ME): “From supporting America’s veterans, servicemembers, farmers, and rural areas to improving our infrastructure, energy independence, and housing and workforce opportunities, these bills will make a real difference in commu… Continue Reading


The Senate Has A Once-In-A-Generation Opportunity To Finally Change The Status Quo On America’s Borders

This Agreement Secures Unprecedented Conservative Policy Changes To At Last Tackle Biden’s Border Crisis, Including Reforms To Our Broken Asylum System, Halting Abuses Of Parole, And Surging Enforcement To The Border, All Without Any Concessions To Democrat Amnesty Demands SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “For three years, the American people have endured both a border crisis and the open-borders agenda that caused it. President Biden’s campaign promise to welcome illegal alien… Continue Reading


Desperate To Appease Climate Zealots, Biden’s Blinkered LNG Policy Throws National Security And American Jobs Under The Bus

Caving To The Demands Of Far-Left Climate Activists, The Biden Administration Is Stalling Permits For Crucial Liquified Natural Gas Exports, Placing Climate Virtue Signaling Over The Energy Security Of Our European Allies And Jobs For Americans SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “When President Biden took office, the average approval time for liquefied natural gas (LNG) permits was about seven weeks. Right now, it’s about eleven months. But soon, wait times could actually become i… Continue Reading


As Iran’s Terror Proxies Attack Israelis And Americans, Senate Democrats Are Focused On Condemning Israel

While Hamas Still Holds Hostages, Bernie Sanders And Senate Democrats Focus The Majority Of Their Ire On Israel’s Fight For Self-Defense SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “This afternoon, the Senate must take it upon ourselves to reject an attempt to degrade our nation’s credibility even further. The resolution brought forward by Senator Sanders is little more than performative left wing politics. It is not, as our colleague would suggest, about authorizing a report on aid to Is… Continue Reading


Keeping Pace With Russian And Chinese Military Buildups And Defending American Interests Requires Congress To Urgently Approve Crucial Security Funding

As Russia Re-Arms And Continues Its Assault On Ukraine And China Boosts Weapons Production, America’s Ability To Respond To Threats And Protect Ourselves And Our Allies Depends On Congress Appropriating More Funding For National Security SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Here’s the truth: threats to U.S. national security are growing, and the Biden Administration’s habit of proposing real-dollar cuts to defense funding is a streak that must end at three. With its forthcoming bud… Continue Reading


Iran And Its Proxies Have Attacked American Forces And International Commerce With Impunity For Three Months

In The Middle East, Time And Time Again, The Only Thing The Biden Administration Has Managed To Deter Is Itself As Iran And Its Proxies Brazenly Continue Attacking U.S. Bases And Maritime Trade SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “[T]he reality of facing interconnected threats isn’t unique to Israel. Around the world, our adversaries are colluding in new and aggressive ways…. [T]he best way we can help our friends is to restore our own credibility in the region, and take bolder ste… Continue Reading


Congress Must Pass This Year’s NDAA So America Can Confront Worldwide Security Challenges

LEADER McCONNELL: ‘The NDAA Is Our Most Significant Opportunity To Set Priorities For Competition With Adversaries Like China And Russia … It’s Our Time To Lay The Groundwork For Robust Investments In Hard Power’ SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The NDAA is our most significant opportunity to set priorities for competition with adversaries like China and Russia. It’s our chance to keep the Biden Administration focused on critical missions like rebuilding America’s defense indus… Continue Reading


Democrats Still Refuse To Take Biden’s Border Crisis Seriously

Instead Of Working With Republicans To Seriously Address The Biden Administration’s Border Crisis, Democrats Are Dragging Their Feet And Echoing Far-Left Activist Groups Who Want No Border Enforcement At All, Threatening To Tank Bipartisan Border Talks   Border security isn’t extraneous to national security - it’s essential. It’s time for Democrats to get serious. — Senate Republican Communications Center (@SRCC) December 5, 2023   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER M… Continue Reading


A Strong, Comprehensive Security Supplemental Invests In American Defense And American Jobs

A National Security Supplemental Supporting America’s Partners In Ukraine, Israel, And Asia Not Only Helps Those Countries, It Strengthens The United States Defense Industrial Base, Which Enhances American Security While Creating Jobs And Revitalizing Communities Across The Country SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Over and over again, history has taught us that the costs of disengaging from the world are far higher than the costs of engaging. And just as the threats we face are… Continue Reading


Biden’s Weakness On Iran Cannot Continue

LEADER McCONNELL: ‘Ultimately, President Biden Must Also Accept That The Fundamental Assumptions Of His Administration’s Iran Policy Were Morally And Practically Bankrupt…. The Biden Administration’s Previous Iran Policy Is Now History. The President Must Go Back To The Drawing Board’ SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “[T]he United States must continue to provide maximum support to Israel’s counter-terrorist operation, as long as it takes. And just as importantly, we have to re-e… Continue Reading

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